• By -


Good morning beautiful creatures. Just dropping by to say Hi. 😊


Which kind of manipulation is this? Did they borrow shares, are they shorting ETFs, or is this that "conversions" one? Did I miss any?


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cj93SliFY2U](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cj93SliFY2U) Level 2 for GME There is a 12k buy at $182 and 11k Buy at $180. Love to see it


Welp, good morning fellow apes and good morning to that nice 1/4 milli red dildo to start the game. I truly missed my volatile stonk. Good to see you again, even though I know vol will dry up at noon once the hedgie fuck bois take their martini/coke lunch. ahhh what a time to be an ape. Let's hope that today brings some level of entertainment. Dips (yum). Buy (yes please). Hodl (al-fucking-ways) g'luck out there brothers and sisters. Lets fucking gooooooo! 🚀


Saw that spike -- two 24k share sales or one that just duplicated?


rensoles synopsis is up !


Volume inexistant aagain. Good.


Hello everyone I'm 33 from Atlanta and working as a cashier. I'm here to learn about the market and how to make the most out of my funds and figure out how to actually day trade as well please I need help I'm so tired of living like I'm actually poor. I just want a better life not be rich but just to provide please help me.


Slammed, you better get serious about this while on your whimsical walk through the ape-hood!


Help yourself and read DD's


If you want to daytrade you're in the wrong place bro. Here we buy and hold as long as the price goes to millions. You have many other investments subreddit. If the gme case is interesting to you, i advice you to read some solid DD we have.


This isn’t the stock to day trade.


We have not one, but even TWO daily discussion threads. Stonky!


Looks like a nice day to HODL The best men are not those who have waited for chances but who have taken them; besieged chance, conquered the chance, and made chance the servitor - E. H. Chapin


Not a shill, not FUD, serious question by a smooth brain: is it possible the HF's just flat out don't plan on buying the shares ever? I assume there would be a legal battle to enforce them to buy the shares back, but they could just throw money at lawyers to extend that battle for a very long time. Is there something actually automatically forcing them to repurchase those shares besides just a contract telling them they have to? Their plan could be to stretch this out for years hoping that most people sell off by then Again, not a shill, I bought in in January at $40 and held from $350 all the way down to $40 again and still holding, I'm diamond hands until Andromeda. I'm just suspicious of the end game for the HF's


Smooth brain here. This is how I see it. I agree, HF could (like mcuban said) never cover. Forever even. But from dd and other posts, they are just bleeding money bc they cannot buy ape's shares. Eventually bleeding out until no more bleeding money. Idk what would happen then. But in my book if gme never moons but HF bleeds to death it's a win and I can wait a few decades for that. Sure people can sell off. But aren't we all here to risk it for the bisquit? I'm here for the long haul. I'm working a dead end job (almost no chance at moving up). I'm not bleeding out. I hold. My money stays virtually the same, if not it'll never be $0, GME is not going to bankrupt. Maybe I'll gain a wrinkle and start investing in other stocks, but wrinkies don't come overnight bc the pink ball in my head is so smooth it puts Mr. Clean's shiny smooth ass head to shame.






They have to pay interest on the shares they borrow so it will continually bleed them. Also a share recall can send this thing crazy, then the margin call comes


Ah, share recall, that's the answer I was looking for, thanks ape! I'm rejacked to the tits now. I knew they were getting bled by interest but looking at it from the HF view it seemed like it would be cheaper to just pay interest on it indefinitely until the majority of people have lost interest and sold then having to pay out hundreds of billions at once


That long ass green dildo 😍


I had a dream last night that GME price is going up and down @ 15k per share level. I immediately panic and start to scramble if I have enough money to buy more. Fuck me. Even my subconscious mind know not to sell and the floor is 10 million. 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀


To all of you saying squeeze wont happen, please provide evidence or a dd. Id like to study the counter dds too so provide some evidence for your reasons. You cant jsut be like Hedgefunds are smart, they slipped once etc etc fuck man provide actual good reasons i really would like to know.




Okay there must have been a reason why u edited your comment ahah. But i totally agree with you guys . However, i think majority of the people are here for the squeeze and wont be happy with what you guys just said.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mmcqgb/financials\_fundamentals\_and\_faith\_in\_the\_future/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mmcqgb/financials_fundamentals_and_faith_in_the_future/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) Decided to Post it and make it more succinct.


No one is saying that here.


Sort Controversial. I support squeeze all the way but its always good to study Counter DD


Yeah. Like occasionally fatigue gets to me, and I start to feel less certain. I look at people who think we’re crazy. And start worrying that they’re right... it can get cultish and conspiracy theoryish around here a lot of the time. But then I look at everything I’ve read, and everything I’ve researched for myself. And I know the idea of a squeeze happening is backed by that info. And I look at everything that makes me think about selling and it’s purely emotional. It’s the idea that, it’s crazy to expect to walk into work one day broke, and walk out a millionaire. Which lets be honest, that does feel crazy. But I’m yet to read anything convincing to say it won’t happen. So fuck it, I’m buying and I’m holding.


> idea of a squeeze happening is backed by that info I like to believe too but at the same time extremely cautious because all that believing and "hard DD" is just info available to the public, but what everyone seems to forget is they lied before and are lying now too, even more. No one knows how deep this goes. So I take all info no matter how optimistic and "bright" with skepticism/optimism mixed together. Better to be suprised than dissapointed. Nothing is certain. If it was the case wouldn't whole world jump on it?


That’s fair too. Either way I have XX lottery tickets that will stole hold value if they lose. That’s how I’m choosing to be level headed about this.


By all means. All I am saying is that this is not the place you will find it. Good luck in your quest. :)


Volume for baby ants


You guys ever seen those videos where they put rubber bands on a watermelon until it bursts? Yeah. This is like that.


God morgon from Sweden, apes!


Good morning! Greetings from Norway




Soon may the tendie man come to send our rocket into the sun






Had a dream I was at the GME annual shareholder meeting. Everyone was in a big lecture hall, RC was cracking jokes, everyone was laughing. It was fucking amazing, I can't remember the last time I really laughed in a dream


I dream about this situation all the time. And I usually never dreams


Question for the 🇬🇧 gang - has anyone else's Revolut started to show the GME price in £ rather than $? I quite liked it in $ - it was almost like magic money which had no connection to my real world existence.


haha yeah, just checked and it was showing £. you can easily change it though, through the little down arrow next to the currency. it'll stay like this even if you close the app.


Ahh yes freedom bills


There is a arrow where you cam change the currency


Fab! Weird, I have never changed that, I wonder why it auto defaults back to GBP


I dreamt about moon. Very nice there. Wen moon


I’ve looked at so many cars and houses to buy with my tendies that nothing excites me anymore lol.


shit, i should start doing the same!


What about owning a zoo?


I will buy all the zoos and release every fellow ape trapped inside


Fuck zoos




God morgen from Norway 🇳🇴. Another day, another chance to make money. Some news of DTCC forms showing the size of shares and who owns them. Reminds me of when Porsche acquired shares from VW, and porsche made a statement how nuch total shares they actually own, that became the catalyst of the VW short squeeze.


God morgen!


Is GME on SSR today? I know, I know... but my thought is that if they can only short on the uptick, they have to create an uptick. That is the only thing that can really be relied upon when their strategy is outside “normal”. They cannot make it flatline all day, it cannot go down all day etc.


no its not


Thank you :) I lost the plot a bit yesterday so I’m not as on the ball as usual :)


UK ape here What was the consensus on reliable retail brokers? Im currently on etoro and a small amount in an ISA and worried about etoro's T&Cs essentially allowing them to not let you close your positions for a period of time, naturally - if this is true - they can go fuck themselves. Which brokers are safest to go with? I dont mind paying up front fees for peace of mind. *Not seeking or offering financial advice yada yada* 🚀🚀🚀


I've been suggested Hargreaves Landsown. probably will buy my next shares there. currently owning shares in T212 and Revolut.


I'd heard a few grievances were had with T212 in january? Did that happen to you?


yes, they restricted buying during the January "squeeze". i think they're an affiliate of IB, but my ISA is now there, so won't be able to move out just yet, unfortunately


UK Ape here... I use Interactive Investor, decided to move from T212 when shit hit the fan couple months ago... £7.99 trade fee, but you can trade once a month for free... Also it is no in my ISA so no tax when we moon :)


I have an ISA with them too with the majority of my positions in but I'm reticent to have all my eggs in one basket... its nice having the snazzy app and decent charts in real time with etoro, Ill probably move everything over but one just to see what happens. Nice to get other people's opinions, thanks for replying :)


I know what you mean, I've got a few in T212 just for the app, I've emailed Interactive Investor and told them to get their act together regarding their website and app as they will be losing people just b cause of how shite it is...


Are ii considered a 'boomer broker'? Their app is genuinely awful...


Potentially, I liked the flat fee as worked out cheaper for me rather than %... I am happy to leave my "investments" in there, but for active trading may take a look at FreeTrade


Freetrade is good but you don’t have voting rights I don’t think. They also have an isa option. Zero commission, £2 minimum trade. It’s okay if you’ve not got loads and loads of cash in it IMO. Hargreaves Lansdown seems to be one of the best. However, look at their fees and see if it’s worth it to you. For me it’s not as I do lots of small trades


That's similar to my position, its a couple trades every paycheck 😎 my issue is you cant move your positions from etoro to somewhere else, you have to close your positions which is not very ape-like at all.


I understood it that they could prevent you closing positions but not the account, so you can bail out if needed. Not ideal but thats my get out plan if it goes tits up I too, would be interested in hearing of a UK friendly broker with ISA so I can buy more in that and use the tax free money to pay off my CGT from etoro gains


Ahh ok so if you close your account i guess theyre forced to close your positions right? Gives you less power over when you close but I guess its an option, i doubt ill be using them after the squeeze anyway.


Thats as I understand it. I'm expecting fuckery, not gonna lie, but a positive I read about is the chap who is head honcho or at least very high up at etoro is long on GME so thats encouraging


Thats pretty comforting actually! Ill have to check that out, i hope its true. I wonder who he uses as a broker 😂


https://www.reddit.com/r/GME/comments/m6vlvr/etoros_ceo_has_shares_in_gme_so_if_any_fuckery_is/ Found it


DFV will be round any moment to award the shit out of you, thanks man 👊


no dramas Ape help Ape


Robinhood 😂


Uk here and I use Hargreaves Lansdowne. Fee for buying shares, none for holding and negligible fee for selling. At least the fee means you aren’t the product, you’re the customer. Good company/app IMO.


Are the charts real-time? Thats the main draw to etoro for me, tasty looking app and decent charting options.


The charts are a bit shit, usually find myself manually reloading but I use other providers for watching the charts and prices. I’ll gladly watch the price elsewhere if it means my shares are safe and can be sold even at the millions with no caps.


A question to Degiro users. If I understand correctly, Degiro does not lent out US-stocks on both basic and custody accounts. If this is the case, does it matter whether I decide to exercize my right to vote during the shareholders meeting? If my shares were never lent out, there is nothing to recall and it won't impact the stock price right?


I saw a post containing an email saying €100 to attend shareholder meeting. https://www.reddit.com/r/GME/comments/mghouk/degiro_charge_shareholders_to_vote/


Complete smooth brain here. If you exercise your rights, wouldn’t it count you as a statistic? So if they have 100 shares but 101 want to vote... that’s a problem (very much simplified)


It might be the case that you hold synthetic shares. Therefore, by indicating you want to vote, you force a chain reaction of buying such that your synthetic share is covered. At least, that is how I think it happens.


Aah that makes sense. Thanks for your answer!


As a gamer all I do is look at a screen and die over and over while seeing red, but I don’t give up I HODL my control tight and don’t stop till I see my chest full of just level 1 items....Except this time I will get my tendies!!!


This is the way. Hold. We all hold. Volume is fucking low. No one is selling we will win but it takes time.




Yep i am really not trusting this sub.


Completely agree


Care to elaborate which one you mean?




Thank you 🤙


Seeing a lot of DD suggesting that the powers that be will try to systematically drag the moass out for another month or two.... my question is why? Wouldn’t it make more sense to get it over with? The longer they wait the more money ppl have to accumulate more shares and then the price to cover gets even higher...


they have to pay mad interest everyday tho, wat makes more sense to them? thats why more run up, faster squeeze


I havent seen that at all.


Month or 2 people will lose interest. The longer it takes the less chance of a moass imo


Ppl def won’t lose interest imo...honestly would be suicide to sell Rn and miss out with all the collective DD on here. Doubt any significant ppl sell if this takes longer than expected.


No. What is two months for life changing money? Been poor all my life I can hold longer.


I've been holding 3 months so far, whats another month or two or even 6 if needs be. The longer it takes and the more Gamestop transforms I see the share price rising naturally anyway so I'm not worried.


this is shill accnt, no way 2 months LMAO


Dude u r a shill account ur acct is only 3 months. Dont gove me that BS.


If that's the case then it's never going to happen. If it is entirely dependent on some people on reddit never ever selling a single share then it is not going to happen and this has all just been some theoretical experiment.


We really don’t know. It could then or maybe it happens in the next couple weeks. There are so many catalysts this month. No dates set. Just hold and we get more advanced DD day by day because time gives us more information


also gives us more time to accumulate more shares I’m not complaining at all I just don’t understand how it can be a good strategy on their end to prolong this we will only get more $$$ this way...


Another month or two :( damn guess I'll be patient and reschedule my lambo test drive.


We will get more $$$ per share the longer they prolong this because we can accumulate more of the float it’s not a bad thing just a test of patience...


You have BILLIONS of $$$ you wanna hide, that takes time. You also wanna Hedge and make money as you fall to Hades, so you plan an exit strategy and sewing a golden parachute takes time. HF are fucking smart. Don't underestimate the enemy. Know your enemy and know yourself 🦍


n ah weak


So along with my usual fuck your price target, whatever it is raise it because you deserve better I think it’s important to mention something else. Don’t ever fucking ever tell someone their price target is too high, or unrealistic. You’re dropping the ceiling, hurting yourself and everyone else. It doesn’t serve to benefit anyone, and whether you intend it or not it’s FUD. You don’t have to buy into it, but if you don’t then shut up about it. The more people talking about high numbers, the more encouragement we get for ‘ridiculous’ values and the less people who try to temper that greed, the greater squeeze potential we have. Whether we hit any given number or not is irrelevant, the more people aiming for the stars he more everybody makes. Nobody here needs saving, we’re all adults and we all make our own decisions.


What’s a price target?




$HODL is my PT


This is the way


I haven't read any DD for a few weeks. Been holding since early January and it seems like I can't absorb more information in my smooth brain. I'll hold and see what happens. But boy... Do I want this to rocket.


DD is getting pretty sparse, too, I think. It may be naive of me to say, but I think we’re reaching the bottom of the barrel of the fuckery that we can uncover with the information available to us.


I agree. Am just seeing youtubers being spammed here all talking the same stuff we have already been through the last few months


Solid point. All we gotta do is hold and wait... But I gotta be honest it's taking a toll on my mental health. I hate my job. It's the fucking worst. I want to quit so bad but I'm keeping strong and holding with you apes so we can changes lives.


Same here. I consider leaving everyday. But I have to remember that this whole GME thing, despite being a major part of my life right now, is *plan B*. Plan A still has to be work for a living a make life as good as possible. But damn does plan B really take precedence, right now.


If in worst case scenario the sqeeuze doesn't happen or is smaller thz' expected it will crush my spirit sooo bad


God, same. I’ve actually thought about it and I’d be down for...probably a lot longer than I can imagine. I’ve hyped myself up so much. I’ve made plans. Only plans that can be changed easily, but plans nonetheless! It would be devastating for this to not happen. That’s why we HOLD🚀


Indeed I think it's inevitable now that we will fly the dd is right I believe it. We will have our tendies my brother.


Same, every time I just scroll down to TLDR coz I don’t understand a word lol


Haha I just can't be bothered anymore... I'm pretty sure we will take of but the question is when... But I'll be here waiting patiently like the letter of resignation in my car.


Hell yeah! I hope that letter is as brilliantly written as some of the DD we’ve been blessed with by the beautiful apes on this sub and others.


It's more like fuck you I quit I'm pretty rich now suck on these donkey balls you fuckers.


You brilliant bastard, I love it! What do you do for work if you don’t mind me asking?


In short, I deal with patients over the phone. Constant nagging if they don't get what they want. Being rude if things don't go their way. At least when it's quiet I can scroll reddit.


You’ll be out of there sooner or later. For all our sakes I hope it’s sooner. My fortune cookie from dinner tonight said it would be sooner so that’s good.


Nice. Bias confirmed. Thank for talking internet stranger made my day in a weird way :) hope we get to eat our tendies and we see each other at an exclusive monkey only party on the Bahamas.


I literally just told my best friend tonight that I just hope the squeeze happens before summer ends so we can go vacation in the Bahamas with our wives and their boyfriends. Thanks for the return bias confirmation fellow ape. See you on the moon then in the Bahamas!


Whats on the menu? New DTCC rules? Next Firesale?




I read that as sit motionless and masturbate Thought it sounds difficult but willing to try Instructions understood


Calm before the shit storm


will do


Can we stop putting caps in titles with HOLY SHIT THIS MIGHT BE IT? Just woke up to see a post hyping everything up and turns out it's probably not true






Ich küsse eure Herzen. Greetings from Germany 🇩🇪❤️🦧🦍




Küsse deine Augen, Bruder






🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 🦍


Not another ape from Cumbernauld?! But.... No.... It couldn't be?




dad wats a moppet?


Motherfuckers. Let the good name of Skunge live on.... As a small orange cat.


I saw DFV in my dream last night. he came over and we smoked pot


I am not a cat


Man, I'm bored. I think I became immune to all their shenanigans. Are they even trying anymore? Maybe I just need to stop paying attention all together and find something else to keep me entertained. Any suggestions?


Buy the book: the new trading for a living from Alexander elder. Nice to read for non native speaker as well (German ape here) Talking a lot about psychology and patience 😊


64€ ... alter falter xd


Not really into books, too many words. Will look into it though, thanks for the suggestion.


I took a look at pdf drive cause it's 0.3 shares... First pages were awesome and not like "how to get rich in 5 minutes" if you want to understand the market and learn sth about yourself it's great I think. Maybe more people should read sth like this... No when lamo/moon comments anymore and more worthy comments about actual move discussions 👀


Maybe find something to learn like Japanese and piano. Learning these are fun to me


I've been trying to learn Japanese with DuoLingo. Well, perhaps learning is a bit strong here, its more like getting familiar with the language as I have no real goal to achieve. Managed to get a feeling for Hiragana, but completely lost grasp whenever the other scripts came in to play. Might take it more seriously and get a teacher whenever the tendies come in and this Covidepression ends.


I don’t know why I learn Japanese either, maybe just for me to tell some toxic Japanese to fuck off in games XD Imo a real teacher is definitely better than an app that teaches you a few words everyday


Who remembers when for like a day the shill strategy was to clown us and try to scare us since we will have to pay tons of taxes. I miss that FUD, it made absolutely no sense, I will gladly pay 30% from the billion I’m receiving


Hodl fellow apes, I can smell the tendies coming soon


This is a really helpful video for anyone still not convinced https://youtu.be/B7bBJlXPy9A


I loved this one, watched the whole ordeal when it came out.


Hi y’all!!! GME always on the menu!!!




There are a lot of international people/companies involved in this too. If they do the wrong thing, confidence in the US markets will be gone.


Alexa play rotten by Jack Harlow


ɴᴏᴡ ᴘʟᴀʏɪɴɢ: [Jack Harlow - ROTTEN (feat. ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Kp0T6T6Ujg) ─────────⚪───── ◄◄⠀[▶](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Kp0T6T6Ujg)⠀►►⠀ 2:07 / 3:11 ⠀ ───○ 🔊 ᴴᴰ ⚙️


Now playing: [Jack Harlow - ROTTEN (feat. EST Gee) [Official Audio]](https://youtube.com/watch?v=6Kp0T6T6Ujg). ^^[ stop messaging me](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=AlexaPlayBot&subject=Blacklist+me&message=!blacklist) | [programmer](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=bspammer) | [source](https://gist.github.com/bspammer/97f1dc8c676ca93af9289a77a0d4e93a) | [banlist](https://reddit.com/r/AlexaPlayBot/comments/92euyo/subs_the_bot_has_been_banned_from/)


Damn I will miss you all beautiful apes after the squeeze is squoze


Even after squeeze I'm gonna buy back in again because I like the stock and want to support the company. I'm sure a lot of apes are too which would mean there would still be apes chillen in the sub to talk about the stock and other stuff 😎💎🙌🏽


There will be some ape only country clubs soon enough


Ape paradiso club on the Bahamas sounds nice


no worries we'll regroup in the lambo sub


Anyone else think it's time to stop with the 'ShILlS DoWNvOtInG My PoSt!' malarkey? Put the post out there and let it do it's thing... We all remember how mad it was that started happening but we all still saw the posts. Maybe I'm grumpy. Just woke up.






Can’t wait to see the new banner that this sub chooses. Hope we pick something with alot more vibes than the current one.


Happy cake day!


Thank you kind ape!


There's a man goin' 'round takin' names And he decides who to free and who to blame Everybody won't be treated all the same There'll be a golden ladder reachin' down When the margin comes around The hairs on your arm will stand up At the terror in each sip and in each sup Will you partake of that last offered cup Or disappear into the potter's ground? When the margin comes around


Apes are a lil trigger happy with the downvotes this morning. Maybe read it a second time to make sure it’s FUD


Imagine if DFV told us his story through a book he wrote sold exclusively through GameStop?


That'd be great.


If you want to see my idea for the banner contest: https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mlnx8t/banner_contest_content_hope_you_fellow_apes_like


where's the DD compilation?? Didnt they transfer it?