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Interesting. The image in GameStop’s email shows card games and sports cards. This could be cool to boost value, price, margins, and develop more community at participating retail stores.


Can’t wait to buy some analog NFTs 💪


Haha but your Bored Ape wasn’t touched and sweated on by your favorite athlete!


There’s speculation in another sub that there are possible partnerships with PSA and eBay as well…


I'm pretty excited about this too. My local GameStop is awesome for Pokemon. They do in store play on Sundays and the people there know all about what's coming in, going out, what's hot etc. My only concern with this is that the TCG cards are highly faked and not sure trainings some staff is sufficient to detect the high level of sophisticated forgery/scams. This was a good video on the subject. https://youtu.be/-n7QJFWBd8w?si=o3p5BPebdLQaRzez


There is nothing indicating that gamestop will be grading cards? It has to be graded through PSA.


Ok but even if they're only buying graded cards how will those purchasing the cards be able to determine what's fake? Seems like it requires a very skilled person


That's pretty much the same risk anyone takes buying PSA graded cards on ebay


At least on eBay you have buying the buyer confidence to some extent


Very curious about how well this works. I take it they will get paid in GameStop credit?


Cash or credit.


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this is the shit we need to be talking about, not fud about dave lauer. Can we for god’s sake start researching and posting DD about GME’s market, It’s future business prospect’s, avenues for growth, e-commerce industry, competition, etc.


Any idea if this will be in Canada or are we missing out on more stuff


No clue, I imagine it'll be a fairly controlled roll out initially then make its way over if successful


I got a shit ton of Pokémon and Jordan cards that I’m interested in grading. I know where I will be taking them!


If they can incorporate automated grading kiosks into stores look out ( probably a ways away)


If they can incorporate automated grading kiosks into stores look out


I wish they had spell checked it. "... stores will be apart of ... " 🙄


If they can incorporate automated grading kiosks into stores look out


Hopefully it not gonna be at every store. You gonna have to workers properly train or you gonna end up losing money.


I think the group of corporate people they employ to handle this stuff probably realize that


Hopefully I work for a corporation and something they just leave dumbfounded! Even tho Ryan Cohen is CEO he can’t babysit every move down the corporate chain.


It literally says "only 258 stores" will take place in the roll out in the imagine....