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So far.. too many crafting benches and materials.


That's what I disliked about exiles,,so many crafting stations it was overwhelming


I'm loving it. I played the demo and EA is even better. The gameplay is great, and it looks good too. The combat is a little meh. But it has a nice wide variety of weapons. And the building systems are nice and streamlined too.


Can you further expand on the weapons? I would like to play a game with good combat system. V rising got me hooked with the combat but Im done with the game now.


It has great swords, short swords, hammers, bows, dual swords, spears ECT. Each one has different movesets and it's own leveling. The more you use a weapon, the better your character does with them. Def not as intricate as V Rising though. But, I havent gotten as far in this game as I have in that.


Thanks brother. Appreciate it. Havent seen a lot of EA vids yet so this is helpful


Conan, valhiem, v rising type game. Conan vibes, valhiem building, rising weapons system. Public servers are hella laggy, quite a bit of jank IMO. Very fun with friends, and if you don’t play with friends you can amass a tribe to do all your building and be your body guards. I’m enjoying it so far.


Yeah, huge Valheim addict, minor V Rising fan, just starting SoulMask and liking it so far.


A man of culture.


I only played the demo, seemed like a conan exiles wannabe.


I only watched videos on it so far and I get that vibe too. It's not a good thing.


Its a slow burn, but good. Also, where the hell are my faeces


> faeces build a outhouse. Also can start collecting it from behind your animals once you start getting those.


I have it now so all good, the animal Poop needs work as it's pretty unreliable. Sometimes it's there in piles other times not but overall it's not too bad as I was just a level behind before the outhouse fixed it tbh


Like the game but I hate the mechanism of the mask. PC is an anchor for you to use when you are controlling them other wise not useful in any other way than being able to revive as an immortal. Proficiency are capped at 50 for everything unless you use a tamed NPC. Your character is a useless mess weaker than the weakest tamed NPC proficiency wise.


I dig it. I've played the games its inspired from and its got its own magic. Also not many games in this setting so it feels fresh. The jungle at night can be very scary


I played it for an hour and refunded. It's years away from being anything resembling a polished game.


The game is ok but garbage because the Jaguar turn into a fucking chainsaw that deals 50 to 60 damage per second and the worst part it pinned you down and takes 2 to 3 seconds to get up you be dead before getting up because the Jaguar will mow you down like grass


ai enemy seems stupid


just started yesterday and played 7 hrs really enjoying everything so for definitely some issues such as to manny crafting benches and they can’t really be tucked away each station demands to be put on foundation with ample room which can get annoying and cluttered also there’s a bit of a lack of enemy / mob / tame able variety but taking into account this game is still early access and not a full 60$ id say it’s more then worth it, definitely a refreshing experience coming somone whose struggled to enjoy games recently


Cool! Thanks man. Looks like I will wait for the game to further cook.


really boring