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You must be having a death wish standing this close while berthing is still going on. I never even go near mooring ropes when they are stressed.


Prolly has enough energy to cut you in half, if it snaps.


True. There was an accident just a few months back on MOL's container ship i guess and the third mate was at the aft station during mooring operation. He looked at the side of the stern for the rope while the able bodied heaved up the rope without being told to and the rope snapped and hit that third mate's head. His head was gone in an instant. Edit: It was not MOL's ship, it was Seaspan's ship.


Wow, that's heavy... At least it was quick.


I'm pretty sure no one realised what happened because his body was just standing there with the railing like nothing happened. Shit was just sad man.


After beheading, you can stay conscious and alert for up to 10 seconds. I wonder what thoughts went through their mind


Not if your brain is paste.


If that’s the case, you can make an interesting pasta sauce at least.


Timors moruge and pasta, yesterdays loss is todays sauce


This guys been watching too much Rick and Morty


“Oh no, not again”


"Oh cheese n crackers!"


Nah, if you lose your head your brain loses all of it's blood pressure at once and you would have immediate loss of consciousness. The old idea that beheadings would result in a head with consciousness for ANY period of time is just false. Basically, all modern testing (done with rats, not people) shows a near-instant loss of consciousness. Maybe there is some situation, 1 in a million, where someone has consciousness for a brief moment or two, but it wouldn't be longer than a second or two, and certainly not 10+ seconds.


Most modern testing shows between 2 and 6 seconds but there are some credible studies that suggest up to 10 seconds: “A laboratory study testing for humane methods of euthanasia in awake animals used EEG monitoring to measure the time duration following decapitation for rats to become fully unconscious, unable to perceive distress and pain. It was estimated that this point was reached within 3–4 seconds, correlating closely with results found in other studies on rodents (2.7 seconds, and 3–6 seconds).[22][23][24] The same study also suggested that the massive wave which can be recorded by EEG monitoring approximately one minute after decapitation ultimately reflects brain death. Other studies indicate that electrical activity in the brain has been demonstrated to persist for 13 to 14 seconds following decapitation (although it is disputed as to whether such activity implies that pain is perceived),[25] and a 2010 study reported that decapitation of rats generated responses in EEG indices over a period of 10 seconds that have been linked to nociception across a number of different species of animals, including rats.[26]” https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Decapitation It should also noted, that in physical sciences an ‘immediate’ depressurization of a system has never been observed


> It should also noted, that in physical sciences an ‘immediate’ depressurization of a system has never been observed. That sure sounds like a fancy way of saying that we don't explosively decompress when someone sticks a knife in us.


The rope


I wonder if you got decapitated wether you feel or notice the actual removal of your head or everything just cuts to black.


If it's blunt force trauma that's taking your head away, reality is often going to be that your brain is getting liquified along with the rest of the removed material. So yeah, everything would just end before you knew it had ended.


getting choked out or knocked out cuts to black so most likely either black or straight to the after life experience.


I’d imagine your head would be alive for at least a few seconds, it’s got some oxygen left in its blood after all, but it doesn’t have access to the oxygen in the blood of the body it was just cut from so it’d be a few seconds max. Whether you’d notice what happens is doubtful, you’d probably just be confused then dead.


"alive" and "conscious" are two different things. yeah, your head will probably still be "alive" very briefly (for maybe a minute tops), but the sudden loss of blood pressure would immediately render you unconscious


It's a rather grisly subject, but it has been discussed here at length. There is footage which I do not recommend you search for, of the very last usage of the guillotine and it does appear that for a few momentary seconds consciousness is maintained.


This is false, and anyone who works in the medical field knows this. People who have extremely low blood pressure will lose consciousness the moment you sit them upright and have no memory it. Removing ones head from their body immediately drops all bp to 0. There is no consciousness remaining in a severed head.


I do work in the medical field. This might be a long explanation bear with it. The heart operates separately from the brain and has its own electrical impulse that causes it to beat. If the head was removed with, say, a guillotine, that can make a clean cut, the heart will still have a few beats left before the pressure in the body drops to the point that the heart is no longer being fed an oxygen supply. Similar to the head, it will still take 1, maybe 2 seconds, to drain to the point that the brain shuts down from no oxygen. The arteries and veins in your neck are roughly about 0.2 inches in diameter. Your body holds about 7 litters of blood total. It would take a couple of seconds to drop the pressure enough to make the heart stop by forcing enough liquid through a hole that size. So, for a guillotine, there is a high possibility that the brain could remain and retain consciousness for 1, maybe 2 seconds after removal. It only takes the brain fractions of a second to process visual information and just slightly longer for pain. Comprehending what your brain is telling you is happening, though, could take a second or 2. From this person's viewpoint, you probably would feel something sharp cutting into the base of your neck and then a feeling of falling. From there, it probably would be similar to being choked out very quickly, like the vision slowly fading to black and your thoughts slowing to the point of nothing. Now, as too, a ships mooring line breaking and hitting the head is another story. If the brain/head is struck with something that strong and moving that fast, it pretty much turns the head into hamburger in a fraction of a second. So, at this point, the brain really doesn't have enough time to process what happened. From their viewpoint, it probably seems like everything is normal, an odd feeling, and then nothing.


“A laboratory study testing for humane methods of euthanasia in awake animals used EEG monitoring to measure the time duration following decapitation for rats to become fully unconscious, unable to perceive distress and pain. It was estimated that this point was reached within 3–4 seconds, correlating closely with results found in other studies on rodents (2.7 seconds, and 3–6 seconds).” https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Decapitation#:~:text=Physiological%20aspects-,Physiology%20of%20death%20by%20decapitation,no%20oxygen%2C%20due%20to%20excitotoxicity. Seems like the medical field disagrees that it is “immediate” and those who study physical sciences probably also disagree that a pressurized system can instantaneously be reduced to zero


>Seems like the medical field disagrees that it is “immediate” and those who study physical sciences probably also disagree that a pressurized system can instantaneously be reduced to zero Pain can technically be perceived while unconscious, and the system doesn't need to be at 0 to lose consciousness. [A sudden drop in a mere 20 points will likely cause syncope.](https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/conditions-and-diseases/syncope-fainting#:~:text=Orthostatic%20(upright)%20hypotension%20(low,in%20syncope%20or%20pre%2Dsyncope.)) (Orthostatic Hypotension section) I am fairly certain decapitation does a bit more than that.


Sounds like you and I need to apply for a research grant to study this further and settle all the arguing in this thread.


People who don't grasp how the nervous system works think eyes opening and closing or the mouth moving is a sign of consciousness, which they are not. A brain falls into unconsciousness the second blood pressure hits 0, which happens as soon as your head comes off. The classic guillotine stories of a head blushing or saying something after the act are myths.


MOL ships? Mitsui OSK Lines? Do you have an article for that mate? I'd love to read it


Yes that. I don't have any article or photos. It was in one of our sailors group. It was gut wrenching to see so I deleted the photo.


Fucking hell. I work on their LNG ships. The third mate was Romanian, I knew him from college, had no clue he was working for MOL though. Saw the picture, scared me half to death, made me so wary of snapback zones. Never been so glad to be in the engine dept. away from those ropes of death.


Yes. May God bless his soul. That photo was spreading around too much in our sailors group and some people resorted to make fun of him. Fucking made me sad how you can make a joke for someone who's one of you. I always make sure that I keep my safety first. I'm always scared for rope snapping back when I'm at the mooring station.


Exactly. How can you laugh when that literally could be you. Whether it's a mooring line accident or worse. This industry is dangerous enough as it is, we have to have each other's backs. His parents learnt of his death by seeing pictures of their decapitated son, no blurring. Someone had sent the pictures to them. Stay safe out there, man.


>His parents learnt of his death by seeing pictures of their decapitated son, no blurring. Someone had sent the pictures to them. Whomever sent that should never work again. Seriously that's fucked up.


Exactly man. I wish for everyone's safety onboard. And you too please always stay safe even when you're in engine room. I've seen engineers often overlook wearing helmet in ER and plenty engine people come on the deck while in port without any PPE.


They do, in the navy you get a whole training on dangers of line handling and when you practice you will get beat if you are in the danger zone or step on a line Edit: training video included an interview with someone who lost an arm from a catastrophic line failure


Synthetic line snap back is not a joke


I'm 100% positive that has way more energy than it needs to cut you in half. Honestly it's got so much energy where I I think the Rope might start tearing itself apart


At it was said by others, when you have a few tonnes of strain and it snaps, that energy WILL go somewhere. Big heavy rope suddenly being accelerated to 100 miles an hour has energy.




Reminds me of when I used to work as a deck officer and we were at a Chinese port that had no breakwater. We were rolling while alongside. Every mooring line was out and it still felt really sketchy. I still remember the creaking as they went from slack to REALLY taut and back to slack. That was not fun. I think one actually got damaged, but it just chafed and fell away rather than snapping thankfully. That port was so new it actually didn't even have a proper chart and we had to navigate by an A4 bit of paper with a low res printout all in Chinese. Not a fun time. I don't regret leaving ships at all.


I was working on a supply ship tied up to an oil rig, we were on the back deck & I pointed to the rope around the bollard & said "Holy shit! I think the ropes gonna snap, clear the deck!" We all rushed out of there inside the ship & were peeking out the door. Rope didn't snap, but it did sheer the bollard off the deck.


Damn! Someone was situationally aware (one of the main reasons of accidents occurring on ships imo) When the rope makes that stretching noise, I kid you not I just wanna shit my pants. But that's just the part of the job, while being situationally aware.


Especially in line with the line. Jfk


Fr. Bro I can't even take any risk to stand in line when I'm at the aft station during berthing.


2014, the tug pushed LHD-4 into the pier while pulling into port. Someone was walking aft, midship while it happened and hit their shin on a fucking scuttle. Ask me how I know. There was damage, but I can't find a navy article, so OOPSEC, I guess. I can find the article of sexual misconduct of our CO at the time though.


Fucking hell man. You are literally working with death around you when you're on a ship.


I miss some of it, but only shit like being 20 feet above water in the pitch black, pissing in the wind with a cigarette in the mouth. Fuckin bioluminescent plankton lighting up the waves crashing at 30 unspecified knots. The urge to jump was enormous. I wasn't in combat, but brother I still have PTSD. I also heard the Iron Dome before it was cool. On Valentine's Day, a day before my dad's birthday. I was on a day tour while in port. That and boiler fires and steam leaks and constant suicides. Anyone can get PTSD, and I feel so terrible for our combat vets. Support our vets by not sending troops and by helping the ones we have at home. Fuck war.


This comment gave me goosebumps man.


All I can say is that in my experience, the Navy took advantage of a young, naive child, with no experience other than the Lutheran church and a very high likelihood of autism and put him in the nuke program. My friend killed himself near the end. I felt the same. The navy told me I wasn't suicidal and told me to push on. I turned more heavily toward alcohol, broke up with my amazing girlfriend so she wouldn't watch me kill myself quickly or slowly. Best decision I ever made for someone. I got out in 2015. I am 33 and been sober about 3 years. I lost my job due to being sick at Kroger. No other infractions, but they fired me for falling asleep in front of a heater with a fever. I recently turned to the VA and they helped me medically, (COVID followed by Flu) and was voluntarily committed and finally said enough was enough with my mental health. They are finally helping me now that I'm absolutely broken, but the people in the system are incredible. It's the dog shit system that's the issue. I apologize for spelling errors. I'm on mobile. My sleep is fucked from the psyche ward. Anyways, that's all I gotta say. Also, fuck doxxing. Hi Kroger. Hi government.


Hey man,i wish the very best for you. Please get all the help that you can.


Thanks, brother. Follow me for more fucked up stories I tell when the opportunity presents. Please don't follow me.


I commend you for sharing your story. Really brave and will help others and helps to destigmatize mental healthcare. And thank you for your service too! Keep your head up.


Jesus Fried Chicken?


Came here to say this. You do not want to be standing where this guy is standing. Lol gave me anxiety just watching it. Kinda surprised there isn’t anyone down there making sure there aren’t idiots doing this.


And that direction the video is filmed… direct path where the ropes will wipe if it breaks in tension…


"Synthetic Line Snapback" video from bootcamp was terrifying.


My grandfather have worked at the docks for his entire life, and 20 years ago a line snapped and hit his hand, he lost about 70% function in his hand. Stay away when berthing


I’m not sure what it is with people being attracted to chains and ropes. Every time someone new works with me they want to stand next to chains and wire ropes. Even before I worked with them I knew you weren’t supposed to stand near them. I assumed it was common sense.


Even one of the Disneyland deaths happened this way.


Not only, but most filming angles are directly in the snapback direction... should always stand on the side


A friend of mine got his leg broken by standing next to this and it was only a tug boat I can only imagine what this would do


I don't even heave the wires if the linesmen are this close. It's there stupid move to stick around, but i'm never in the mood to see someone sliced in half.


It's only string but bigger. See also: of course it's not loaded, yes I did switch it off, they couldn't hit an elephant at this range.


I learnt two new words today


I too have never been around a mooring rope while they're being stressed.


And you choose smartly doing so.


The video is ok, but I think it would have been better if the music was louder and more emojis covered the screen.


If you don’t like music in videos, like me… I made a sub for this exact thing. r/CoolVideosNoMusic Has over 600 members and am always looking for more! Edit: Holy shit! Thanks for the joins and support everyone! Edit 2: Goddamn! Wasn’t expecting nearly this many people joining. Thank you all! 🤘


Finally a fucking sub that has videos without shitty music


🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼 I’m member #700 ish already!


I am #1150




#2143 here checking in.


**3,092 growing large**




Joined. It’s not just the fact that the music is often shitty and unsuited to the video. It’s the fact that the original audio deserves to be heard, even if it’s “nothing special,” such as would be the case in OP’s video. I want to hear the sound of the waves, the ships, the random noises in the surrounding environment.


it's probably used as a means to repost content without getting caught. flip video, add 2 random emojis, mute the video and put some shitty music? brand new video to the filters, even if it's functionally identical to what it was.


You're good people.


Just lost half an hour to your sub. Great content.


I'm #753 thank you


Is at 1K already and I joined. Lfg!! Let's grow this sub guys


Finally some real fucking foods


I welcome this with open arms. I thank you!


Son of a bitch I'm in.


That's an instant sub, thanks dude!


Holy shit yes an autism audio friendly sub


Joined. Love this idea. Maybe now I'll turn on my volume once in a while.


Keep spreading the word. I’ve joined!


Here I come! Edit: cum


\#1185 checking in!


Also subbed! Nice one








Joined, thank fuckin god


I'll give it a shot


I'll get a piece of that


Instant sub.


thank you so much, this trend is so fucking annoying


So cool! Joined!


I love you


Yes mutherfucka!


THANK YOU! Finally the sub I've been looking for 


This shit is the fucking "oh no" music of "tough manly man dude guy" related tiktoks.


I hate how right you are.


It’s not even the song that offends me as much as the fucking basic mindset that would ever pick one of these insanely overused songs.


I am so fucking sick of that fucking song being in every god damned video with water


My hatred for this song is nearing "Oh no...Oh nonono no no." levels. The other one that bothers me is "La Monde" by Richard Carter which is accompanying all videos of something cool/impressive/classy.


I never thought I would need a Pirates of the Caribbean/DMX mashup and it turns out I was right.


The emojis help me know what emotions I should be feeling. 😄😊😍 #emojis #feelings


My emotions right now: skull, skull, the scream by Edvard Munch, skull, skull


One of the five automatically downvote songs, tiktok has to die.


I wanted more “Ooohhhhh shiiittt” audio edits.


I think some people think if they don't add music and emojis, nobody will know what to think. They have to think everything for you. If you're one of those and you're reading this, this is wrong. Please stop.


I didn’t edit the video sadly


Well next time you do, don't forget the emojis


Emojis are not that important. The crucial thing missing is to have a text box saying, "wait for the end".


more important is a red arrow pointing to the obvious


but you perpetuated the bullshit by sharing it


I also need family guy funny moments 89 and subway surfers gameplay on the screen in order to understand what is happening here


I was gonna say, the one thing I missed was a totally random soundtrack, vertical video and a bunch of emojis....


When I first saw this video on IG it didn't have the shitty sea shanties or person going 'OH SHIT!'


Indeed. Who wants to hear the sounds of the ropes tightening in a video about that very thing


This "trend" song is just truly annoying.


I'm so fucking sick of that song. Tiktok has ruined as much music as it has videos.


I got it.. let’s put this quartet’s sea shanty on EVERY video for the next six months.. that should ruin it for everyone right?


But how else are the manly tough dude guys whose entire personality is being the manliest men gonna fap over these tiktoks and pretend they're vikings while sitting at home watching this on their iphone?


I had a colleague like this. Having all the beard curing products, smokes pot, listens to these deep voice rap musics, he mentioned the phrase once "high value male", got a mackbook for coding from his parents, abruptly ended the apprenticeship with the reason, "this job aint for me". Kept the macbook tho. I wanted to say him goodbye and some good wishes but he already blocked me on Whatsapp. Jeez.


The macbook comment is just weird lol. Of course he'd keep it. It's a nice computer.


> I had a colleague like this. Having all the beard curing products, smokes pot, listens to these deep voice rap musics, he mentioned the phrase once "high value male", got a mackbook for coding from his parents, abruptly ended the apprenticeship with the reason, "this job aint for me". Kept the macbook tho. Most of what you wrote about them seems normal/OK? * Beard-care products * Smoking pot * Rap music * Gifted a Macbook that he kept (of course he would...?) * Leaving an apprenticeship that isn't for them This is terrible though: * "high value male" It's unexpected that you listed so many things that didn't help your point. > I wanted to say him goodbye and some good wishes but he already blocked me on Whatsapp. Jeez. You don't seem to like him very much, to the point that you're still talking about it to strangers online, I'd think it's a good thing that he moved on/away so quickly?


BEC, probably? "bitch eating crackers" = when someone is such an asshole, even the harmless act of them eating some crackers will drive you up the wall


There's also something in the *way* you do these things. Owning beard-care products? Good, take care of yourself my man. Making beard-care products a topic for conversation 10+ times a day? Fucking annoying. The way OP specifically mentioned these things makes me think this might've been the case.


I stumbled upon an instagram account posting dope ass sea and shipping related videos like this and I kid you not they had put this DAMN pirates of the Caribbean shanty song on EVERY SINGLE video! Lost my shit and quickly got out of that page even though the content was gold (and no, I did not want to mute my phone for this)


I'm starting to think the youngins making these videos just don't know any other music Or maybe the others song aren't available on the platform? Idk


Is this your first time on the internet? This happens to literally everything, not just songs. If it gets popular, it gets spammed.


Man imagine a body part between the rope and the anchor thing ? ⚰️


I nearly lost a finger my first season commercial fishing in alaska. Much smaller scale boats but still an immense amount of pressure when tying up. The boat rocked away as we were tying up and it chopped the tip of my glove off. Learned my lesson and still got all my fingers 10 years later!


was just thinking how many hands got caught in there before 😓


First thing they teach you is to make your hands like monkey paws. That way when you're pushing the line into place on the bollard, you don't lose a finger or hand. It's dangerous, definitely. But like anything else, it's a skill. Once you learn, it's a bit mundane.


I'm trying to picture what you mean by "monkey paws" - can you explain this a bit?


I'm guessing it's curling your fingers in while keeping your hand flat (like you're checking your nails for dirt)


step 1: become monkey


I don’t feel like such a psycho now. I was imagining how bad my arm would break if it happened to get trapped… I’m a 120 lb girl, intrusive thoughts man.


Its ok. Your arm wouldn't break in the traditional sense. It would probably get snapped off.


I don't think it's particularly unusual when seeing such immense force. Similar with trains, cars, lathes *shudder*.


Snapback zone.


That's why lil John was in there at the end warning "Snap back, back it up"




Man stupid people standing in the snap back zone


It's kinda funny how many people have more common sense that this guy


Dumb fucks recording this.


It would be one thing if it was on a tripod or some other stand, with that camera movement it's obvious that's not what's happening though


The only smart one is the person recording the blue rope from like 100 ft away.


Iswear to god, stop adding shitty music. It does not make the video better, its just annoying


Are you going to run for president/prime minister? I’d vote for you based solely on that comment.


Dont stand there lol


Downvoting every single video that has this stupid ass song


Just boats moving in the current. And just creaking. Now when the creaking turns to almost screeching, or the line starts to smoke, then someone's about to lose their legs. I did line handling for small craft in the Severn River. College kids, learning how to park against the current in wooden WWII yard patrol boats. That's some creaky lines that'll make your butthole pucker.


Hello fellow annapolitan!


That's a line, not a rope, ye scurvy landlubbers.


What's the difference? Call me dumb, but these look like ropes to me. Also, One of the main things in my head during this video was marveling at how old of a technology ropes are and how little they have fundamentally changed since their inception. I know nobody asked about that part, but I thought it was cool.


The explanation I’ve always heard is “A line is a rope with a job.”


One of those things they got right early on. https://youtu.be/soJhcfNSBSM?si=iCJ4mhs_PAb_QS_G


Had to scroll way to far to find this comment! There are no ropes on a boat!!


This has to be some odd fetish for some people


What’s up with that cringe ass music ?


It makes losers sitting at home watching this on their iPhones think they're vikings and drives views


GenZ kiddies only have an attention span of about 15 seconds, so they need something to keep their attention on the video.


The music's great tbh. Not needed for the video though.


Why is he standing next to it? Holy crap my ass is would have puckered faster than Andy Dufresne in Shawshank Redemption


Some of those look like they're at the end of their rope.


Oh all were recorded in Hamburg I think, I live here


Mr Lahey "You know what a shit rope is, Julian? It's a rope, covered with shit, that criminals use to hold on to. You see, the shit acts like grease. The harder you try to climb up, the tighter you try to hold on, the faster you slide down the rope, Julian. Straight to jail."


How to lose a leg or your life. DO NOT be anywhere near those ropes in case they snap. Not even buildings and vehicles are safe. You cant dodge it or avoid it as it snaps faster then you can blink.


I work at the port of Rotterdam and last year while mooring a ship to the quay one of the ropes snapped and hit one of the riggers who's job it was to fasten the ropes to the quay in the chest. He fell and hit his head on the rails of the cranes. He went into a coma and died in the hospital 2 weeks later. These ropes are serious business and there is an immense amount of tension on them when a ship is being moored. Take them seriously.


This is how tight I want to be hugged.


This fucking song, I hated it the first time


There really is a niche for everything....


Trainee: “so how do we stop the enormous tanker from just moving off?” Senior: “we tie a rope.” Trainee: “hahahaha oh man good one… wait, really?”


The footage is sped up, and the ropes don't make those stupid sounds IRL


And now it isn't so far-fetched that people have been seriously injured getting in between these ropes when they're tightening


Many have been killed..


People forgot why seafaring men got the tough man stereotype, sea sailing is dangerous business.


Standing near is is also a terrible idea


Hemp rope is tough stuff.


That is just a chafe guard the lines themselves are hi tech stuff


Microprocessors covered in hemp. TIL.


I could be more specific I suppose, it is ultra high molecular weight polyethylene. Also called dynema or amsteel It’s as strong as steel cable the same size but floats


I've worked in netting for a while, a few years ago we were break-testing some old dynema to see if we could use it to repair an old troll. I'll never forget the sound when that thing snapped.


some people think tech soley refers to electronics TIL


That music. Arrrrgh. Every single fucking video that has anything to do with the sea 🤣🤣🤣🤣


if the rope snaps bro turning into red mist 💀💀


Hey I've worked on that ship. Ever glory 😁


Aka My dick when crush walks by me


They can cut you into two in a jiffy.


Winter ❄️ Port Newark 🥃🔥 I was Born in that Environment


Isn’t this dangerous as fuck?