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Magnesium is such a game changer


Oxide, citrate or glycinate? And how did it help you?


Glycinate:) improved my sleep and reduced stress


Blood builder iron helped stop restless leg syndrome. Mary Ruth multivitamin and hair growth helped stop hair from falling.


So the Mary Ruth really works?


Yes it did, it took a bit over a month to complete stop the hair loss. Now my hair is longer and thicker. I also take collagen gummies by vital proteins, it may have contributed to it as well.


should we be taking other supplements while taking MG? just like how ure supposed to take Vitamin D with K2 and MG


I’ve been taking chlorophyll for about 2 months and I feel like it’s actually been helping me a lot. I live in the south and summertime is awful for me, but chlorophyll has really helped with overall body odor.


Which brand?


I bought it from my local market


Disclaimer: I'm not a Dr, just have a passion for the human body and health and nutrition. I have personally seen good results with the following Nutravita - Turmeric, ginger and black pepper. I've seen results in not only myself, but my mother in law, and my finance. Turmeric is an anti inflammatory, ginger is a natural pain killer, and the black pepper just makes it more bioavailable in your body (helps it absorb better) along with other benefits these all provide. Although with my mother in law to be, her joint pain was so severe it did take 3-4 months for the pain to stop completely. But for me and my intermittent hip pain, it was gone within weeks. I also use their multivitamins and minerals (365 vegan tablets) Visible results with my skin, hair, and nails. Also vit K2 (MK7) but no more than 200mcg. This tells your body where to send the calcium in your diet, so that it goes where it should, instead of to your soft tissues, leafy greens do convert to Mk7, but with the quality of food these days, supplementing helps Just remember though, everything is either a potion or a poison depending on dose so do your research. Also they shouldn't be a substitute for a healthy diet.






Magnesium Oxide 500mg (anxiety) B-Complex L-Theanine (Depression) Passion Flower (anxiety) Holy Basil (panic)


Vitamin D3 + B Complex. The D3 helped with my depression - didn’t cure it, but I was having less crying spells. I noticed after a couple of months what was happening. The B Complex has helped with my energy levels in the afternoon.


Too much estrogen?


Vit D


I had severe depression with manic crying spells and memory loss that went on for months. Then I started taking supplements of herbs that increase testosterone and got one supplement that includes: Panax ginseng root, ashwagandha, tribulus terrestis, tongkat ali, saw palmetto, safed musli, maca root, shilajit, fenugreek, black pepper. Instantly felt far more positive, motivated, in control of emotions, and made progress on lots of things in my life. If I go about 3 days without it, I get noticeably miserable, but not as bad as before I started on it. edit: I use the brand Agobi, which is available on Amazon.


Also curious


What is the supplement that you got?




NAC, CoQ10, Omega 3 (2:1 EPA/DHA for anti-inflammatory benefits), D3 + vitamin K2, Magtein or magnesium glycinate. Plus a high polyphenol diet. All of this has given me much more mental clarity and energy and I sleep much better.


How much Omega3 do you take?


It’s the now ultra omega-3 fish oil. So 2 pills are 1 G of fish oil with 500 mg of EPA and 250 mg of DHA


There's too many to name. I've used many different things for many different reasons and they've all been highly effective and useful. Western medicine is a joke...they name conditions, but don't do the work to find out why someone is suffering from a particular condition. I'll rely on herbs as long as I live, thank you very much. 😊❤️    Edited to say also that people are vastly different. Just because a supplement works for someone else, it doesn't mean it will for another and could make them feel worse. Just throwing that out there. We all have our differences, many many of them.....


Lots of western society is obese and makes terrible life choices when it comes to their health, even if told the fix to their illness they would still continue to eat themselves to death


Or maybe it’s the shitty individualist society where many people live in a financial or other socioeconomic deficit.


Eating less food costs less money, to maintain a morbidly obese body costs quite a lot of money.


It's more expense to eat health where I am


Yes, it's true. I suppose it may have something to do with the major conflicts of interest on the American health boards. We can't have the people that make billions of dollars on soda and sugar making the decisions about what Americans should eat. It's insane. Also, Medicaid fuels the problem by allowing tax dollars to be spent on soda and candy. The most unhealthy people I know have EBT cards. They're all over 250 and female....😔 They've been taught that this is normal when it's anything but! These people that I speak of also only feeds her seven year old daughter chicken fries, McDonald's nuggets and fries, fries, and pizza. That's literally all she will eat and her behavior is wild and she has extreme arguments with her mom. She's my daughter's best friend and they're polar opposites. They're best friends because of close proximity. Anyways, it's just sad to see....she could have a much happier and healthier life. Also, no child should take melatonin every night. Get them out to play!! Okay, don't know how I got so far off subject, but I'm really passionate about that.


A lot of it is mental health issues / a refusal to accept the hard truth. Nobody would choose to feed themselves terribly unhealthy food shortening their life by possibly decades if they could make the choice without a food addiction influencing them. Many overweight people don't even accept that they have this addiction and thus end up over feeding their children too! I personally think it's abuse in the same way that under feeding your child is!


Would love to hear what herbs you like and why!


Omega over here!! ADHD, fatigue, mental clarity….took a few months at 1st, but now I notice if I go 1 day without


I tell everyone I can about giving omega a try. I was going through one of the worst mental tragedies ever. I took it and in like 2 days, BOOM! Mental clarity. I went without it for a day and I could immediately feel the changes. Omega Is Love. Omega Cares. Get Omega!!


That’s interesting! I know Omega is what I am deficient in and didn’t think that would make ADHD worse. Going to have to get on that!


Magnesium daytime and nighttime. It is taking a little while. I started one week ago and this week it is getting much better.


Could you please expand on your experience and the benefits you’re seeing, I’m interested in talking Magnesium also.


I benefit from taking phosphatidylserine (aka PS100). It helps with stress, anxiety, sleep and focus. I currently take 300mg/day. I'm guessing it works because of it's effect on regulating cortisol levels. Getting better sleep in particular also helps with everything else. #


Magnesium for sleep and relaxation. Apparently the majority of the US is deficient and I could immediately tell from how much better my sleep was after taking it. Adrenal Glands. Eating these raw from animals is highly advised for those who chronically abuse marijuana or have abused and are looking for a rejuvenation from it. Apparently marijuana wreaks havoc on your adrenal glands which controls your adrenaline production, so if you abuse it enough, it’s kinda like abusing your liver with alcohol. They can take damage and lose proper functionality with abuse of Mary Jane but no one likes to talk about that!


How did you go about eating raw adrenal glands?


I usually just get the ones that come in capsules from Ancestral Supplements or any other reputable brand, whomever is cheapest and best quality.


Ok I've had their liver pills before but these are adrenals? Different?


Way different. Your adrenal glands make adrenaline which is used constantly or at least should be with any exercise. THC activates them and makes you produce adrenaline, so a lot of smokers who smoke a lot have abused adrenal glands and cant properly regulate simple functions like going from an active state to resting efficiently. Hard to get it to the point where you go to the hospital but I don’t doubt it’s possible.


I’m struggling with staying off weed after years of smoking, but i think you’ve explained a lot of my issues. And knowing the reason why i struggle to regulate simple functions as stated..


Thanks, been smoking daily for years and just recently stopped. Bought a bottle of those supplements I will see if it does anything for me.


I recommend lots of jogging too. Helped me feel 100% after a month combo’d with those supplements.


I do a good amount of weightlifting so I should be okay on that part.


Thats good but just from my personal experience I was also doing plenty of lifting but noticed I felt tremendously better when i focused on cardio more along with reducing the weights but increasing reps and pushing for better form. Just see what works for you.


Thanks will try that.


Alpha lipoic acid and collagen


Take these daily, almost


Any1 tried Alpha GPC?


Yeah I tried it on 3 different occasions. I don't notice anything positive from it.


Sad to hear that. Heard many Great things about it on Andrew Huberman podcast.


Sublingual methylcobalamin (I’m vegetarian and I was anemic as fuck)




Mago7 - keeps my gut healthy


Tulsi (Holy Basil) though I take it as a tea, not in a capsule. Have had asthma my whole life, a few years ago got bronchitis for 9 months when living in an area with high air pollution. My lungs never fully recovered. Was prescribed Advair and Singulair, kept me from having asthma attacks, but I was never able to resume the level of activity I had before. Got pneumonia, felt like my lungs were just going to get consistently worse for the rest of my life. Saw Tulsi was recommended in Ayurveda for lung stuff, figured I had nothing to lose. 4 months later, I don’t take my asthma meds anymore, I’ve used my rescue inhaler maybe once (was using it at least once a week before), and I’ve been able to wayyy increase my level of physical exertion. If I stop drinking the tea for a day or two, I start feeling like I can’t breathe as deeply and my cough starts coming back. 


I've struggled with asthma less so in my adult life. I remember a tea with holy basil providing relief.


Togat ali and fedogia gave me crazy benefits but started breaking out in a couple of weeks. The acne wasn’t worth the gains so sadly had to drop. But man, loved the recovery and strength.


What crazy benefits did you notice from them?


I was lifting heavier weights and recovery was fast with reduced inflammation


The tongat Ali should be good enough on its own. I didn't feel much of difference when I took both. Add l-citrulline as well. 


Did you take see benefits from taking just tongat ali? I have soloray brand tongat ali that I never took, wondering if I should. The other one I took had both tongat and fedogia that gave me acne.


Tongat Ali, creatine monohydrate and l-citrulline is what I aim to stack. I'm lazy now but tongat Ali and creatine goes very well together 


No side effects? Ya I take creatine and l citruline every day


Nope. No side effects. 


Do you cycle it?


I just ordered that, few days ago. Any increase in libido ? Did u cycle it or how did u take it ?


Sorry I missed but I took it with food at lunch time


It definitely increased my libido, only took it for about two weeks then stopped cos of a cystic acne on my forehead. I read one guy had to surgically get his removed the cyst was that bad. I didn’t want to take chances but ya you’ll definitely see crazy libido in two weeks.


My friend consider a proper parasite/heavy metal/candida detox. Got rid of my cystic acne and my gr’s excema.




- 200g Beef liver once a week (contains x32 the copper RDA, x64 the b12 RDA and x17 the RDA of vitamin A in bioavailable form:retinol) - Sardines, anchovies or salmon at least once a week. Loaded with omega 3s, EPA and DHA. Just 100g of anchovies has higher concentrations than a handful of fish oil pills. - Sunflower seeds, almonds, cashews and peanut for magnesium and vitamin E among other things. (soaked and salted to remove antinutrients). - I make my own tomato sauce and eat sun dried tomato which has by far the highest concentrations of lycopene (world's strongest antioxidant). Sun dried tomato also has the world's highest concentration of potassium. - I eat oranges and/or add bell pepper to my food daily for vitamin C intake. - I eat cheese daily: either parmegianno, blue cheese like roquefort or feta cheese. - The only bread i eat is homemade whole bread. I've never felt better in my entire life (mind you, i am 26 but still, i feel significantly better than i did at 15,16 or 18 yo).


Had to screenshot your post. A bunch of that I already eat but some good things I want to get into my rotation but forgot until I saw your post (anchovies, bbq cashews lol). 


This is one of the best "supplement" regimes I've ever seen.  Why buy heaps of expensive capsules/pills that (due to the lack of regulation in the supplement market) may or may not even contain significant amounts of what they claim to, when you can get the same things from supplemental *foods*... Quite possibly for less money overall, and with a whole lot more enjoyment factor!


Exactly! Aside from the lies of supplement brands about their advertised contents, taking supplements separately may expose you to other risks including the absence of important cofactors that are found in food sources or the use of inorganic or poorly absorbed forms, some of which have terrible effects on your health or gut microbiome. Besides, as you pointed out, it's often more expensive than just eating properly. People forget that your mindful effors to avoid certain foods is just as important as what you choose to eat, so while tracking your micros certainly helps, taking them in supplement form so that you can eat unhealthy food and feel good about yourself will do little to no good.


Yep! Totally with you on all counts. Side note - LOL, I guess someone got a little butthurt about the suggestion that supplement pills aren't the best option in most cases, 'cause I got downvoted. Not really surprising considering the sub we're in though, I guess.


Hemp gummies. No high as it's hemp. My anxiety was so high 24/7. I could feel electricity in my hands, feet, and chest all the time, and whenever there was a loud noise, it would feel like I got my whole body struck by lightning. After taking hemp I no longer feel that at all, has completely changed my life


Magnesium Glycinate, d3 and L-Theanine PM combo. My sleep quality improved 100%. I wake feeling better than I ever have and my mood and focus has improved tremendously. I literally felt the positive effects within days


What is the dosage of magnesium that you are taking?




Only 160mg? And you see a difference… wow. I take 555mg.


Yep. As soon as I take it..if I lay down-I drift off to sleep. Every single time. Maybe the lower dose is so effective for me is because I just started this more recently? Or maybe I’m not as deficient as someone who takes higher doses? Who knows, it’s whatever works best for you :0)


I felt this too just from magnesium glycinate. Shit is miraculous


Seriously, game changer. I never really had a problem with falling asleep, but staying asleep..ugh was a real struggle. No more! Glad you’re finding it so helpful too!


What form is the d3? That helps with sleep?


I believe it’s the Magnesium Glycinate that is helping with the sleep. I fall asleep and stay asleep! The Vitamin D3 is a 5000IU capsule


Yeah, glycinate is fantastic taken it for years. Prefer lower doses. To each his own.


What do you mean by PM combo?


Sorry, Like my nighttime “cocktail” …just meaning I take these 3 together before bedtime




Magnesium Glycinate


Marine collagen with hylauronic acid, biotin, vitamin c and vitamin e by X span labs my skin, hair and nails have never been better, I’m talking glowing skin, hair has grown 3 inches in 3 months, I have also lost around 50 pounds and don’t have any loose skin!


What brand do you use?


Xspan labs store


Oops sorry, you already said that! I was thinking that was another separate supplement for some reason 🫠


Hahahaha don’t worry!!


I take the same stuff and have noticed a huge difference. It took several months, but I have strong nails for the first time in my life. 


Coq10 and panax gingsen


Thorne’s Joint Support Nutrients. It’s the one supplement I’ve found that my existence is notably worse if I don’t have it. I have tendon issues and repetitive stress problems in a few joints and severe arthritis in a bad ankle and all of them flare up when I’m not taking it. I do bruise a bit more easily while on it, but it’s worth the trade off.


vitamin D and walking constantly. so i’ve been in an hospital bed for one year in total with a double femur fracture and 2 life threatening bacterial infection. after that much time i developed a severe osteoporosis, that lead to a reopened fracture after removing orthopaedic plates. the doctors said they never seen a reopened fracture for someone my age (24), and i had them in place again and got to walk whatever, supplementing a lot, doing what i didn’t do for a lot of time. last month i removed plates again and i’m fine. vitamin D and walking can do wonders for your health , and vitamin D can be the most impacting supplements for your health overall, for sure.


Woah!  What a story. I’m so glad you’re up and able to move. 


me too ahahaha, thank you very much 🙏


Active b complex (without b6 for daily use. Well i take weekends off and take b6 then), nicotine gum 4mg and kanna extract sublingual in cig paper (only high quality stuff). Ur life will change


What does the Kanna feel like to you? 


Idk bro kanna doesn't seem to hit me right sometimes almost uncomfortable/nauseated


The 5 most noticeable is: a Complete Multivitamin, Alpha Brain, and Black Coffee. Anything else might be placeabo for me, but I still add in other nootropics, some extra vitamin d, and stuff that can't be listed.






Magnesium glycinate and Methylfolate have been game changers for me. The magnesium allowed me to achieve deep sleep for the first time in years. I wake up refreshed and recover from workouts a lot quicker these days. Methylfolate has helped with my mood and energy. A recent blood test has suggested my b12 could do with being raised, so I’ll be looking into that next.


Nitric oxide. My hands don’t tingle anymore!


How do you take this? Is it an NO supp with l-arginine? I found a pre-workout from a clean brand with minimal ingredients and it uses the Nitrosigine which seemed to almost take away a lot of my long covid symptoms, even depression. Are you taking it for circulation or neuropathy?




Without a doubt, NAD booster nicotinamide riboside. I saw a noticeable energy boost. Less need for coffee.


Magnesium, Saffron


Can you tell us more about saffron, i just tried a capsule but i dont know if its just placebo but i did have some peculiar benefits


Like what did you notice? 


Fresh spirulina has done wonders for me and my family. So many chronic ailments gone. Other supplements I tried fade in comparison. But rhodiola rosea extract is also very very good for stress resistance.


where do you get fresh spirulina from?


Moscow State University algologists have a superb certified farm. I get my fresh spirulina in fructose just a couple days after harvesting. I took dry spirulina for years and I can definitely see the difference. Friends in US get it from a reputable farm also. If u take spirulina, its definitely worth switching from dry to fresh certified product


In the what ways did Rhodiola rosea help you personally with stress resistance? 


What has spirulina helped with for you? I have been taking it for a while and it’s helped some minor issues but I still haven’t fixed the major health problem I’m trying to fix with it


Its really is a long list of major health improvements. Between me and my husband: 1. We forgot blood pressure problems 2. Pre cirrhosis and pancreas issues gone. 3. PCOS and pregnancy issues 4. PTSD and anxiety disorder/panic attacks 5. Pain management and recovery after 2 spinal surgeries. It really detoxified our bodies after years of neglect. I think when we talk about FRESH spirulina and other FOODS (not supplements as such) it is important to think in terms of what diseases it helps prevent and not only treat. Given our very low quality of food spirulina is a real life saver. Dried spirulina loses over 50% of nutrients so its freshness and quality is very important. Although I believe spirulina contributed most to our major health improvement I think it works the best together with:1. Omega 3 fish oil+pumpkin seed/blackseed and other super oils. 2. Electrolyte water with enough magnesium 3. Epsom salt and magnesium oil transdermally 4. Kelp for natural iodine. And its important to emphasize work with psychosomatics. People grossly underestimate psychosomatics and impact of their thoughts/beliefs when it comes to most health issues. All of the above approaches together have been an amazing God's gift to me and my family after decades self poisoning of all sorts, including pharma poison they often sell as "medicine" Hope this helps👍


Pumpkin seed oil and black seed high in linoleic acid, not good if you have a poor diet. Excessive linoleic acid intake is associated with inflammation, obesity, heart disease, and more.


Sure thing if u have a poor diet - you will be very sick in time. There is no magic pill for that including oils. I have a very healthy balance of omega6(linoleic acid) and omega 3s - importance of which you rightfully pointed out in your comment omega 3 due to fish intake, omega 3 supplement, nuts, flaxseed walnut and olive oil constantly in my salads. And I cook on ghi butter not omega 6 oils. So pumpkin seed and blackseed oils bring only amazing benefits as omega 6 (linoic acid) can be damaging only if you have a very disbalanced ratio of omega6/omega 3 intake grossly tilted towars omega 6. Our body needs and thrives on far more types of fatty acids than omega 6/omega3/omega9 everyones talks about. Consuming PROPER fresh oils produced with min heat technology does absolute wonders for all body systems and salads and smoothies simply taste heavenly🙂 All the best!


So you take non dried spirulina? I’m glad to hear you’re doing much better btw!


Thank you! Yes it has been an amazing overall health transformation. My doctor calls my baby spirulina baby lol because she was amazed at my health during pregnancy being a woman over 40 with lots of health issues in my background. Yes, I take FRESH spirulina. In Moscow we have Moscow State University algologists grow and preserve it in fructose (it will go bad very soon otherwise). Certified clean and usually very fresh. I get it few days after collection. Dried product isnt bad of course but way way less effective. Some of my friends in US found reputable spirulina farms with similar fresh products there too. If u do have access to such spirulina, it will be much better than dried product. Wishing you all the best in your health recovery journey!


Well for me it would be some cholesterol into my diet. I feel way better


1g of niacinamid, R-alpha lipoic acid, Benfothiamin and Sodium Dichloracetate and your mitochondria will start working again. Thank me later 


I think I may have mitochondrial dysfunction. Do you? Was this why you began to take this stack? I have mthfr and after covid, just feel so depleted all the time and am getting concerned that is the culprit.


Yes same problems but even before Covid. I do advise to be careful though and titrate up cause it can be unpleasant at first 


Olive oil


Try bso to get the added benefits of cumin infused oil


I didn’t realize until I stopped taking it, but NAC. I’ve got mild allergies and sometimes have that feeling of air hunger, NAC really cut down on that for me. Also a methylated B complex and synthetic B1. I know it doesn’t work this way for most people but when I take it after dinner I tend to sleep way better. Always thought B vitamins were supposed to keep you up but hasn’t worked out that way for me


Yes, I second NAC for my asthma. 


Creatine. Wake up less stressed. Need less sleep on it. Physical benefits too.


Do you happen to take it chronic fatigue or long covid? Do you have a genetic mutation or mitochondrial disorder? I suspect ME/CFS but notice if I take creatine my legs don't feel as weak and depleted.


I thought I had long COVID until I discovered I had parasites from my jaw to my brain stem and my ears. Had benign vertigo, chronic fatigue. I don't think I have mitochondrial disease, but I was obese when I was young so I probably do. Creatine was one of the few things out of many that stood out to me. I always work my legs. They're still huge from being fat as a kid. I have some nerve damage in the one leg and I can't really activate my medialis but it still works yk. I'm sorry you are feeling that bad. Do you have ME? These are all similar to my symptoms but mine were EXTREME. Like, forgetting where I am while driving, or almost passing out from accelerating. Myelitis in my spine was another fear of mine, eventually I started to think I had neck cancer as well. Are you still trying to nail down a diagnosis? Edit: ME basically means you have brain inflammation of unknown origin right?


How did you know you had parasites?


Wow, that is really interesting. The parasites!!! Did you do ozone therapy or anything else radical to try to clear them? Hyperbaric 02? I had always been moderately symptomatic for mthfr and tested for one of the variants (less severe than the 677) a few years ago. I felt like it was being managed pretty well, but I would still weird feelings/sick/anxiety if I so much as drank an energy drink with regular b12. My supplements have to be methylated. I basically have to take children's doses of medications and don't break things down as fast as other people. I was tired a lot. Then, about a year ago I got covid, and around the same time I endured an extreme psychological trauma that left me feeling so weak and not myself after. I seem to have a greatly diminished exercise tolerance, and have these weird feelings of weakness in my body, especially noticeable in my quads. I have read that the quad soreness is common with mitochondrial dysfunction? I am still trying to get a diagnosis. I keep looking for a doctor who understands cfs and could maybe run some panels to look for signs of inflammation. Yes, from what I understand, cfs is related to brain inflammation, the nervous system, and possibly energy production issues. It seems like there may also be an auto immune component to this, which is maybe why so many people with LC seem to struggle with it from lingering activation of their immune system? I keep watching videos about it and think to myself, could it really be this? I don't want to take away from other people's real struggles, but I do wonder if maybe this is how it starts? The weakness is so odd compared to how I was before. There is also a theory that ptsd/trauma can cause changes to the nervous system and inflammation that cause it.


That's wild. I am low on methylfolate right now but only because eggs are my only folate source. That's an issue with buffering the B12 right? I never did hyperbaric, but I did/do EWOT and just about every other treatment I could find. What finally helped me was oil pulling with black cumin seed, oregano , and cocoa butter/coconut oil. It's insane to me because I've tried everything else from fenbendazole to emodin to terpentine and probably even dumber, more desperate things than that. Dry fasted for 11 days and that helped for maybe a month. Kept getting sent to Lyme doctors. They kept telling me I don't have Lyme. One of them told me there is nothing wrong with me and my illness is trauma. Every time I'd go to the ER they would try to give me pain killers or nausea meds. I'm curious what other symptoms you are dealing with, any other neurological, visual, cognitive Unfortunately, exercise worsening your symptoms sounds immediately like you are dealing with long COVID or a type of injury I'll probably be lynched for mentioning here. You aren't alone, though and eventually there will be data on what's going on w/ the long COVID. And, yes, you need to find a doctor who will be your advocate. I didn't realize how rare it is to find an intelligent MD until my lifetime doctor retired :/ Stay strong. I spiraled over and over again because I had no support network Edit: not my intention to say trauma isn't serious or even a cause for disease, I've just been able to keep agency throughout my life


lol, I have no advice but reading this made me happy. You have clearly stayed informed on current science.  I feel like you deserve a bio hacking award. 


Any specific routine you take it on?


I take 5g before bed. Usually take another 5g earlier in the day too.


You havnt noticed any issues with that high of a dose? I use 5 g in the morning


Nothing but positives, granted I've never experienced bloating/gas pains from creatine loading like some people claim to


I'm mostly concerned about kidney issues because of all the other supplements I take with it and just wasting money


Do you have kidney probs? I wouldn't worry too much about creatine as it exists naturally in red meat so we are evolved to eat it. I understand though. I was taking potassium and a combination of polyphenols and I could feel my kidneys for a while. Also there is some research published about 10g being safe


Sodium butyrate has helped significantly with gut related issues.


Zinc. Just zinc


How did it positively impact you?


It's one of the most beneficial and necessary minerals for your entire body most specific though is immune, testosterone, and metabolism


NAC, Nattokinase, Magnesium


Do you cycle NAC or take it daily and long term? Any issues with tolerance?


How did these help you? Curious because I previously took Nattokinase.


Help regulate my blood pressure


Noticed any issues with nac? If I take a high dose with ashwghanda I become useless


Taurine, NAC, 50mg Niacin, Molybdenum I can eat again!


GABA for anxiety - crazy how effective it is for me Calcium citrate helps a lot with weight lifting, general exercise, and assists with sleep Zinc is the best nootropic for me personally + helps with more restful sleep. Also a quite effective appetite stimulant for me Quercetin + Bromelain seems to help when I'm eating a large protein rich meal MSM definitely helps joint mobility and seems to be clearing up bad spots on skin Taurine is a very effective diuretic for me when I'm bloated from a meal with too much sodium


Do you cycle gaba or take it daily and long term? Any issues with tolerance?


I don't take it daily. I'll take it before I sleep if I'm anxious about the next day. It's good if I'm nervous about an appointment or family gathering etc.


St John's Wort


What are the main benefits you’ve noticed? 


I've used a few brands, and they have seemed comparably effective. I'm taking some from Wal-Mart right now. I've primarily noticed improvements in my mood/optimism/less depression.


I have MECFS moderate/severe. I take combo Coq10, NMN, acetyl l carnitine, pantothenic acid, sometimes add in D Ribose and PQQ on very bad days and I can function with these and get through the day. I would never not take these they are my lifeline


How long have you been doing this regimen? I previously took acetyl l carnitine and loved the energy effects. However it caused me to feel very irritable and I experienced chest pain whenever I took it. Really wish I didn’t get those side effects because it helped me otherwise.


Flax seed oil capsules, taken daily


Not knocking that they have benefitted you, but I **strongly** don’t recommend flax oil for most people, flax oil called linseed oil in some of these quotes : - plant-derived omega 3s have very low conversion to usable omega 3s “Unfortunately, your body's ability to convert ALA is limited. Only about 5% of ALA is converted to EPA, while less than 0.5% is converted to DHA” [link](https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/7-plant-sources-of-omega-3s#:~:text=Unfortunately%2C%20your%20body's%20ability%20to,meet%20your%20omega%2D3%20needs) - Guaranteed to be oxidized, toxic garbage, unless you happen to find cold-pressed varieties that aren’t exposed to any oxygen “Having a high content of di- and tri-unsaturated esters, **linseed oil is susceptible to polymerization reactions upon exposure to oxygen in air**. This polymerization, which is called autoxidation, results in the rigidification of the material.[3] - **Rags soaked with linseed oil pose fire hazard because they provide a large surface area for rapid oxidation. The oxidation of linseed oil is exothermic, *which may lead to spontaneous combustion***.[4] In 1991, One Meridian Plaza, in Philadelphia, was severely damaged in a fire, **in which three firefighters perished, thought to be caused by rags soaked with linseed oil**.[5] [link](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linseed_oil) - just use algae-based omega 3s, as they are a vegan source of EPA and DHA


Lion’s mane mushrooms provided me good sleep and clear brain fog.


That’s interesting you find Lions Mane useful for sleep. I use it for energy and if I take it too close to bed it causes me insomnia. It’s interesting how supplements can affect bodies differently.


How’s it for energy for you? Very noticeable boost? 


A combination of GABA, Ashwaganda, magnesium, L-theanine & magnolia has worked wonders with my insomnia!


Do you cycle gaba and L-Theanine or take them daily and long term? Any issues with tolerance long term?


I take a break now and then! A week or two. No issues at all.


Hello, do you take them all together pre bed ? Also, do you think that ur insomnia might have been anxiety/stress/screen time related ? Im asking as for me that seems to be the case Dosages, type of magnesium and brands would be appreciated, thanks a lot :p


Yes, I take them together about 1-2 hours before bed. The dosages and brands varies, I’m in Sweden so for example Gaam, Healthwell, Exelir Pharma, Biosalma, and I follow the dosage recommendations for each brand. My insomnia has been a mixture of anxiety and a chronic connective tissue disorder, Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, that causes pain and due to muscles working constantly to basically keep my body together, it also causes my body to produce cortisol and adrenaline like crazy. The last couple of months I have been doing somatic exercises before bed, and combined with my “supplement-cocktail” it has worked wonders!


Do you take them at night!?!?


Yes, 1-2 hours before bed.


Yes, otherwise they would be quite sleepy during the day


What are GABA and L-theanine meant to do? I’ve heard about them a lot, but what do they offer you/ how do you find them helpful?


GABA is the primary inhibitory neurotransmitter in your brain. All the sleepy time medications in some way or another upregulate GABA (I think)


L-theanine is a naturally present substance in teas that help to mute mind chatter. GABA is neurotransmitter and it is supposed to help you to calm your brain. So I am guessing both to help with anxiety.


Ah okay, thank you


An effect within one hour. If my blood pressure gets too high, I take Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), which can drop my BP 10-30 points in less than an hour. (Even if it isn't high, I take 1.5 grams before sleep.) First time I took this, it was scary to see my BP dropping a like a rock, didn't expect this. I use bulk supplements and take a heaping 1/2 teaspoon. It's about 1.5 grams. Within an hour, I feel a facial flush and my BP starts to drop It also seems to calm me down, perhaps aids in following asleep, but mainly I do it for BP. Not too sure how long the effect last, at least 6 hours, but it seems to go up less even after 6 hours. By BP isn't chronically high, but can get high (155/90 for most of the day, but then again I have seen my BP as low as 102/75, haven't pinned down why it bouces around so easily.


102/75 is a normal BP


If I take too much gaba it feels like it's forcing me to slow my breathing down in a kinda scary way. Hard to describe.


D3, magnesium for sleep, and electrolytes to help mitigate my ADHD med side effects.


Benfotiamine. My granny this took for her dead feet. They used to turn black. Actually black. She took benfotiamine for two months then her feet had better circulation. She continued to take it for the rest of her life and her feet were always warm and pink. My niece had terrible sacral back pain. I told her to take benfotiamine and now she forgets she ever had back pain. Benfotiamine works miracles. I swear by it.