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Thank you MattGald for your submission to r/Superstonk, but it's been removed due to one or more reason(s): This is coming down for a couple reasons. This is a bunch of unrelated conspiracies that are off-topic. This is also a nobody making a post, this person does not matter in any grand scheme. Finally you are breaking Rule 5 by constantly telling people where the original post was made. which means to protect the sub this has to come down anyway. Posts should further contribute to the shareholders' discussion around GME. Both the post title and its contents (text, image, links) must relate to GME. It is the OP’s responsibility to convey in the title how their submission is relevant. [What is Proper Content & Which Flair Should I use?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/rules/post_flairs) Our biggest strength is our ability to crowd-source information. For the Integrity of the sub, and in order to rule out Misinformation or FUD, please cite your sources when making claims. Making any Call-to-Action posts or comments without verifiable sources is not allowed. Speculation is allowed under the Speculation/Opinion flair. If you have any questions or concerns, please [message the moderators](https://www\.reddit\.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FSuperstonk&subject=about my removed submission&message=I'm writing to you about the following submission: https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/12htl9w/-/. %0D%0DMy issue is...)


Yeah I saw this and thought the FUD is real DRS GME and buy from Gamestop


DRS IS THE ONLY WAY, STOP HOLDING *FAKE* IRA SHARES IN BROKERS. #taxes don't matter DRS everything. 74.1% DRS we win the game


Lmao, they fucking wish we went away


It has nothing to do with going away. Nothing happened to Robinhood and nothing will ever happen to Robinhood. We had congressional hearings that amounted to absolutely nothing. It's just par for the course in the United States.


When the wealth transfer happens, something could happen to them and all the other crooks. Cuz then it would be *our* money in Washington D.C. and not theirs. Clean out the old mold before we set up something new.


Your hopefulness is both astonishing and admirable at the same time.


My hope will remain burning bright until the instant the slightest possibility of MOASS is snuffed out. I slave away for minimum wage and have to choose between having a car and having a meal every week. I don't have much to lose, but everything to gain.


Had to delete and repost to crop out username






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Who in the Fook


Does that mean that all of these controversies are still active and being hidden/suppressed cause they haven’t been dealt with like GME?


Some of these ring a bell, but court cases take time and not sexy enough to stay in the news for the years they often take to reach resolution. The Kony 2012 square is BS though. That dude is still on a bunch of international most wanted lists.


...these are not the scandals you're looking for.... /s


A lot of these are still very much in the cultural conversation and court dockets. Also the text says shit like “as far as I know..,” BRO GOOGLE IT YOU’RE WRONG 😂




Anyone else think it's odd that Nancy Pelosi is the one above where they included an actual photo?


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Where can I find the original post.




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Let them forget about us. MOASS will happen when it's suppose to.


We have not forgotten.


Exactly, If the main populous knows us Fukers are STILL IN and Balls to the wall RETAREDS....they might just pile in as well!


Still here. Not leaving.


There is no "We". It's not over until each individual investor says it's over.