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Rules of r/supplements 1. Do Not Suggest Prescription Drugs Posts & Comments Reported as: Do Not Suggest Prescription Drugs Prescription drugs are not Supplements; do not recommend prescription medication. Sensible/Suggest talking to DR. can be allowable etc 2. Dangerous Grey Area Substance Posts & Comments Reported as: Dangerous Grey Area Substance Potentially dangerous grey area substances can not be recommended. 3. Be Polite Posts & Comments Reported as: Rude/Personal Attacks You shouldn't ever be personally attacking another user in this subreddit. 4. No Advertisements Posts & Comments Reported as: Advertisement. No selling / buying / trading posts No advertisements. No selling/trading posts between users.” *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Supplements) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Organic supplements? No. I’m not consuming much. Tested for contamination and heavy metals? Definitely


isn't it mandatory?


Nope. Logic for supps go to get the cheapest trustworthy product. But it does sound like a niche product , like organic expesive produce


interesting, cheapest but trustworthy or go niche


Very high interest to me! Integrity inside of food is soooo important. After witnessing some major health events for my family that were reversed by food, I'm willing to go the extra mile for quality nutrition


Thanks for feedback. Can I ask you what supplements do you use?


For sure! I do think when picking supplements, we should do our best to make sure it matches our body's needs specifically. I'm currently using supplements that are specific to vitamin deficiencies and others markers in my bloodwork. (I get a full hormone panel and blood glucose test every year for basic upkeep.) That being said, I'm taking: Zinc Magnesium citrate Omega 3's (krill version) NAC Trace minerals (ConcenTrace version) Vitamin D + B12 L-Glutamine I hope that's helpful! :)