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This isnt a "loophole" that word makes it sound sketchy, this is a completely valid way to use options. Sometimes doing this actually allows you to get shares cheaper and a good way of acquiring them in illiquid stocks without worrying about your cost basis going up as you drive price up with a big buy order. You keep paying strike price as the assigned person takes on the increasing costs


So the price is currently around $25 for a share, and shares trade in the dark. Going the route explained by OP's message, how much does this technique increase price per share to bring your trade into the light?


When you exercise your ITM contracts\* they need to deliver real (locate) shares that if they do not have, will be automatically purchased from LIT exchanges which push the price up. K. Griffin testified that equity trades (buying shares) go to dark pools (price suppression) but you must purchase shares on LIT exchanges when shares are exercised...


https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/s/muNXxn4aJn Linking the clip you mentioned.


To the top with you


Texas stock exchange entering the chat...


Should put this in title. IF THE BUY BUTTON IS SHUT OFF, then this is a workaround


Or use Fidelity’s Active Trader Pro -> directed trades -> choose IEX and place an order for 100 shares. It goes directly to a lit market and you can watch your trades hit the tape in real time. How to directions here: https://youtu.be/ocXqnxgm6p8?si=3QwJsexkldpbvjIh




"Hey spend like double to be able to force a trade." buying those calls with high as shit IV right now is terribly inefficient.


Well, buy button isn't disabled right now so I'd agree.


Spending double is still in a dip level of pricing. If pushing trades into the light so they actually effect the stock price then maybe people see the extra cost as worthwhile. I mean even at $400 a share when share prices are phone numbers then $400 was a steal of a discount.


At 400/strike price =× I'd personally rather own x more shares. But honestly if it's somebody's strategy go ahead my brother they your Nanas. May you profit eternal. I'm just pointing out that it's marginally inefficient.


Hey, if you buy 10,000 shares, and they all trade in the dark so the price isn't effected it seems good because you have 10k shares. Now when everyone else buys a grand total of 1 billion shares, but all in the dark so they never effect the price, and the price goes down as only hedge fund fuckery has an effect. Your 10k shares don't matter.             If I bought 100 shares via the same fuckery hedgefunds use to force their trades to effect the price, and everyone else does the same, we may have less shares, but as the price actually goes up from all our trades having effect...well 100 shares with value is way better than 10k without value.


Except I still own double the shares and I'm not counting on options to start moass. It's happening regardless. You can just DRS even more shares instead


you didn't read the post - buy options with no time premium attached meaning deep deep ITM exp this week


"Deep Deep ITM" calls have bonkers ass premium too. Intrinsic value isn't the only premium you pay, even close to expiry. 0dte's on a volatile stock like GME still have a price premium attached, and it's not a small one.


it depends on your definition of small lol you can grab the 15s rn for just a .2% premium to intrinsic value


DRS my shares? OK


The better way: Transfer out of Robinhood, route your trades via IEX. This should really be stickied at the top of the sub.


Any tax related specifics that may bite us in the butt ? 🧐




Good old times


Sell what?


And just to clarify, this is pre-split so cost to exercise an options contract would now be $3000 (following the example given)


I dont know shit about fuck, so i'm not touching options


This needs all the visibility


Comment for visibility


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https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/s/G8SiY5iioN Also worth noting mayo man's words