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Kinda dumb to go that fast down such a road with such limited visibility


I ride and normally go into these videos thinking the car driver is the one who fucked up. But can’t see how the car driver could have done anything different short of being psychic. So agree rider is just going too fast.


I concur. You can see he realizes this when he quickly slows to find a place to toss his dirty drawers!


Pretty much meets the definition of "blind curve"


If you look closely, the driver is exiting the wrong way out of the gas station. He should have used the 2nd exit you see in the video. At the second exit you can see the round blue sign with an arrow, in my country at least that is "mandatory forward", which means you are not allowed to turn right. And there is also another round sign, with the back towards the camera which I bet is a "no access" sign. So the car driver probably took an illegal left and then exited on the wrong exit.


Someone posted a street view link to this spot on Google, and everything you've assumed is false. The other blue sign is also pointing *towards* the gas station as an entrance.  https://www.reddit.com/r/SweatyPalms/comments/1berpjz/comment/kuvya1t/?share_id=jpvkdoSvaIW5U7ZExK8He&utm_content=2&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_source=share&utm_term=1 Edit: The signs on Google look older, but, from the way everyone is parked in the vid, I wouldn't just assume they were making an illegal turn.


https://preview.redd.it/k33r6mtv1toc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=21f0d8bb37a2fb464d58a3d49a4866ca93a26ee8 The arrows on the pavement look like an entrance.


The gas station has two way entrance and exit. Cars going the opposite way of the camrider, enter and exist the opposite way. This was confirmed by the streetview link already posted. And the lines aren't solid in both ends of the gas station, meaning crossing of cars is expected. Plus it's also clear the camrider is over the speed limit, on a stretch of road with very poor visibility. If it wasn't a gas station could've been an interstection or private path exit that had no chance of seeing the camrider


See the other comment I made, I posted is a capture from the video showing traffic signs which are not present in the Street View images.


Have you ever seen someone on a motorcycle going the speed limit?


Occasionally, typically when there's cars with those funny colored lights


Only until they exceed it.


I've seen the after math....


What was the result?


Gore, death... A roadside cross.


And a huge traffic pile up


lol reminds me of this other quote I read on Reddit: “I know good motorcycle drivers exist, I’ve just never seen one.”


Typical jack asses.




Me too, but we’re apparently the minority


Same, but I still got rid of mine because I was driving during rush hour and early morning people in the car have 0 situational awareness and after two close calls (cars changing lane without looking and such) I just decided "nope".


> (cars changing lane without looking and such) Some redditor: "your fault for not being visible enough"


They’re such entitled cunts, too. It’s never their fault.


Yeah, me about 10 mins ago


To be fair, you don't want to have the average pleb overtaking or tailgating you when you're on a bike, since the consequences of other road user's negligence are much higher. As a rule, I'll only ride as fast as my brakes/reactions allow- if it's a wide open road with zero obstructions and entry points, there's no issue with pinning the throttle and enjoying the machine. If someone's being a twat and riding my ass beyond my comfort zone (that sounded less weird in my head), then there's no shame in pulling over for a breather and let the muppet on their way. However, once parked cars, entry points, pedestrians etc get involved, then set an appropriate speed and lane position to allow for idiocy and surprises. (Such as fuck-witted Audi drivers exiting through the entrance lane of the gas station, for example...)


I mean that was basically me when I was riding, and will be again once my newly acquired motorcycle is up and running. I sure tested the throttle but I didn’t do it in traffic except to escape otherwise unsafe situations. Life’s too short to wind up as red paste on asphalt.


I can't speed on a bike, cuz 30 feels like 60 and 70 feels like warp speed


I was gonna say he’s going pretty fast I feel like that collision would be his fault


The car was also going out of the exit of the station, which doesn’t help. You can see that because the person dawdled, they kept the motorcycle in their a-pillar blind spot most of the video


kinda dumb to go that fast. ftw. most motorcycle accidents could be avoided by driving slower. youd think people who drives exposed like this would not drive that fast.


9km/h over the limit.


Doesn't look like he's going any faster than about 60mph which is probably the speed limit for a road like that. Don't forget a go-pro has a wider field of view than our eyes and this can add to the illusion of speed


If this is kph he wasn't going fast at all. That's what saved his life. The camera lens just makes it seem faster than it actually is.


You titled this wrong: "guy on motorcycle almost hits car exiting gas station" He was going way too fucking fast


He was. This is a 50 Km/h zone while he was going 73 and the station is in a recess. Lots of tourists too. I often ride this section (I have family living nearby) and the Eko gas station is a well known trap (also a section cops like to watch). Locals have been asking for a warning sign and a speed bump for years. No banana so far. [Streetview link.](https://www.google.com/maps/@42.2002122,18.9642503,3a,75y,300.41h,79.84t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s3zSeei7Qkw5sqAvVt-zdCg!2e0!7i13312!8i6656?entry=ttu)


73 is after the close call and after he applied some brakes.


I calculated the distance and I came up with an average of 76 kmph, I assume it was more towards 80


You can see 77 for a split second right when he applies the brakes. You are correct he was going well towards 80kmph if not more before he was filming. That is 30kmph more than the posted speed limit. In my country this is well past the reckless driving limit and is more than likely going straight to jail for life endangerment and ~$1000 fine. Then it's a lot more for the courses and appointments needed to get back your drivers license.


You can see 77 for a split second right when he applies the brakes. You are correct he was going well towards 80kmph if not more before he was filming. That is 30kmph more than the posted speed limit. In my country this is well past the reckless driving limit and is more than likely going straight to jail for life endangerment and ~$1000 fine. Then it's a lot more for the courses and appointments needed to get back your drivers license.


There's indeed a cop car parked in the streetview you shared.


They have two or three usual spots on this section. The E65 is filled with tourists and reckless riders and drivers high on cocaine, and Buljarica is just far enough from Budva (main city around) to give those the impression that they can gas gas gas. There's another spot on the other side of the village where they can cash in, as there are no buildings around and reckless drivers/riders think they can unleash - while the speed limit actually goes from 50 Km/h to a mere 60! [\(map link to that other spot, less than 1Km from Buljarica\)](https://www.google.com/maps/@42.1970392,18.9712872,3a,75y,92.23h,83.96t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sIavS_4RdBQIE7XNXWaCb4w!2e0!7i13312!8i6656?entry=ttu) Sad thing is, there has already been a few accidents in this sector (two pedestrians recently, and quite a few drivers or passengers on a regular basis) still Budva does not want to fund or even allow speed bumps. There's a national appeal ongoing but I fear the Ministry of Urbanism will repeal it. Corruption in Montenegro is still a thing and Budva is a hornets nest (prev. mayor jailed for corruption, links with maffia and cocaine trafficking, actual team coming from the same crib...). The hope here is the appeal will be handled by the Prime Minister who is selling himself as a champion of anti-corruption (with some success and apparently some sincerity so far). But his hands are understandably quite full.


i just hate how everyone justifies speeding like it's some kind of big government conspiracy to get money out of drivers' hands, when the reality is speeding kills people. can the locals build a speed bump? not sure about how things are in Crna Gora


Nah sadly it has to be approved by the City Assembly and Budva has refused so far even on Buljarica's own funds. Fines and corruption bring *a lot* of money in, and the moguls living in Sveti Stefan like to have "their" roads unhindered. It's gone to a national appeal a couple of years ago but until recently the Ministry of Urbanism was ripe with corruption. 2022 changed the deal a lot (Ana Novaković Đurović as the head of that Ministry and Milojko Spajić, the Prime Minister, both seem to put their shoulder to the wheel to fight corruption) so there is still hope, either with that appeal or with the corrupt Budva city officials removed (work in progress, "mayor" has already been jailed and on trial but most of his staff remains, with ties to organized crime).


that indeed is very messy. thank you for the insight and hopefully things are improving.


Thank you. Hopefully they are, fingers crossed.


if you mention those people that are actively trying to ruin the country it immediately discredits anything else you said (im talking mostly about milojko spajic), they are literally stealing money from the country and increasing the inflation 10x. The worst government, at least the ones before who might have been involved in crime (smuggling cigarettes through Montenegro, which was completely legal from our side) they put the money in the countries budget and improved the standard steadily but effectively, while the new government is just stealing right from your hands and pocketing it.


At the exact moment he has the car in front of him, you can see it’s 77km/h. So yeah. That’s too fast.


This doesn't look like it should be a 50 zone to begin with


Buljarica is ripe with tourists. There are many hotels and apartment rentals on both sides, and at the start of the video if you turn left there's a camping then the beach a couple of hundred meters away. Then there's that Eko gas station in a recess, vehicles coming in and out aren't visible until 50m away because there is a ledge supporting the access pathway on your right just before the station. Two pedestrians were run over recently near the crossing, and accidents happen on this section almost on a monthly basis because some people believe "it does not look like it should be a 50 zone". 50 limitation *is* justified.


Is this in Sutomore?


He was speeding but if you look at the signs for the gas station the car was exiting through the entrance. The exit was much further down the road, likely to allow for greater visibity when exiting onto the road. The car should not have been pulling out of there in the first place and made the situation far more dangerous than it should have been.


If you look at the street view of the road the other sign is in fact an entrance sign as well.


While you are correct about the speed of the bike 1. That's a continuous white line 2. Exit seems on the other side of the gas station


imo it's more of an example of why following traffic regulation is important for safety. if at least one person is doing the correct thing a lot of accidents can be avoided. if both parties are doing the wrong thing, you'll likely end up in a collision. i behave defensively on the road because realistically i can't be certain everyone else on the road is alert and responsible.


A good driver is a predictable driver, not a nice one


Asshole avoids a well-deserved death is a bad headline lol


yeah but the car is also in the wrong, exited on entrance instead of the exit further up where he would have clearly been visible.


He had time to stop. He was also going too fast considering the road. I used to ride a 100hp motorcycle, a lot of the danger directly correlates with the risks you choose to take.


That car didn't get him. The next one might. Riding like this is a numbers game.


He did not have time to stop, motor bike stop distances are a good bit longer than a cars. If he had tried to stop, rather than swerving, he would have still crashed into the truck. Now, this is me assuming that he's going 60+, so take it with a grain of salt. Im not saying he's not driving like a dumbass. I just wanted to make sure there's no (accedental) misinformation Edit: After reading the responses and doing some more in-depth research, i realized i was incorrect in my assumptions of braking times/distances.


> motor bike stop distances are a good bit longer than a cars. Source? How experienced are those riders? I can brake, go sideways, and lay my bike down real fucking fast. Quick Google says the opposite of what you are saying, as does personal experience. You are right about the rest: that he'd have hit the car if he didn't swerve, but that was the result of him speeding dangerously. Braking for anything at that speed was never realistic.


Im going to argue that if he hit the front brakes at the second he saw the front bumper cross his lane, he could have stopped. The lens distorts things a little, but from 0:07 to 0:09 I bet he could have stopped. Maybe his rear tire would have gotten light, maybe he would have had to steer a bit right for a margin of safety, but it looks like he had *barely* enough room for a sporty 400+ lb bike with good front tire and brakes to stop in time.


That's a fair point, but as i said in another comment, i was assuming this dide was doing 60+ MPH on a curved road, with elevation changes. Not exactly the best braking conditions.


You are categorically wrong. Motorcycles far out brake cars, by a long margin. Even if you squeeze the handle with monkey brain and abs kicks in. Think about it, which has more momentum to shed, a sub-300kg motorcycle+rider or a 2 ton car? Even with smaller tires and all, that makes a huge enough difference. During training, they even tell you to consider this when braking, since the car behind you may not be able to stop as fast and send you flying.


He was going at least 80-90kph if you approximate from the 73kph shown on the speedometer after he brakes.


Ahh ok, thansk for the clarification


I think the instinct to swerve rather than break is understandable given you don't have a metal box protecting you if you happen to calculate the break distance wrong in the split second you have to do so.


This is true, though it is strange he swerved into the path of the car rather than behind it!


Well he’s speeding without sight so he’s asking for it


Biker is going way too fast.


Yeah that’s exactly what I saw…. I’m like dude there’s no way this guy is going the speed limit in a zone like that.


Why do motor cyclist instantly blame everyone else for their poor decisions and dangerous actions?


Because the kind of people who will make poor decisions and take dangerous actions and blame everyone else for them are disproportionately more likely to own motorcycles.


I think the ones who blame the drivers are just the loudest. And thats usually just the immature riders. As riders age, the reckless assholes tend to die or quit and whats left are the riders who realized they werent gonna last long if they expected other people to "watch out for motorcycles". If you want to ride for a long time, great mantra is to "ride like youre invisible" and assume nobody sees you.


E65 exiting Buljarica, Montenegro [\(map link here\)](https://www.google.com/maps/@42.1995988,18.9659915,3a,75y,306.15h,90.75t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sD2zj8O0zb0Sz6uX8HwAVbA!2e0!7i13312!8i6656?entry=ttu). This region is the "little Italy of the Balkans". Locals on the road are usually pretty chill and defensive but it's also a highly touristic area, and the E65 / M2 are infamous for their high accident rate. Biker going 73 Km/h should slow down a tad bit, this is a 50 Km/h zone even in low traffic - for reasons. The gas station is in a recess and there isn't much visibility ahead when you come in this way. Cops enjoy watching this section to catch speeders (like on the streetview I linked lol) but a warning sign and speed bump would probably more effective. Alas, Budva officials are corrupt AF. :(


U mean guy exiting gas station almost gets hit by speeding idiot.


No damn way that's the speed limit if there's a gas stay there


Wow, what a wild coincidence that the biker’s speed wasn’t in frame until after the near-accident.


The car is leaving from the entry side of the gas station. The exit is further down the straight which provides more visibility and time for exiting vehicles to see and react to oncoming traffic.


That's precisely why you drive more cautiously when on a bike. People are stupid and unpredictable.


Still doesn't give the biker a right to drive recklessly.


No it doesn’t. I was just pointing out the car driver is at fault here too.


Exactly, there are arrows on the ground should have indicated they were driving the wrong way. Not to mention that even by going the wrong way, the cars direction was would have had a direct, foward facing view of the bike approaching and time to stop. There *still* could have been a collision even IF the motorcycle was at normal speed because whoever's driving the car clearly isn't paying any attention. Because of it they're just as foolish and liable to get into an accident as the motorcycle.


Slow down


I'm not sure what the speed limit was on this road, but this biker was going 73... something (looks like kmph?). This road doesn't look anywhere near that high a speed limit...


“Guys almost gets hit due to speeding”


Biker chose his poison 🤷‍♂️


Biker was going too fast for the area through which they were travelling. Several businesses, and visible driveways where anyone could anticipate someone possibly turning into or out of. If they were going the proper speed around that semi-blind bend, they could have more easily braked instead of taking that wide maneuver. I’m unimpressed at all by this video. The biker used poor judgement.


Motorcycle definitely speeding


Was thinking this too.


Just pretend no other drivers can see you. Your bike is small (compared to cars), your lights are probably not that bright, and if you assume nobody can see you and drive 100% defensively moving forward, you may survive.


As a biker myself, i think he should not be going this fast on this road. Edit : took out my bike's détails to keep focus on opinion.


Rough rough math is that biker was going an average of around 85Km/h or 53MPH. Distance between the market they initially pass and the Eko gas station is ~190M and assuming there were no cuts (didn't look like it at least), it took about 8 seconds to travel that distance. It's a little fuzzy but yeh, pretty fast for a two lane road in that type of area.


bikers fault


This looks like my country Montenegro


Buljarica 😉


And it was his bikers fault he almost were hit. Source i do have a bike and thats not the road to go that fast on


At this point everyone knows they are taking a chance driving a motorcycle. Even if you follow all the laws you're still at much greater risk of injury or death, either by you're own hand or someone elses. You are less visible to other vehicles and have very limited safety features other than a helmet and suit. Use at own risk.


It’s weird, when I’m riding down a road full of businesses I slow way down because I expect lot of people to be entering the road from parking lots. But that’s just me.


Man, half the time the guy on the motorcycle in these videos would turn around to cuss out the driver and try and fight him, but not before bashing the driver's mirrors in... except this guy.


I'd go get a lottery ticket if I was him


In my country it wouldn't be allowed to exit the petrol station from the rear.


Literally had under three seconds to see the biker


forgot to write this the problem is the guy was exiting the gas station at the entrance not at the exit, the exit is further up where the car would be visible on time for oncoming traffic.


It looks like the car didnt even stop to see if the road was clear?


As a rider, dude was going way too fast. Especially on a road like that


This has happened to me hundreds of times…not that big of a deal.


Guy going too fast nearly causes and accident


Bikers can do no wrong.


As usual motorcycle going way too fast blames others for his problems


*Guy on motorcycle almost hits car exiting gas station


Both messed up there.


Too bad


Well maybe the motorcyclist shouldn't be doing 90 down roads where cars can turn onto the roadway?


Op driving too fast, if your going to be dumb you better be tough


Guy speeding recklessly barely manages to avoid tragedy that he'd have caused in the first place. Shitpost.


All of you complaining about the speeding when the real problem is that the car didn't use the proper exit which provides more visibility not just for the car, but for the ones driving on the road as well. Even if the bike was on speed limit, the car driver not looking at either sides before entering, and using the wrong exit at that, would still result in the same outcome.


Did that car exit out of the wrong side of the gas station? From the designated “Enter” side?




But was the motorcycle sexy at least?


looks like a very beautiful place


It is. Buljarica, Montenegro; the "little Italy of the Balkans". From an almost Tuscany vibe near the Adriatic Sea to steep mountains and lush forests within 30 minutes. Love this region (biker too, but a cautious one!).


Reddit bikers when a person half a mile away doesn't know they're going 40 over.


Not ever interested in riding a motorcycle in a mixed vehicle environment. It does not matter how careful YOU ARE - it is all about the millions of variables you cannot control.


The poop pen has already scribbled in his pants.


He was also doing over 80


Bro. Guy *on motorcycle almost gets hit by car exiting a gas station What the fuck kinda word order was your title? You have one person, defined as 'guy on motorcycle'. You have an action, 'almost gets hit'. You have the other person, 'car exiting gas station'. What on earth led you to split the definition of the main person, to shove in the action, then finish‽


Probably being a native speaker of a language that has very different rules for word order.


Shook him up so much he had to pull over.


![gif](giphy|5hHOBKJ8lw9OM) Good read, better dodge. 🍻




Slow the fuck duck down.


This has been a problem since the dawn of humanity. Dumbfucks with no clue that they’re a dumbfuck.


That’s a butt pucker for sure. Yeeeeehaw


This is a video game. PUBG?


Now this was truly beautiful riding from the motorcyclist. Calm, eyes ahead, saw the issue and reacted calmly.


Why I won't get on a motorcycle.


Damn I felt this video I was just scrollin' and all of a sudden that car came out and I was like "hooaauuggh!" And then "phew .... ...."


He should probably slow down


“Car almost gets hit by speeding motorcycle”


If I was him I will go buy a lottery ticket he was lucky


This feels like GTA where you’d be going way too fast cause you don’t care to die cause it’s a video game and I swear the footage feels like I’m playing the game not giving a fudge.


I hope he was wearing a diaper.


A motorcycle can be dangerous. Who knew?!!?!


You mean the car almost got hit.


Slow down


Too fast for that road .


Had this happen to me. Except it was someone doing an illegal uturn on a major 2 lane road. Passed within 2 inches of their fender. Real mood killer, just turned around and went home


Bullshit road design


at least double the speed limit in town. What do you expect?


yo that beat is fire, actual breakcore material


This is the M2.4 in Montenegro, Buljarica, Petrovac 85300, Montenegro I roughly measured the guy was doing 170 meters in the first 8 seconds. That translates into a speed of 76kmph. Take a tolerance of +/- 5 kmph for lack of precise measurement, this guy was certainly speeding, as it can safely be assumed this road is classified as going through an "urban environment" (50 kmph) because there is no on or off-ramp to this petrol station. I have zero empathy for motorcyclists that drive like they're in a tank.


I've always wondered if it's because most cyclist wear dark clothing and have dark colored bikes and are alot alot smaller than vehicles if this plays a factor into why they get hit often.


Ye tez chalne wale ladke apne aap ko road ka malik samajhte hain, aur phir hamara majaak udate hain ki ladkiyo ko chalana nahi aata 😐


I went through similar experience few years back, only in my case the guy on motorcycle t-boned my car. thankfully my vigorous game of bop-it with the horn gave the idiot just enough amount of brake time to avoid injuries. the shitty end of the story is that he got no insurance and rode away from the scene, leaving me with a mangled door and hefty hole in my wallet like an idiot. seriously, fuck reckless bikers.


Where's the rest of the video where he turns around and busts out the windshield out and threatens to beat the driver?


How convenient that the speedometer is only visible after the near miss and after the moto decreased speed. As usual with motos it's 9/10 times going too fast that's the problem.


you can see right before he sees the car it was 70+ but the bigger problem is that the car exited at the wrong place, he should have exited more upwards where he would have been visible earlier, but he was speeding i agree


I ride and drive. If I'm pulling onto a road and MY visibility is restricted I OPEN MY WINDOWS. You will often hear approaching vehicles long before you can see them. One of the advantages of vehicles having an exhaust pipe. I'm afraid the careless 4 wheeler caused the issue and the capable 2 wheeler saved the day. BTW the gas station should as a matter of urgency rethink the placement of the price list.


and the car exited at the wrong place that's the entrance, the exit is further up where he would have been visible right away


Guy almost got hit... Also the guy not applying the break and just speeding past the car....


yeah but he saw him too late, he didnt really have time, if the car exited at the exit instead of the entrance the biker would have seen him right away


It is kinda important to not speed if you cant see clearly or cant stop in a reasonable distance....


i agree speeding was dumb but he would have had enough time if the car followed the basic rules of the gas stations entrance and exits


Also true


Bikers would argue up and down all day that the guy pulling out is in the wrong. Completely disregard the curve to this road and the biker speed.


yea its true he was speeding but the car exited on the entrance you can see the arrows for exit and entrance


This is in Bosnia




That's why you shouldn't ride on the wrong side of the road tsk tsk...


Do a wheelie


Say many motorcycles are posted here complaining about other people and 9/10 times the comment section turns their back on them. It’s great to see


Car wanted to play tag. Bike was like, close but no cigar..


This is just par for the course with riding


This is Greece, you must go fast or wait.


What motorbike is this? KTM?


Riding too fast is the problem here


Dunno but looks like the motorcyclist is driving too fast for the road type.


Tačno sam znao da je kod nas ovo


https://preview.redd.it/5sv1xrjq1toc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a958eb0ccdbe8acf15891334f50f3a586d9896cf Did the car leave the entrance?


Death on 2 wheels.


a sto se cini u buljaricu :D hahahha wellcome to montenegro wher you have to look all the ways