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I have total of 17,888 shares as of now so I contributed a little.


Will you hold for smol share holders


7700 purple circles, plus some shares and calls at a broker. I don't think anyone who has invested this much time and money or more would sell any share for less than life changing money. IMO. šŸ»


Even with xxxx shares, no options, I will not sell anything because I see it as my saving account, and I'm here to see some people go to jail :) Cheers mate


xx shares here. Bought close options in this week's dip because I finally have the cash on hand to execute a few of them at the strike. Whether I get a discount or not, I'll finally be an xxx holder


I lost the sell button so šŸ˜Ž


Me and my friend hold together around 4k will buy 2-3k shares more this week


I picked up 11.5k shares as well. Hoping we get a drop below 20 to completely load up


Thanks for reminding me about what is going on with DRS. Here is a great post on that topic. https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/18d2vuk/this_is_why_drs_numbers_are_stalling/


The other question seems to be, how does the market not move upwards on a $2b purchaseā€¦ā€¦dark pools I know but this certainly didnā€™t go unnoticed.


Because market makers i.e. Citadel sets the price they believe the security should be priced at


It is a celler's market after all šŸ˜‰


IMO it largely was bought up by the algos. The computer programs that are programmed to short ladder down shares also need to buy shares. So instead of money flowing between programs RC put GameStop in the middle and siphoned off a few billion from the MMā€™s that were trading the shares. Itā€™s also why weā€™re seeing such a heavy a sentiment of, I believe, inorganic negativity towards the previous share offering. RC issuing into heavy algorithmic trading events has disrupted the HFs tactics and is using their programs against them.


Spot on.


Inorganic is a good way to put it, Iā€™ve never seen people so vicious about a company raising cash to put it to use, while simultaneously raising our floor. Also love your posts:)


I donā€™t doubt that some people are tired and just want for this all to end, but most of the negativity is hitting one or multiple talking points. Personally, I just like the stock and have been having a lot of fun holding it.


I keep hearing that but it's not RC's fault I bought a decent chunk at $40 instead of selling the shares I've been holding for 3 years. I chose to. Should I have sold at $40 and then bought back in at 23, sure that would've been great. Heck, why not have sold it AH for like 60+ while we're at it? Actually why not sell in the first sneeze, dump it in the s&p, swap out into BTC at the exact right time, then into NVDA, then swap into GME rn? Who knows, maybe NVDA or S&P will outperform GME for 6 more months, a year, and then MOASS? Maybe MOASS never, and GME does well, but not as good as NVDA. I'm staying in GME because it's what I feel comfortable with and choose to invest in. Anything else just feeds into MSM propaganda that we (retail) need protecting. That we don't know what we're doing. That we shouldn't be allowed to because it seems illogical. Presumable we're all adults. We accepted some t&c and signed some forms to let us trade. No one is stopping you from spending $4500 on a gucci t-shirt and that sure as shit isn't a good investment. This is the way investing in public companies works.


$4500 for a tshirt!! Holy shit I get all mine at goodwill for $4 so I can afford more GME šŸ¤©šŸ“ā€ā˜ ļø


Iā€™ve done this exact same thing, alas here we are. No cell no sell


Can't end unless you want a drop back to $10, has to be a slow squeeze to put a comma in it.


the entire MOASS theory hinges on there being way more naked shorts than available shares, and companies having literally no way to cover without massive cheating, because there are simply no ā€œactualā€ shares available. the amount of naked shorts out there is completely unknown. all the guesses are napkin math speculation. itā€™s not FUD to understand the basic principle that when the market is flooded with 75m new shares, it allows 75m naked shorts to close (minus the amount longs buy, of course). itā€™s a lifeline. this was also the entire principle of DRS ā€” removing as many shares as possible from the market ā€” so itā€™s ridiculous to not understand how flooding the market with 75m new shares somewhat invalidated 3 years of DRS in 1 morning


If you are shorting a company to bankruptcy, you have to short exponentially more as you approach $0 because as you approach, the power of shorting it decreases. The shorts that were opened up near the bottom will not and can not be closed at these prices. A) They have to find the shares which involves convincing people to sell them. BUT ALSO B) They can not afford to close them. Buying to close that many shares would fire the price into the stratosphere, making escape somehow even more impossible. They need GameStop to go bankrupt. Full stop. This is one of the most basic and original principles of the entire GameStop thesis. Everyday that passes, the chances of bankruptcy becomes even more remote. By selling shares ATM, Ryan Cohen has dramatically increased the floor price of GME, and padded the finances of the company well beyond what is necessary to prevent collapse. Even if there were enough shares to close the short positions (which I don't think were anywhere close to), they could not buy them in order to take advantage of them. You need to go back and re-familiarize yourself with "the entire MOASS theory" I think.


What's stopping a hedge fund from going bankrupt with the shorts? First create a new fund, that one buys all the shorts and then goes bankrupt once the moass happens.


I'm not sure what you're talking about, but I was referring to SHF need GameStop to go bankrupt in order to get out of their short positions alive. If they want to move their short position to a new/different company, and they find a counterparty dumb enough to get involved, then good. We'll take their money, too.


And yet they didnā€™t close their shorts on the 75 million offering and they didnā€™t close on the preceding one either. Curious. They didnā€™t even close when the price was at $10. Maybe realizing world-ending losses at anything above $3 or $4 is not part of their grand plan. All we did with the offerings is ensure that the share price never drops below $20 again and strip them of any mathematical copium they could sell to a potential bagholder. GameStop will officially not go bankrupt in our lifetimes.


>All we did with the offerings is ensure that the share price never drops below $20 again How so?


4 billion is cash already collecting interest. Anything below $20, youā€™re getting too close to book value on a company with no debt or cash burn. Buying at those levels is free money and shorting there is suicide.




I felt betrayed that Friday. I just say it like it is. And no he did not have to do that right there and then. Maybe it was to keep RK off the board. 5% would give him the right to put things on the agenda.


That's not shilling and that's not FUD. They diluted and raised 2Bn over multiple offerings. I was hyped. I knew they had enough money to do anything they wanted. And then they just shit out a ton of shares into enormous buy pressure, and raised 2Bn more... why? Apparently just to sit on it until an economic downturn where they can buy stuff on the cheap? I mean, that's neat, I guess, but I don't see how it served our interest at all. What can be done with 4Bn that can't be done with 2Bn? From my perspective, not much.


Who knows what theyā€™ll do with the cash pile? Only RC. And the Board. It must drive the shorts absolutely crazy to not know what GameStop is going to do next. And all of those warnings in the SEC filings by GME canā€™t help the SHFā€™s sleep either. What I think would be neat is if the price runs due to FTDs and MM options hedges again, and this time GME DOESNā€™T offer more shares. I canā€™t be mad at GME at this point, so many potential things that they can do now. Exciting stuff. Power to the players.šŸæ


Am I wrong or didnā€™t the first offering state they had to be held in book form? I know I read that on here somewhere.


I think itā€™s pretty reasonable to be upset. We had a gamma ramp and RC squashed it and took the cash for himself, while also issuing enough shares to kill our DRS numbers. Letā€™s not pretend that didnā€™t happen. It also makes no sense to raise 4 billion for investments, and then say you donā€™t plan to invest because the markets are dumping. It was strange timing, and imo RC took advantage of loyal apes


I trust more RK than RC. I can tell you that for sure




I feel you ape


The original entry into GameStop was for the MOASS for most people. The dilution during a potential trigger that was 3 years in the making justifiably creates frustration. I owned it back when it paid a 6% dividend - so I watched it before, during, and the return of RK. ā€˜Inorganicā€™ is a term desperate to cope with the shift from MOASS investment to growth company investment.


šŸ‘ and high speed trading, buying and selling in micro seconds which suppress share price. We traded sideways since Tuesday. Bid šŸ¤” spoofing like true dickheads.


Imagine, 2 billion dollars moved on 75 million shares. Over several days around that time almost a billion -shares- in volume. That could have been like 53.333 billion dollars that moved around in seven days. Edit Actually, my math is likely very regarded. Considering the two billion moved just one way when it went to Gamestop, the total monies that moved could been twice what I guessed.


This is pretty much my running theory too. Thereā€™s no way retail fomo accounts for much of this volume.


Please for the love of god elaborate on how the share offering took money out of market makers pockets. Make a case for dillution being good for the company, totally fine. But im tired of people insinuating that any negativity towards it is some kind of financial deep state psy op.Ā  You can like it, other loyal shareholders can be upset.Ā  If i buy a rare trading card, and then the company prints 120million more identical cards, my first thought isnt that its a galaxy brain play by the company to protect my investment


> If i buy a rare trading card, and then the company prints 120million more identical cards Imagine that someone, not the company making these cards, figured out a method to copy your card. So there were supposed to be 305M cards, but easily could be double that many cards. The company that made the cards decided that wasnā€™t right so they said they made another 115M cards. Did they print new cards?


Yes, they did. And the counterfiter having an obligation to find their cards and buy them back for real ones now has a much easier time


šŸ“ā€ā˜ ļø


Buckle up


>heavy a sentiment of, I believe, inorganic negativity towards the previous share offering. For every dollar GameStop makes from now on...you gotta split it another 125 million ways... It is that much harder for them to post any meaningful EPS It's not inorganic negativity, it's calling it what it is.


I feel like we need a Super-S-Lite sub, consisting of only this type of sentiment. We need a better place to throw around this type of sentiment. A place devoid of the fud and the ā€œstay zen fellow apesā€ bs.


So MM took the shares and closed some of their naked shorts ?


Institutional ownership as of 5/25/24 https://preview.redd.it/pxs0shj9wd8d1.png?width=929&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0b9824727ccdf71d32521d01486fb06d0e8f0b3d Almost 50 million shares just between BlackRock and Vanguard.


Tinfoil speculation: somebody covered a large naked short position... and they are not finished. Once they are finished covering nobody knows what will happen, literally anything between nothing and uranus /tinfoil speculation end


It is not as tinfoil as you think Yes this is how RC is funding gamestop. He is timing share offerings on the FTD rebound of initial gamma squeezes. https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/s/Id3z6j5hKb


this is exactly it. heā€™s slowly giving naked shorts an out in exchange for padding the company pockets. I have no idea if this actually happened with Wolverine, but I would imagine that if you sold a shitload of naked calls, having 75m new clean shares suddenly flood the market was an EXTRAORDINARY life preserver. If they were naked, they probably nearly passed out from relief. HF algorithmic cycles and GameStopā€™s corporate moves are separate things.


Nothing in my theorizing relies on this, but my own personal interpretation of the wolverine tweet is just that RK is back, adamantine hands, and heā€™s out for revenge. In my research, I have yet to see any sign that options are not being settled properly. If that was the case, we would never see these gamma ramps into gamma squeezes.


But why would they do that at 28 when they could do it at 24 the following Monday? That kind of panic buying doesn't make sense. The price will likely dip a bit lower, as well. That would be extraordinarily bad planning on their part...


To be fair it's the same for us. I bought more at 28 and we dropped right after that. I could have bought at a lower price. I think the same goes for the naked short positions. When they close they just plan it with the current price.


The shares r there to be bought without rocketing the price. A week before they werenā€™t.


Exactly my thoughts as well, why push the stock price down and fight for shares with retail or other shorts when you can just gobble them as they hit the market at a spot where there was low liquidity and neither longs nor short weā€™re adding volume evidenced by the volume shelf at 28.


I don't think so, if you have 2 billion to close a naked short you also have then powers to continuously short the stock and using various manipulation tactics like spoofing or ladder attacks to get the desired price before hitting natural buy resistance. It hit $9 a couple months ago, that was the most optimal time to close the short, doing more than double that price is just nuts since you still pay interest on the loaned shares


the point is that shf never want to close they continue to hide their short position in etfs like XRT correct me if i am wrong


It's not that they don't want to. It's the fact that they cannot close. It'd be like the fed never printing another dollar. It's not possible because of the system they are running. They cannot unwind their positions. They are in too deep over too many years. They can only exit if gme goes bankrupt. The alternative is moass.


the question is when i've been working for 4 years but this shit is hard




That's valid but people are saying "who bought the shares" and presuming it is SHF which made no sense to me. What you said is logical and I agree.


nobody knows without proof or evidence of a disclosed position, there are instutions both long and short on game. SHF are so deep in this and trying to get out of a very difficult situation that there will be a point where the stalemate will be over (surely?)


Yeah I made this comment elsewhere, Friday was a rebalancing for many ETFs and GameStop being at 10 billion causes some pretty big shifts


idk how shfs can keep the shares in the basket etfs without going bankrupt which day is when they unwind?


Couple months ago they had 3B less in cash. The floor is higher, and looks to be rising


Yeah the private buyout price with cash on hand rn should be around 17 per


Depends on how many shares you need and what budget you have, right? The old CS short position is rumored to be 225 million and the Swiss government put 100B aside to deal with the toxic CS books. Not saying itā€™s UBS, just that if itā€™s something like that, continuous buying likely makes sense


You have to spread out buys so it doesnā€™t put too much upward pressure on the stock


If they are covering more than they use to short the price down and burn paper hands and options degens, they come out ahead. KG has frequently mentioned how they use human biases as a basis for many of their quant strategies. In apespeak, that means that they strategically time buys and sells to maximize the regret people feel when they miss out on runs or buy in at peaks. They attempt to drive the price in one way or another to motivate different types of retail behaviour. Itā€™s very likely they also do it with other securities, but GME is one case where DFVā€™s influence pushed the stock through the upper bands of the algorithm that defines how their trading is supposed to work. DFV broke the algorithm and it almost took down an entire market maker, then they commit their crimes, kill the retail momentum, and buy themselves time to deal with the liability their Lagos created for them. Ever since the sneeze, theyā€™ve been trying to whittle down their positions back into a place where they can close them without losing their shirts. They did manage to beat the price down quite a bit despite Cohenā€™s turnaround of the company, but to do so they probably relied on the same types of FUD/Hype cycle algorithms that got them in trouble in the first place. DFV caught on and was able to time his trades to ride the same waves in the price.


Selling puts. The premium was crazy


Price always drops after large purchase orders.


Prime brokers buy the shares....and then they lend them out and use them to get locates on fresh new FTDs that get made in those periods of stock movement that never makes new highs. Basically, we pay, we just don't know when.


I can't believe this is the top comment. Shorts aren't closing ANY positions. It would ass fuck all their other positions and ignite MOASS.


Cover not close? I can wait.Ā 


if I was massively short and the market was doing extremely well as a whole, and 75m new shares suddenly flooded the market, there is *no fucking way* I wouldnā€™t jump for joy at the opportunity to use my other profits to close out as many shorts as I possibly could. itā€™s a complete gimmie


Covered or closed?


Neither! This comment threads is dumb




Suppose somebody wanted to cover its shorts with options. Then DFV bought more options. Then instead of covering x shares, that somebody could only cover 25% of x shares. On to the next cycle/attempt then.


Are they covering or are they closing?


If you buy actual shares, you are closing. If you hedge your short position with options or enter a swap - you are covering. I actually meant closing, my bad


Ok, I just wanted to make sure because if you meant just covering I was going to go back to my nap and ask to be woken up when the closing happens.


They're doing neither


They're covering the bases in an epic game of kick the can.


Ahh hereā€™s the ā€˜DRS is failingā€™ fud to compliment the ā€˜wow weā€™ve broken the code letā€™s play optionsā€™ posts. You canā€™t convince me to do anything other than DRSing and booking my shares and having voting rights.


I spent 5k at ~26 so of these 2b I know that there is 5k of dumb money


To cover their shorts.


Wouldn't it be closing their shorts?


Nope, and that's why it's bullish. They're constantly recirculating and rehypothicating (F3) IOUs, so 120M shares are a drop in the bucket because they don't stop.Ā 


There are some simple factors in play here.Ā Ā  1. Each group is going to work toward its own benefitĀ  2. There are massive subdivisions in each group (except GME) willing to cannibalize the others.Ā Ā  3. Apes don't sell because they like the stock, hedgies continue to short because they don't like the stock,Ā Ā  4. GME continues to grow its war chest.Ā  It's a cycle on repeat with each faction trying to gain the upper hand on the other two. But it's a cycle and each faction has perfect buy in and sell out times.


DRS stagnated? We've seen thousands upon thousands of shares DRSd just in the last month from posts on here alone. Imagine how many people DRSd and didn't post, likely A LOT more than that. DRS hasn't stagnated, so something else has.


Weren't we able to confirm the DRS numbers at GME hq slightly dipped from last year? Reason being everyone that sells or transfers to brokerages won't exactly be posting about it here. They'll just get downvoted.


My dude, thousands and thousands are peanuts in a pool where you need MILLIONS of shares to make a differenceĀ 


Yeah so it's crazy to see 75 million confirmed to been DRS'd which is 2 billion dollars.


I read the linked DD in the comments but I donā€™t know why people assume the DRS numbers have to be inaccurate, I have a feeling that since the cost of living has spiked so much people are spending WAY less money on GameStop than they were a few years ago and arenā€™t DRSing anymore. And then you have the people who de-DRSed. If you were going to de-DRS, what is the *absolute last thing you would do?* Make a post on here announcing it. Youā€™d get killed


Brick by brick is how we got here, or have you forgotten?


He hasnā€™t, just accrued an understanding of the scale of things


75m shares in removed from the market over 3 years. 75m shares added to the market on one morning. itā€™s just fucking math. back in the heyday of hype, people were claiming that ā€œsuperstonk alone owns the float 5x over!ā€ which we now obviously know isnā€™t true. In order for Superstonk to own the float even once over, *every single member of this sub* would have to own 350 shares by themselves. That just simply ainā€™t happening. If I had to bet on it, Iā€™d say 70% of people on this sub have less than XXX shares. (also, if the 5x float thing was true, even a marginal amount of DRS would have locked the float in one year.) People arenā€™t good at understanding money on the scale of billions of dollars


This sub also ignores the facts that some people sold their positions, moved on to other stocks, or needed to pay bills. Of course, people are not going to post in this sub because it is considered blasphemy.


we put 75 million bricks into the DRS pool and now there are 120 million new bricks in the normal pool. Brick by brick at this rate will take infinity, is that the infinity pool?


Me included. +30 shares lol.


Where are our total DRS being tracked, updated weekly?


It was me, but I prefer to go unnoticed. This year I have no vacations but I wanted to contribute with what I can.


Institutions going long and seeking to lend shares on an endless loop.


My personal theory is that hedgies have spent years selling and buying shares to each other, and RC has found a way to highjack some of that cash flow thanks to the share offerings. But no matter if my theory is right or wrong, of course it was not us buying, we do not have that kind of firepower.


With high volume they can buy orders without bumping up the price as much. Could have also been resetting FTD and ETFs.


Yeah people are forgetting Friday was rebalancing for a ton of ETFs and GME having a 10 billion dollar cap moves it out of some and into others or gets a higher percentage of certain funds


Had a dream last night that we dropped to $21.80 then launched into triple digits [=


Thatā€™s the break even on my CSPs. Thatā€™d be sweet lol


I dreamt the price was shooting up so fast to millions and fireworks were going off on the screen. Iā€™ve had the dream twice.Ā 


Bro I had a dream last night as well, but it was gme at $5.79 and then shit into the $300s without a halt.


I would take out a mortgage if we dropped that low lmao


Same, id take a loan against my trucks title lmao


I'd rob a bank and throw it all in GME


We're already in the midst of robbing a bank. JPM.




*Sir, these banks rob themselves and give us the proceeds.*


Had also a dream on Friday that gme gets down to 21, then shoots up quickly to 36 and then beyond. Bought shares before market closing.


hm, do we have some parallel universe trading platform out there within our dreams?


Id argue a solid majority of retail doesn't DRS




citadel fucking them AGAIN lol


The SHFā€™s must be trying to get net + to gme so they donā€™t get killed


Got a link to what you're talking about?


DRS number that is shown is fake.


I don't know if these numbers are accurate but I often see volume of 40M or lot more these days on the Yahoo Finance page. Why nobody then ask who buy all that too all the time ? The share offering is nothing compared to this volume everyday. The numbers zre completly crazy since start of May, going from 3M to 30M and as high as 200M everyday. Or am I undesrtanding wrongly ?


high frequency trading algorithms / wash trades will swap shares back and forth with no real change in ownership.


Lol what ?


Hopefully RC picked up some of those. The filing when he goes back over 10% is hopefully a short term catalyst!


I bought 700 of those $28ā€™s so i contributed


300 here! With 3 cash covered puts that were exercised on me at 25.5$ strikes


I did my part. +70. 900 total.


I bought shares.


dRs hAs StaGnaTeD \*coincidentally with the language change in/outflows have been about equal for 5 quarters LOL


Someone closing their short positions?


Need a better way to total up all of retails shares


Aaaanndd iiiiiiiii helped! šŸ˜€šŸ¦šŸ±šŸ’ŽšŸš€


Boom boom....


So, buy hold and DRS. I can do this all day


I bought a 100 shares at 28 šŸ˜…




Short sellers got bailed out: Citron Research and others.


How are you people so richšŸ˜­ i want more shares also


These are the real questions that need to be asked


2B isn't that much. 2M people buying 10k worth $740M. Throw in some FTD covering and a few small funds going long and there is your 2B.


Why have we suddenly shifted to admitting our buying pressure is irrelevant and we own very little of the float when the motto used to be that we owned the float 10-20x over? I'm not saying one is more correct than the other, personally I do believe we likely don't own much and are just along for the ride if I assume that the average person invested in this has the same number of shares I do or less and the people with 1k+ shares are a fraction of investors.Ā  I just think it's interesting that people are accepting this now when it was considered blasphemy before and I wonder when this shift occurred?Ā 


Geeā€¦ I dunno. Probably a bunch of shorts that got a get out of jail free card.


How is that true when the price is literally 120x over where they were piling in back in 2020 and 2.5x from may before dilution occurred? Please be specific


What makes you think 71 million shares were purchase by smart money.


who are you saying bought them?




Love this gif


if we had that kind of buying power we would've bought more when it was cheaper and DRS'd the stock 100x over by now.


More buying happens when fomo and hype I saw so many apes and newcomers jumping in this month...think we got a few Millie's at least


Ya, let's not underestimate the sheer number of regular folks around the world who have heard about gamestop and what happened in 2021


I would even go so far as to say dozens of millions. Ā But not 120 million...


People believe apes bought 75 million shares in 3 days, but could not DRS the float over 3 years The intelligence of this sub is mind blowing sometimes


You do realize new information and players enter literally every day right? Information changes how much buying power each individual has. Lately, ive been much more focused and buying 5x what I usually do. Taking money i usually spent elsewhere and putting it in gme, thus, raising retail buying power. Thats just me. Theres millions more like meā€¦many are much bigger. The intelligence of your comment is mind blowing.


sorry, but I am probably too dumb I do not get the point you are trying to get across? You are saying that yes, retail bought 75 million shares in 3 days, but we did not manage to DRS more than 75 million shares over a 3 year period?


Could have been HF, could have been retail, could have been smart money as you say or a combination of them.


HF is supposed to be smart money i think.


Yeah, Melvin is one of the finest and smartest investor of the younger generation


When you short shares someone else purchases them. Likely itā€™s a short position.


Wash trades


$3 Billion total


Whoever sold those calls to RK most certainly took advantage of this and snapped up some shares to get out of the mess they were in. Beyond that? Institutions, SHFs looking to hedge or short.


to release the pressure DRS had built up over 3 years.




this post is supposed to be positive lmao - buying that isn't retail driven is a good thing.


No you shoo, weā€™re not all cultists here. I want my tendies and I donā€™t like how RC has fucked every run up for us. Dilution sucks.


Yet here you still are. If you think your investment is not going to pay, get out rather than whinge and name call people. You have full control of your own decisions don't you? You are an adult right? If you want to start calling people here cultists then there's a sub full of absolute dickheads that will welcome you with open arms. Just the fact you used that word says everything about you.