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He also said something to the effect of, “I’m not talking 5 to 10 years. We’ve already been here three. “ so he’s expecting a move sooner than later. Maybe tomorrow. Maybe 12 months. No one knows exactly what he’s thinking. But I feel it’s closer than many suspect.


There’s not much closer than tomorrow


There's always yesterday's tomorrow


I really, really like this guy! I missed the initial GME run up and got into the popcorn stock just before it went up in May ‘21. I never watched any of his streams and didn’t know much about him until I saw the movie about him. The more I hear him speak the more I like him. I 100% believe he has gme investors best interests in mind, and that’s why a smooth brain like me buys and holds gme now. 🦍💪


Watching this again and it's pretty obvious that RK doesn't talk like this. This isn't his (or anyone else's) speech pattern. This sentence is kind of word salad: "It's a collection of things... always risks. Always risks" I feel like he's being very obvious about a code here (a collection of things = XRT), and it wasn't just a code to influence algos. I feel like there was a series of words he wrote down to work into sentences (including the above) and he put on sunglasses maybe to make it less obvious that he was reading those keywords?


He wore sunglasses years ago


I'm new. I went through his old videos and I didn't see that many cases at all where he wore sunglasses while talking stock. I'd be happy to be proven wrong


Just type Keith gill sunglasses, and click images.. He did it on st patties say day and some other like when gme was about to blow up it was 65 (years ago) when he mentions cohene He even had a shirt, with a cat wearing sunglasses It's because he has those really bright circle lights in front of his camera. You can see them reflect on his lenses


Can someone freeze the video and zoom in on his glasses.


the man is clair sentient


Wait.. So.. NOT Keith Gill?? Or Keith Gill is Clair Sentient?? And Roaring Kitty?? and DFV??


Will c.


why does this sound sped up?




Purple forehead instead of purple circle?