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I really liked Soulmask, bought it today after playing many hours of the demo. It’s not perfect, but I had fun. I didn’t like Enshrouded. I might go back and play on a dedicated server, but it seemed to go from super easy to super hard in a very short time.


Enshrouded is easy all the easy the way through.


I did the quests as they came up and the first one to get the blacksmith was fine, but I died about 12 times to the big mob in the cave and was never able to get past level 2. I’m not sure why, but my character stopped getting any xp from anything but killing creatures in the fog. I’d get maybe 2xp from the mobs near base and no xp from gathering etc. I’m glad you found it easy, but that wasn’t my experience at all. It was one of the most frustrating games I’ve ever played.


Dude's just a dick. You don't have to answer him with a detailed explanation.


What now?


Your still a dick?


You're. And yes.


OK so: -Soulsmask I haven't played. -Palworld is basically ARK: Survival Evolved but with cuter enemies and not quite as toxic a community. I like it. Would recommend. -Enshrouded feels more like a single player Zelda like game with some crafting and farming added on. That is not a bad thing. Would recommend. -Nightingale has a great vibe and some promise, but as much as I really want it to succeed I'd wait for it to bake a bit.


Enshrouded isn't single player necessarily. If you have friends, they can join.


It was about the vibe. It supports 16 people, but it feels like a Zelda game.


I've played Enshrouded and Nightingale, and I recommend both. Enshrouded has very robust building systems. Nightingale has equally robust crafting systems.


Enshrouded handles the upgrades to the crafting stations better Nightingale has so many it gets complicated to keep up with and sometimes you gotta build more crafting stations to keep the area from being cramped lol.


Nightingale can be good in a year or two. Don't recommend. Palworld you know exactly what to expect.


I own and enjoyed Enshrouded, but what about the other games; Are they just Rust 'thief-vandal-asshole' simulators or is there a single player mode?


Love palworld. Soulmask is alot of fun. Idk why the aesthetic of enshrouded didn't vibe with me


Characters were shaped weird, felt like a hobbit, for me at least thats what put me off visually


Soulmask it’s like green hell


Soul mask actually has different biomes and is vastly different from Green Hell.


It’s like Conan exiles 2.0


* Lots of time in Enshrouded. * Just getting started in SoulMask * Couldn't be bothered with Palworld * Played Nightingale for under 2 hours and returned it. Played all with a crew of 4... same crew... we're all big Valheim and Anno 1800 addicts. Love Enshrouded. It's not perfect, but it hits the right notes where it counts. Very fun playing multiplayer. Just starting in on SoulMask and digging the "make the slaves, er, tribesmen do the work". Initially open to Palworld but just couldn't get past the Pokemon look. Played Nightingale expecting good things but got quickly annoyed with it. Everything was just too clunky. Seems they chose "pretty" over "good".


Enshrouded was probably the most fun...and the least crafting, but felt repetitive about mid game. Nightingale was interesting, felt repetitive sooner. Soulmask is very crafting oriented. At the start of the game it feels like it's all you do. A main character who is designed to suck? It's most like Conan, but more crafting. It's driving my min/max instincts crazy. Palworld looks too cutsie for me. On the other hand I really liked Grounded.


I don't think it's comparable. I mean, all this games got their own style and features


No offense, and not to be rude, but I hate answers like this. While in some cases it's warranted, in this particular case the obvious common similarity between them all is that they are popular open world survival games with potential and unique characteristics that separate them from the rest For example, enshrouded has a really In depth building system, but for some it may not be as appealing then, let's say, soulmask combat system. at the end of the day, OP is just simply asking your own personal opinion. And while it's valid to NOT have one as these games may not be up your ally. But you said it yourself. They have different styles and features. So.... Which did you like and not like? What do you wish was implemented into another game or was incorporated better in a particular game? And if you genuinely can't think of enough context to contribute to a conversation regarding the topic, then it's fair to simply move on. But the answer you gave leaves no room for conversation whatsoever.


But for me it's like comparing Apples, Pears and Watermelons. Nightingale is more coop endgame, ok building system, below average story. Enshrouded is ok storytelling, great building system and great exploring game, IMO way more single, than coop. At least for me. Palworld is way more coop, than single, poor building system, poor story, but amazing action. So if someone asks about "which is better?" he must specify what exactly should be better


Okay, which do you prefer between apples, pears and watermelons. Why do you prefer one over the other? Personally, I prefer apples as they are easy to eat and can range from sweet to tart. I never quite liked the taste of pears and the seeds in watermelons are annoying.


I see what you are trying to say but you realize every feature you gave each specific game exists in every other game you mention? Every one of these games have coop, endgame, building, exploring, single player, puzzle, story. So the question is, which of these factors made one game stand out more to you. Or which game did you enjoy more because of certain factors. Unless you literally spent the EXACT same amount of time in each doing the EXACT same things. To a T. Then you should have a game you enjoyed more. Wether it's becuase of those aspects or simple because you liked the name. Giving an answer shouldn't be this pedantic


So why didn't you just say that instead of making us draw it out of you? Your original post was a troll nothing post.


all these crybaby mommies on Reddit anymore. stfu.


Because there are short answer and long answer, first comment is a short answer, the second is a long one


I mean, it would have not hurt to read the actual original post before commenting, OP is not asking for a comparison but merely an overview of each game. a game can definitely be comparable to another game, subjectively.


Reviews are being made. Not sure why you are here.


Of course they're comparable. That doesn't mean that each can't offer something unique or do certain things better or worse than the others. It also doesn't preclude someone from appreciating more than one.