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Thanks Doug and Brenda.


Waste waste waste on a useless fight and ask us to pay for it, what a joke


12.5% increase is insane. This gov't needs to be tossed.


I mean it's awful for a lot of people but this is also a market correction. Detached homes, especially single family detached suburban homes cost the city a LOT more money than pretty much any other form of housing. While you can certainly blame various levels of government for encouraging the ubiquity of suburbs, the lack of alternative housing options, the intentional inflation of property values to avoid having to provide meaningful old age security, etc... even a mayor who was honest and capable (accusations no one has ever leveled at our current or prior mayor) would likely have needed to raise Property Taxes much the same. I do feel for you of course, throwing one more major expense at people when none of us can afford fucking anything royally sucks, sadly taxes tend to be one of those areas where it's a virtuous cycle (even when handled by idiots, though to a reduced extent). You are far better pushing for policies of government built non-market housing, standards and vacancy controls for apartments, restrictions on corporate greed, etc... Those are all policies that can be implemented by various branches of government.


Honestly, I'd be fine with it if we actually got something for it. This place looks like a dump, the roads are inexcusable shit, and we get fuck all for parks and amenities ("city of parks" 'member?). Every time I'm in Coquitlam or Burnaby or something I'm floored by how much more they have across the board.


If I don't check the mail... I don't have to pay, right?


Schrodinger’s Tax – Quantum mechanics applied to the principles of municipal tax mailouts


Lotta big words there bro.. When we going on our central city fun park date?


Yeah it’s insane.


We have tons of immigration and a growing population. We need more roads and hospitals and classrooms and everything else. That all needs to be paid for. Expect property tax to rise, income tax, sales tax, etc.


I think it may be time to tax immigration.


Taxing more won't fix leadership incompetency.


Immigration is already charged heavily and Canada has only this one stream of income. Or you could just get more competent leaders


They did that. It was lovingly called the head tax.


If it had been lovingly applied to all people equally then it would have been done lovingly.


You mean like a headtax? I think we already did that... it lead to a lot of people in indentured servitude to snakeheads and a general uptick in criminal activity


Isn’t that what’s happening now, minimum wage shitholes like tims exploiting new immigrants and making sure they have enough money so they can cram 8 people into a 1000sqft suite.


So here’s the thing I totally agree that all infrastructure needs to be funded in someway and is most commonly done by using tax money. There are other ways to achieve the same or better outcomes without taxing citizens so heavily. Like an example Vancouver holds the water distribution rights to the most of the lower mainland and they fund a portion of the infrastructure through permits for new construction. Surrey just has to find an asset such as that. But till then property tax is gonna go up.


All new development is taxed through Building permits (1% of project value) and Development Cost Charges (anywhere from $5-$30/sqft depending on zoning). These taxes also apply to government funded projects such as schools and hospitals (which is ludicrous). In addition all new developments have to build the infrastructure as part of the project. Including building new roads, installing Hydro, tel/comm, water, sewage, etc.




Not appropriate for Surrey BC .


We had a property we bought back in 2005, now it’s under development and they are saying it’s worth $20M, but we have just kept working and never sold it, last year tax was so much and this year it’s gona be like $150k… its hard for people who only work and save


Awesome. Congrats.


That's just insane. Can't gauge recurring expense with a paid-off property.


2024 only went up 3.8% for me. Are you not deducting the $570 grant amount?


No. The property is valued at almost $2.5m so we don’t qualify for the grant


Did not know about that threshold, condolences from a lowly peasant 😂


Is that before or after The homeowners grant..mine went up 78 bucks after the grant


We aren’t eligible for the grant lol


How very unfortunate…


Get used to it. Some types just don't believe in paying their fair share of taxes, so you have to buck up for them. Good luck.


Hope all you SPS supporters are happy. This is our future. Year over year increases. Well done.


Its not SPS bud, its Brenda using SPS as an escape goat to jack up property tax


That's a crock of chit. The sps will be soaking up property taxes for years, well, for as long as there is an SPS for that matter. Just like the VPD do for Vancouver. You Honestly think the SPS transition wasn't going to affect Surrey's Property taxes? Blaming that on Brenda, is pretty weak.


Be cool if the province helped eh ?


You sure swallowed her crock of shit reasoning.


Truth! Non stop SPS spending from here on out. Then your going to hear everyone cry about how expensive this city is, while supporting an unneeded transition at this point in time. Unnafordable, my children will never be able to buy a house here, etc etc etc, Never mind all the money Brenda spent, it will look like chump change by the time the SPS is done, which is never. Every single aspect of the SPS transition from the day Doug put it in motion, has been an absolute shit show. I find it absolutely amazing the short memories people have. If it wasn't for Doug's BS handling of it to start with. It could have been put togethor properly, methodically, non rushed, etc....or abandoned altogethor. But make no mistake, this whole SPS fiasco is Doug's fault. Had no Idea what to do, or how to do it. Not a huge fan of Brenda either, but put the blame where it belongs, On the previous pig headed, lying, thieving, poor excuse of a human, POS mayor.


She's just as bad, if not worse.


I find that hard to believe, but I gave up following the Drama near the end of Doug's reign. So, If you don't mind, please enlighten me on how she is worse? or just as bad as Doug. Cause honestly, I don't know. I haven't followed or analyzed anything she's done while in the Mayor's seat. Other than trying to retain the RCMP. Doug's track record is pretty bad, from stealing city gas, hit and run rear ender on senior, bringing a smashed city car back. The obvious lie of, You ran over my foot BS. City paying for hundreds of parking stalls for the temples, that the temples had offered to pay for themselves originally, voter harvesting. Obvious back door deals with developers along proposed skytrain routes. The lies of cost for the skytrain to be run to langley. I believe he was on the board coast mountain? he know's how expensive it is, and has no problem lying to lthe public about it. My opinion only. The man's personality and flawed character pretty much speaks for itself. He's a POS. and that's the nicest thing I can say about Ol' Dougy. And those few things there, were just off the top of my head, I know ;theres much more, but I am suffering from PCS and all it's fun symptoms And yes, we all know Brenda's also wasted a lot of money on this policing BS. I wanna know what character flaws she has, and why people hate her. what makes worse than Dougy? I'm assuming the Pro SPS camp is picking her apart? Spill the beans, I'm generally curious.


How is the city paying for parking for temples. What a load of crock.