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No makes my face puffy


Honestly given the price of creatine I'd just toss it


Why not?? If you're lifting definitely. Wouldn't buy it from them tho.


No. Double woods is a terrible company. I rarely take such a strong stance but their products are simply not reliable.


They incentivize reviews as well. They have one of the most prolific incentivized review programs on all of Amazon. And have sold fraudulent products in the past.


2 months and will then give it a break. Loading and unloading phase is to be respected.


i mean it is an ok brand, if it is sealed and there is a lot number u can send it to their support and check for yourself if it is legit or fake. I believe bulksupplements and double wood both are considered to be same quality ingredients wise.


Throw it away. I wouldn't dare to put that in my busy. Gid bless you


You wouldn't put it where?


I would put it in the trash if you don't know where it came from. 


They are all basically the same. Unless it was given to you by an angry ex, it’s fine.


Why would you take something you don’t know anything about or even know who or where it came from? With that said I only use creapure creatine. If there’s no creapure logo on it somewhere, I don’t use it. I’ve used tons of creatine brands, ones with creapure have given me the best results.


I use HCL creatine


>Would you use it? [About](https://doublewoodsupplements.com/pages/about).


Feed it to your neighbour's dog


Doublewood isnt reputable. Throw it in the garbage. Why risk your health over 50 dollars of creatine. 


That better not be 50 bucks for that lol!! But yeah pitch it. Stay safe


Probably wouldn't


Not if it js popped up at my doorstep randomly out of nowhere one day


If it is sealed, try returning it and getting a replacement if possible. Creatine tastes quite monotone so it will be hard to identify if anything is up.


It's creatine. It's got the most neutral innocent taste out of all the supplements. You should be able to tell if it's something else pretty easily unless one is one do those lunatics that prefers popping 5+ gelatin pills a day. Now that's a waste of money.


Just throw it out. Buy again from your supplier. You never know what rat poison could have been injected into it


If you are unsure if it's safe, call the company and confirm if the lot # is legit if it has one.


as long as its sealed, itll keep for forever!! i have some stashed!! Ive had this brand before.


Sure mate if ya aint gonna use it send it


You can't go wrong with creatine monohydrate but if you didn't personally buy it and just appeared on your door I personally wouldn't take it as that's just suspicious haha get your own from a brand you trust for like $20-30


Horrible brand but sure


DoubleWood is a solid brand with independent 3rd party testing. Explain what is “horrible” about it, please.. we’re waiting.


Keep buying from companies that offer free products for positive reviews. I’d be shocked if they met their label claims. Maybe with something cheap like creatine, but I’d never purchase from such a company.


Still waiting for the example(s). Opinion doesn’t count, I’m looking for ***evidence*** of your claims.


I got you on examples. They [have sold fake ingredients in the past](https://www.amazon.com/Turkesterone-Turkestanica-Double-Wood-Supplements/dp/B09JGW3754). Many of their products are tested "[by input](https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0756/3867/files/3310265003.pdf?v=1682084377)". Here is an example. Which means they arent really testing the finished product. Which means they aren't really doing testing. [They also use incentivized reviews.](https://imgur.com/a/DBPWAyk) Not much good to say about Doublewood.


If you want to keep wasting you money on subpar supplements I could care less. I’ve bought from them before and was offered free product for a 5 star review lmao no I don’t still have the “evidence”


It’s literally just an alternate way to pay for advertising. Pay someone in supplements or pay a website in money. It’s not that difficult to understand.


You don't know what other meds she might take. Never mix drugs even over the counters. She might have underlying issues that it would affect. Never tell someone to take something over the internet. Sheesh.


Are you serious? My guy, creatine doesn’t interact with **anything**. It’s literally produced by your body endogenously — supplementing with it won’t have negative interactions with anything else.


It doesn’t matter, there’s nothing that would interact with creatine. Only wouldn’t use it if you’re on dialysis or have one kidney. In that case they wouldn’t be asking such a question because those people don’t work out much


It’s all the same shit


Why is it horrible? Seems to have good reviews on Amazon, but I guess everyone on Amazon isn’t always super well informed lol


They [have sold fake ingredients in the past](https://www.amazon.com/Turkesterone-Turkestanica-Double-Wood-Supplements/dp/B09JGW3754). Many of their products are tested "[by input](https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0756/3867/files/3310265003.pdf?v=1682084377)". Here is an example. Which means they arent really testing the finished product. Which means they aren't really doing testing. [They also use incentivized reviews.](https://imgur.com/a/DBPWAyk) Not much good to say about Doublewood.


You cant trust reviews nowadays. Reviews are paid for and/ or given by employees friends and relatives.


It’s fine


Do it


Would I? No, my kidneys suck. I'd tank them at lightspeed and find myself condemned to getting hooked up to a dialysis machine as a birthday gift. Should you? If you want to have kidneys that work properly, no.


Is there any actual evidence that creatine is bad for your kidneys? Not hating just curious. Or are you saying the brand in particular is bad?


Creatine fully converts to [creatinine](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Creatinine) which is a nephrotoxic compound. The amount in your system directly correlates with your kidney function. The more you have, the worse your kidneys are performing, and having over a certain threshold is indicative of active kidney failure and/or kidney disease. Source: Firsthand experience. I learnt this the hard way.


You make it sound like creatine caused your kidney issues when there is no evidence in healthy individuals that it causes harm that healthy kidneys can naturally filter out. If you have a genetic issue with your kidneys specifically then that's a separate issue


Of course. Good brand, probably just a shipping mixup. Can’t imagine Creatine would go bad like that.


Yeah it says it doesn’t expire until November. I tried it!


This company is better quality than bulk supplements


Ohhhh no way? Bulk supplements is low tier? It's been working for me for a few things for the price haha.


Tbh I love bulk, it great for the cost


Maca, tongat ali, and creatine have been my experience so far and yeah great for years.


Tongkat Ali is IMHO just crap


Yeah I only tried one bag in my protein shakes. Didn't see it worth another.


How dare you insult my 1kg bag I got off Amazon for 30 dollars.


I think you might be right. I just tried it. It mixed way better with water than bulk supplements did.


Good I’m glad it mixes better for you!


Double wood is a brand…


Nope looks like pimples all over my face likes scam


Hopefully I don’t have this problem lol


I am dealing with break outs and can’t figure out why.. never had acne before and I actually just started taking creatine like 4 weeks ago