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What happened to just a little bit of weed.


Ltheanine reduced my stress levels big time and I’m assuming my cortisol too


Dang, sounds like you’re really going through it. Balancing cortisol can be a challenge, but since you’re open to alternatives, you might want to look into adaptogens like Ashwagandha. It’s known to help with stress and might work alongside the therapy and supplements your doc suggested. Also, practices like deep breathing or even short mindfulness sessions can sometimes offer a little relief and give your system a break to recalibrate. If you haven't tried it yet, incorporating a mix like the TMolecule's Adaptogen Blend into a smoothie or a drink might be easy and beneficial. It's packed with organic mushrooms and collagen which could support your overall health and possibly ease some of that inflammation and stress. I'm David from TMolecule and a lot of folks found it helpful for all-around support. Hope this helps and good luck with managing everything.


I have been going through this for a year as well. My cortisol makes me a maniac and highs and lows extremely tired to waking up after 4-5 hours and when any thing happens a fight or argument it gets so high for about 3-4 days I feel like I’m physically sick and depressed and drained and it goes away the more I try to better it with good sleep and food and vitamins all mentioned on here. I hate this it’s like a chronic cortisol that has no cure but to do all u can at once and hope it goes down but any stress in your life will give it back like rn I’m dealing w an argument with a friend and my cat having an infected wound. So ya it’s total shit


Ok, this is not purely supplement related, and it may sound like bullshit. But I produce SO much cortisol bc of several chronic pain disorders, one of them is Ehlers-Danlos, connective tissue disorder, I have crappy collagen, so my muscles are working constantly to just keep my body together. And add excruciating pain to that, my body is (was) extremely stressed out. Nothing has helped me - until I started to do somatic exercises in bed before sleep. I didn’t believe in it, but I gave it a shot - and it has done SO much for my stress levels! I fall asleep within 10 minutes, I have had severe insomnia for decades! I have a night routine: I take supplements; Ashwaganda, L-theanine, GABA and magnolia. Then I drink a big cup of tea, rooibos and chamomile. Then I do a relaxing face routine and finish up with the somatic exercises for about 10-15 minutes. It’s SO relaxing. I feel calm and relaxed, happy, not jittery because of cortisol and adrenaline. Might not work for everyone, but I want to share what helped me.


Have you been tested for Cushing's?


See a holistic doctor


See an endocrinologist. If it were me, I would stop all supplements until then


Parasite cleanse. For real. Look into it. Do it with herbs or ask your doctor about it.


yes ive been stressed for some years now to the extreme and it's killing me, every part of the body


Caffeine raises cortisol so quit that asap but I recommend tapering off.


Start by reading on empowered sustenance (website)  Don't add a bunch of junk to cover up symptoms. Get to the bottom of what's causing this. Unless you're on an active front fighting a war you should be able to find a better way to manage the stress. This is most likely being caused by lifestyle. 


It’s good to release your cortisol early in the day so that it’s gone by time night comes. Are young king to bed late or waking up late? You might also have high prolactin. Check for mould too. Let me know what you think :)


Release it early in the day how?


Try ashwaganda it’s really helped me manage my cortisol levels. It got so bad I started breaking out in chronic stress hives and ashwaganda and ltheanine along with all the other vitamins have been the only thing to help me


Ashwaganda is great! I combine it with GABA, L-Theanine, magnesium and magnolia. It does help!


I had similar problems with Cortisol and Ashwaghanda got it under control.Also, stop eating sugary foods and limit carbs and salt. Atenolol seemed to work for me too but after awhile it lowered my pulse excessively.


Which test need to be asked for to check for cortisol levels? I feel I need to get it done as well


I did a full panel blood test


Curious aswell


Sleep may be a deciding factor. Sleep at least 7 hours, go to bed early, 10-11 pm, have a consistent sleeping schedule.




To reduce cortisol, don't drink stimulants after 15:00, before bed take magnesium, theanine, apigenin, taurine, lemon balm and passion flower. That should make you sleep for 6- 7 hours straight and deal with cortisol naturally. In the morning we need cortisol, it is what wakes us up and keeps us awake, opposite from melatonin. Do not take melatonin, it does not fix it, maby add to the above gaba twice a week


Stimulants as in?


Coffee, tea and sugar?


To reduces stress / cortisol I take Phosphatidylserine Rhodeola rosea L-Theanine - with a coffee when I have one Methelated B complex Magnesium complex (megnetin?) I drink Matcha tea more than espresso nowadays.


See a functional practitioner. They will diagnose the root cause accurately instead of putting you on hormones and stimulants which only treat the symptoms. Chris Kresser is an example of a functional practitioner. He has a blog. Sometimes it can be something simple as a parasite or bug that can be removed using a natural supplement. Either way cortisol is released as a reaction to underlying inflammation in the body. You need to find out what the root cause of that inflammation is. Your hormones including testosterone will normalize once you do. Look up pregnenolone steal. Good luck.


Candida overgrowth and parasites will shoot your cortisols levels up, too. Definitely ask your doctor about tests for those if your leads end up no where else.


Have you considered Phosphatidylserine? It's supposed to prevent the excess release of cortisol. I used to live in an extremely abusive and stressful environment and I noticed how much more chill I became (I returned to myself mentally) after supplementing with it for 6 months. It honestly just makes you feel more chill and physiologically it makes sense why.


Check out Georgi Dinkov. His approach is largely focused around blunting the response of cortisol.


Are you on any medication? Some can increase cortisol


I would be listening to your doctor.


Supplements like magnesium (high-dose), zinc, fish oil, vitamin D, and L-theanine can all be beneficial. Persistent stress triggers the release of cortisol from the adrenal glands. This is a normal physiological response, but chronically elevated cortisol disrupts various bodily processes. High cortisol can lead to issues like thyroid dysfunction (i.e., hypothyroidism), increased inflammation, impaired immunity (potentially increasing autoimmune disease risk), and even muscle breakdown (possibly explaining the low creatinine). That's because cortisol is a catabolic hormone. The stress-cortisol cycle is oftentimes self-perpetuating.


Phosphatidylserine, or PS changed my life. It blocks cortisol, give it a shot.


which good quality brand?


I recommend Jarrow: https://www.iherb.com/pal/referral/pdp/AAQ8541?productId=280&rcode=AAQ8541&utm_medium=appshare


Is this a perscription drug


Nah it's a supplement. You can get it off iHerb. Jarrow is my preferred brand


It’s a supplement, you can buy over the counter.


Waiting on answer


This sounds like a job for Ashwagandha…


Highly unlikely but a benign tumor at the adrenal gland can cause elevated cortisol levels which can’t be managed by drugs. Elevated cortisol can lead to cushing syndrome long term.


Yeah if my levels don’t go down in a few months I’m getting an ultrasound. I already have benign tumors/masses along my breast and tibia so it wouldn’t surprise me. I still have no idea why all this is happening, because otherwise I’m extremely healthy and thin.


Low weight is a good sign. What’s your blood pressure?


Look in to vitamin b specially b1 and methyl folate


Have you looked into somatic practices to control your cortisol. Understanding when you go into sympathetic and knowing how to control how you feel and calming yourself is a great way to start. I also take ashwaganda to help me


I just wrote a post about somatic exercises, it’s done wonders for me, I’m actually shocked!


What do you recommend? How can I get out of sympathetic? 


definitely reduce coffee its hard but taper down. Maybe high dose Ashwaganda high dose theanine with your coffee if your have one add 1.5 grams of theanine or a gram at least. definitely try cbd edibles I make mime from organic.hemp. you won't get high and freak out there's no THC. But I swear its amazing fro cortisol and stress. DHEA is constantly balancing with Cortisol. So maybe a short term couple weeks of low dose DHEA than stop taking.


Is decaf coffee helpful or is the coffee itself a problem?


its definitely less on your adrenals it doesn't contain Caffeine but it does contain a small amount of Theobromine so its would slightly probably increase cortisol but way less than caffeine loaded regular coffee


Thank you!


Haven’t you had an MRI, CT scan or similar? Your pituitary may having issues if things are shot like that. Go to an endocrinologist asap.


Benadryl/diphenhydramine — seriously, no supplement will lower your stress more than that. Vitamin C+E synergize to lower cortisol as well. Edit: People are downvoting, but they’re misguided unfortunately, because this 100% works. It’s sad and frustrating that ignorance is hiding important information 🤷‍♂️. If you don’t know what you’re talking about please refrain from down voting! If you have something to say about it make reply! This is much better advice than high dose ashwagandha that could have really bad side effects for example. Seriously; look up the many threads on Reddit about its side effects! I actually know what I’m talking about since I have used this method to fix my own high cortisol/adrenaline issues.


Do you have a source for this?


Except it’s not great to take everyday I hear


I know there was a study linking it with slightly increased dementia risk in older patients. For me it’s been totally fine to take everyday. It lets me sleep and feel rested the next day.


cortisol can't cause inflamation, steroids are nothing a syntethic form or cortisol and they are used to fight inflamation. High cortisol can of course cause many other problems, including leaching calcium from bones causing osteopenia


I had a similar diagnosis. I stopped drinking coffee/caffeine. When I wake up I pound a protein drink, then do a very light walk for 30 mins. It helps regulate your cortisol/insulin.(if ubmust drink caddie wait until it's 2 hours after u wake up). Started taking zinc, d, DHEA. Ghosted any shitty/stressful ppl in my life, and minimize interacting with family who is stressful. I do breathwork&yoga. Quite a shitty job, found one that pays less, but is less tolling. I worked on myself to stay in the present moment, and not keep stressing my body out by replaying negative memories(allegedly ur body can't tell a memory or if it's actually happening to you, it produces cortisol/Adrenal like your actually living the memory again). Just spent alot of time working on becoming my best self, and taking radical responsibility for my emotional well-being. Ashwaganda, magnesium and L theanine also help, but check ur meds/don't take Ashwaganda long term, and when u do take it, take it with a fatty food to help absorb. Focus on high fiber high protein meals also. Hope u feel better soon


Thank you for these valuable insights, greatly appreciated 🙏♥️🎶


I forgot to add, look into the vegas nerve, and exercises/meditation to support it. I read a book called The Polyvagal Theory, it's interesting, and insightful. U can also just watch a handful of videos on i, too, if u don't like to read. But work on that nerve. I also stopped using blue light/led/electric things at sunset. It has helped my quality of sleep alot too. Wishing u the best


Thank you so much 🙏♥️🎶


Who is the author of the book you recommended? When I searched there were a few different ones under that name.




This. I was in op's state and 250mg of Sensoril ashwaganda a day saved my life.


Look up some progressive muscle relaxation (pmr) videos on YouTube and try them it’s similar to guided meditation but I prefer pmr because it feels less weird to me and you’re focusing on tensing/releasing certain muscles at certain times and deep breathing. I’d incorporate this for maybe 15 minutes around bedtime if possible or whenever works for you. Some of these other suggestions in the comments could help also. Cortisol issues like that typically have a mental health/past trauma related component so besides just the physical health related suggestions like diet changes and supplements I’d recommend doing a mix of both physical and mental health related things. 


I would try a Multivitamin and L-Theanine. I take Nutricost L-Theanine, one to two 200mg tablets a day.


That means that when you're under stress, you need extra B vitamins. B vitamins such as B1 (thiamine), B5 (pantethine), and B12 all directly affect your adrenal glands' cortisol response to stress. Vitamin B3 (niacin) and B12 also play a role in your sleep/wake cycle which can be affected by stress and cortisol. Thiamin (vitamin B1) – a protective nutrient for the adrenals; can decrease stress-induced cortisol response* B vitamins are key players when it comes to fighting stress, especially vitamins B5 and B6. B5 (aka pantothenic acid, aka the “anti-stress vitamin”) helps regulate your production of the stress hormone cortisol when you're under chronic stress


Would I have to take supplements like these the rest of my life to have a normal system?


Are you going to be experiencing huge amounts of stress for the foreseeable future? If the answer is yes, then yes. If you're goal is to find a place in life that's less stressful, then you can eventually stop taking the supplements if you feel like you don't need them. B vitamins have no withdrawal or any side effects if you quit. They are essential for the body to function though so adding them to your regiment will only enhance your life. if you live in America or any "western" nation it almost becomes essential that you take a b vitamin to ensure you're getting enough. Not only does stress deplete b vitamins but so does sugar, caffeine, alcohol etc. Many things deplete b vitamins and as much as we try, it can be hard to completely eliminate things which depletes these vitamins, stress including. Lastly I would like to add not all b vitamins are created equal. You want a high quality methylated b vitamin complex. nootropics depot sells a product called infinity B. I take 1/3rd of a capsule by dividing it into smaller capsules. I turn 60 capsules into 180. This dosage works better for me. But this is the highest quality b vitamin I've ever used. Night and day difference in my quality of life.


May I ask why you decided to break up the Infinity B capsule into three portions? Did you try it as it was and you felt it was too much for you? I am interested in perhaps pursuing taking some of these… Thank you very much 🙏♥️🎶


The original dosage made me feel fatigued, ran down, tired. This is a common reaction to anything that has methyl donors As such, I lowered the dosage to avoid unwanted side effects and to reach desired effects. I was successful in my endeavor. I'd read others had success using lower doses so I decided to give it a chance with excellent results. it's a bit extra work, but the reward is worth it. I am also a Smaller individual. So for my body weight I don't require as much. I'm sure it would be fine for a rather large individual. I am not large.


OK, thank you so much for the explanation, very helpful 🙏♥️🎶


My doctor is giving my B vitamin injections for the next couple of months once a week, and prescribed a series of supplements/medications with some of the things you mentioned, I am studying to go into a pretty high stress career field so it may be a reality of my life from here on out, but I can always hold out hope. I do consume high amounts of caffeine which I can eliminate, but I don’t typically eat any sugar or slop, I really do try to eat healthy to protect my cognitive and physical health, I spend thousands a year on extra healthy foods, a nice gym membership, and hiking trips/supply and it’s really disappointing to see that I still am having health complications :(


Caffeine increases cortisol secretion in people at rest or undergoing mental stress. It is not known whether tolerance develops in this response with daily intake of caffeine in the diet. Since caffeine inhibits the absorption of adenosine (a hormone that calms the body), it makes you alert and feel awake. It can also increase the production of cortisol, the stress hormone, which can gear you up for the task at hand. It's most definitely the caffeine. Especially if you're consuming alot. But the goal would be to consume NONE. which is tough. But I've been caffeine free for years. I go on binges. I do consume caffeine. But responsible, limited use. it must be treated like a drug. Like any drug of abuse, it will inevitably abuse you back. If it makes you feel better, Hitler was also given b vitamin injections. Can't lead third Reich without your daily vitamins!


Dude you need to see a functional medicine dr, there a lot of potential causes of this, you’ll need to do testing perhaps some trial and error to figure it out. Best of luck


Cortisol doesn't get high for no reason. You're still deflecting. You know what's bugging you and what you need to do about it. Unless you do that hard thing(s), supplements will only make a slight difference. Or worse, you'll end up shifting your no-supplement baseline stress.


That’s the sad part, we know what the source issue is, but we don’t deal with it, instead we use medicine, supplements and/or therapy. I’m currently dealing with my own stress for months, and i developed psoriasis, stomach issues, sleep problems, anxiety , depression and so on. Yet I haven’t even communicated to my parents about it. Cause I’m here holding everything in, and looking for supplements instead and going to doctors.


Chronic stress is known to affect gene expression (epigenetics). I've been through some stress so I know what you feel like. Hope you feel better soon. Like you said, stress in most cases comes from a conflict one harbors over a course of time. If you have/can have a healthy relationship with your parents, you can be open with them. It'll feel lighter afterwards. But of course you know what you need to do to get out of the cycle.


Here is some things that should make a massive difference! These are GPT summaries but look into it further as needed. **Vitamin C** - 1,000 twice a day has been just fantastic. Vit C is involved in the synthesis of neurotransmitters like norepinephrine, which are crucial for the body’s stress response. Adequate levels of vitamin C can help regulate the production and release of cortisol during stress. The adrenal glands, which produce cortisol, require vitamin C for optimal function. Adequate levels of vitamin C ensure that the adrenal glands do not become overactive, thus helping to regulate cortisol production. **Omega 3s** from Chia Seeds. Somehow fish oil didn't work the same for me, but if it does, it may be an easier way of supplementing it. **Magnesium Threonate (Mag Mind or Neuro Mag)** Magnesium threonate can help regulate the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis, which controls the release of cortisol. By supporting the proper functioning of the HPA axis, magnesium threonate helps maintain balanced cortisol levels, reducing the overall stress response. **A FULL spectrum CBD extract** \* **L-Theanine** Alpha Brain Wave Activity: L-Theanine promotes the generation of alpha brain waves, which are associated with a state of relaxed alertness. This can help in reducing the perception of stress, thereby potentially lowering cortisol production. Neurotransmitter Balance: L-Theanine influences the levels of certain neurotransmitters in the brain, such as serotonin and dopamine. These neurotransmitters play a key role in mood regulation and stress response. By balancing these chemicals, L-Theanine may indirectly contribute to lower cortisol levels. \* **Turmeric extract** (with curcumin + taking it with fat). Curcumin is well-known for its powerful anti-inflammatory effects. Chronic inflammation is often associated with elevated cortisol levels, so by reducing inflammation, curcumin can indirectly help lower cortisol levels.


What does it need to be full spectrum cbd?


I tried isolate and it honestly didn't do much for me and I wondered why. The secret is the “entourage effect.” Imagine a team working together where each member brings unique skills to the table, making the whole team stronger and more effective. That’s what happens with full-spectrum CBD. It has a with a wide range of cannabinoids, terpenes, flavonoids, and other plant compounds that work in harmony to amplify each other’s benefits. Full-spectrum CBD includes small amounts of other cannabinoids like THC, CBG, and CBC, each offering their own perks. Some are great for pain relief, while others help reduce inflammation or calm anxiety. They come with their own set of benefits, like myrcene for relaxation and limonene for a mood boost. This powerful combo means you get a more comprehensive and longer-lasting relief compared to CBD isolate, which only contains pure CBD. It’s like getting the full band instead of just a solo performance, and the difference is music to your ears (and body)! Just note, it does contain trace amounts of THC, which may trigger a negative drug test for work. However, it's not enough to get you "high". But the comprehensive benefits are amazing! I hope that helps.


Are you male or female? Did you get iron levels checked?


Female, iron was within range, biggest nutrient I’m critically lacking is calcium (though I drink 3+ gallons of milk a week and cheeses every day), doctor said that I’m not processing calcium in my system to the degree I need but I can’t remember her explanation why, I think it was related to my thyroid.


Caffeine affects the way vitamins and minerals are absorbed.


I believe you need a ratio of 2:1 magnesium:calcium to ensure it moves to the right places as well, rather than calcifying, but that may not resolve the root issue based on what exactly it is


I have calcium deposits along my tibia, one is 1.5in by 1in, it was found via MRI when I got a series of fractures last year and I find that really strange, given my calcium levels are low via blood panel. I’m starting magnesium so hopefully that’ll help.


l theanine helped me


Exercise 8 hours good quality sleep at same time every night meditate Clear up any unresolved emotional issues or resentments that will set off a cortisol cascade Supplement: creatine, magnesium, lemon balm, chamomile, passion flower, ashwagandha, cycle rhodiola during particularly stressful times.


ashwagandha..very good at lowering cortisol..if you buy it make sure its clean with no added fillers. I buy mine from British supplements.


I also highly recommend NMN..for me by far the best supplement iv ever taken. lovely clear thinking, feel very calm, have great energy, and sleep. I lost 8lb in 4 weeks as I had no food cravings.


Can you please clarify NMN? Thank you 🙏♥️🎶


Google it..or youtube good info.


Thank you, I did so… Very interesting! Do you have a particular brand that you like?


I buy from vivanmn.


Thank you very much , my friend 🙏♥️🎶




What does your diet and lifestyle look like, do you drink alcohol?




Taurine and l-theanine


Lemon balm tea is life saving. Whenever I get extremely stressed I boil a cup and instantly calms me down


Did they rule out Cushing Syndrome? Curcumin, omega 3, rosemary, ginger. In Chinese medicine inflammation is considered a condition of excessive heat, so cooling foods, herbs and acupuncture are recommended. . "Adrenal Transformation Protocol" by Wentz book is worth a look.


That’s interesting because I use the sauna 4 times a week just about because it reduces my stress temporarily and helps my recovery after workouts, could that contribute to the inflammation you think? Also, I’m unsure about Cushing’s, I don’t have a lot of the physical markers given I’m pretty thin so I don’t really know. I’ll look into everything you said though!


YES, my personal experience, I had a cortisol producing tumor on my adrenal gland, this was called primary hyperaldosteronism so I’d ask for CT imaging to rule out tumor as well as meet with endocrinologist for specialized blood tests.


>"Adrenal Transformation Protocol" by Wentz book i could you say more abt it ?


Ashwaganda and sleep.




Can you please elaborate more about your experience? Why vitamin c


“One of the highest concentrations of vitamin C in the body is found in the adrenal glands, where it helps make adrenal hormones and modulates levels of cortisol” I recently was diagnosed with ADHD and was put on stimulant medications that caused my adrenal fatigue to multiply by a million. I barely had the energy to make lunch whenever I didn’t take my stimulant. Coffee did nothing for me. My face was broken out. My joints were causing me pain at night, etc. My adrenal glands were fried. I have since stopped taking my stimulant and replaced it with 1000mg of Vitamin C daily and it has helped drastically decreased my inflammation EVERYWHERE. Vitamin C is essential for neurotransmitter synthesis such as dopamine and norepinephrine — which is what your body is trying to compensate for with high levels of cortisol. My stress has never been better.


Thank you for sharing this! I was also recently diagnosed with ADHD and put on stimulant medication. Around this time, all of my complaints flaired like crazy - I’m absolutely exhausted all the time, I gained a shit tonne of weight, my hair is thinning like crazy, I can’t sleep (it was getting better before the meds), and my brain fog is off the charts. At this point, being able to sit still though my Grad school courses is the least of my worries.


Wow, very interesting Thanks for the detailed explanation.. Did you tried to up the dose? Which form of vitamin c did you try? You tried it on empty stomach or after food? Was it just vitc capsules or effervescent? Did you felt any positive effects in adhd? Can you elaborate more please thanks in advance


Caffeine in any form triggers cortisol and puts your body into fight or flight. If you consume stimulants on a regular basis, your cortisol will be elevated. I’m on AdrenaSmart, as well as Relora to lower it. I find it helpful. (AdrenaSmart has multiple adaptogenic herbs in that balance cortisol).


First off, I would caution you against adding too many supplements at once. I would also caution you against ashwagandha— many people seem to benefit from, but for others it inflames autoimmune-type reactions (myself included) Was the cortisol test a blood test? For accuracy, a saliva test done at multiple times throughout the day will paint the most accurate picture. This will tell you if your cortisol is consistently high, or if it is out of range only at certain times. I would take it easier on the exercise until you level out— you don’t want to deplete your testosterone and other hormones even more. Lift a bit lighter, take extra rest days, avoid excessive cardio. If it feels right to completely stop, if just for a time, listen to your body. This was certainly contributing to my problem, and no one really talks about this. I suppose this is because it’s rare for people to exercise too much.


The cortisol level was found in a blood panel, I’ve never heard of the saliva test though! And I suspect you’re correct about the exercise, I got several fractures last year in my feet/tibia, a spinal misalignment in December, and patella weakness found around January. I’m constantly throwing out my back and pulling muscles. I’m suspecting that it has to do with the hormone imbalance and it’s been making my life more complicated than needed. I look perfectly fit/healthy but I’ve always got that feeling something was “wrong” and now I know. I’m really hoping it can be resolved permanently so I can carry on with my life


Phosphatydilserine is the most effective thing I’ve found. Also called PS100


I feel bad shitting on your favorite supplement. If you would like me to offer alternatives, DM me and I'll be happy to share helpful alternatives and information on those alternatives.


Well, you should probably stop using that. I mean, you are free to do as you wish. But, I wouldn't use it. I will outline why. Phosphatidylserine is a global immunosuppressive signal in efferocytosis, infectious disease, and cancer In the immune system, phosphatidylserine has been shown to suppress T dependent and T independent immune responses after systemic administration of antigen and lipid Moreover, the interaction between PS-expressing cells and immune cells elicits profound immunological consequences by triggering immunosuppressive pathways that prevent both local and systemic immune activation. Although these pathways are used by apoptotic cells to quell potential immune sequelae against ‘self’, these same pathways are hijacked by pathogens and tumors to promote their sinister life-threatening expansion. Taken together, these observations suggest that PS functions as an upstream immune checkpoint that suppresses the development of immunity. This raises the possibility that PS blockade by the therapeutic administration of PS-targeting agents can restore pathogen and tumor immunity. This can be a bit confusing to read. But if you notice the last sentence mentions BLOCKING smart PS not enhancing it. Because it blocks the immune systems ability to fight infection, and illness. Therefore decreasing it's levels allows the body to do it's job. However increasing its levels blocks the body from doing it's job. Which if you have an infection or something then it could cause the infection to become worse because your immune system cannot fight it off as the signal to fight is blocked. https://www.nature.com/articles/cdd201611


Thank you. Most of these pill-poppers do less than a Google search before they jump on their next supplement.


Wow!!! I had no idea! Thank you for sharing this! I haven’t taken it in a while, but will do a lot more research before I ever take it or recommend it again. Don’t feel bad for shitting on it. We need to educate each other on this journey.


I ordered smart PS right before I caught COVID. Man... I took some while I had COVID because I thought it might help me feel less sick. I became double as sick. I'm not kidding. Id almost kicked it. Id broken my fever already. I felt 80% better. After I took smart PS I became 120% worse. it made my throat get super sore. My sinuses were on fire. My fever returned. Ended up sick for 2 more weeks. All because of that supplement. After that experience I decided to look more into it and discovered it's actually terrible for the immune system lmao. I also lost my job because I was so sick. So I had lots of time to reflect on it. but uh most people who are into supplements get very tribal. When I say bad things about a supplement I'm usually met with much hostility. As if I'm talking shit about there mother. Thank you for not taking it personally. Rare these days.


That sucks bad! Every body is different so no one should be upset when a supplement doesn’t work for someone. I talked to my master herbalist boss (I work in a health food store) and she said that, from her understanding, it may be something that supports the communication regarding apoptosis and be helpful in clearing out cells in a healthy body, but could be harmful during Covid or the flu because of its effect on cytokines. 🤷🏻‍♀️ I also think it’s worth noting that we are risking an imbalance when we consume supplements that are extracted from an herb, food etc instead of just consuming the foods rich in it. The other elements in the whole food might actually prohibit the kind of issues that come from just PS alone. Either way, it really sucks that you had that experience and I’m going to take this as a sign to back off the PS100 for now. You’ve really got me thinking! Thank you for putting the energy into explaining all of that!


hoolest verelief or vagus nerve exercises should be considered


definitely rule out all causes of high cortisol


It’s just life stress, finances, trouble with insurance, partner overseas, school, etc etc. Nothing I can necessarily control at the moment.


Try ashwagandha, it suppresses cortisol very well and it can be used for somewhat prolonged periods, but don’t exaggerate. It worked very well for me during a very stressful period. Here’s Huberman point of view: [https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=UZnHbwKQ7LQ](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=UZnHbwKQ7LQ)


apigenin has been shown to cut cortisol levels by almost half it is the active ingredient in Chamomile flowers it's why Chamomile tea makes people relax and sleepy take before sleep


Also it’s in very high levels in parsley lol in case if op was to add it to their diet


There is a thread around here somewhere where someone figures out it would take a huge amount of parsley to get what's in a single pill. I forget how much, it's like a cup or two, something you couldn't easily tolerate daily.


Oh dang I didn’t know that, makes sense if it’s for a therapeutic dose, but also wouldn’t be bad to add to food here and there for a little boost


I'd do a lot less. Be less active. Quit coffee and stimulants. Get some sun. Optimize for wasted time. Eat simple food. Want less, spend less, do less.


Pickle juice kill Cortisol... find it on Amazon...find one without sugar and dyes


Did you get any work up to identify the cause of your high cortisol levels? This is unusual in someone your age & general fitness. It’s not just adrenal glands; you may have a pituitary tumor or other primary pituitary disease. You need to get more investigation done.


This. If multiple hormones are affected, this could actually be the pituitary. You need to see an endocrinologist doctor who specializes in hormones (otherwise a general doctor could make it worse) @OP, can you please share what drug was prescribed?


I currently don’t have health insurance, but I’ll be back on in November. My doctor agreed that it’s extremely unusual but she thinks that it’s just extreme life stress. I’ll have to sit tight for a while before I can get further testing, it’s just exhausting living like this, as I don’t understand why I’m such a high anxiety/stress individual.


Glycine for cortisol


What is causing you so much stress? Do you work full time? Study? Trauma? Negative living environment? Could you take a gap year to rest, or reduce work hours? I live with cPTSD myself and have always followed a "take something major off my plate" approach to manage and prevent this exact kind of thing.


I got into a wreck and lost my car, my partner is going overseas soon, I got medically discharged from the Army last fall and my career I was building was basically ruined, I lost 10k in medical/life expenses since then and lost my other job about two months ago, as well as taking classes. I just don’t know how to relax, it’s like I’m constantly on an extreme edge even if I’m having a relatively good/relaxing day.


God I'm so sorry. That's so much loss in such a short space of time. I wish you all the best and please go easy on yourself 💜


I can absolutely relate to this feeling as I’ve had a tough time especially since fall also. People find different ways to relieve stress so maybe just try all sorts of things for a reasonable amount of time (trying something once won’t get you immediate results you have to give it time and repetition) and try to get a bit more sunlight and make sure you’re hydrated and see what works for you. I hope you do find something that works. It’s definitely not fun to constantly feel on edge 


This may be controversial here. I'm not sure I ever really relaxed before I started using cannabis. I liked to be stimulated at all times and burn myself out, plus natural anxiety and being in a very competitive environment. Cannabis, especially indica forced me into that relaxed state and made me develop that side of myself. I'm a far more relaxed person now, with or without weed.


I read that thc raises cortisol


It does. Almost every careful cannabis study indicates elevated stress, altered neurotransmitter states, and altered hunger (insulin/glucose) mechanisms *in the long run*. Don't do with these anecdotes.


Take something major off my plate sounds intriguing. Can you elaborate please?


For me that has looked like things like, dropping from 30 hours a week work to 25. Taking a gap year off uni. Dropping uni down to part time. Sometimes it's been quitting my job altogether and having a break from working. If I'm doing certain commitments eg. volunteer work, fostering animals, or going to a sport each week, then I might sometimes get to points where I have to drop one of these things too. I accepted a long time ago that I have different limits due to my cPTSD and that I'll never personally work full time, and I'm okay with that.


Ashwaganda is said to regulate cortisol. But it can distregulate it to depending. so be(a)ware.




Holy basil, lemon balm, vitamin c, b complex, vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid) There is a supplement called Cortisol manager by integrative therapeutics that is really great.


This right here! I love Cortisol manager by integrative therapeutics! I take it every night and then I also use HPA Adapt by the same company every morning. My cortisol is much better now! Also take magnesium and every day!


have used this for a year, was able to sleep thru the night


It’s one of my fav supplements, too.


Curious because you’re 20 years old and having high cortisol. Do you take adhd meds?


Nope I’m completely unmedicated and have been since I was a kid, well up until now. I’m starting my hormone meds Monday to help with the testosterone/creatinine deficiency.


Interesting. I was medicated for adhd, stopped meds when I was in my late 20’s because I realized what it was doing to my cortisol and raising my risk of autoimmune disorders. It was too late. By 30 I started having symptoms and it took a few years to find what was wrong. Now I’m diagnosed with Lambert Eaton Myasthenia Syndrome. It’s an autoimmune disease of the nervous system. I have no doubt it was the years of stims.


There are only certain adhd meds that poke your adrenals. Not all of them do.


Which ones do?


Ritalin and concerta There are probably more but I know those do for sure. I have major adrenal issues. I can take modafinil, adderall, or Vyvance without major adrenal pain.


B5 and vitamin C are the two most important vitamins for regulating cortisol. For B5 you can take up to 1000mg and for vitamin C you can take up to your bowl tolerance.


How to know vitamin c bowl tolerance?


I learned about vitamin C and adrenals from this awesome video, it deals more with adrenaline but also applies to cortisol. https://youtu.be/CYo0PnoqByg?si=KlC_FosNJdc-jP6M


You take it a few times a day and see how many you can tolerate until it gives you loose stools, then you lower the dose to just before that. I take mine with breakfast, lunch, dinner, and at night.


Interesting, Which form of vitc you are talking about? Im already suffer from constipation (ibs-c) Can it really help?


It can definitely but for me, Magnesium helps with constipation more than anything. Ascorbic Acid is the best form of vitamin C because it's bio identical but it can be a little hard if you have stomach problems (I have Gastritis) so I take Sodium Ascorbate which is the next best form.


Sorry for many questions. But what form of magnesium can help with constipation? I tried oxide and magnesium caps by life extension.. Just up to 2grams, but didn't help with my constipation issues.. Do i need to take more or im taking the wrong form? If you don't mind sharing the brand also that will be super helpful


Not the person you asked, but I take 300mg magnesium lysinate glycinate (Doctor’s Best brand). If I skip it for even a day I get constipated. There are probably other types of magnesium that help, but I stumbled across this one when I was looking for something to help me sleep better and it also worked for constipation. The Life Extension brand mentioned is also a reliable brand that I use for other supplements, including magnesium L-Threonate, so I’m sure that’s a good one. I believe I chose Doctor’s Best at the time because it had a good rating on labdoor.


No worries. Magnesium Citrate is the best for constipation. I've heard that any more than 200mg a day can give you the runs but everyone's different so I'd say maybe try 100mg once or twice a day and see how you feel and add more if needed. Magnesium Oxide is the worst kind so it's good you stopped taking that. For a brand I'd recommend Life Extension. https://www.lifeextension.com/vitamins-supplements/item01682/magnesium-citrate?gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwjeuyBhBuEiwAJ3vuoZtjbEU5ZgEViXp4doxKKQL-VBsGWMIn2fxQx02fvdNn-FPcMtFP8hoCncAQAvD_BwE


My doctor is giving me weekly B-12 complex shots in my arm and prescribed me a TON in pill form with a cocktail of other stuff , I just got my first shot today and I feel pretty wired but the stress is still high. I don’t expect results immediately but I’m really praying this helps soon.


Start with a B complex


Ideally at your age, I’f you exercised right and ate right, the problems wouldn’t be so advanced. However, you exercise- (have to (should) incorporate weights and cardio) and your weight is average. Did the doctor put you on TRT therapy- you need to find out- then you need to tell him you need a referral to an endocrinologist. I’m 40 and am on testosterone therapy- if I didn’t take steroids at a young age, I wouldn’t need testosterone the rest of my life- once you get on hormones, sometimes it can be difficult to bring natural levels back, but it can easily be done. Testosterone supplements- fadogia agrestis, maca root, pomegranate, and cacao. There’s a handful of other ones. I recently started taking 6 to 9 grams of Ashwagandha for cortisol- was only at night- but due to oxidative stress, exercising too much, I pop them like skittles See the thing is, your doctor and your endocrinologist you need to set up an appt for will only put you on DRUGS. That is there job/ many diseases and illnesses could be beat my supplements. It was a 3 month wait for me to get in to see my endocrinologist. Your doctor doesn’t want to give you one., which he should, go on the back of your insurance card and find a doctor who is going to do what you ask for. Good luck


Phosphaditylserine is shown to promote a 30% reduction in cortisol after regular usage. Shoden ashwaghanda is known to be very good (from nootropics depot)


Ashwagandha. Magnesium. Omega-3 fatty acids. Vitamin C. L-theanine. Rhodiola rosea. Ginseng. Macronutrients.






So did you take it at bedtime, early evening or?


l theanine!!!


It gives me insomnia! Also, I’ve heard it comes out in urine pretty quickly


Wow insomnia? I’ve been using it about a week now with no issues. How long have you been using and what dosage?


A naturopath told me to take 6 ‘theanine serene’ a day split into 3 doses when I was younger and that ended up working for me. But now that I’m older if I take the nighttime dose I will have some trouble falling asleep.


If it's the same I'm looking at, that's 200 mg of L-Theanine per pill, so 1,200 mg a day? Seems like a lot, and it has GABA and other stuff there too.


Ya at the time the nutritionist said it doesn’t last in the body for very long and I was on a short term plan to repair my cortisol issues. And it worked. Now i never take that much and even if i take 2 and take those 2 at night I’ll be tossing and turning.


My sister had elevated cortisol levels, and it wreaked havoc on her life and health. She was eventually diagnosed with Cushing’s Syndrome. She had a tiny tumor on her pituitary gland, which caused the increased cortisol. Once the tumor was removed, her cortisol dropped to normal levels (over the course of two years). High cortisol is a very serious issue — and a major symptom of Cushing’s. If that’s the underlying cause, no supplement will help. Please go see an endocrinologist for additional testing. Your doctor should have referred you immediately!


Who was her doctor? Can i msg u




I’ll be able to go soon, I get back on my health insurance this fall/winter. The doctors I went to just now was very cheap and I really want to see a specialist. I don’t have the bodily symptoms of Cushing’s as I’m pretty thin but I don’t know how it would look in a thin person. That’s definitely a huge worry of mine though.


u/TheDesertGem this is what you need to chase down with velocity. Rule this out first and foremost with as much urgency as possible. Once you have ruled this out, you can downshift and look at longer term solutions. It's not going to hurt to get all the things that your doctor listed, by any means, but I would spend your time on Monday getting doctor's appointment set up with specialists, then while you're waiting for those appointments to happen and jump out and do more reading and get supplements and stuff. Just keep prioritizing the specialists to rule out Cushings and pituitary issues above all else until that work is completed 🤍


Thank you for chiming in!! I know this is the supplements subreddit (and I’m a huge proponent of supplements for many things), but I’m honestly surprised that more people aren’t encouraging OP to get to an endocrinologist for this. Once a person has reached the point where thyroid function is being affected, a whole cascade of health issues can occur, which can take a long time to reverse. OP, please call your doctor tomorrow and get a referral to an endocrinologist. In the meantime, read up on Cushing’s to see if any other symptoms sound familiar. Cushing’s can be tricky to diagnose, so it’s especially important to educate yourself so you can be your own advocate.


Yep, the cascade failure is very real with endocrine issues.


I feel you, I have severe stress episodes (from a stroke) and no idea what my cortisol levels are but they must be through the roof. I already have inflamed thyroid, gut dysbiosis, can barely eat without a reaction and all the while I feel more and more stressed but can’t get any help. Basic levels of stress management don’t work for my terror episodes. I need some serious medication, and nothing has worked for me. I hope there’s good answers here cos I feel like giving up.


Gotu kola works for a lot of people. Phosphatidylserine is the other. I would not try ashwaghanda if people recommend it. Some report feeling strange from it, myself included. Gotu works the best. Natures Way is the brand I use.


Cortisol isn't too difficult to lower with the right supplements. The point is though, what is causing this extremely high cortisol? Without knowing that, taking supplements will simply act as a band-aid over the underlying issue. Is it psychological stress (e.g. work etc)? Is it physiological stress (e.g. underlying infection)? My advice would be: 1. Lifestyle based stress reduction 2. Whilst looking into the underlying cause(s) 3. A sprinkling of supplements may help too.