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I feel that frequently people blame their non supplement problems on supplements


I use nutricost citrulline, pretty cost effective and no issues at all. I take 5g before workout, and dont take it on rest days.


I've done 25 grams a day l-citrulline, pretty much no side effects


Make sure to take Lysine at a separate time of the day to balance the Arginine out.


6 Grams of Citrulline a day and no side effects. I love it.


Been taking it for about 6 months never had a problem


Never had problems with citrulline or arginine. Maybe too low bp, next time try to drink some water with salt and see if gets better.


Ive been taking 12 grams citrulline and 6 grams of arginine for years pre workout and never experienced that. Beta aline however fucks with my sleep if I take it too late.


I used to buy a pre workout that had a warning on about, arginine causing anxiety. Too much definitely gives me anxiety. Annoying because it's my favourite supplement! Don't get it as bad with L citrulline but you need to take a lot more... Doesn't just help with the gym either. I take it everyday, even on rest days for increased blood No2 and blood flow etc...


L citrulline also causes gray hair.


Link the studies.


Really? Interesting. Why? Any way to counter it?


Doesn't have to mean anything, except don't take so much next time. When I take too much L-Citrulline, I get somewhat anxious, a faster heartbeat and cannot sleep, like being on a stimulant. Now I just take 3g daily and get no side effects.


Thats how much I take too.


Maybe 3g is too much for you, or you have to work up to it. If you're still getting side effects then, maybe it's not for you. That's ok, everybody reacts differently.


No I'm saying I haven't had any side effects, I take 3gr daily but have taken 4gr, 6g, and no issues. 3gr is my sweet spot I think.


Oh, sorry - I thought you were OP. I didn't check your username.


All good 👍🏻


I’ve never had those effects, but I notice that it causes very frequent urination with me. I don’t know how the hell some guys take 6g of that stuff and don’t have that issue.


12 grams*  your body gets used to it tbh


There are no negative effects for me. Try another brand!


5 gr citrulline makes my temperature raise a bit. Besides that norhing else mate




It makes me feel weirdly refreshed, even thoug is winter. It is awesome to have a cold shower and an afternoon nap


I've taken up to 12 grams on a almost daily basis. I highly doubt its causing you to feel anxious and depressed because if that was the case then eating watermelon would cause depression lmao.


Had some guy last week say that people were getting heart issues taking it, and I was like dude, what you are talking about is found in 1kg of watermelon LOL.


Honestly, I think it depends on the person. My genetic profile has a mutation that decreases the NOX enzymes and Nitric Oxide production- I get tremendous results from Agmatine, citrulline, etc bc of my disposition. I can imagine someone else who doesn’t have the mutation could be messing with some other downstream mutation or methylation issue. Just my two cents


Possibly but that isn't backed up by the literature and these are stuff that have been studied for decades. Not to mention their half lives are extremely short as well.




that'll have a negative effect, cold temperatures cause the body to vasoconstrict, you'll be wasting your citruline


Where that l citruline at what sources


What dose? I have taken max 6 grams and didn't feel much