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Valheim is a banger


i've heard but I don't really know what its about


Seconded on valheim. The primary goal is to slay bosses in different biomes, but the building element is what makes the game special. And the "vibe". Really is a brilliant multiplayer experience


Man the first time my buddy and I built a boat and sailed down the river that ran through our continent, with the serene music playing, and all the ambient sound effects. Literally "vibe" Fucking love valheim.


oooh, i'll have to look into it


Valheim for sure.  There's a reason it's been so successful. Haters gonna hate, but you can't argue with its success. That doesn't just happen. All these other games need to take notes.  I'd also recommend enshrouded.


I'll check it out


if only there was a way to find out


Grounded! It's really a lot of fun and has great building tools. Great storyline too!


I second this! This game looked so silly to me but after my two friends and I completed this game we haven't found a game that felt as good and rewarding with such a big map that doesn't fill ridiculously long to get across.


I have very fond memories of the run from place to place, it's so pretty and the danger around every corner!


It's the best fuckin survival game I've ever played. It's insane how much sense everything makes. One of the most well-designed games out there. Hundreds of hours of playtime available with all the collectibles, secrets, and NG1-6. The game rewards exploration really well.


Soulmask. It's so good and still fairly new with tons still being discovered.


To clarify - Soulmask is a new game (released end of May) that is still in early access. They've been churning out minor updates pretty quickly and hitting a lot of common player requests, I think today was update #9 already? It's a really neat survival game with some interesting mechanics - it doesn't play quite like most other games. There are a lot of similarities to Conan Exiles and ARK though.


I'll second or third Valheim, it's an amazing experience. While not quite open-world, or with heavy survival elements, Voidtrain is also a favorite for co-op. Not sure if either are on sale though, I'm out of town for work and can't check at the moment.


Minecraft, 7 days to die.


minecraft is a meh, good game but we are looking for something different, we have 7 days to die but we are waiting to go back to it until 1.0 is released


1.0 was released. but Grounded and Project Zomboid come to mind. I've not played Valheim but seems popular. Icarus looks good, but it's an expensive game especially with the DLC.


1.0 officially releases in 2-3 weeks, its currently in experimental grounded I have considered and zomboid we have spent way too much time playing, I have herd that Valheim is good but not sure, I need to look at some gameplay, haven't heard of Icarus, I'll look into it. Thanks


Aah, I guess that's fair. I think it's July 25th. I've watched some gameplay of Icarus, I think it looks good. I think Green Hell can also be co-op. Don't know up to how many people. Subnautica has mods to make it multiplayer. Subnautica is one of my favorite games.


Grounded will consume your life. At least it did for our group. First game in a while that's gripped us like Grounded. Try to refrain from googling stuff as long as possible, it's essential for the enjoyment.


The most recent one I've been playing with my wife and her son is Abiotic Factor and it's great. You're trying to survive in / escape a huge science facility after a Half-Life-like disaster. Crafting, base building, leveling skills, keeping on top of your needs, all the good stuff. And it's even pretty funny at times.


I'll check it out, thanks


7 Days to Die has been my go to for quite a while. Ark is also good co-op but I stay away from public servers and host a private one.


we are waiting for 7 days to die to fully release before we go back too it, but I haven't been too much of a fan of ARK


Ark needed a couple of mods for us to enjoy it but there are tons out there - the stargate mod in particular made it a lot more fun for us. As for 7D I'm not sure it'll ever go gold, hasn't it been in alpha for about 12 years?!


Abiotic Factor. It's fire.




Valheim is probably your best bet. Absolutely love that game. Also had a ton of fun with friends in The Forest. In some ways it's a better multiplayer, but I find the gore to be offputting. If you have a Quest headset I also made a free one. It's simple, but very popular on the Horizon Worlds platform. :-) [https://horizon.meta.com/world/10159943679302184](https://horizon.meta.com/world/10159943679302184)


I have been hearing lots of good things about Valheim, one of our friends can't play the forest sadly despite it being really good


Project zomboid !


one of our friends doesnt like it and me and the other friend have spent an unhealthy amount of time playing that game


Icarus then


haven't heard of that one, what is it about?


I wouldn't waste your time with icarus. The game was released half assed as "full release" and still to this day has hitching issues. Dev just keeps releasing dlc then adds new features only available in those new dlc. Many better options available.


That’s a terrible take about Icarus ngl


7 Days to Die with the Darkness Falls mod.


Core Keeper, Abiotic Factor, Rust


Grounded. Valheim. In that order.


Green hell ist awesome


Satisfactory is excellent. Probably one of my favorite games next to factorio.


7 days to die is great


The Forest, or Sons Of The Forest


My favorites have been Valheim, Project Zomboid, Raft and 7 Days to Die. I believe all except 7DTD are around or less than $30 and would recommend any of them. Actually I just checked and if you can get 7DTD before the 1.0 price hike I’d say it’s worth. Honestly it might be a bit hard to recommend at $45 which will be the new price.


Yeah, there are TONS! Spend 20 minutes searching this forum, you're bound to find something.


Plains of Pain