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I talked to a small business owner that said they had to start selling on Amazon to stay in business. After a year of doing well, Amazon released a very similar product under Amazon Basics brand at a reduced price. Their sales plummeted, even though the Amazon product was lower quality. They had no way to compete and eventually went out of business. Apparently this is a common business practice of Amazon.


That was their entire business model. Even if you had a trademark or the design registered, they would just make it in China and ignore it. I really hate Jeff Bezos.


RC has a crush on China? Maybe he’s about to whack them with the hammer




Man fuck these guys!


Counterfeiting products and ideas just like bezos buddy Ken counterfeits shares?


Yes, I used to sell on Amazon. They do that all the time, they check which product sells well, source it cheaper, outbid the seller, sometimes sending all sorts of crap to get the seller out from the platform and then rising the price. Their seller forums are flooded with the people giving out but those threads are quickly deleted. They are scum


Oh yes, it is, many peoples around the world not only USA were fucked by Amazon copying their products or wanting to know their suppliers invoices (they say for anti piracy purposes) and after then, sell the same products, people get reduced sales or not sales at all. The company founded by the other financial terrorist called Jeff Bezos is a scam.


Yes i remember a story back in 2014ish about a small business who made camera stands or something similar and Amazon made a replica and ran them out of business too. Amazon is a joke. Jeff bezos is a parasite


Just give me a viable alternative and I'm there. Fuck Amazon.


Walmart is bad, but not as bad as Amazon. Plus, you can return most things at your local walmart service desk. Often, the prices are better on Walmart, and often the delivery is very quick via local independent drivers... similar to how GameStop delivers stuff that are at local stores. So, yeah, Amazon can go f themselves. Also, I have been buying more on Ebay, as well as, direct from smaller online stores.


I have found myself going back to eBay quite a bit recently.


Weird how all of a sudden there are only a handful of stores now when in the past there would be many options available. Almost like there’s a coordinated campaign to destroy American companies…


When I go to search for products online the top 50 results are always Amazon. It’s our fault as consumers though - we helped build this monster by wanting cheap and fast.


I think the idea is that you don't want a one-stop-shop because then that becomes the only-stop-shop. If you can spread some purchases out it keeps more businesses open which helps with competition and healthy market in the long-term.


I feel like I have to do a lot of research before buying stuff from Amazon. For instance. My wife wanted a bike trainer so I went online shopping. I found the product I wanted for $300 or something like that on the official company website. But Amazon had the product for $100 off. The storefront on Amazon had the same name as the company but I couldn't understand why they would have the same item for $100 off compared to their own website. So I call the official store number and they have no clue that someone is on Amazon with their company name selling stuff. Way to go Amazon....


This happens to my brand as well. These Chinese companies steal my photos and make knock offs for much cheaper. They even steal my own selfies off my instagram to advertise the knock offs on Amazon, Ali express. They pay such high fees for advertising to Amazon, instagram, facebook that those platforms will never do anything about it.


Amazon is the new wish


And eBay. Ebay used to have a lot of good stuff, but all of it is now from China.


Still a lot of individuals selling on Ebay. A lot of used products where they take apart appliances and other things and sell. I have repaired a lot of my home and yard equipment via used ebay parts.


The have good deals on very old chips for old laptops, etc. It's nice to be able to upgrade CPU/RAM for a few dollars if you're willing to wait for shipping. The top top end of even old parts still has a high price because the supply is low and demand is high, but the mid- range old stuff is really cheap and can be a good upgrade if you started with the low end stuff. Edit: I'm talking about DDR2 ram (I think) so the best DDR2 was coming out when DDR3 was coming out and therefore there wasn't a lot of it made.


Yes, those are fine and handy, but there used to be a lot of new stuff on there in its heyday and a lot of crap has replaced it. Forgeries and fakes too.


eBay is like my online pawn shop/thrift store/swap meet/flea market. I use it to find old/rare/vintage pro audio equipment. I’m also a somewhat regular seller. It’s the best way to find the true market value of anything you’re shopping around for.


I feel like Ebay is essentially aliexpress. I see all the same stuff there. That's not horrible or anything. I think I would prefer dealing with ebay, they have a better website etc. What's concerning to me is that I'm seeing Walmart's online storefront slowly becoming aliexpress/ebay as well.


I’ve been saying this for years


Yes. Every article of clothing or self assembled furniture has been garbage. I get the wrong sized clothes. Underwear that shrink 2 sizes after first wash, or they bleed and stain all my other clothes. Got some socks that had defective elastic, and they were brand name.


I’m convinced that “factory seconds” are what get sold primarily from Amazon; sure they are name brand but second class quality.


I’ve been saying this for years now


I'm in a fb group chat where you buy things from Amazon then submit a positive review and you get a refund for the item from a 3rd party company. I don't know the inner workings but it's clearly a system where the sellers are paying someone to pay us for positive reviews.. I have only done it once to see if it was legit..and sure enough. It worked


Sounds like such a convoluted way to pad out reviews... what were the value of the items?


Ranged from $10 to well over $100, sometimes more




Thats unfair to Ali Express. Amazon is now a Wish version of Ali Express


Hey now, don't be so unfair to Wish 😂😂


Nah Wish is pretty bad. Ali is actually great for certain things. I've bought tons of neat electronic junk from them, and anime figures of questionable quality look fine. I wouldn't buy clothes there though.


Absolute fucking trash every time!


Humans can be such slow learning creatures. It's been this way for over 8 years. Bought a broom, it came like it was picked out of a garbage can. Had ordered a pet comb and get this, I received a Amazon plastic envelope with nothing inside it and unopened. Thank God I was able to return said Amazon envelope for a refund. Don't know wtf this company is doing anymore. I've consciously avoided Amazon for the last two years unless I have no other viable alternative for something specific


I've actively avoided Amazon for the last 4 years or so, ordered from independent shops and websites when I need to. And yeah the few times I have gone to Amazon, mainly out of convenience for fast delivery it's meant I've had to compromise on the quality. My guess is they've opened the floodgates to everything and anything in an attempt to continue showing sales growth which for a company of their size just isn't sustainable. Hopefully soon people will start calling out their shit and looking to shop elsewhere


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they never have


I had "amazon basic" batteries I got my grandmothers hearing aids explode on the counter, in the package before using them.


I cancelled my prime membership a long time ago and am so glad. Only utter Chinese rubbish is cheaper on Amazon and other shops also have 1-day shipping. The only thing I’m missing is how easy it was to return stuff with Amazon.


#gmerica never sell


Amazon has AWS (Amazon Web Services) now growing exponentially. They couldn't give a damn about the store, except that it keeps making money until they can move on. Also, if you look up a book, it's all about buying a subscription to their booking listening option. You can barely find the reviews. So they use books and movies as a way to get subscriptions. Not how it used to be focused.


Was looking at a product in Amazon. Looked at the first review; item did not work and was defective but the user gave it 4 stars. How do you give something that does not work 4 out of 5 stars 🤔


Cancelled that bullshit and they sent out a free trial for a month.


I recently discovered Temu via YouTube and I honestly have no idea how they get away with charging so little. I honestly expected Wish-like quality but I've honestly been very surprised with all the little gizmos and oddities I've found. I hardly even use Amazon anymore unless I need it faster.


Honestly this was my thoughts exactly. I bought a shirt recently, it had amazing reviews. When it came I wasn't expecting it to be shiny plastic material. I hate it!!!


Seriously. I used to love Amazon, but now it's all cheap bullshit and always 10-20$ more expensive than the same exact shit off ali


I’ve been saying this for years.. Amazon sells JUNK and now their shipping sacks deck too!? Get fucked Amazon 🖕🏻🚀🖕🏻


Yup! I returned an item over a month ago for a refund that they state has been "issued" but I have yet to receive my refund...


Prime is a scam. Sitting next to my wife, me on Prime and her without, she had the better price (including shipping) on a product. Happened multiple times and I finally got fed up and canceled Prime. Not to mention the quality issues and complete flood of copycat cheap Asian knockoff products that make it impossible to search for quality brands.


When the consumers pull a Bud Light and hit them in their wallets, than these companies will care/listen. Until then, some groaning and griping on Reddit forums will do nothing.


A big problem with Amazon imo is the review system. Bad reviews are many times changed / deleted in exchange for product upgrades. I’ve had this happen to me. Bought a terrible pair of headphones and left a bad review. I was contacted and asked if I would change the review if they sent me a better quality pair. Stuff like this skews ratings.


I do like their fake Levi jeans though. Last longer than the real ones


Now that's a bold claim, what are they called?


Levi's. They are sold as levi and have the tags but I'm 95% sure they are fake


How so? If they're sold as Levi's and they're good quality jeans then they probably are levi jeans?


Amazon has been absolutely fucking dog shit wrapped in cat shit for years.


Marked up ali-express. The age of the side hustle did it, on top of amazon shady business practices. Dropshipping was easy $$ if you knew how to market well enough and had even a little startup capital to keep a few items in your home you knew would sell. Now that Ive caught on to how this goes down, i will wait 4-6 weeks and pay pennies on the dollar if i want something. Ill gladly pay for an alternative to amazon. take the goliath down. Fuck bezos, DRS.