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The developer better pay for school expansions themselves at this point.


The schools are expanding. They're adding a wing and an extra 3rd floor to KP by the basketball court


KP is already at 300 students over capacity. The expansion is only adding enough space for 500 students, by the time it's completed in 2027 it will likely be at or over capacity again. KB woodward was just expanded, but still has several portables. Without knowing how many of the proposed suites will be 1, 2 or 3+ bedrooms it's hard to estimate how many kids and teens this will bring to the neighborhood. Using the totally made up number of 1 kid per 5 units we'd have 480 school aged kids. That's an entire elementary school worth.


That's just how the bureaucrazy works Classes are consistently overcrowded due to bureaucratic inefficiencies. Schools are constructed without considering future enrollment projections, resulting in new schools opening already over capacity. While provincial funding supports new school construction, the burden of providing temporary space falls on the school district's operating budget, diverting funds meant for education. there's a disconnect between increased urban density and school capacity expansion, exacerbating the problem. It is compounded by the lack of proactive measures, and with immigration contributing to the influx of students, unless the funding model changes, the situation is gonna to deteriorate rapidly


Wasn't there an announcement a while back that they would be adding 10 new schools to Surrey in ten years, or something like that? I hope that plan is still moving forward.


Isn't that backhanded NIMBYism? At that point you might as well tack on so many things to the developers and make densification unaffordable. Why not ask the developers to build a medical clinic as well?


Hardly NIMBYism, growth is good especially in that neighbourhood. All I’m saying is, that is a large development for the area. If the services to support that growth are not there due to bureaucracy and politics, then that development needs to be phased substantially.


I used to live in the building furthest to the right of the ones highlighted in the red rectangle. It had such a bad roach infestation and the landlord did fuck all about it. It was so bad that by the time I moved out I was having panic attacks, it took a looooong long time before the paranoia eased up. Good riddance! If they do tear them down and you live near by, watch out for roaches looking for new homes...


Used to live in the H looking building on the left, same roach infestation issue, and I think there was a drug dealer living there as well and someone who keeps beating his gf and gets taken out by the cops, only to return a few days later screaming under that woman's balcony. God that area was miserable, hearing all those addicts scream at night. It was haunting, so glad I moved out


I had no idea we have roaches in Canada, that's crazy! I'm assuming they were quite small?


I didn't live in any of these building but another one at 108 and 144. They are around like 2-5 cm long and get everywhere. I had to throw out a bunch of stuff in the end and had panic attacks for a while after and still do around roaches. German cockroaches are really, really hard to remove.


As a local construction business owner, who can i talk to so that i can offer my services?


The City of Surrey publishes a list of all the building permit applications showing the job site address and name of the applicant.


Thank you!!


Anyone have a link to what’s going on at 104 Ave, approx 14500-14600, north side? It was all cleared last week and work has been going on every day, seems to be happening fast.


Retirement community I believe. In proximity to the hospice


I remember at one time thinking that land was partly owned by the same Guildford Seniors Centre on 104A Ave, backing through to 104 Ave for a future addition. But other homes along 104A are also recently demolished, so I wasn’t sure what’s coming there.


Big development right behind my condos.


My little pup tent of a building is getting smaller all the time...


Omg I live in the H-shaped building in the red section. Should I be excited? I’ve always wanted to live in a building actually built in this century. Although I’d be worried about rent. We’ve been here so long that our rent is still only 1100. Feeling stuck because leaving this price seems foolish. Wonder how that would change if something like this went through.


Curious if this happens are the current tenants given any compensation if they have to move out for redevelopment


I dont think they do, maybe just get first refusal rights to move back in at same rate for similar square footage. If they do it's out of their generosity and the hope that the optics make for good business. I don't believe the municipality has much in the way of protections for tenants like Burnaby does


My grandmother moved out of one of those buildings in 1987 or so, because it was an ancient shithole.


Question- why not the whole block. Just more simpler in the whole new re-development of the city centre.


The remaining building to the east is a strata comprised of 194 units. To redevelop that building would mean getting a quorum for a strata wind-up. Plus it's from 1994, so it still has usable life left in it.


I’m all for a quorum… I live in that multi unit condo…


So ridiculous they would bulldoze apartments to build bigger apartments. We can't solve the housing crisis if we let developers plow down affordable apartments to make room for luxury condos, when what we really need to do is build more housing in our sprawling single-family zone neighbourhoods.


Those apartments are so fucked. I've seen some wild shit in there. Permanent pest issues. Roaches, bedbugs, mice.


The developers have to replace every single existing rental unit, and in the meantime relocate the existing tenants, and give them the option of moving back in when they are complete. I suggest looking up the surrey rental replacement policy: https://www.surrey.ca/sites/default/files/media/documents/RentalHousingPolicyO-61.pdf




? Existing renters don't have to put down a deposit or own a unit, that's the whole point? The above comment was concerned about removing existing rental units and I was pointing out that at minimum the existing units have to be replaced, and have to be offered at below market rates. Isn't maintaining the existing housing stock, plus adding more units a win-win? Especially in this case. Usually they have to relocate tenants off site and then back once construction is complete, but this site has enough room that I believe they are building the rental replacement tower first so that they can move the existing renters there, so renters will only have to move once.


And the people that are paying reasonable rent ( well reasonable they’re not) in those buildings are going to be paying double?


Can we stop with the housing developments already? There are enough unsold condos as is, how are we supposed to break $1500 sq ft in surrey if they keep building them?