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Thank you for your submission to r/Superstonk, but it's been removed due to one or more reason(s): QVbot and Please Avoid Community Division GameStop buys are always acceptable. There’s no wrong way to like the stock. No matter how you hodl GME, you’re welcome in this community. Everyone is an individual investor and someone’s investment strategy may be different than yours. Even if you disagree with someone’s investment strategy, while participating in Superstonk, it’s still expected that you engage constructively and respectfully. If you have any questions or concerns, please [message the moderators](https://www/.reddit/.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2F{subreddit}&subject=about my removed {kind}&message=I'm writing to you about the following {kind}: {url}. %0D%0DMy issue is...)


I've got 30,000 shares Let me spend $30 on 1 pack of cards from gme please...


Buy two packs next time 😚


Just bought 2 online lol. Probably buy 500 shares today too, also got 10K to throw at calls to cover earnings beat...


Don’t forget you have GameStop points you can apply to purchase. That’s what I did… hoping for that juicy whole BTC


Yea I used my pro rewards..


Wait a minute.....who are you?!


A guy who likes GME, just like you probably...


Fuck I love having gigachads like you on our team 💪


My personal set of friends has 6 million worth of gme. We are all business owners for those wondering with basically our live savings on this ( cash life savings not over extended... ).


Happy to hold my shares alongside such a fuckin hog💪


There's a pretty big ass army of household investors. This shit has already changed my life and how I budget. Apes kicked all the bad habits and got battle ready, Ken looks sickly and toxic asset holders are melting under the weight.... I'm ready to hit the pool for summer. You are locked in here with us 🏴‍☠️🦍🚀


Free shipping


Cardsmiths partners with **Coinbase Commerce** to offer a wide range of crypto payment options. 🤮


This should be it’s own post sir, and the push for L2/DEX should be upon Cardsmiths. The wave of unhappy should wash over them. Please help wash them!!


If I win any crypto will offramp for drs shares...


Careful where you swing that thing, might hurt someone


Only people I want to hurt on the shorts...


30k is some rookie shit. Gotta pump those numbers up


I'm trying boss. Did just get 500 more as I said I would...




You win! :D If you've got the cash, you've got the freedom!


Just pointing out that the company receives more benefit financially speaking, when buying anything from them vs buying a share, as the company gets nothing from the latter transaction.


Hey now, they DID raise over 2 billion and Paid off all their debt and built a war chest to stop naked shorting/cellar box when they sold shares directly to the market.


Not disagreeing. All I’m saying that increasing revenue/profits are directly tied to retail sales, rather than shares. They are in business to sell product, not market securities. They can definitely take advantage of rising share prices, depending on market conditions, but that has to be weighed against dilution of existing shareholders’ positions.


I think you’re absolutely right, sales and revenue is much more important. Im not too concerned about small quantities of dilutions as we see naked shorting daily, at least a small amount of dilution (couple million shares) is alright if our Eboard thinks so. In general though, that’s a rare occurrence and what happened with the sale of shares to raise that 2 billion was a black swan event.


This right here. Fully registering the float of a massively profitable company is easier than that of a mildly profitable company. Simply because a profitable company gets the attention of new investors. The number of new investors will more than compensate for the increase in share price.


Hard disagree here as that ignores the premise of the entire situation. The benefits for GameStop as a business that accompany locking the total shares outstanding through pure DRS far outweigh the few million extra GameStop might earn from a bunch of apes buying card packs.


gamestop as a company has to survive this process also.


Based on their balance sheet, burn rate, and conservative assumptions about revenue, even without the additional revenue from an ape buying spree, GameStop doesn't look to be in danger of BK for a couple years. If the same cash was used to purchase shares, it seems highly likely that all shares would be removed from the DTCC ecosystem by then, allowing GameStop to sell a few shares ATM during moass, banking billions with minimal dilution.


Perhaps, but we can buy lots of shares and have no effect on quarterly earning results. Gamestop could capitalize if share prices rocket, AND they offer more shares ATM.


This assumes earnings and share price are correlated, which requires a bounded supply to see price action in response to increased demand from positive earnings. Unfortunately the current markets don't work that way for a variety of reasons you can find discussed on this sub. Supply is close to infinite as long as certain conditions can be satisfied. Let's say GameStop rakes in $1B of additional revenue in a single quarter due to an ape buying frenzy, and they post stellar earnings. If GME is indeed over-shorted as publicly reported data indicates, nothing changes for market makers who simply continue to 'provide liquidity' and absorb any resultant buying pressure while managing the position with SFTs, FTDs, shifting DOs to other BDs with swaps, and other tools to keep the price within a manageable range. Even if I'm wrong about price impact, and that $1B quarter results in a 10x increase in share price, GameStop could capitalize on that and issue 10MM shares for \~$2B or even 10x that if they were willing to dilute current shareholders substantially. While $20B for 30% dilution would be excellent for GameStop, it would be the equivalent of a rounding error compared to what they would earn from waiting until moass and selling only 1MM shares or less. Although it may take a couple quarters longer to see the efforts reflected in share price, I would argue that for this reason, any additional buying power would be better served spent on removing every single share from the DTCC ecosystem - especially if it was $1B as used in this hypothetical. I'm all for supporting GameStop and buy all the essentials possible from them. Personally, however, I see my extra money as having substantially more impact when used to purchase GME shares until moass/TSO lock. Post-moass I plan to spend lavishly and irresponsibly at every GameStop location I see.


Of course, I'm all for receipts for consoles, games, BATTERIES! Whatever. But this push for a "currency collectible" on this sub seems odd. That's all.


Gamestop needs customers more than it needs apes, from a UK ape that buys Gods unchained cards via the marketplace and a vpn :)


If you want S&P500, you gotta pump up those numbers!


S&P500 is coming, we just have to hold basically over 28 or so a share to reach market cap requirements, which is no problem if we have another quarter of profit. The real key is Full year of profitability which we are on track for. There is no valid bear argument if we have a full year profitability , no debt minus a small French loan, and over 1/3 of all outstanding stock owned and directly registered.


Collectibles are the highest margins items at GameStop.


Tell me you fear people shopping at GameStop, without telling me you fear people shopping at GameStop! Buy, hold, drs , and SHOP at GameStop 👍💜




this <3


I don't think this is the case. There are many other things for people to buy with their $30 besides cards from this dubious new company magically taking over the post volume on the sub.


But why do these people care what we do with OUR money 💰 that’s the real question 🏴‍☠️


That's your real question. Not mine, lol. Personally, I don't care what people do with their money, but the sudden wave of posts feels very unnatural.


Sorry Not directed at you friend 🦍 I bought a couple and it is pretty fun to try and win some crypto and see other apes winning some. I can see how other people get hyped and copy and repeat the posts. I mean shit what can buy lottery tickets at GameStop now!??! Just having fun 🤩 and BUYING ALL the inventory they carry 🏴‍☠️🚀🚀🚀


Right. It’s just the new socks, or batteries. It’s fun, and I can’t buy shares with my credit card 😆


because its a fun product? checks all my boxes.


Ohhh nice another post talking down to people supporting their company. Buying from their company is just as important as buying and DRSing shares. Sick and tired of these posts.


Sick and tired of the spam on those stupid cards. I love the receipt porn as much as the next person, but those idiotic cards are a step backwards in my view. You enjoy collecting them? Cool. You do you. But the spam seems to be more interested in the gambling side of the interest rather than the collectors one. It’s pushing the narrative you could win some imagined lottery. It’s a 1:96 chance at winning. So what happens when a ton of people drop cash on these and expecting a return on that investment. Disappointment. You want to buy these things for the sake of supporting the company. Cool. Do it. You want to buy it with the hopes you’ll get a crypto card? Gtfoh. You’re hurting the movement, not helping.


You have 2 avenues, buy to help GME profit next quarter, or buy shares and DRS. Doesn't matter what someone buys from the store, its still money towards GME profits next quarter. Your argument is invalid.


Most said they wont scratch them Off even . How are these different than baseball cards. Get over yourself.


>Why are you buying cardsmiths for $30 when GME is cheaper? Why are you questioning what people do with their own money? They own stock and they shop at Gamestop, anything you say otherwise is redundant.


You do know where we bought them right…


What's the difference with this and all the other receipt porn?


#It's fucking revenue for GameStop. # *Why* is it so hard for people to comprehend that for GameStop to have positive EPS they need *sales*. If we're going down this avenue we might as well be shitting on Funko pops because they're just big balls of plastic also sold at GameStop 🤷‍♂️


Well worded points. Ty!


Downvoted :)


I'm upvoting, like I upvote the red days.


I know it's hard to think but the success of the company will only improve the stock


Why are we concerned with how people spend their money?


I still don’t get the point of these cards. We all saw the post of someone who pulled a Bitcoin out of a pack, which is cool, but wtf are with the cards with random pictures? What’s the point of these?


Lot of people who suddenly don’t want people to buy from Gamestop? Fucking weird if you ask me


If we don’t spend at our store they won’t have another profitable quarter.


It's a collectors item. A lot of gamers are also collectors. When this benefits the company I own part of, I'm all for it. If GameStop posts a profitable Q1, that will be huge. Regards buying batteries, gift cards, blankets, used games, and protection plans may have pushed the company into profitability. These cards are Q2. I'll have more shares before the end of the quarter. It would be a big deal if the company posts a profit for three quarters in a row. Let the regards spend their money. You spend yours on shares, and the ones who want to buy from GameStop improve the value of your shares.


Why are you trying to shame any man or ape from shopping at gamestop?? Hell I'm gonna go after work and drop 3 GME shres worth of money AND buy more stock! Ask not what your company can do for you, but what you can do for your company! Buy at Gamestop Buy GME, DRS, Book, Hodl.


Supporting the company for strong earnings is just as important. WhY aRe YoU BuYing Zelda you could buy 2 shares…both are important. Buy Hodl DRS Vote Shop it’s all important


It’s a lottery. The chance of getting a Bitcoin is thrilling


I feel the same. it’s just bots being bots, always trying to start a distraction and unfortunately some people fall for it. move on.


Love seeing people shop at GameStop and DRS. Got to have a really short attention span to complain about this.


Gotta not understand that buying from gme helps their profits regardless, Jesus.


Bots go to gamestop and buy cards to open and then post? I give it to them, they're getting more and more sophisticated these bot fellows


Apes Rock!


There so much shit that GameStop sells that is not for me but if people start posting about buying said thing I’m not gonna knock it. Buy buy buy at GameStop


Because, until the float is locked - it is imperative that GME continue to show growth in revenue and continues to beat EPS estimations. If you don't think that the very powerful interests that GME is up against won't absolutely pounce GME into the ground (narratively) if they can only show one quarter a year as profitable - then you haven't been paying attention. Growth in sales takes away that narrative. And so far, their narrative has been extremely effective in scaring away new retail investors like GME *should be* experiencing based off the general direction. More consecutive quarters of growth will attract more investors who hopefully learn about DRS - retail needs more than ≈ 200k investors to lock the float quickly.


Were you aware before you posted here that GameStop promoted this on their own twitter?


Buy packs of cards from the store you’re invested in has stronger knock on effects than buying the stock directly.


Because I live in the UK and ontop of that extra £5 iv also got to spend £35 on shipping. Just for one pack 🤦‍♂️ why doesn't gamestop offer overseas


Yeah not sure why gme doesn't do international freight. People will pay the costs. I ship internationally daily on heavy items which cost a fortune in freight...


Yeah same. I could have saved a few quid using gme


GameStop doesn't make money on my stock purchase except when they're doing an offering. They make money on collectible sales always. Ask not what your company can do for you. I like the stock, and I buy what I can afford regularly. Now that I'm systematically buying and DRS'ing, my focus is on building the habit of shopping to use my monthly power up reward. Usually I get clothes, or a used game, but this month it just happened to go to crypto trading cards.


Feed the dog, don’t just wag it’s tail OP We love the store, the stock is a by product of that. If the store does well the stock does well, if the stock does well it’s not at all indicative of the store. GameStop will be the transformed into the place for collectibles, it’s already happening .




supporting the marketplace is supporting the stonk


These currency cards are the weirdest thing for people to spend money on. Have to imagine a lot of it is because of the "lottery" aspect of them. As far as collectables go, these are worse than beanie babies.


GameStop has already paid for the products they are selling. So they sit there and collect dust..eventually going to clearance prices….OR ….APES buy them out if they want too 🏴‍☠️ keeping their investments growing from their favorite store. And having a chance to WIN crypto (to sell for more GME ). LET THEM EAT CAKE 🎂 🏴‍☠️🦍🚀🚀🚀🚀


ThE cOmPaNy DoEs BeTtEr iF yOu BuY dIrEcT Great. And I do better if I buy the stock that’s going to squeeze to millions of dollars. Good talk, still not buying the new latest magic/Pokémon cards/ridiculously expensive gif NFTs of spaceship monkeys as a grown man.


I’m not a bot and I feel this is a waste of money also. But it’s a free country, do what you want…


Because you can win a bitcoin


[Why GME?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qig65g/welcome_rall_looking_to_catch_up_on_the_gme_saga/) || [What is DRS?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ptvaka/when_you_wish_upon_a_star_a_complete_guide_to/) || Low karma apes [feed the bot here](https://www.reddit.com/r/GMEOrphans/comments/qlvour/welcome_to_gmeorphans_read_this_post/) || [Superstonk Discord](https://discord.gg/hZqWV2kQtq) || [GameStop Wallet HELP! Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/z23wjx/gamestop_wallet_help_megathread) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ To ensure your post doesn't get removed, please respond to this comment with how this post relates to GME the stock or Gamestop the company. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Please up- and downvote this comment to [help us determine if this post deserves a place on r/Superstonk!](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/rules/post_flairs/)


Thank you I started to say something but we are all individuals! I keep buying gods 😂


Or buy something with better Margins that gamestops makes. Where’s the battery gang at?


Most are not buying cards, they’re gambling. Supposedly there is a bitcoin in one of them.


Lmao mods really removed this? There seemed to be some good discussion. Absolutely asinine.