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Welp, we’re gonna drop hard today


Aaaaaaand it's gone.


😂 well it’s still above 23$. Who knows… 🤦‍♂️🤷‍♂️. Prolly means Jack shit. Time will tell. Ready to get hurt again


Whole market had the idea


Literally every time OP posts. DIP


"And drop they did"


I am ready, either we moon or I get another end of month dip 🍔


It’s a dip there was 49% short volume, they just slowed the infinite liquidity machine probably for an options bull trap. Once it goes back to 60%+ later this week it will knock down. They use these TA guys as bait and they feed in too it by posting this stuff. They let it hit every bullish indicator and then boom back down.


this is why i don't play options. just BUYHOLDDRS.


Yep. Gamma ramp options don’t matter when the float is locked.


Wow, all this time I've wasted making them separate words


Guess I’ll never have an original thought, I was laughing at how clever I was and as usual… I’m an hour late. Gg ape, gg.






A wise ape you are.


*transfers money for next week discount purchases*


I don't understand why TA is even relevant anymore. It's all crime. We've had more than 2 years of graphs that never turned out the way technical analysis showed they would/could have. I'm here for the hype but I think we can just ditch the graphs now.


The only graph we need to watch is DRS percentage of Float. That's my favorite graph.


This guy books!


Yeah gotta thank the bots and people like OP for that. OP is a mod or was a mod also, idk anymore, so the mods aren’t helping either. I think it makes it harder for apes to be zen and they want them to stay hyped because hyping and then disappointment is way more stressful than just zen.


Just some food for thought here, though. I've stayed pretty hype for years now. I don't know what the disappointment is. GME is just about the only hype train that doesn't stop to me. The TA might be a bit silly, but why am I going to be disappointed by back to back positive earning calls, pictures of this brick and mortar having lines stretch around the building, rewards programs that continue to blow me away, renewing interest in the value of ownership to a generation that's subscribed to everything, a front runner in web3 and NFT Technologies, doing good work for community programs like TFT every year, the list just doesn't end. I can't be zen, GameStop just keeps delivering exciting value to their business. In so excited to be invested in a company like this. I'm not just blindly following a company hoping for a quick buck - I feel like a better person with the amount I've invested into something I believe in. I agree while heartedly is hard to stay zen but because of how well this company has been exceeding our expectations.


Yo honestly I was hyped as fuck when they posted profit, be hyped about what the company is doing OF COURSE, but not what a fucking fake ass price is doing on the ticker. You got it right man, zen about price hyped about transforming!!




And when this event, just like all of the others, comes and goes and you point that out you get called a shill. It's one thing to say why it's important but it's completely disingenuous to make it seem like THIS IS IT. Especially considering how many times it's been THIS IS IT!!!!!


This IS IT, well not moass but it’s a cross of a line or whatever. But for the rest of the subreddit “IT” is MOASS and it would be great if we didn’t make a fuss about things unless it’s MOASS


No kidding. The goalposts always move with TA. I heard somewhere that TA is just astrology for the financial world.


I don’t understand the short volume argument though. Isn’t short volume self reported? Why should we trust those numbers?


imagine thinking you could beat the market machine on any sort of options play LMAYO so tired of the distraction


Believe it or not, dip incoming


Here we are -4% first 10mins of the day


Heard this before. Everyday. For over a year.


"OVER THE LINE!!!! BRRRR" -red day


Literally today






I disagree. It is a hypothesis that we can test and use for predictions. Just like this time, let's see if we close above 23 today. And if not what will happen coming weeks, will we remain under the line. If not and we stay above, we will see what happens. OP has always been clear that he doesn't know what the consequence of staying above the line is. He merely observes a certain trend and behavior (e.g. halts). And I appreciate that he shares it with us. Apart from that: buy, hold, drs, book, and buy at Gamestop. We all do nothing else. I'm not buying more or less due to a post like this, and I think nobody else will.


I don't even know what any of this means. The first time I ever bought any stocks was GME and I DRSed just to be a part of whatever the fuck was going on. I'm the most clueless pos on this sub. DM me when whatever is going to happen happens so I don't miss it.


I bought in at $1.5 and have been around since before all these subs. I’ve seen 30 plus of these guys go through their 15 minutes of bs baiting before getting kicked out of the community. All this does is create fake hype for people who don’t have the emotional maturity to just drs and hold.


I'm ready


I'm ready, but my ability to actually get excited died 83 years ago.


It's not dead, it's just dormant


At this point, they've trained me so well that I probably won't get excited even at $100,000 a share.


What is dead may never die


I too am ready.


*Readying intensifies* 🎷🐓♋️


*play us a song, you’re the funky man* 🎶


Dip incoming. OP hates bath, got us all once with dorito of doom. Please let ME be wrong this time, instead.


*funkying intensifies* https://youtu.be/l4nOHdUntyM 🎶🎵🎶🎷🐓♋️


I just get excited wen Badass Trader starts to talk like B. A. [Baracus](https://heroiccharacters.fandom.com/wiki/Bosco_Albert_%E2%80%9CB.A.%E2%80%9D_Baracus), that’s how I hear this post in my head anyway 🤷🏻‍♀️


This time I’m well prepared. Laundry is done too.


I'm ready to see it get shot down again.


The price is fake!


I been ready for 84 years since July 41st...


I feel it in my plums


I'm ready for a dip, too!


Brick by brick. We came this far, we go to end. We're ready!


To be hurt again


As expected. Dip.


TA, what a great way to anticipate this stock’s movements Lol


There once was a stock that put to sea…


The name of the stock was GME.


The price blew up; the shorts dipped down


Hodl my bully boys Hodl.. UGHHH


Soon may the tendieman come


And send our rocket into the sun


One day when the trading is done


We will take our gains and go




And then shall we see the ape philanthropy flow


Hold my Billy boys hodl


And it's a dip.


Don't get me wrong, imma get hyped over anything. But I never really understood this graph. It's like we just drew a line through the high peak and then another random peak, and then we get excited when stuff goes above the line. It's like we're trying to force a correlation or something. Idk, anyone that understands this stuff better know how to explain?


The line is a proven resistance. Going above it could create explosive upward pressure. At least that's the case for normal stocks that aren't manipulated as much as GME is. But in this case we know that there are multiple parties which cannot afford GME being at a high price. Over the course of almost two and a half years this imaginary line has been touched multiple times, and every time it is touched the price is dipped lower from it. Which means being above that line is probably trouble territory for the short parties involved who have a certain control (reads: manipulation) over the share price. So in the end, what does it exactly mean if the price is above this line? It means the price is probably hurting short parties. There's probably also a margin price range, if I was short I wouldn't want the price to even come near margin call territory. So the real "line of hedgie nightmares" is probably a little bit higher than the resistance line we've all observed over the past 2.5 years.


What do you mean by "proven"? I'm not sure what that means. Do you have a link or something? So the curve is just a line where it feels like we touch it, but never cross it? Why would shorts care about specific price points enough to keep them a few cents under? Wouldn't the goal always be to push the price as low as possible? I'm not trying to be mean or rude, I just want to better understand this stuff to explain to others.


>Wouldn't the goal always be to push the price as low as possible? They push the price too low, every ape and their gran will pile every cent they have into the stock, speeding up the DRS effort drastically. They raise the price too high and they fail a margin call or the company makes bank through a share offering AND apes continue to buy in and DRS. That line represents the midpoint for hedge fund / market maker crime bois, a tightrope that they can balance on but if they fall either side they're screwed quickly


Ok gotcha, that makes sense. Do we know why it's this price specifically, and not say, $1 more or less?


In a word, no. And we probably won't until this is all over, if ever. People have tried to relate the GME price to SP500 or citadels long holdings but because we're all working on half-truth or entirely false and outdated information (see hedge funds marking shorts as long, or swaps not needing to be reported, or factors such as leverage) then it's hard to mathematically tie this price point to anything


Oh ok, so it's just a trend that we think might mean something, but may not. Makes sense Thanks for taking the time to explain!


It means something, this is the upper bound where market makers don't want it to go above. Everyone jokes about it dipping because it likely will do based on past breaches, what isn't shown here is there's another lower bound which it won't go below, at some point these two lines will interest. In the meantime I'm going to continue buying and DRSing You're welcome for my marble smooth explanation :)


Im all booked up too, I'm a patient man ☺️


Thank you for defending ta. Even though it goes down everytime we reach that resistance still proves something. Knowlege is power!


nice explanation.


Here's my understanding of it: **What do you mean by "proven"?** The line has been proven because it has been hit 8-9 times and gone down every time. Usually a technical analyst already draws a resistance on 2-3 hits. So the price action definitely shows that there's some resistance along that line against price improvement. **Why would shorts care about specific price points enough to keep them a few cents under?** As is my understanding of it; When someone would have a short position through a broker, the person holding the position has to post collateral for the position. Meaning, the broker wants to see cash as a guarantee there won't be any losses for them when you can't afford the (unrealized) losses on the short position. In this retail-short case, when the losses equal the collateral the broker will close the position for you to avoid losing any money themselves. This is only for the poors. Institutions have A LOT more freedom, tricks and options with that whole debacle. In the end we don't know what kind of deals are being made. Margin calls have already been waived during the sneeze, and I don't think cronies protecting each other is something uncommon. Again, I'm not great at explaining this (especially options) so please search for more information online. *In short: if the price is too high, the shorts are pressured to cover (post more collateral) or close their position.* **Wouldn't the goal always be to push the price as low as possible?** Ideally they want the stock at $0 and never close the shorts, but you can't just instantly put a stock at $0 when there is actual buying pressure. That's why it's usually a slow bleed until cellar boxing (I'm definitely too smooth to explain that, but you can find a lot of great DD on it). The goal is to dissuade investors from creating buying pressure. The classic (and illegal) short and distort, combined with selling shares naked. Another factor in play is DRS. The lower the price is, the faster more shares get locked away from the DTC. Slowly bringing it down over time reduces the amount of shares that can be bought in the beginning and increases the amount of losses accrued by apes over time.


It's proven because that's where the highest points are on the graph over a ling time. If a stock keeps spiking up to, say, $23 over and over again and never goes above that price, it's called resistance. If it never goes below a certain price, it's called support. These are markers traders use to guess when to buy and sell. The line is how we visualize and find trends in the data. Historically, if a stock breaks that resistance, a bunch If other investors see that as a sign the price will go up because people tend to buy at that point (I believe, I'm no expert) sort of a self fulfilling prophesy (if it's not being manipulated) Shorts care about price points because when you shirt a stock you need to pay interest on the current price of the shorted stock. If it gets above a manageable number, they really start losing money. And, with us buying all the time, if they push the price too low, we'll just buy a bunch and take more of the stock away from them to short. This is why SHF are fucked, we gottem coming and going (to jail).


Most TA is self-fulfilled prophecy :)




Holy shit thats a chart going all the way back to before the first sneeze. Its been so long since ive looked at the chart I thought that was a 4 hour or something🤣 Also why are we ripping? I don’t really pay attention to anything anymore but still holding strong


When in doubt zoom out... Corp Media are saying we're ripping because of the new GME Awards program, but we know wtf is up. There is no spoon.


But I like rusty spoons 🥺


Lol that brought me back


Do you like rusty trombones?


The only spoon I see is a silver spoon being taken away from mayo boy.


No 🥄 only 🌝


Downnnnnn we goooo


$23.16, 7 minutes before closure...


What’s with the high from march? If you adjust it, the line should be around our current Price….


This guy is a shill in apes clothing. You can take his posts as a sign of a large dip, happens everytime. I believe he does these posts for a few reasons. First is to create hype solely for the purpose of fatiguing hodlers. If you create hype and it gets knocked down everytime you're doing psychological damage to the people that fall into the hype. Down 3% already. When he posts you can expect a dip of roughly 3-5% in the same day or next. Secondly, it is to trap unsophisticated options players so he can make his overlord Kenny some more money. Options players see these types of posts and buy options thinking we've broken resistance and the trend will continue only to get screwed when it inevitably gets knocked down. Thirdly, karma whore. TA is borderline regarded in the stock market. TA on GME is full blown regarded. Never go full regard. Downvote and ignore this clown. Stop letting him hype you up only to be disappointed. Do you really think passing a fucking arbitrary line will ignite Moass? Stop upvoting this shill.


I'm starting to see the patern as well. Everytime I've seen his posts, it's always "Something positive is going to happens guys!!!" and then the stock dips.


Also, like look at all the comments about people being like well here's comes the dip. People obviously don't like his posts or see through the charade, but he continues to post this bullshit like it's some sort of Indicator that the stock will move upward. Oh if we move above this line upward pressure blah blah blah. But it never happens, so you have to ask yourself why is he still posting it? For the community? I don't think so.


And we dipped because there were no candle body closes on significant timeframes above resistance. And the trendline wasn’t even drawn correctly to begin with. But OP cant be bothered with learning any of that and posts this shyte in all caps - giving TA and the sub itself a bad name. Those of us who know how to do actual TA don’t post to this sub anymore.




Well, we all knew this board has been compromised for a while, guess that explains why this garbage gains so much traction everytime. No one to refute his "authority".


when I see these posts with thousand of upvotes, I wonder if it's just bots, or superstonk is really full of masochistic regards


Bots, other shills and people who don't realize he is a shill.


I’ve asked for these posts to be banned for a while now.


Yeah that would be ideal


I notice a pattern. Whenever somebody says that there is definitive DD to say we are going to moon it goes the opposite way. Perhaps somebody in particular is listening, and perhaps we should just stay quiet and let it happen




I bought three dip tickets today. 🍌


What is this line even based off


Tea leaves


I don't believe anything after the golden cross


Is the breach confirmed? Been tracking this in a classic Alaskan oscillating inverse thunder biscuit formation. Clear breakout incoming. Or dip.


General Akbar sounding in my head for some reason


This shit reads like a youtube ad.


This is so sus, for the new spes.


Meh...TA for gme does not exist


So now that we did...down hard tomorrow?


Ok, closed above $23. Now what?


Oh great, more lines and shit. Again. I'll just hold.


Back to the house of pain


Lmao let’s go I needed this


Dude they got your memo.


It's a trap!! It's a trap!


I don't like it. I don't feel like this metric has been right in some time, and further, I don't like that the media's positive sentiment articles came out within hours AFTER the posting of this nonsense the past few times, which says to me there's some level of coordination.


It's imperial.


It's an older meme, Sir, but it checks out.


Prepare for the dip!


that’s the thing, I like being hurt. LFG🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀💎💎💎🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀


Lmao has this guy ever been right?


Nope, at this point every time his post is trending on the first page on “Hot” I know what he is hyping that post is not happening lol.


Believe it or not - dip


Wake me up when we launch.


It would be awesome if we could sample 100 other stocks and see if there's ever been such a consistent dorito over years.


And just like clockwork, we're dropping, can't have those hedgie nightmares coming true now can we?


Duality > Psychosocial


so what, they'll knock it down again


How many times do we need to go over this? This isn’t how you draw a trend line. Your trend line isn’t valid. I’ve been more than patient with you trying to teach you these things and you still continue to post fake TA that honestly gives real TA and this sub a bad name.


These shitty posts need to go away.


Agreed he is a shill


How is this shill a mod lmao


Oh no, not the fucking dorito... Believe it or not, dip


Time to BUY MORE 🏴‍☠️🚀🚀🚀


Believe it or not, dip


So a red day?


Can't wait for dip


Sideways. Don't lose your zen


And there is the dippidip 😎


It's going down today, chill your tits


Guess what happened


So mosss next year??


Believe me this is just a drill


A nothing burger drill.


Annnnd we’re back below the line


Doom flavored Doritos are my favorite




Drs is the way, i love max payne


Battle for $23 in the final phase again


Soon battle for $180 again... post split.


So dip now?


So more red then?


Ohhhhhhhh BROTHER 🙄


Well we stayed above 23.


Ain’t there supposed to be a dip before a rip in a dorito? There was someone a thousand years ago who called out gme dorito and he said this and called it perfectly.


Last ditch effort to keep it under 23 FAILED


We did a great retest and bounce today! Hope you post an update!




This place is the worst


Technical analysis means nothing when the data isn't real. The stock will go only when they are legally forced to close. No cell no sell.


We did it!


DOWNVOTED. Wanted to get hyped but I believe this is bullshit as the price will get dropped or remain under 23 again. Fuck technical analysis as all it does is create volatility within the soul. Don’t trade or play the derivatives casino. BUY. DRS. BOOK. CHILL. Edited to Add: See? Fuck the hype. Remain zen as we take liquidity off the fucking table.


Stop karma farming. Where is it now??


Glad you're on record here. Maybe now we can definitively agree that technical analysis is as useful as reading chicken bones when applied to a manipulated stock price.




ah yes, remind me how MOASS is just around the corner again




More importantly, when it gets suppressed back below that line just go about your usual ways and continue buying and directly registering your shares.


Relax those titts, that line is flatter than your moms chest


Just move the line down further. Then we'll be pumping.


I have a feeling we are gonna dip simply because there is always a huge red dildo on positive sentiment and positive indicators. And they will never allow for so many call options to go ITM. Edit: They nearly always short on positive sentiment, because when people get their hopes up, pulling the rug (according to them) seems like an effective method of FUD.


Came for the TA, stayed for the Slipknot.


Soooooooo Dip is on the menu?


Ehh, 23 is a long cry from a phone number. Wake me up when we're 10 Gs in premarket.


Trying to not get my hopes up, but this is cool data! Happy Tuesday, everyone


Drop it like it's hot! 🔥🔥🔥🔥 Ready to buy sub $20


This is getting cringe.


There is no scenario where I'm not pumped. GME breaks the line and holds for a full trading day during this week? Hype is immeasurable. GME maintains price around $20 and I get to continue accumulating at bargain prices? Hype is immeasurable.


That's such a perfect extended pump/dump graph. It's almost as if you can convince the same group of dumdums that "this time it's different". GME will drop to $17 in a few days after the dumb "new" money comes in.


And just like that, 1M shares shorted.


I'll be honest I just don't care. When it reaches 1000 I'll notice. When it reaches phone numbers ima buy a lil house to live in 🏡 just a house please


Surely this is the day that your bags turn around