• By -


Pissegodt, Sverige. SĂ„ kender man jer igen. 🇾đŸ‡ȘđŸ„°




Factual wrong, or at least not correct. Not just grandparents. Anyone! You can transfer up to 45 days of your paid parent leave to anyone! If you are a single parent and don't share parent leave, it is 90 days. [https://www.forsakringskassan.se/privatperson/foralder/foraldrapenning](https://www.forsakringskassan.se/privatperson/foralder/foraldrapenning) Google Translate: ***Parental allowance to other than one parent*** *You can transfer up to 45 parental benefit days to someone who is not your child's guardian. She can then apply for parental allowance.* *If you are the sole guardian, you can spend more than 90 days per child.* *The compensation that the person receives is based on their own sickness benefit qualifying income. This means that we calculate his parental allowance based on how much he earns per year.* *You cannot transfer the parental allowance days reserved for the other parent.* *You can transfer all days, except the reserved days, to the child's other guardian or to your partner.Parental allowance to someone other than a parent You can transfer up to 45 days of parental allowance to someone who is not the guardian of your child. She can then apply for parental benefit. If you are the sole guardian, you can spend more than 90 days per child. The compensation that the person receives is based on their own income qualifying for sickness benefit. This means that we calculate his parental allowance based on how much he earns per year. You cannot transfer the parental allowance days that are reserved for the other parent. You can transfer all days, except the reserved days, to the child's other guardian or to your partner.*


Intressant. Jag har för mig att artikeln pÄ SVT om detta nÀmnde att det bara gÀllde nÀra slÀkt.


Jag har för mig att man kunde överföra till vem som helst, jag har hotat kollegan med det nÀr det klagats pÄ att förÀldrar hade "fritid" för enkelt.


Det stÀmmer. Man kan inte bara ge till precis vem som helst.


SÀkert slÀkt i första hand, men saknar du slÀkt tillÄts sÀkert Àven vÀnner.


Yup, you can give parental days to your friends as well, would be quite interesting though to go to the boss and be like "I want to take parental leave" to which the boss goes "What, I didn't know you had kids!?" and then tell them that your friend needed a break and you'd love to take their kids to the park xD


Det hÀr kommer absolut inte att missbrukas. Steg 1. Hitta person i nÀra omgivning med hög lön som kan jobba pÄ. Steg 2. Ge bort dagarna till denna person. Personen jobbar vidare, mamman Àr hemma (hon Àr ÀndÄ arbetslös). Dela pÄ pengarna. Detta kommer frÀmst att göras i miljöer dÀr personer redan jobbar grÄtt.


The word "Hen" has been translated to _She._ It should be _They_


Tell Google Translate. Not me...


You're OK, I wasn't telling you, I was telling everyone who might read the translation and think "that was a weird phrasing"


Det Àr vÀl typ bittersweet? FörÀldrar jobbar sÄ mycket att de inte har tid? Fast jag tycker det Àr ett bra initiativ och beslut!


Jag förestÀller mig att majoriteten som kommer nyttja detta Àr ensamstÄende förÀldrar som kanske inte har rÄd att vara förÀldralediga pÄ heltid, bara min spontana tanke.


Och smÄföretagare som inte kan ta ut sina förÀldradagar utan att företaget tar skada.


Borde det inte dÄ vara smartare om mor-/farförÀldrarna hjÀlper till ekonomiskt, frÄn sin lön, istÀllet för att den som förmodligen tjÀnar mer ska ta ut förÀldrarledighet? Med tanke pÄ att de flesta mor-/farförÀldrar inte Àr i pensionsÄlder nÀr de fÄr barnbarn.


Ett exempel var ju att en ensamstÄende och en kompis had ledigt tillsammans för att lÀtta belastningen


Det Àr ju oftast tvÄ förÀldrar inblandade Àven om de Àr ensamstÄende.


Ja, man hör ju aldrig om ensamstÄende som kÀmpar för att fÄ ihop vardagen i media... /s Det hÀr skadar absolut ingen, det ger bara mÀnniskor mer rÀtt att bestÀmma hur de vill anvÀnda sina förÀldradagar.


Föredrar utan tvekan att lÀmna ungen hos mor- eller farförÀldrar Àn för tidigt pÄ dagis. Egentligen borde detta inte vara sÄ konstigt.


Tycker inte det Àr konstigt, ser verkligen inget problem med att mÀnniskor fÄr mer frihet i att bestÀmma vem som kan fÄ ersÀttning för att ta hand om ens barn.




Det Àr vÀl bÀttre Àn att inte ha det alternativet?


Absolut, Dont get me wrong. Blev nedröstad, men tycker det Àr en bra grej!




Det Àr mörkt att förÀldrar inte har rÄd att vara hemma med sina barn.


Det behöver ju inte handla om pengar. Om man Àr ensamstÄende och har ensam vÄrdnad sÄ kan ens jobb bli otroligt lidande av att man mÄste ta all förÀldraledighet och all vab sjÀlv.


HÄller med, de borde planera bÀttre.


Vilka borde planera bÀttre?


FörÀldrar. Har man sÄ dÄligt stÀllt sÄ Àr det en dÄlig idé att skaffa barn.


Du Àr inte förÀlder, eller hur?




Det Àr just det som Àr problemet. Innan vi började subventionera ensamstÄende förÀldrar var det ett marginellt fenomen. NÀr vi började dumpa skattemiljarder pÄ att subventionera det sÄ blev det lÄngt fÀrre barn som har en pappa.


Mycket bÀttre att vara kvar i ett destruktivt förhÄllande som uppenbarligen bara var för ekonomins skull istÀllet - eller hur menar du?


1) MÀngden barn som hade tvÄ gifta förÀldrar nÀr de föddes var mycket högre. Dvs det handlar inte om förÀldrar som höll ihop för barnens skull. 2) Statistiken Àr tydlig, tvÄ förÀldrar och gifta förÀldrar Àr bÀttre för barnen.


1. Nej precis, det handlar om att det Àr enklare att gÄ isÀr nu, vilket Àr bra om förhÄllandet Àr dÄligt 2. Statistiken visar att tvÄ gifta förÀldrar Àr bÀttre för barnet för att det Àr vanligare att ett gift par hÄller ihop i hem med högre socialt och ekonomiskt kapital - och Àr det dÄ att de Àr gifta eller att högt socialt och ekonomiskt kapital i familjen Àr bra för barnet? (3) det hÀr gör det enklare för folk som har det svÄrt att fortfarande klara livspusslet med en unge. Dra inte in kÀrnfamiljsmoral i det hÀr


>Nej precis, det handlar om att det Àr enklare att gÄ isÀr nu, vilket Àr bra om förhÄllandet Àr dÄligt Nej, det handlar om att fler skaffar barn utan ett fungerande Àktenskap i grunden. 2) Du missar att Àktenskapet Àr en stor del av det sociala kapitalet. >3) det hÀr gör det enklare för folk som har det svÄrt att fortfarande klara livspusslet med en unge. Det har snarare orskat en lavinartad ökning av problemet. EnsamstÄnende mammor har gÄtt till ett marginellt problem till att vara nÀstan hÀlften av alla barn. Det har varit en fullstÀndig katastrof.


Äh, va? Ca 14 % av alla barn i Sverige bor med en ensamstĂ„ende mamma, inte ”nĂ€stan hĂ€lften”


Kan ju vara sÄ att de ekonomiska ÄtgÀrderna inte Àr orsak utan ett svar pÄ förÀndrade familjekonstellationer.


Snarare förÀndrade ekonomiska förhÄllanden skapar möjligheten till försÀmrade familjekonstellationer.


EnsamstÄende förÀldrar Àr inget nytt koncept men jag tror du kommer fÄ vÀldigt lite medhÄll nÀr du torgför att det inte Àr tillrÀckligt jobbigt att vara ensamstÄende förÀlder.


Det har som sagt ökat lavinartat efter att man började slösa berg av skattepengar pÄ det. Problemet Àr som vanligt med mÄnga statliga program att ju mer man satsar pÄ det ju vÀrre blir problemet.


PÄ vilket sÀtt subventionerar vi _ensamstÄende_ förÀldrar med miljarder? Skulle gÀrna veta eftersom jag Àr en sÄn. Har inte mÀrkt att vare sig du eller nÄn annan öst pengar över mig för den sakens skull.


Bostadsbidrag, subventionerad barnpassning, och att staten mer eller mindre sköter halva uppfostran för Cewin, Tindra och andra blivande utmaningar.


Ser det mer som en möjlighet att balansera/ planera sitt liv med mer frihet och möjligheter Àn ett bevis pÄ att förÀldrar mÄste jobba sÄ mycket att de inte har tid. Men sjÀlvklart varierar det stort


Minns hur min mormor och morfar ibland bodde hos oss ett par dagar och agerade barnvakt Ät mig och storebrorsan. SÄ kunde mamma och pappa göra nÄgot för sig sjÀlva. Det var mÄnga Är sen nu och klart de mer Àn gÀrna gjorde det gratis. Men inte helt fel att fÄ lite lön för "mödan" som pensionÀr.


Ja eller om man dĂ„ inte Ă€r pensionĂ€r men kanske har ett mindre ”krĂ€vande” jobb Ă€n förĂ€ldrarna. Personligen vill jag nyttja det som barnfri moster a tĂ€nker att det Ă€r win-win om jag kan ta vissa dagar vid behov


De kan knappast fÄ bÄde pension och förÀldrapennlng samtidigt. Om inte annat fÄr man vÀl inte SGI av pensionen.


PensionÀrer avstÄr inte frÄn lön för att passa barn och kan dÀrmed inte fÄ nÄgon förÀldrapenning. 


Du har inte lÀst pÄ försÀkringskassan. PensionÀrer kan ansöka om penningen, det stÄr [uttryckligen](https://www.forsakringskassan.se/privatperson/foralder/foraldrapenning).


Ok, tack för rĂ€ttelsen. Slarvigt av mig 🙂


VÀldigt bra för egenföretagare att kunna vara mer flexibla med sina dagar.


Jag förestÀller mig att det kan komma att bli ett vanligt sommarjobb för yngre vuxna. Och att man inom den större familjen kan komma att skyffla dagar till familjens timanstÀllda moster eller kusin, för att denne ska fÄ en högre inkomst eftersom botten pÄ förÀldrapenningen Àr högre Àn timmarna pÄ Àldreboendet/lagret/kundtjÀnsten. Och sÄklart den vanliga villabefolkningen som kommer lyckas nyttja detta för att pÄ nÄgot sÀtt fÄ statligt betald nanny innan ungen Àr 1 och förskolan tar emot den, och senare under sommaren. Men jag har inte sÄ högt förtroende för borgarnas motiv i just denna frÄga, eller folkets moraliska funderingar kring att maxa nyttan pÄ bekostnad av skattekollektivet. Jag tror att det kommer leda till en ökad kostnad för staten för nu kommer det bli enklare för fler att faktiskt anvÀnda alla förÀldradagar. Och jag tycker det Àr ett milsteg bort frÄn syftet med förÀldraförsÀkringen. Skulle hellre se att man satsar pÄ bÀttre förskolor, som ju har uppenbara skalfördelar jÀmfört med förÀldradagar. Men sÄ har jag inte barn heller, jag bara betalar för andras barn och numera tydligen deras tillfÀlliga nanny. I detta Àr jag tÀmligen pessimistisk, jag ser det frÀmst som ytterligare en utarmning av den gemensamma statskassan, som kommer gynna folk som inte behöver det, marknadsfört med ord som valfrihet och ensamstÄende mödrar. Helt enkelt för att vi har hört den förut.


Skulle dutta 100ggr om jag kunde.


Eller hur. Gud förbjude att förĂ€ldrarna tar ut förĂ€ldraledighet och Ă€r med sina barn


LÀr vÀl mest anvÀndas av folk dÀr den andra förÀldern av nÄgon anledning Àr otillgÀnglig. Vet ocksÄ att mor/farförÀldrar kunde vabba för barnbarnen men detta Àr Ànnu ett steg i rÀtt riktning.


"COPENHAGEN, Denmark -- Sweden launched a groundbreaking new law on Monday that allows grandparents to step in and get paid parental leave while taking care of their grandchildren for up to three months of a child’s first year." Aaaand there we close the article.


It's only valid during the child's first year.


No. There are several factual inaccuracies in the article and this is one of them.


1 juli höjdes dagarna frÄn 30 till 60 dagar för förÀldrar att ta ut förÀldraledighet samtidigt ocksÄ.


So good. That a solid 3 months after birth of baby if you want it.


True, but that also means fewer parental leave days for the parents...


Oh! Had no idea , ok!


It just means more choice in who takes the days - the days are still decided per kid, not per caretaker




The state takes your money and we are so free because we get some say in how it is spent!


I'd rather fund welfare through taxation that having corpo bloodsuckers in every step of the way, inflating the total societal costs and pricing people out of essentials like healthcare. It gives me more confidence to gamble and act freely without having my life depend on some psychopathic middle management type.


Who said the corporate bloodsuckers are the alternative? If you didn't know Sweden has some of the highest wealth inequality in the world. Ordinary people are taxed to death while big business isn't. The state and the corporate elite aren't at odds, they are cooperating. The alternatives is family and social structures that are more organic.


>If you didn't know Sweden has some of the highest wealth inequality in the world. Ordinary people are taxed to death while big business isn't. Yeah, I'm personally all for taxing capital gains and ownership as well! Glad to hear we seem to agree! >The alternatives is family and social structures that are more organic. No thanks. I'm perfectly happy to pay my taxes and then know for sure that I and anyone in need will be able to get access to healthcare regardless of their financial stability.


Are you incapable of managing and saving your own money though? Via the state, you're paying for all the crazy trossamfund and religious schools, aid to Hamas, etc. I'd rather keep my own money and manage it myself. I can invest myself without a state pension, if the government didn't steal 70% of my money. And you say that as though Swedish healthcare access isn't collapsing anyway.


>Are you incapable of managing and saving your own money though? No, but a social safety net extends to everyone, and shit can happen. Plus, my family aren't really the wealthiest sort, so other than the money I di save each month, there really isn't much to manage. >Via the state, you're paying for all the crazy trossamfund and religious schools, aid to Hamas, etc. The support to religious movements is less than a drop in the pacific. The Hamas shit is straight nonsense. >I'd rather keep my own money and manage it myself. I can invest myself without a state pension, if the government didn't steal 70% of my money. Wow, must suck to live in the UK. >And you say that as though Swedish healthcare access isn't collapsing anyway. I think you may be projecting here. How is the NHS doing again?


> No, but a social safety net extends to everyone But the real safety net comes from the unions. The state welfare isn't great anyway (despite taking a lot more money). > The support to religious movements is less than a drop in the pacific. But all the drops add up. Stuff like https://www.kristianstadsbladet.se/ledare/sinnesslott-sloseri-att-kopa-en-lustig-bank-for-290-000/ too. > Wow, must suck to live in the UK. Jag bor i Sverige. Man kan har familj i och bo i andra lÀnder. Jag tÀnker pÄ att flytta till UK eftersom de tjÀnar mer och kronan Àr helt vÀrdelös nu. Men dÀr Àr bostader dÄliga .


Even if you are not ”the wealthiest sort” nobody pays for you. Your own taxes pay for your consumption of welfare services etc. Only about 10% of the population get more out than their share. That’s of course good, we should help the poor and needy in society, but in all likelihood, you are not one of them. It is perhaps the most common illusion that ”rich people’s taxes” pay for ”my welfare”. They don’t. They never will. It would not work, because there they don’t have that much money. Of course this illusion is important because it is part of the sales talk. Notice how certain parties promise things and say that ”rich people” are gonna pay for it? A lot of people believe it.


No obviously my taxes pay for it. That's the whole god damn point of the system. And further, the richest capital owners finding ways not to contribute their fair share is a tale as old as time. I'm well aware that Sweden is basically a tax haven for capital owners. >Only about 10% of the population get more out than their share. I would love any source you could provide here btw, not to dispute your claim. Not to dispute your claim, I'm just intrigued. >That’s of course good, we should help the poor and needy in society, but in all likelihood, you are not one of them. I could be. Frankly put, I don't mind it either way. >Notice how certain parties promise things and say that ”rich people” are gonna pay for it? A lot of people believe it. Well, on the other hand, we have their political opponents who have been chipping away at the wellfare state slowly but surely, with the express intent of enriching the richest with money belonging to the middle class. This doesn't change the fact that the fundamental concept works and is good. I hope to be a net gain for the society. I certainly hope to pay more than I get back. Again, from each according to ability, to each according to need. If my needs are easily and cheaplu fulfilled, allowing for the money I've been able to contribute to be spent helping someone whose need is greater live a better life, then that's a good thing.


So the working class can go back to work and not miss out on the promotion while the retirees can get paid to connect with the family again. Not too bad, no?


They shouldn't be missing any promotions by raising kids. It's absurd that we're shifting the burden of childcare to elderly people because the parents can't take enough leave to raise them themselves. If this law didn't reduce parental leave then it would be ok but now all we're doing is redistributing the parental leave.


You can’t transfer the days to a retiree, they aren’t eligible for the parental leave.


Yes, they are eligible. That's one of the changes that went into force on the 1st of July. Retirees can now get up to 45 days of transferred paid parental leave, and the payment will be calculated based on their pensions.


Oh, you are correct. My source were our local newspaper that said “Det Ă€r förĂ€ldrarna sjĂ€lva som vĂ€ljer vem de vill ge sina dagar till. Det enda kravet Ă€r att de ska vara försĂ€krade enligt SocialförsĂ€kringsbalken, alltsĂ„ ha en inkomst. Det innebĂ€r till exempel att pensionĂ€rer inte kan vara fĂ€rĂ€ldralediga.” FörsĂ€kringskassan says same as you “Även pensionĂ€rer och andra som inte har nĂ„gon SGI kan fĂ„ förĂ€ldrapenning.”


That might be true (other than retirees getting paid, they wouldn't). But damn that feels like a grim look at society compared to how I normally think of Sweden. A lot of people in almost all sectors have long parental leaves, including fathers (it's getting better and better), and I wouldn't classify them as "missing out on promotions" - even if that could be true. I also don't think of Sweden as having a "working class" in the US sense (as in poorly treated and different to other normal people who work). I also don't know any retirees who would have to be paid by the state to "re-"connect with their family. Here in Sweden we have something we call "vab", that is "vÄrd av barn"/"care of (sick) child". Where you basically call in as if you were sick to work, but you're taking care of a child. You can also do that for children that aren't your own - it's a bit of an ordeal (as I understand it) so you won't just do it for whomever. But the grandparents I know at work (in their 50s and 60s) that do have young children do take days off to take care of them. [source](https://www.forsakringskassan.se/english/parents/care-of-a-sick-child-vab)


Doesn't have to be grandparents either. From my understanding it can be anyone, even outside the family. Can even be the kids older sibling since it has no age requirements?


This is amazing and makes me proud of Sweden, as someone who works in HR law in the UK.


I suspect that, actually, this is a way for the upper class to delegate parenting to nannies, and have the state pay for that, as it does for their renovations and house work already.


How is it the state paying for it? It's your own money the state has taken, and you get less back.


That would not work. You need SGI to take (transferred) parental leave, so you need a paid job to start with, and it has to pay more, since parental leave pay is 80% of SGI.


Here is How they can make it work: hire a nanny/housekeeper/servant/handmaid, employ them long enough to establish an SGI (6 months). The minimum qualifying yearly income is 126000 SEK (less than $100 per month). Now, this person qualifies to take over a family’s parental leave for a child.


Nannies is a wierd nickname for grandparents.


If you read the proposal, there is nothing there about grandparents: https://www.regeringen.se/rattsliga-dokument/lagradsremiss/2023/06/en-mojlighet-att-overlata-foraldrapenning/ Source: I am Swedish


Ok, just read the article linked in the post.


Seeing as the retired aren’t even eligible, this might rather see many grandparents competing for their grandkids’ attention with a whole new class of people.


The retired are eligible, but since they don’t have SGI, they get the lowest rate for any days they take.


Kungen kan vabba oxo


It's a good step, but the real issue is the cap on the payment for those that don't get it topped up by the employer. It's funny that there's no cap when they take your income in taxes, but there is a cap when they give a little bit back to you...


Will the government tax you more because of this new law?


No, but I mean in general the way the parental leave works.


Awesome! Who is going to pay them?


SjÀlv gÄr jag med massa dagar som snart brinner inne dÄ jag inte har rÄd att ta ut nÄgra


Hardly news - we nearly did this many years ago.


VÀl en bra idé. PÄminner nÄgot om hur mÀnniskor för lÀngesen tog hand om barnen kollektivt. Nog nyttigt för nya förÀldrar att kunna variera mer mellan jobb och att ta hand om ungar.


Ja synd bara att vi fyllt landet med icke-arbetande pensionÀrer som lever pÄ garantipension och nu kan Àta upp förÀldrakassan istÀllet för pensionskassan


Why would i pay taxes to suck ur balls? Youre mom already pays taxes


Wonder if employers will pressure employees into handing over their parental days to others now so they can squeeze out more work...


Of course they will. It's a law to make to make people work more, I really would like to hear what percentage of people would actually benefit as in making their lives more comfortable by this law.


Se dÀr nu kan man betala barnvakten med förÀldrarpengar pengar ;)


I eran 48500 before tax and get in my pocket 36800. Its not 50%.


It's more than 50%. My compensation includes RSUs and stock options so you pay 56% income tax, plus 30% capital gains on those too. Then there's the 25% VAT too. If you add that all up it can be around 70% of what you actually receive and use. All so the government can give money to religious nutjobs: * https://www.svt.se/nyheter/inrikes/inget-statsbidrag-till-ryska-ortodoxa-kyrkan-i-sverige * https://www.aftonbladet.se/debatt/a/Q7W2n8/muslimska-trossamfund-att-branna-koranen-ar-inte-yttrandefrihet I wish Jan Emanuel could win.


Arbetsgivaravgift is 31,42 % on top of your 48500 kr (i.e. 15239 kr). You are costing your employer 63739 kr each month, of which you get 36800 kr. You get to keep 58 %. Then there are other taxes too, of course.


Yup. So 42% before we even bring 25% sales tax into the picture and tax on fuel, alcohol etc.


and avdrag. 30% of my intrest cost i get back


Unless your loans are the size of the US national debt it pales in comparison to all the taxes you pay.


And then you realize you pay 25% sales tax, tax on fuel, tax on alcohol, tax on profits from stocks or of you sold real estate etc etc etc etc etc etc. And I haven't even gotten into arbetsgivaravgift which is probably a topic on its own. Once you have spent a year living and look at income vs tax during a 12 month period i doubt it you get to keep more than 30% of what your earn in salary. We get alot of benefits other countries don't give their citizens but my god are we paying for it. 


That's the problem with the current tax system. Most Swedes have NO Idea how much are they really paying (like you, no offense the system is designed to trick you like that).  I hate now not transparent it is that people think they only pay 32% of taxes 


Old news. Good news, but old.


We lead? We pay an extremely high price for all social programs like this. Don't think that everything is for free. We pay for this our whole lives and we have no options, no choice and no say in any of it.


Antar att du Àr för ung för att rösta om du inte kÀnner att du har möjlighet att pÄverka.


Vissa saker Àr kartel-bestÀmda. SÄ som chat-control. Vem röstar du pÄ för att slippa chat-control?


You do have the option to move to a country without the same social security systems.


Well, in that same line of thinking, the ones who wants to change the social system also have the same option to move to another country and change it there instead.




It actually saves money for society as a whole as the children grow up healthier and more likely to contribute to the tax system themselves.


First you have no idea that this is the case since you don't have a reference Sweden to compare against. Secondly the logic of markets and choices say otherwise. Why would this apply to healthcare but not computers, food, housing, clothing or plastic surgery? Are you sure this isn't an ideological stance for you above everything else?


You’re clearly not serious. I doubt you’ll even read but here is one large sample. Thing is, I don’t even mind that my healthy child will pay for YOUR pension. 😘 [Parental leave health outcomes](https://scholar.google.com/scholar?hl=sv&as_sdt=0%2C5&q=parental+leave+health+outcomes&oq=parental+leave+heal#d=gs_qabs&t=1720111765374&u=%23p%3DcOn649QZhO0J)


I am serious. Sample of what? I just told you how you can't logically be correct since you have no control. I would like to pay for my own pension, obviously. But you won't let me. That's the problem. Why do you think that everything is cheaper if collectivized? It makes no sense.


Ofc you have a choice, just leave, or start a political party that wants to remove it


Does the government plan on raising the tax rate? If not, then this has been covered in the 30% tax that most people paid. It looks to me that the government is trying to put the money back to the family while reuniting the family. Good idea, you don't think so?


Marginal tax in Sweden is around 50%. If you want to compare against international taxes you should take a look at our marginal tax instead


All tax combined on the average person is way above 50% for anyone reading this.


Of course, counting VAT and all taxes it will be around 70% (INSANE)


Yep. And then we have continuous lifetime taxes on your vehicles and your house for the rest of your life ( cars only until they are 30yo though). We can not forget the tax on electricity aswell, that is waaay higher than VAT/Moms. 43 öre per kWh even if the electricity itself is basically free. Infinite tax in that case, and in most other cases between 50-100 percent tax on electricity.


Totally Agree. I own an AB so I know the pain from first hand




The 50% kicks in when you make more than 50K a month. E.X. 80K = 50k +30 K The 30K will be taxed at 50%. Are there many people making that much? What's the meadian income in SE?


You are referring to the state tax (statliga skatt) which is another tax that people who are high earners pay additionaly. But that is another thing. Marginal tax without counting VAT is 50% in sweden. The easiest way is thinking how much would you pay if you were self employed (like me in sweden). Self employed people are taxed at 50%, because they pay employer countributions (20%) plus employee taxed (32%). In other countries the employer contributions are visible for the employees so they also "feel" that additional tax, but in sweden is not so people think they only pay 32% when in reality is at least 50%.  I am self employed in Sweden, I pay around 52% of taxes every month with a totally normal income 


When does the 31% payroll tax kick in and VAT and taxes on fuel, alcohol or electricity? Oh, at zero. Nice, thanks.


As much as they can get away with. And the Swedes are the most naive people on earth which is why we're at this level right now.


That is how it is to be part of a society, yes. I don't durectly use the roads because I do not have a car and I have walking distance to everything I need as well as work, but I see no problem paying for them with my taxes as I know someone else will pay for something I have to use


We also get time off to care for our loved when they’re dying.


Gotta be good at something i guess


I’m not paying for it thank god. Imagine having your mom pressure you to have kids for money.


Ska det bli krig snart? Gamlingarna ska fÄ ta hand om barnen medans förÀldrarna gÄr ut i krig?




Fuck off yourself


Fuck you biatch!


It's nice to know that some tiny part of my children's daycare comes from your pocket


We live in a society


You pay taxes for the big buring straw goat every winter. Duh. This is why all other countries are underdeveloped.


Suck my balls