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Activated charcoal is not to be taken. It will Absorb everything else


If y'all are taking the activated charcoal close in time with anything else you are wasting that other thing, most likely.


Aspirin has got to go. This guy is totally out of control!


This looks rather average… in number


The vaginal moisturizer must ve doing wonders for your husband. I'LL ALLOW IT.


I would only switch the sleepd aid to something L-Tryptophan incase thats anti-histamine based. Those give you early dementia. You are missing like 20 other essential items LOL


I totally agree. Which ones would it be for you?


Mine can double that when I feel like spending the bread lol


sounds like the wifey is out of control


Husband just wants to look after his health 😅 I have an entire kitchen cupboard dedicated to suppliments. My wife jokes all the time, but she knows it's my thing. Albeit, I don't take them religiously every day(some I do), but they're ancillaries for as and when I do need them. I have a friend who likes to collect fancy alcohol bottles. Is he out of control? Maybe if he decides that it's pertinent, he drinks excessively every night. And until that time comes, I keep my mouth shut. Unless he's excessively fixated to the point its negatively impacting his life, ie, distrups his everyday life then just leave him alone.


Absolutely ditch that Kirkland sleep aid, trash drug that is not good for long term brain health and is linked to Alzheimer’s I believe


Just curious why you think this is out of control if it’s even less than pictured, you said 3 are yours so 17 is out of control? Mind you half are herbal’s and some just ordinary house hold topicals/medicine. I’d wager 30 supplements being used on an on/off basis and cycling isn’t anywhere near as bad for you as even a few beers daily


Just let him take his supplements. It’s not hurting you in anyway, it just annoys you a bit


Omg I’m dying laughing 😂


It might help to just talk to him about it. He’s making an effort to be healthier, and that’s something to appreciate and support.


Tell him to get fish oil capsules


Hating on your husband wanting to improve his health is crazy


I don't think he's out of control, as long as he's taking care of every other area of his life (sleep,nutrition, training).


This is not a good stack lol


I would tell him to get his kidney’s levels checked or just routine labs.


Relevant for what? Whats the problem?


Vagina moisturizer? I guess he BEN GAY 😂😂 come y’all it’s right there


What is the bismuth, artichoke, and lysine for?


What are your guys goals?


You're ASKING strangers if the sensation serum and vaginal lubricant are necessary? I'm no relationship therapist but this may be something to discuss with a professional if you're not sure of it's usefulness or why he wants to keep it. The other stuff...meh. Let him have it, if he thinks it's useful.


If he’s going to go down the supplement rabbit hole then he at least needs Mg and Zn. I think colostrum powder is a big player. I am a fan of Andrographis. Black Seed Oil. Dandelion. Mushrooms are starting to gain a ton of traction now.


Keep NAC, D + K vitamin (D3 & MK), magnesium and zinc (mens complex?). The rest is up for debate :)


I’m a woman with a massive amount of supplements but I don’t always take all of them at the same time, it’s more like for different seasons of life. I see several in here that I do have and I do take. And yeah they’re real. Activated charcoal is amazing for a hangover or an upset stomach or gas. Just let him do him, he’s on a health journey, this seems like his lane, respectively.


Less supplements then I have but i dont take them all at once.  More like for different issues that arise at different times. Also my issues go away and i stop taking them. Oil of oregano I take for a possible bacterial infection when I feel like I had something to eat that was bad or I'm getting a bacterial infection. Lysine is good for immunity.They say men should take a small aspirin everyday to protect them from a heart attack. I don't really know what some of the others he has does do. I take allegra instead of benadryl as benadryl makes me sleepy. I dont do bengay. When I was sore after assembling a 180 lb wardrobe by myself I took willow bark as a pain killer and used a heating pad. I won't mention other things I take as I don't know what ails him that I have too sometimes and because it will take too long. Maybe he can type in the individual things into iherb.com and find a blend so he doesn't have to buy so many different bottles after these run out.


Vaginal lubricant for man stack? 😅🙈


I think you should get off your hubbys back. This post already annoys me and comes as a total vibe killer. I can only imagine what it’s like for this guy to come home 😂. Bitching about his supplements? Which are all totally safe and you probably have done absolutely zero research beyond the immediate google summary… And you come here because you want us to validate your attempt to control his efforts at improving his quality of life 😂? Give the guy a break and let him be a fucking individual.


Yeah get off your hubbys back and allow meowingtons on yours! 😂


I have way more than that. Lol Including Activated Charcoal. It's great for stomach issues.


That’s nothing. I have drawers full of supplements


I only see 11 supplements there. That's really not that many at all. I would say there are many other supplements that would confer more benefit than his current stack. Artichoke and oregano supplements are a waste. The psyllium husk can be bought in powder form and stirred into water, which is cheaper and more effective than taking capsules. (Psyllium husk is the main ingredient in metamucil). I'd suggest he get a better multi, like Rainbow Light Men's One. Also, he should look into Astaxanthin, NAC, magnesium, and Acetyl l Carnitine as additional supplements for general health.


I'm sorry is he buying YOU vaginal lubricant suppositories????


If he is suffering with symptoms of something, his best bet is to visit his doctor. For me personally, if im ever feeling really tired for a long stint i get my bloods done. Im almost always low in iron (female, 30, so its not uncommon) even though i eat lots of dark leafy greens and i eat red meat, my body just doesnt like to keep my ferritin levels up high enough. But sometimes it will also show i have a higher white blood cell count than normal meaning i have an infection of some kind - usually itll be like a viral chesty cough or something id just kind of forgotten about, and so i can get something to help me with that, but unless suppliments are needed, they arent necessary for normal day to day life.


Yeah right I’ve seen the doctor for general aches and pains and low energy and he wanted to put me on antidepressants Total waste


Well that can often depend on how you describe your symptoms. Also, sometimes one doctor might be shit but another might not be. I mean if every doctor was lile this then no one would go to the doctor or we would all be misdiagnosed and people wouls be dying left and right from the wrong meds or lack of the right meds.


Certain kinds of achy pain can be a symptom of clinical depression. I had severe clinical depression start right out of the blue when I was 40. I had a real hard time getting diagnosed until the other symptoms caught up, couldn't eat, couldn't sleep, constant nausea. Finally found the right meds and it all went away! I was not achy or had virtually no body pain prior, unless I got injured, so it was really alarming when I got the pains, of course I got the old "Well we all have aches and pains" but I didn't prior to depression. 


This!! Doctors are only good for bigger issues, all they want to do is give you medication or just tell you the basic "excersise and eat better, out 5 minutes are up"




Then why are you here ?


Very ignorant comment. Supplements are not merely for conferring vitamins and minerals that are needed by the body. They are also used to target specific mechanisms in the body with supraphysiological doses, and foreign compounds that have been studied for specific benefits. For example, Taurine in high doses, shows promise for slowing aging. Astaxanthin (pigment from a bacteria) is an extremely potent antioxidant, and shows potential protective effects against UV exposure. Acetyl L Carnitine has been shown to have various benefits to oxidative status and brain health, while also providing potent protective effects for the brain against alcohol exposure. Mice were fed ethanol infused water for a number of weeks. This led to extensive damage to brain tissue, along with atrophy, however the mice that were fed Acetyl L Carnitine in conjunction with the alcohol had brains that were almost perfectly healthy (like the control group). You can choose to be ignorant of the benefits of supplements, and the vast amount of scientific research supporting these benefits. However, dismissing those who do take supplements as "trolling or demented" is ironic, and makes it clear that you do not have the knowledge to be giving advice on the r/supplements group.


My advice was to start with a dr. Comments like “thats not enough supplements” know nothing about the guy and why he takes them. And studies with mice do not apply to humans. My advice is to get under dr supervision and get some bloodwork to see any deficiencies. D3 being a big one in the northeast for example. I have been taking supplements most of my life for things i am deficient in and advised by my dr due to bloodwork. D3 k2 and high quality fish oil. Otherwise I don’t need 10 other supps to feel great. It is a case by case basis. I know they work for some but does he really need it? Only a professional can answer that question and bloodwork is the best start.


Blood work would have little value for a plethora of supplements that likely have substantial benefits. If studies with mice did not apply to humans, then we wouldn't be doing studies with mice. Sure, sometimes the effects do not transfer. However, where the mechanism of action is understood, and transferrable, such as with the ALCAR study, then it is highly likely to apply to humans. There is no indication from the post that the husband is trying to treat anything specifically. The OP sounds as though she is simply unconvinced as to the benefits of these supplements, so suggestions to see a doctor isn't something that responds to her post.


Some of these supplements shouldn’t be taken together.




Charcoal with many, if not all, will negate the purpose of anything one takes with it.


Activated charcoal is awesome for gas and indigestion


Thanks! I had a recent bad tummy ache, nothing would help. I'm going to get some to have on hand. 


I made a nice dentifrice with activated charcoal, baking soda, peroxide and olive oil and a dash of tea tree oil. His collection looks pretty sensible to me.


someone has GI issues and is attenting to treat low libido/menopause symptoms? a lot of that is otc remedies ..nac is amazing bit he is taking the most hard to digest form.. when it looks like he has digestive trouble (ibs?) he should move to nacet..get rid if the lubricil (get an arginine cream for your hoohah and wow stand back.


How do you know this is the hardest to digest form of NAC??


easy ..**NAC has low bioavailability as an oral supplement, meaning your body does not absorb it well** **easily found w google** there are newer versions like NACET that are much better and can be eaten with food. Also many take free form amino acids (like this) incorrectly. They need to be taken on an empty stomach ...as in no meals for 2 hours prior at least..then no food after after 1/2hr to an hour). Not sure what dose he is taking...NAC is a great supplement..just got know why you are taking it and get the dosage and administration right.


I'm not convinced that NACET is worth the money. Biavailability of NAC is a little under 10%. NACET, I have been unable to find any human bioavailability studies to support the dramatic marketing claims of "20x more bioavailable". NAC is extensively studied and shown to have numerous benefits on the body. Also it is much cheaper. A 600mg capsule of NAC costs 8 cents, whereas a 50mg capsule of NeuroNAC NACET costs 50 cents. They do the deceptive marketing thing where it says 100mg on the front, but really that's the serving size for two capsules. Anyway, at this price, NACET would cost around $6.00 for a 600mg dose, which is 75x or 7500% more expensive than NAC. Not worth it in my opinion.


Where can I purchase a good bioavailable form?


I'm not convinced that NACET is worth the money. Biavailability of NAC is a little under 10%. NACET, I have been unable to find any human bioavailability studies to support the dramatic marketing claims of "20x more bioavailable". NAC is extensively studied and shown to have numerous benefits on the body. Also it is much cheaper. A 600mg capsule of NAC costs 8 cents, whereas a 50mg capsule of NeuroNAC NACET costs 50 cents. They do the deceptive marketing thing where it says 100mg on the front, but really that's the serving size for two capsules. Anyway, at this price, NACET would cost around $6.00 for a 600mg dose, which is 75x or 7500% more expensive than NAC. Not worth it in my opinion.


Good tip here!


amazon ...search nacet


Love how everything is relative. My collection of supplements is like 10 times this


I find that I collect them more than I take them 😓 I take 1-2 different ones most days (not counting electrolytes or vitamins) but I have a wide array of supplements for the things that bother me.


Looks fine to me...compared to what's in my kitchen drawers at least 🤭


not sure about the quality of that multivitamin, but not bout to look it up. the kirkland sleep aid don’t look too great, could be improperly dosed melatonin which is more common than not. psyllium husk fucks me up kinda gets me too bloated. i prefer sunfiber, but after fixing my gut about 65% with probiotics, I dont have to take fiber every day now. NAC is a great antioxidant. maca is good for fertility and cumming big loads. activated charcoal isnt meant to be taken daily. so as long as he dont do that and by chance does he have stomach issues? lots of digestive supps. ask him how hes feeling if he hasnt mentioned it.


He uses vaginal moisturizer?


Seriously. I can't believe I had to scroll this far


😂😂😂 yeah I was confused


Man. Let this man become his best version for himself and you. Better than doing drugs or alcohol.


Most of this stuff is for digestive health and absorption. Maca root helps with men’s sexual wellness. Which he probably takes to idk have sex with you. Honestly he’s probably not taking enough. But working on gut health first is top priority high it seems is what he’s doing.


He's tripping. You can let it run it's course, or drop acid with him and fix it rn


Not one, but TWO artichoke extracts? Yeah he trippin


On a serious note, ensure none of the ingredients are sourced from India. Can't say much about other similar countries, but can expect the same level of quality (which is "you'd have been better off not ingesting this shit")


Actually I’m sorry to say this but he isn’t taking enough supplements, he needs roughly twice this amount


Chill woman all to the supplements is pre operation stuff for his vaginaplasty you know that cus of the one "supplement" for his future self;) he will be stunning and brave 😍 just wait and see ❤️


Damn, that killed me.. also people cant seem to get jokes


Damn, that killed me.. also people cant seem to get jokes


Really the woke mob don't have a sense of humor I've never experienced that before


He’s supplementing things that don’t matter to supplement and not supplementing things that should be lol


Activated charcoal is for absorbing things you don’t want your body to process.. it’s given as poison control to make people throw up the contents instead of digesting them. Really weird that someone would supplement that


I've taken activated charcoal for years. I don't know what you're talking about.


It's pretty popular in "health circles" to clean the system or whatever. Same with iodized silver water or what it's called.


I was thinking the same thing!! Need to get rid of that one, IMO.


Invest in a boudette. He's gonna need a good cleaning.


New studies show that creatine is also good for your heart so add that to your list....


You must be new here if this looks “out of control”


If it works for him, why interfere? It’s very hard to alter someone’s beliefs. How is it affecting you? And activated charcoal is quite handy to have. I keep it on hand for stomach aches, diarrhea, stomach bugs, accidental poison/overdose, gas, etc. it can clean your water in an emergency and do MUCH more Ex: my young child and I were spewing from both ends for 2 days, very sick, I remembered we had activated charcoal, I made us both some activated charcoal water and we took it. After 20 minutes we both stopped dripping from our butts and throwing up and the next day we were back to normal. If it’s not harming you, let your husband be. Overbearing much? Out of control much?


It saved me last week from salmonella. It's has been crucial every time I've eaten something bad.


It saved me a few times from food poising, just the other week in fact. I took AC straight away and never got sick, was expecting to wake up puking from both ends lol and never did


Aspirin and Ben Gay aren't supplements.


This just looks like you emptied out some random person’s normal medicine cabinet.


Get rid of the Benadryl, that stuff is abysmally terrible for your mind (one way trip to dementia) But aside from that this is tiny, don't be shocked when it triples and he's still right, lmao.


Sauce on the dementia and Benadryl?


I've actually experienced these complications. I was nearly diagnosed with Parkinsons from taking it in combination with another medication. My primary never picked up on it nor did the first Neurologist figure it out. It took two years and being put in ICU before Benedryl was found to be the cause. There's nothing wrong with it occasionally if no other medications are combined. I still think it's useful just not taken more than a few days. This is the case for most if not all allergy medication. There are levels though of which ones deplete choline more. There's lists in Google you can download that Dr 's use to prescibe medication for Parkinsons patients. They still often need to take these types of meds and understanding the degrees of severity is crucial.


What other meds can make it more pronounced? I’ve had chronic insomnia for years and I’ve always neglected to get prescribed medication due to fear of dependence, so periodically I’ll rely on zzzquil for a week straight, and I want to stop doing that due to the risks. I am thinking of potentially asking my doc for Sonata (one of the non-benzo sleep medications) that is less messy than diphenhydramine and has less long term risks. I’ve tried melatonin and it helps for a day or so but my issue is sleep onset difficulty. After trying all supplements under the sun, I feel a medication is warranted in my case but I’ve neglected reaching out for help due to fear of dependence and risks of sleep medications. But more and more, it seems that the risks of self-medicating with diphenhydramine outweigh the risks of some of the newer generation prescription sleep aids. Thoughts?


I worked with a woman who had this exact thing happen to her but she claimed from Zyrtec which is also anticholinergic as I believe.


Almost all medications with anti in the name are in that category. Allergy, antidepressants, anxiety, antacids, antisiezure and antinflamitory meds all do it. When they are combined it's dangerous especially since most don't get enough choline already. A ton of people also have weight loss surgery or stomach problems that affect absorption.


It's any anti cholinergic, but here. https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/common-anticholinergic-drugs-like-benadryl-linked-increased-dementia-risk-201501287667


I’ll see if I can find a few studies but there is ALOT linking it to dementia. Finally got my mom to stop taking it as a sleep aid smh


Unless you get stung by a bee or hornet I agree that Benadryl messes with your brain....


My son’s therapist told him to take Benadryl when he started to fell anxious because he stopped take his anti-anxiety meds.


L therapist. It's unfortunate how abysmally stupid half of.medical professional are.


That's incredibly irresponsible. The older I get the more freaked out I am by how broken our healthcare system is. Endless stories of care providers giving bad advice and care here on Reddit.


That’s because of its sedation effects. Hydroxyzine is used for anxiety also an allergy med (but it’s script only). But it’s not meant for long term use. 6 months max. It’s supposed to be a tool to help you work thru your anxiety while still feeling a little of the anxiousness. Compared to things like Ativan which stops panic and anxiety attacks right away. And trust me from someone who too allergy meds for anxiety it does mess with your brain. I don’t remember my youngest first year and a half of life because of them. I’m insanely sensitive to typical anxiety meds. So I was on allergy meds until I learned better. And went to counseling to learn coping mechanisms. I still get attacks from time to time but they aren’t hospital inducing anymore.


Mam I think you came to the wrong subreddit for this lol, these people worships supplements.


Take a look at the picture again. Most of these things you'd find in anyone's home OR is completely random. There's aspirin... multiple bottles of the same thing... allergy relief... Also he uses vaginal cream? I'm saying rage bait


Activated Charcoal, in all fairness, is real.


Agreed, also not used as a primary “supplement” but more of a “o shit my stomach is feeling off, can I catch it in time” or “o shit turns out that wild mushroom might be poisonous” lol


That's nothing 🤣 And yes, if he knows what he's doing, they are. Over time you work out what you can drop, but if you have genetic issues, you can't just smile and shrug them off. Be happy he's identified his and your issues and is trying to fix them. Judging by some of the stuff, you're an older couple, and (being an older couple myself) I fully endorse the effort 👌


Hahahaaaa that’s NOTHING. Think of it as every bottle is reduced risk of some prescription bottle popping up later. Health and prevention is worth investing in. Besides, what’s the big issue with having them?


I will keep Maca root and Oregano Oil, personally I don’t like pills supplements. I prefer powder extracts 100% natural. I could easily put everything of that in the trash and replace it with Cordyceps mushroom powder, Reishi mushroom powder, Chaga mushroom powder, Tremella mushroom powder and Lions Mane mushroom powder. Yeah I know, a lot of mushrooms but they are freaking super foods that people in the West completely ignore


Superfoods don't compensate for garbage eaten alongside. When putting out a fire, use water and look for others spraying gasoline on it. Some types of Mushrooms are good. Some are bad. Had chicken of the end of the woods the other night. Sauteed with butter and garlic. Delicious.


I personally had no Idea I was making myself sick for years with mushrooms while trying to treat an Autoimmune condition. It turned out I was allergic or technically had a sensitivity to many types of yeast and fungi. I wouldn't have known if I didn't take a test.


Allergies are often created as a defense mechanism caused by a life experience, usually traumas, dangers, trapped emotions, bad lifestyle. Most of the time allergies can be cured with a psychological/spiritual/mental healing


Autoimmune conditions can be caused by stress as well as allergies but genuine conditions do not usually reverse and sometimes are not even possible to reverse medically. No amount of psychedelics, prayer or meditation can reverse a genuine medical condition that isn't known to be reversible by a healthy lifestyle.


That’s actually FALSE. Epigenetics literally studies how you can change all those things you said you cant change or reverse with a change of your lifestyle and mindset. There are multiple studies and cases of people healing themselves through meditation. Check the work of Dr, Joe Dispensa or Dr. Bruce Lipton. My friend, in this life everything is possible. Don’t limit your mind like that.


Chicken?? Haha good for you. Some mushrooms are bad? yeah you don’t eat those. People eating garbage don’t eat superfoods. They don’t even know superfoods exist. 🤣🤣 in fact the average person eats chicken, pork, steak, pasta, rice, tomato, lettuce, potato and bread. I eat half of that list and 300 more ingredients every month and that’s a healthy nutrition.


This is about half of my supplement stack. Always felt like crap since I was a teenager...body aches, IBS, reflux, low energy. Anyway, got by with supplements, whole foods and every biohack under the sun like ice baths, saunas etc. Turns out I have PTSD - had a tonne of repressed childhood memories of my dad dying of cancer come back at age 43, really weird. My asthma, muscle pain/stiffness, inflammation, all caused by the trauma. Anyway - I digress, maybe see if he has any underlying problems, if he feels he needs loads of supplements. I always get stick for taking so many, but honestly, I'd be addicted to somethnig a lot worse if I wasn't coping this way...hopefully reduce my stack after therapy etc.


I commend you for sharing. Did you just go see a therapist to figure that out?


Thank u. Someone on the psychedelic therapy sub-reddit suggested I might have complex ptsd - from chronic stress and trauma as a kid...I checked symptoms on chat gpt, I'm in the UK...I can see a general doctor for free but I paid to see one specialising jn mental health and then £500 to see a psychiatrist to get a formal diagnosis. Pretty obvious really, dad died when I was 6, started with asthma and wei3d skin peeling off palms of my hand condition when I was 7.


There's some good CBT and DBT work books on Amazon. They usually go along with a book and are used to practice all types of training exercises to help rewire the way your mind reacts to and processes stress. They have different workbooks for different issues as well like PTSD and possibly grief. They are usually recommended to be used with a therapist however it does make it accessible for those who can't go to one.


This is very common. I think it's partly related to OCD and/or ADHD. I know because I've suffered from it and have seen it happen to so many people. Tell him to check out Dr. James DiNicolantonio on YouTube. He has excellent books called "The Mineral Fix", "The Salt Fix", and "The Immunity Fix". If he reads them and listens to the Dr. James, he might get a better understanding of how it all works and get testing done for mineral deficiencies. According to Dr. DiNicolantonio, mineral deficiencies appear to be the root causes, or contribute to, chronic disease. He's on X and Facebook, too. People often spend thousands of $ on supplements without actually knowing what their problems are related to. Imagine if correcting some deficiencies, such as magnesium or potassium, was all it took. It's not good to try to correct what one thinks is a potassium deficiency without professional help as taking too much potassium can kill you. Better to get proper testing done and work with a doctor who specialises in functional medicine.


Can you provide what brand is oregano, I need it


Micro ingredients, I use quite a few of their products.


the brand is called micro ingredients


Thank you so much, I was searching for this combination








Well you’ve got two bottles of NAC so technically you could dump what’s left in one of them into the other and throw out the empty 😂


Same with the artichoke extract


TIL that I’m not alone in my supplement addiction.


Activated charcoal absorbs nutrients, so there’s a good chance it’s nullifying his other supplements.


Maybe just let him live his own life 🤷🏼‍♂️


Later on their home is going to look like Whole Foods, trust me on this one OP


What is he using the vaginal moisturizer for?


For when he becomes stunning and brave


Scrolled for this question


I'm afraid to know... maybe he uses it to take all of these supplements as suppository?


Activated charcoal is only of use if you have had anything toxic or have lots of gas. It is unnecessary otherwise


Worse still if he takes it at the same time as other things it’ll render the others useless!


Me. It's a hassle every morning.


If he/she has issues with Digestion most have a place. So just leave it?


Why the he/she? op clearly says hubby for husband. 🤡


And to have a valid counter for the sake of arguing. I don't know what hubby should do with the vaginal moisturizer 😜


Didn't knew its always one gender. English is my second language.


Keep the activated charcoal on hand for food poisoning, detoxes, bloating, gas, just keep it on hand for an assortment of things. The rest put up in a cool place in case you ever actually need it, doubtful you will but you never know. Usually people go crazy like you guys did, people are hypochondriacs for what is actually no reason but of course they don't see it that way. The human body is a wonderful thing, it pretty much takes care of itself. Big pharma and these supplement stores are just greedy corporations.


happy cake day 🫶🏻


What is cake 🎂 day?


birthday of your acc, u have a cake next to ur name


Ok. I need to go in my account and read obviously


You lost me at “detoxes.”


Hospitals use it for detox why not


Great for acute poisoning or overdose. Dumb as a daily supplement.


Charcoal binds to toxins so it does technically detox.


Some of them psyllium husk is just fibre supplement, lysine amino acid for muscles, sleep aid I wouldn’t take long term, l theanine for anxiety stress, Maca for sexual health, k2 and D3 mega for bones and vitamin D3 depression, moodiness etc. Bismuth for digestive issues occasionally . Multivitamin for daily vitamin needs, aspirin to thin blood, oregano many uses. NAC could be used for liver, immunity, kidney health, fights cancer. Rest of them I have to memorize again. I am a nutritional consultant.


I'am surprised at the comments here. The only thing which has some scientific support for its effects is NAC. The rest is indeed unnecessary and doesn't do a thing.


Then you've never looked at pub med and can't read medical studies.


Even the NAC, omg, confirmation bias


Lysine is amazing. Great for skin, antiviral activity. Psyllium husk can reduce cholesterol when taken with food


Vitamins D, K, psyllium husk, bismuth, aspirin, theanine, activated charcoal and bengay don’t do anything in your mind? Lol


The activated charcoal and otc drugs to start. But his supplements have proven benefits. Maybe he should get a lab check done to see if has low t or too much fat soluble vitamins in his blood


I have about 6-7 times that.




This is more of a reality and science-based community, so try to keep it to real things. All you’ve said in this comment really aren’t things and are borne out of not knowing how the human body systems work.


I have Long Covid. And a therapist, cardiologist, phlebotomists that know me by name, etc. Don’t be rude, baby.


Have you tried nattokinase


Yes it’s in my arsenal. Great stuff! I alternate between that and aspirin.


From the stack it looks like your husband has digestive issues. Oil of oregano is a strong antimicrobial that will both act on ‘good’ and ‘bad’ bacteria, it’s not meant to be taken long term or as a supplement, more like a course. It’s much better to take a targeted blend of herbals though. Bismuth is a heavy metal that can burden the body, best to find another ppi or better yet, don’t take one, they are bad for digestive health. Nac in the context of this stack is a biofilm disruptor, it gets bacteria out of hiding if you will. Charcoal is useful for food poisoning, this too is not meant to be taken long term as it binds essential minerals, I suspect your husband is using it as a binder after oil of oregano. Artichoke and pancreatin help aid digestion. I would recommend seeing an integrative medicine dr to find the root cause of his issues so he doesn’t have to rely on these supplements.


Is bismuth not a biofilm disruptor as well? Useful for hydrogen sulfide sibo as well


It is, but it is also a heavy metal. If you already have poor health best to not burden the body any more than needed.


> From the stack it looks like your husband has digestive issues. You mentioned a integrative doctor. Even a regular doctor might not be a bad idea to eliminate serious issues - there might be something really bad going on and his body is telling him something - possible ulcer or worse.


NAC is a powerful supplement, I would use it intermittently, it also suppresses part of the exercise response. In other words don’t take it for several hours before, or after exercise, otherwise you are negating some of the positive effects of exercise.


Do you have any links to studies? NAC is my holy grail but if it’s minimising the benefits I see at the gym I might rejig when I take it


https://www.naturalathleteclinic.com/blogs/natural-athlete-solutions/n-acetyl-cysteine-whats-it-all-about So NAC use seems to depend on the type of exercise.


It’s a mixed bag, positive effects on aspects of exercise, but it also can blunt the bodies reaction to adapting to exercise stress. This article has positive elements to NAC use, but talks about being aware it may effect long term response. There are more positive aspects in this article then a number of years ago as far as exercise and NAC. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7909817/


This is like your husband taking a picture of all of your cosmetics and accusing you of bullshitting when you tell him they increase your self confidence or self-esteem.




Both are not really essential or necessary. Both are invasive and by that similarly potentially risky if they are accompanied with the wrong active ingredients. But both give the user a feeling of well-being and self-assurance.


Consider paying for a subscription to Consumerlab, they publish research associated with a given supplement, and then do quality checks and cost comparisons. I have found it invaluable.