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sure, but there's a flaw in your logic, because gamestop doesn't just get to keep all that money, I'm pretty sure the publisher and developer will take the largest cut.


Agreed. But also, gamestop make lot of money sell lot of game, good. Gamestop help publisher and developer sell lot of game, make lot of money, build mutually beneficial business relationships, good. Gamestop sell lot of game, make money, delight customer, good. Gamestop not get keep all money, still make lot money, good.


I have no doubt gamestop will do better because of this, but I think in the long term gamestop will thrive because people do still value physical games. Especially if you see that shit that sony pulled recently where they were delisting items that people already bought. besides that people also still like collectibles and I'm sure RC will do great with his investment strategies, not to mention that they're sitting on a mountain of cash that they can invest.


Gamestop sell games, good. Agreed. More games sell, good. RCEO achieve long term profitability, good. Shorts r fuk, good.


indeed, I also think, and this is purely speculative, that if gamestop buys the controlling interest in a publisher or developer, we might even see these investments turn into takeovers.


I worked in video game stores, usually with new games, they make around 10$. Used games, they make more or less 50% profit out of it. Buy used, that helps the company a lot. Still, if they sell (for example) 1M GTA VI copies on day 1, that’s still a lot of profit.


In two years...


Well, since I got a subscription for an infinity pool, Im good with that