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I wrote the original BRK DD back in the day and can clear up some of this. First, it is vital for everyone to understand that there are two different classes of BRK stock, A and B. Now, we might be smooth here, but the morons at these institutions/funds make us look like geniuses sometimes, because it’s a not uncommon error to accidentally report BRK.A when they meant BRK.B. The fund that supposedly owns $4T of BRK is an obvious example. They literally can’t own that much, there’s no fund worth that much. What happened is that they likely actually own that many shares of B stock, but reported it mistakenly as A stock, so the value is insane. Add up the 10 times a year this happens and there’s a lot of your institutional ownership. My point is that you have to be super careful with these filings. They’re made by humans and are fallible, both for honest and dishonest reasons. All that being said, BRK.A has definitely had a lot of strange volume anomalies, starting just after the sneeze, and has been mostly mirroring GME price action since then, except for a period from Nov 2021 to May 2022 where it matched GME price action), and volume has recently dropped a good bit right after the recent GME spike, and BRK glitch. All sus af. My prevailing theory is still that Warren B is acting as a “payday lender” for one or more Wall Street entities, and is a counter party for their swap trade, and they have to post BRK.A stock as collateral on their swap.


Bump this to the top; the rest of this post is missing the main point here.


Thanks. This makes much more SENSE.


Yeah, sense isn’t a thing that happens much here these days haha.


Do you think Buffet is aware of how they’re using his stock? Or are they just using his stock because of the power of BerkA shares in those circles?


If I understand correctly (doubtful) I think this means that WB probably does know what they’re doing to some extent but he’s subtly betting against them. At face value he seems to be helping them and can profit off them a little, but the BRK shares being used as collateral is what he really desires. This implies that he expects them to fail at some point and he’ll get those shares back if my assumptions are on the right track


Exactly. We know for a fact that he thinks short selling will almost always end of failure on average over time. So of course he’d bet against it. But he also gets to help out another firm and then be owed a favor he can call in later. And he gets the BRK shares as collateral. It’s brilliant tbh.


It’s also worth noting that DriveWealth deals in FRACTIONAL share purchases.


So, if someone “puts their thumb on the scale” to perhaps slyly impact what is going on; might you challenge them to a thumb war?


“Reported it mistakenly?” Got it…


Bump.. hump bump it up!


I can attest to this. We started getting phone calls about our AMZN position being worth 1.4 trillion dollars until our compliance team realized they had the decimal in the wrong place on our 13F. We are a good shop with a lot of smart people that does right by our clients and doesn't do anything shady, people make mistakes.


Curious why it's showing only 500k shares ownership with the outstanding shares being the indicator that's off, how exactly these two could have gotten mixed up?


Excellent DD


Steve Cohen's Point72 seems to be involved with DriveWealth. there's a company profile on Forbes, with lots of red flags right off the bat > A recent surge in retail investing has also driven a surge in DriveWealth's retail brokerage business: > Clients like Revolut, Cash App, MoneyLion and Chipper Cash use DriveWealth's software to embed fractional stock trading and other investing tools into their own apps and platforms. 🚩 > Earlier this year, DriveWealth bought a company called Crypto-Systems to expand into crypto trading. > Funding: $550 million from Accel, Insight Partners, **Point72** Ventures and others. 🚩🚩🚩 > Bona fides: The number of people trading with DriveWealth's software climbed from 7.2 million to 15 million last year, and the company's valuation jumped more than 10x. 🚩 > Founder: Executive chairman Bob Cortright, 64, who spent 30 years working in trading and markets 🚩 before founding DriveWealth in 2012; he was CEO until this May, when he was replaced by Terry Angelos, 48, former head of fintech and crypto at Visa. 🚩 https://www.forbes.com/companies/drivewealth/


Was waiting for a good Steve Cohen link, that fat fuck. Revolut, through Drivewealth, have grown aggressively in Ireland and I'm sure many others. They will sell you fake crypto. They have been making it harder/costlier to DRS. And they have increased rates on brokerage accounts. They penetrate the market then turn up the heat to squeeze consumers. I use them but still dislike them.


Steve Cohen looks like a naked mole rat and an ugly woman had a baby, left it in the woods to die, and now it owns Point72.


My guy, I've been fighting with revolut / drivewealth because one of my drs batches pre splivvy didn't arrive in my CS account and I didn't notice until last month. So if moass kicks in because they can't find my 7 shares youre welcome


Can't wait for the day they have to finally give us their money


##DriveWealth changed the execution venue of GME orders retroactively (potentially months later) from NYSE to XOFF (off-exchange) if i remember correctly. Explain to me, how can an order that’s executed and cleared be “moved”? Oh wait that’s right it’s all smoke and mirrors.


What if they just don't? Change the rules again and say we get nothing. Cancel any contract,obligation, swap whatever


Then they show the whole world that the entire US market is a scam, burn it to the ground


It’s pretty apparent to those paying attention that our monetary system/market is a huge Ponzi scheme. Most people are dumb and don’t care. It going to take the masses missing meals before we do any type of protest collectively as a country.


The casino can't pay off enough of the foreign elite to stop all of them from taking out their money when they find out it's rigged against them. They will lose investment globally. The US market has far wider ramifications than only domestic


So not only will we be broke but the whole world will be broke, except for the ones running the global Ponzi scheme!


Lol no, they will pay us. The USD isn't worth anything without its attached geopolitical power. They can either make their wealth worthless or pay up


Based on the last 3+ years I don't know that they would choose to pay up over making it worthless just to spite us, but regardless of their choice our only chance of winning is holding so diamond hands it is! To the moon or to the grave!


I doubt the ones who stand to lose the most will just willingly fall over, but I know that SHFs will be turned on when it's most convenient to the interest of the ruling class at large. Let the public string up a few nobles and keep the social contract in tact. At one point in time the aristocracy and the bourgeoisie fought wars over who should govern. It is increasingly difficult to even differentiate them anymore


Insert a digital coin where we can amend your balance to what we feel it should be based on your level in society.


Yeah it's that or imprisonment of the crooks and reforming the market. I look forward to seeing what it'll be.


That’s the sick joke of it.  At this point the ENTIRE world market is a huge Ponzi scheme.  They prosecuted Madoff then started running his shit on a global scale.


We had occupy wall street but then they manufactured a civil war to make us fight against each other.


Occupy wall st was a cool idea, but too disorganized and flimsy. The GME play is more powerful than Occupy Wall St ever was or could be based on their basic principles and pillars.


The problem with Occupy Wall Street was one of the primary tenants was that they didn't actually have a single leader. That was one of their points when they formed the organization apparently but it was also the angle of attack for provocateurs to disable the protest.


Exact same risk we run.


I was a very active participant in Occupy Wall Street back in the day. I spent months in Zucotti Park and traveled the country attempting to organize a more cohesive message and build a national structure that could combat the misinformation and misconceptions that were being thrown about both within and about the movement. It was one of the hardest things I've ever tried to do in life. That lack of leadership you refer to was a huge point of contention everywhere I went, sometimes leading to physical fights between occupiers. I was even accused by some camps of being an FBI plant just for trying to better organize the regional protests into an effective national movement. What I eventually came to realize was that even if we would've had a Mahatma Gandhi or a Nelson Mandela leading us it would not have made a difference. Because the one thing the oligarchy will fight at all costs is class driven activism. Don't forget that MLK Jr. was only assassinated when he'd announced his plans to transition his activism from racial segregation to wider class disparity. I don't think for a second that that was a coincidence. My takeaway from my experiences in OWS leading into our current GME saga was that Occupy had to face defeat for GameStop to succeed. we had to have it thrown in our faces by the powers that be that traditional activism of ANY kind is a controlled performance and we were never the ones pulling the strings no matter how we were structured. Because ultimately the media in conjunction with law enforcement and saboteurs both within the movement and outside of it, drove the narrative in direct contradiction with our stated goals and the American Public only ever got to see a glimpse of our true intentions ie scenes like the Mass March on the Brooklyn Bridge. They made sure never to tell the public specifically what we were there for. Instead saying it was a movement of many movements and that none of us had a united cause despite that being completely false (that is until the narrative eventually became the reality) and it worked incredibly well. No matter how hard we tried to overcome the false division narrative or how many protests we had (at least one in almost every major city in the country at one point). It laid bare for those of us who saw it first hand how every facet of our societal institutions were efficiently and easily weaponized against the class activism we stood for. Even going so far as to wield the poorest against us through tactics like intentionally sending homeless and mentally ill, chronic drug addicts to our camps for food/shelter/aid. For example, NYC changed the drop off location of the bus from Rykers Island to directly outside of our camp and told the recently released inmates we would provide them everything they needed. Which we DID and it took up so much time and effort that it diminished our ability to maintain focus on why we were there in the first place. But what they failed to understand was that all of us who saw our ideals, motivation, strength and unity be manipulated, transformed and poisoned against us via the ignorance of the very people we were trying to reach. We didn't just lose and leave, going back to our wage slavery lives bowed under the yoke like the good labor stock they expected and needed us to be. We collectively tucked our cause away. We watched and waited and learned from them. We learned that it's a hell of a lot easier to burn down a castle from the inside than it is to try and set fire from across the moat and with that knowledge we bided our time. Occupy Wall Street never ended and we never left. ALL of us are here now unbowed, unbent, unbroken. This IS Occupy Wall Street. https://preview.redd.it/bsh372irj57d1.png?width=299&format=png&auto=webp&s=5776bf40dbceeaae78e431ce7b09dc80a13a4c6b


Problem is must people probably 97percent aren't paying attention. But once they do.


Exactly this ☝️ Until more and more people wake up and stop being distracted and divided, their empire crumbles and opens the way for people to once again try and build a fair and (hopefully this time a truly) decentralized system.


Ponzi is associated with crime. That's why they call it trickle up economics.


Most everyone who is in the market knows it’s ran by corrupt people.


Would explain the MSM campaign calling us meme investors and crazy - so when they fuk us, the public just shrugs it off. No one is as invested as us, no one cares and to be honest most public investors would rather see the GME crew get fuk’d vs their pensions being blown up, their S&P investments dive to $0 and their banks explode. We’re the only ones who want MOASS.


People keep saying this, but it is obvious already so what would that actually do?


Nobody would listen/care and business would go on as usual


They’ve already showed that but since they control the media nobody knows


Burning to the ground by who?


The sprinklers, I think


They don’t care. I said the same thing when they turned off the buy button and shut the game down because they were all gonna lose. I told my friends who had been investing for years “how could they just delegitimize the market and prove that it can’t be trusted.” They all laughed at me. Our market is a joke. It’s rigged. These sorry ass old men will cheat and steal to no end.


You haven't seen that yet?


Sadly this is what they have been doing and nothing has changed…. Until they start really losing and attacking each other like in 08 we are stuck in a grey area.


I think they’d rather do that than give us their money.


$410T is pretty close to a bottomless bucket of money. Honest question here: Why wouldn't the SHF's create naked shares of BRK as needed to BK our companies, and then buy back those naked BRK shares when the nasty deed is done? Seems like Mayoman and his ilk could have infinite shorting ability, as long as the SEC isn't doing their job.... If the SEC never does their job, aren't we screwed??? Believe me, I'm super-smooth, so please be gentle if this is an idiotic question....


This is already well known…,


Fck em we will get our money


no, we will take our money


And if that happens, you think after 4 years of bullshit people are just going to act like cucks and accept it like it's nothing...?


Tbh we ARE accepting it in a way since 2021. So far nothing has changed that really had an impact on overall market structure.


If we didn’t have real impact there wouldn’t be articles covering this shit around the clock


We have an impact. In many ways do we have an impact. But what don't have an impact on how the market is working at the moment. Even the implementation of the CAT system has had no effects so far, or at least no effects that you can currently see. Maybe there are things behind the curtains that we can't see, the price manipulation continues until now. But we will hold until something changes. That's what a lot of people are here for.


Yes. All apes being spread around the world there will be no masses demonstrating or complaining. They will try to ignore it and declare us just some crazy guys


Honestly? Yes, probably. Not that that doesn't upset me. E: downvote me all you want, but the unfortunate reality is we see the "elite" skirting responsibility all the time, and hard working people bearing the brunt. 2008 showed this in all its ugliness.


This is what worries me as well but I am afraid to ask it here since it's ""shilly"". People say that if they don't then the world will know markets are rigged. But since 2008 the world knows that and here we are. I believe and trust the DD but my rational side also sees that DFV has actual gain and those who only have shares have cost averages and empty bank accounts or debt. On one hand I trust the process, on the other hand I want to retire already. $400T rolling into our grubby hands seems to me like the least likely option. The more probable thing to happen would be they cheat Madoff style, our money gets deleted and they somehow get rescued. XXXX still holding on though. Watching options from the side due to volatility.


So many are afraid to say this But the rules don't apply to these people We could DRS'd 150% of the float It doesn't mean they'd have to acknowledge it It seems like it does have an effect I honestly think they realize this will crash the economy and are waiting for after the election So the next president can be blamed for war, the crash, ECT And retail gets blamed for "manipulating the market at a sensitive time of war"


im so expecting this. "we cannot exercise your order, due to the fact that this price is ridiculous, thus it has been cancled" or some more "acceptable" form: "we need to verfy the price at this moment, thus we cant process your order which has been cancled", two weeks later after the price has dropped, "we have now assessed all prices and are able to process your order now at current prices of xxx $" first they removed the buy button. Then they will remove the sell button.


it might be a gradual bleeding them , we take their money brick by brick


We'll put mountains in their way and put attention on it. At least they don't like that. 😆


I've been trying to figure this out too. There is a missing piece for sure with what DFV has done. He's confident they can't stop him. He's obviously aware of the fact that some of these shenanigans can happen. Could be anything. Stock exchange just halts it; SEC says this is a "too big to fail" type situation, etc. etc. etc., so there just has to be something else out there. I just cannot think of what the "something" is without going way the hell out into nutso speculation land.


I hope you're right. DFV has atleast brought attention to it. He had the news on standby for his live stream, and 600k watching. Can't protest due to SHF-plants & bad actors, is there a way to "Target" & "Bud-light" them?


We are only holding shares tho is what we been told for years to only hold I guess…


This is what is going to happen




i'm fairly certain there is no propaganda machine strong enough to spin a narrative that could convince even the most moronic US citizen that such a move was not complete bullshit. ... though come to think if it, nobody got their head cut off after 2008... hmm... fuck.




Well that’s why we have the second amendment in the United States


We don’t sell


When they do it won’t be worth anything


Remember some of them may survive but not all of them


Our money.


Give us their money? They would rather throw up the table. Hoping for the best


You mean give us our money back? It was never theirs to begin with.


IIRC, Drivewealth LLC is the US broker which underpins Australian brokers like Stake and Commsec. Yikes.


Indeed. Drivewealth LLC also underpins New Zealand brokers: Sharesies, Hatch and Stake.


Also,Drivewealth will not DRS the shares of Europeans anymore from Revolut.They wont even answer our emails.


In the customer help chat for Revolute I get the same answer - we have switched you to a new entity and we cannot DRS from this entity. Yes of course we will keep you updated when that changes but currently we do not have a timeline


The SuperstonkUK has had recent reports of successful DRS transfers, although they do cost £55 per transfer IIRC


I’m UK originally but then Brexited off to Switzerland and that’s when my entity changed unfortunately


Gotcha, wasn't sure if they had different methods for EU and UK. Sad you're gone (and all my eu pals) but no doubt you made the right move!


What does that mean? I'm with stake and my documents are all from DriveWealth


I’m hoping it means by crunch time. Ol’ Stevie boy will really like to buy my share to save his own ass.


Possibly just Stake. CommSec used to use BNY Mellon then switched over to Interactive Brokers mid-2023.


SelfWealth too


SelfWealth use Phillip Capital as a custodian. I.e. you don't really have the shares. I was able to transfer out of them to ibkr and drs. Stake at the time I had to do drivewealth paperwork and pay a stupid fee to transfer out of.


Iirc cashapp accounts with trading enabled are all tied to a drivewealth margin account


And Revolut…..


BRK-A has something like 1.5M outstanding shares at $600k each.


Exactly this.


Which means GME is for sure going past that S/P and even higher, I’m pumped


Off exchange=market manipulation


That means the true price of brka is the opposite of gme. While they supress artificially gme , brka real price is probably nothing .


Berk-a true price is $185.10 per share


aw you got me on this. i just wanted to say the same.




The fact that price was live on every broker for hours on end tells you just how fucked things are.


Had to explain that one to my friend who is a new ape. So much happened recently I can’t keep up.


GME is $147,457.00. Well, as far as I could tell after finding a glitch in the price scaling during the Jan 2021 sneeze.


That's what I mean... If you take their business equity and share outstanding... They should be valued <$1000 or so... Is Birkshire valued where it is b/c a bunch of rich ppl bought and held and therefore could ask whatever they want? Supply, demand, scarcity and smoke and mirrors? ...and are ppl mad that I am trying to do that with GME? Edit... I guess the B stock explains a lot of this. But I'd the B stock is already doing the heavy lifting why is the A stock that massively valued?


Thats insane. Gme went up back january brk dropped. What's more crazy when DFV came back with 6x his position gme exploded and brka has technical issue went down to 180 dollar. Of course because the shorts their collateral is basically our money


https://preview.redd.it/kv04j39mb47d1.png?width=756&format=png&auto=webp&s=b2e172ee5ffdb08ba6edfb3abc6a093f45542bb0 remeber this?




Not sure, but I believe voting rights.


Why are you saying the opposite? I’m reading it as OP is saying there’s only 1.3+ million shares issued but institutions own way more than 1.3 million which would be similar to gme? What am I missing?


The last wayback machine screenshot in the post has "Common shares outstanding" on \~1.4 billion. The text below has it on 500k institutional ownership which would mean that there was \~1.4 billion shares outstanding that werent technically owned by anyone (or at least not reported to be owned by anyone) and would put TOTAL institutional ownership to 0.04% that then begs the question why those 997 institutions filed 13D or 13G statements that are only required if you have >5% stake in the company if that wayback machine data is correct that would indicate a massive problem for the system as a whole EDIT: i missed the mention of 13F statements. these are filed if you want to have your stake public but are below 5%. else the 997 institutions wouldnt make sense (997 \* 5 = at least 4985% stake in the company among institutions, not 0.04% as shown on the screenshot) **in reality id assume institutional ownership is \~37% and there was \~1.4 million (not** ***billion***) **shares outstanding. 37% divided by 1000 is 0.037 which got rounded to 0.04 by the fintel site** no idea why the outstanding shares dont end in .000 though as they would if it was just a misplaced decimal


Thanks. I see it now. I saw the 1.4M listed earlier and didn’t adjust for 1.4b referenced later. My bad!


When their stock had a ‘glitch’ why didn’t GME have a glitch to reflect the opposite price (600k+ ps) ?


Puts on BRK.A


Imagine how much options on BRK.A would cost if they did them 🤣 notional value of 1 call would be over $60 million


So I can use 1 GME share as collateral for 2 calls next week, perfect




There could very well be something incredible to the BRK connection, but I don’t know what to make of it yet. Keep digging I guess


I surmise, there are more tendies out there then we think. ![gif](giphy|nuRXXyy020kta)


If Jackie Chan is in, I’m in.


It won't be easy, be prepared for a Rumble.


What a spicy Monday morning we have today! This may unfold into something aaand an AGM?!


So... you have BRK-A and BRK-B, my guess is BRK-B is the common shares referred to in the shares outstanding. Also keep in mind that between the A and B, there is a conversion mechanism which in a stock with not much volume might exhibit behavior that looks strange. There might or might not be a connection to GME, it might just be that BRK is used similarly to gold, a safe haven, and when there is volatility - the safe haven money is freed for use. More here: [https://www.investopedia.com/ask/answers/021615/what-difference-between-berkshire-hathaways-class-and-class-b-shares.asp](https://www.investopedia.com/ask/answers/021615/what-difference-between-berkshire-hathaways-class-and-class-b-shares.asp)


They have separate pages. If you read the pics it clearly states BRK-A.


It clearly says "Common Shares Outstanding", only one class of shares can be Common shares, guess which one it is?


Berkshire Hathaway Inc. Common Stock (BRK.A) Real-Time please explain institutions showing over 100 million shares owned by fintel? edit: is common stock the same as common shares? ill go look i'm not seeing anything.. The main difference between the two types of shares is their price. On July 17, 2023, the company's **Class A shares** closed at $523,500 per share. Compare that to the more affordable **Class B shares**, which closed at $344.25 on the same day.


Trading at 405, divide by market cap of 800 something billion and you get 2 billion outstanding... since BRK-A makes up some of the market cap... 1.2bn outstanding of BRK-B makes all the numbers probably balance out. I like a conspiracy as much as anybody else, but sometimes the answer is the simplest solution


You have made a mistake bro, the BRK-A stock do not have an oustanding as you say, the BRK-A has 562K shares outstanding, 1.44M implied shares outstanding and 1.2M free float, check this-> https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/BRK-A/key-statistics/ Please, do not missinformation. Just saying


> You have made a mistake bro lol eh... the OP has the original finra source archived from way back in the day dug up. and you're with a yahoo finance link to call someone missinformation, that's bizarre. self awareness much? bro!


What about this [data here](https://fintel.io/sn/us/brk.a) then?


Your link says almost the same I said in my comment, millions not Billions of shares, the difference is 1000x more in OP post, that's not a "little" mistake, so his calculations are off of the same ratio of error. Just saying.


The billions part is in the link OP provided in the post with the wayback machine in 2019. I was pointing out that on the fintel website it just says 1,437,233 shares outstanding (no distinction between "implied" and 'regular' or w/e) and weird part is the shares owned by insiders are more than the outstanding at \~1.7m ( and if you scroll down you can see of those, 1.5m alone are owned by Bill and Melissa Gates Trust. At current price that's some 900b$).


Yeah, I do not question your post, it seems correct to me, but I think OP do not took in account that Berkshire Hathaway created the BRK.B ticker from the original BRK.A stock, I will not dig deeper in this, but I'm seeing rn the SEC 8-K filing (2024-05-07) and it is clear stated that: BRK.A 2024 shares outstanding 1,439,370 BKR.B 2024 shares outstanding 2,159,055,134 So, what I say is more or less accurate, what OP id saying isn't if considering actual data, 2019 data IDK, sorry for my fault. https://preview.redd.it/ai5uvu87n47d1.jpeg?width=2250&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=db696c6c73128f1384f68024ff9c13fa6d11fb87


Sorry for that, It was a quick search, just the first link I found, but if you like, in a reply below, I put a screenshot of the SEC 8-K filing... https://preview.redd.it/8ghyjezco47d1.jpeg?width=2250&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a3443abc038bc4d25a8b482d065ec207b86b2513 IDK what happened in 2019, but today, the data says they do have in the millions of outstanding shares, not billions, just 1000x less than OP indicated. Just saying.


So July 2019 it had 1.368B shares, institution has value of 196B, and institution has about 506042 shares only. Sept 2019, 1.368B shares, institution has value of 139B, total institution shares is 258401 May 2020, 1.368B shares, institution value 106B, total institution share is 778,001 (share price at 370k) Feb 2021 ... 649k shares total outstanding...and institution value 103B, total institution share is 269,594. That's 41.5% of all shares.. where before the sneeze, institution is only .02%. So what happened? Where did practically 1.368 billion share went? Look like backrock and vanguard use to own 100m shares of brk.a back in 2020. Changes to those shares has to be file via 13G/A/D. can we track down all the form 13G/A/D from vanguard/blackrock from Jun 2020 to June 2021 to see if there is any trail for brk.a?


If I Google BRK.A shares outstanding, I get that it has approximately 1.4 million shares. Where do you get the 1.368 billion?


https://web.archive.org/web/20190702141940/https://fintel.io/so/us/brk.a use this link to see the finra page from 2019 that says for Common Shares Outstanding > 1,368,243,498 shares (as of 2019-03-31)


Did they undergo a reverse split? The 2024 data says 1.4 million, so I'm not sure what 5 year old data means without some context to the difference from recent data.


[https://fintel.io/so/us/brk.a](https://fintel.io/so/us/brk.a) Look under insiders.


On that page it says: **Shares Outstanding:** 1,437,233 **Insider Shares:** 1,729,223 (Which I do not get how insiders can have more shares than the total outstanding...?) And 1,592,085 are owned just by Bill and Melinda Gates Trust 🤷🏻‍♂️ (At the current price of \~600k/share, that's 900billions 🙄)


so why does OP not double check 'weird' data and instead post something so outrageous with full conviction? Could its purpose be undermining the reputation of his sub? hmmmmm....


>Could its purpose be undermining the reputation of his sub? Nah. Hanlon's razor and all that. People see something that doesn't add up and rush to be the person that "proved it" or whatever and trip over their own dicks.


Well ask that to OP but anyway the part with the \~1.37b shares it's in the [link he/she provided in the post](https://web.archive.org/web/20190702141940/https://fintel.io/so/us/brk.a) and it's related to 2019


Shares Outstanding 1,437,233 shares Insider Shares 1,729,223 shares Total Insiders 14 Am I missing something?


> Am I missing something? you have to go back to 2019 in the wayback archive https://web.archive.org/web/20190702141940/https://fintel.io/so/us/brk.a


As I mentioned elsewhere, what has happened since then and now to change the outstanding shares, or is the current data not correct?




What in the f\*ck how does this not have international attention? Can't wait for this to blow up and be part of the second film lmao.


Something broke in $brka couple weeks ago. Me thinks RC won the thumb war at that point. Look how the volume has decreased, after three and a half years of steady volume increase.


I'm not entirely against conspiracy theories, but there is no way there are 1.368 billion shares of Birkshire A out there. It would be the largest lie in history, with multiple people worth trillions of dollars if this were true. Plus, if they have 1.368 billion shares of BRK-A out there, do you really think they could keep trading between these on paper trillionaires to 1-2k shares traded per day? I'm DRS'd, zen and patiently waiting, but some fact here needs further research. I'm going to politely avoid down voting this, but time to check again OP.


It’s referring to B shares. The A shares already convert to nearly 2 billion B shares so that’s easily possible.


wait.. if brk.a have 1.368 BILLION shares...what hapen between 2019 to now that cause it to only have 1.4 million shares total? This is base off current market cap / share price. which does not even match 1.7m insider and 1.4 outstanding?


Them making a mistake, when referring to the far more common B shares.


The markets are a scam The price isn't real The diamond hands are






I’m eating crayons what’s this mean?


I think your share count is off by a factor of 1,000. The website must have screwed up the math it used because institutional ownership was 40%; not 0.04%.


I tried giving hints 😎


They seem to be lumping BRK.B shares in. I can find the numbers you have too, but either listed as BRK.B or misquoted as the A, but matching the number for A+B


Those are our tendies, man!


Proofread you titles. THEN, Buy, Hodl, DRS, Book'em, Shop and Spread the Word. Apes Together Strong.


So BRK.A is only supposed to have 1.4 MILLION shares outstanding, but has 1.4 BILLION instead !?!? Is that right?


Thank you OP. I have been having 2 questions about the company, maybe you can help me with that. How does the Berkshire stock A and B work? Are they intertwined or no? Also, how does the price of Berkshire relate to their holdings and EPS?


As I understand it, and I’m highly likely to be wrong, BRK A & B stocks are supposed to be intrinsically connected, as in BRK.B is a fractional of BRK.A, designed to be more affordable to the average investor with its price deriving from a conversion ratio being continually applied to BRK.A. But when GME jumped and BRK.A was halted because of a “technical issue”, BRK.B was somehow unaffected and continued to trade, so…are they connected? Doesn’t fucking sound like it. How could BRK.B still see price movements when BRK.A, the stock that determines its value was halted for an extended period of time?


You can trade in your A shares at a 1:1500 ration to B shares. So yes they are very very very very very connected.


What allowed Warren to let his friends do this? There has to be a lot more going on than what we're even dreaming about


So what ur telling me is, they got enough money to pay us for Berkshire prices on GME 🤑


Idk why but I want DFV’s billion to come straight from Berkshire. Warren buffet and company have been a parasite on the market for long enough.


BRK to BK??


Drivewealth also has a monopoly on shares bought abroad I found 6 broker apps from the UK - New Zealand that the broker didn’t even hold your shares Drivewealth held them 3rd party for that broker on your behalf 😂😂 why I have DRSEd the majority of mine. That was with very little digging. Steven A Cohen also has a substantial investment in Drivewealth 🤔


"your shares are belong to ape now"


Holy crap! Shared!


Interesting analysis. How is the B-stock BRK-B linked to this? What about the other 40+ stocks which also glitched on June 3, 2024?


it takes a strong thumb to win this war


Holy Jesus


Isn't the outstanding 1.5 mil?






60-90% of $GME trades are executed off exchange in dark pools or through wholesale blocks not allowing price discovery




Drive Wealth LLC is the parent company behind CashApp investing. Lots of retail and new apes used CashApp early on similar to Robinhood.


Eh, I’ll spot Uncle Sam the money after the squeeze.


This shit is juicy! Thanks OP


OTC is money laundering, change my mind


Holy shit. That's who I have some of my shares through. Drivewealth does cash apps broker stuff. I have to figure out how to send them to computershare with my others.




Excellent digging! Thank you OP!!