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My biggest fear is that reincarnation is real, and I come back as a person who enjoys crawling into caves like this.


If you laid out two options for me: getting shot in the face or crawling like that through a spider cave. I would pull the trigger myself.


I think you’d be surprised. Our survival instincts are insane.


Exactly!!! There's many cases of people surviving gunshots, I'm going to be one of them or die trying.


And then there's some who seem to be able to suppress that instinct by willingly squeezing themselves into tight caves like this


That happened to me. I just went through a little cave next to a lake in Glen Rose, TX, and I didn't even notice all the big daddy long legs until I came out on the other side. I hate spiders. It looked like a nightmare, but at least they were daddy long legs and not something worse


I crawled like 1km under Granville Park here in Sydney as a teenager. It's only like 3ft tall tunnel ur basically crawling through it. You can't see anything other than a dot of light at the end. I regretted it almost immediately because every inch of that tunnel was spiderwebs in the complete darkness.


Yes, but it is not guaranteed to survive the shock from crawling through there...


Yes but recent trends have showed a reversal in this instinct. That just proves what good times are ahead though right.........RIGHT!?!!


We had a "spider room" at one of the last places I lived. It was the area between the outer storm doors and the inner basement door. The basement door didn't lock, but the spider room was so terrifying we weren't worried about it. My roommate locked himself out of the house once. He had gone into the garage in his underwear to grab something from his car and the door locked behind him. He opened the door to the spider room, shut it again, then climbed through one of the front windows in his underwear instead. So many spiders.


Real, I would fucking grab a grenade and swallow it like I’m Bugs Bunny


My guy, the spiders are the least problematic thing in this Vid XD


You could be reincarnated as one of those spiders and then have some giant, semi-evolved ape crawling down Main Street


There I was, minding my own business, waiting out the winter when the monster arrived...


we tickled it everywhere but it just wouldn't stop


I've always wondered how you climb the karmic ladder as an insect. How could you do anything positive that would allow you to gain positive spiritual energy, if it works like that...


Fuck caves. I gotta worry about swarms of cave-spiders now?


My friend, you *always* had to worry about swarms of cave spiders!


Pretty sure those are not spiders, although closely related. They're not bitey so honesty from their perspective he's the monster as he lumbers through, blinds them and crushes them with his giant body. That being said, when I was like 4 or 5 years old there was a little patch of woods right behind our house. It was on a fairly steep hill. I'd sort of created/found a path through it that had lots of obstacles and every day after school I'd run the obstacle course for fun. Jump over a fallen tree log, duck under the next one and at the very end, right before I'd basically run off the side of a big hill, grab ahold of a small tree and let my momentum spin me around 270 degrees (so basically end up going left), and launch myself back into the yard. Wasn't all that dramatic but felt that way to 5 year old me. Well, in the fall these critters tend to all congregate into piles, much like in the video here. One day, they had all climbed and clumped into that small tree. Hundreds and hundreds of them. It was fall, so I was wearing a hoodie, but the hood had come back as I was running. As I did my spin on the tree, a massive clump of these fell off and right down the back of my hoodie. Some of them ended up in my shirt, some in the hoodie and a lot in the hood. As the spin stopped my hood came back on and as of then I realized I had hundreds of *something*, crawling in and on me. I freaked the fuck out and for the next 20 years I was scared of those things, despite knowing they were harmless. Long thin legged spider or spider-like critters still give me the creeps but don't terrify me anymore.


Yeah but then you’d enter the next life pretty quick


If reincarnation is real, then at some stage, you will come back as that person, and you will eventually squeeze yourself into a cave so tight, upside down, that you cannot back out of the cave again. And you will scream for four days, in complete darkness, with spiders crawling all over you, and you will be unable to sleep until your body finally gives up in agony and despair.


I almost pissed myself laughing. I totally agree tho lol


![gif](giphy|NeiUYbvVR9OGWHc5Za) Why would you put that into my brain!? Guess who will be dreaming in caves tonite, probably underwater just bc why not.




Between the two you mentioned and this video? I'd rather hop on the roof somewhere then go do wheelies on a bike. Same day, zero regrets. I read about the Nutty Putty Cave Incident. Couldn't be me.


I think your biggest fear should be that reincarnation is real and when you do get trapped in a tiny underground hell full of spiders and other monsters it won't be the lifetime where you do enjoy it.


When I see people go through horrible situations I think back to [The Egg](https://youtu.be/h6fcK_fRYaI?si=vA1aocBhXqe0t4Qb), by Andy Weir. Pantheism is a very beautiful and innately fair concept, that you get to experience every human life at least once. But the thought also makes me *really* uncomfortable when I watch videos like this.


That exact story is what makes me really terrified of reincarnation! There are some horrors I can’t imagine that people have gone through. And to be the one not only going through it, but eventually the one doing it… that sounds awful. On the other hand… eventually we get to be Taylor Swift and everyone will love us.




I couldn't even handle the plastic cave bollocks they have at Center Parks, so mucho respect to that crazy bastard.


But if you enjoy it you wouldn’t know any different


Technically it wouldn’t be a fear, if your new self enjoys it


But you'd enjoy it!


Bu then you’d enjoy it!


If it's real, and you have the phobia of those caves, you probably already died from such a thing in one of previous lives and just feel deja vu or some stuff, and you will feel the same next time.


I really hope reincarnation is not real because... the odds aren't great if you think about it.


Or a spider


Well on the bright side least they're not actually spiders, and just harmless daddy long legs


Yes I've experienced the same fear. I also fear coming back as a foot guy.


Okay… hear me out. If the next you **enjoys** getting into the caves, then nothing’s wrong.


​ https://preview.redd.it/zs3jhuabnbqc1.jpeg?width=1195&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a9bffe2e525e0565b98ca9c6e1eeb25cf613cf4b


Lmao this is a great meme template


https://preview.redd.it/j54xydld9cqc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=91c04c655ed134e7f21638c5647777b5567e4549 Might delete later idk…




Image Retirement Speedrun!


I legit couldn't breathe for a few seconds.


Jfc why is his mouth open


This is how Spiders-Man came into existence.


Now do Irons-Man.


my every other day face tbh


Bad Choices Brad


It was at this moment when he realised that the giant queen spider was behind him, devouring his legs.


From now on whenever I‘m in a shitty situation I will remember this scene and instantly feel better because it could be a lot worse.


[Things could have been a lot worse](https://youtu.be/V7d79Knc8p4?si=8VyD1qHd8pGPjGQY)


Not too bad, all things considered.


Could hear him scream deep in that cave.


That's his hobby. I can't get over this.


MFW I crawl into a claustrophobia inducing hole in the earth for fun but there are spiders.


"A photo of me enjoying my normal hobby"


I'm laughing so hard at this picture jesus christ


Sir… close your mouth.


I’d actually die. So much terror I’d just collapse in there


As long as the spiders have small bodies and long thin legs I’m fine but I’m claustrophobic so I’d have a panic attack just being in there


those are daddy long legs, pretty safe to humans


Not for mu mind


M'mind ![gif](giphy|BNkHCHnAsZwRi)


true but those are the kind that give me the worst heebie jeebies. the "throw whatever i'm holding in their direction and evacuate the room", unreasonable kind. i'd probably have a heart attack in that cave


How can you tell?


I’m horribly afraid of spiders and used to use a lightbulb remover stick to kill them from afar. One day I started thinking “I wonder if killing them is an insult to God and the spider’s life?” So from then on I started catching the spiders in jars and setting them free outside. Downside is that my fear never went away, so I would always start violently shaking for several minutes while and after catching them. Full on panic attack and hyperventilating. But when I calmed down I would name them and set them free outside and they’d run into the bushes with their 8 weird legs. I even have recordings of every spider i ever caught and named haha.


as a fellow person with intense arachnophobia those last two sentences made me aww 🥺 I laughed when you said "they'd run into the bushes with their 8 weird legs". I get so creeped out by the way they look when they run, but the way you worded it made it sound so silly and cute.


I used to be afraid of house centipedes and bees. I found when I learned a decent amount about them I stopped being freaked out by them. As a side note, again still not spiders but In NYC I walked home one summer night around 2/3am(restaurant worker) and walked through one of my local playground/parks. It's a lot of grass and there is a block long path that leaves in and around the grass to the playground. Well I was halfway through when I noticed the ground moving. Thousands and Thousands of those Big cockroaches we call "water bugs" or "palmetto bugs". They were everywhere, and I hadn't stepped on any but they were out doing what I assume was mating, but man that was pretty freaky. Although I was more just amazed at the sheer amount of them. Keep in mind had they not moved out of my way when I stepped I would've cried. Something about them being bigger made me feel safer too, as I. None could sneak on me without my knowledge. Spiders I would have ran screaming I think.


I’d probably start thrashing around and freaking out hard enough to give myself a concussion


Many spiders were most certainly harmed in this video.


Technically, no spiders were harmed since, technically, [Opiliones aren't spiders](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Opiliones). Technically.




I get off to technicalities


Don't quote me regulations! I co-chaired the committee that reviewed the recommendation to revise the colour of the book that regulation is in... we kept it grey.




Don't get me wrong - I emphasize the word "technically" because my arachnophobia does not care *at all* that they are not spiders lol Spiders? Spiders. Opiliones? Spiders. Scorpions? Spicy spiders.


Honestly couldn’t find a chiller group of spiders to be covered with, daddy long legs be cool with humans all the time. There used to be huge rock wall at my neighbors house and during the summer you would be able to go up to the walls and literally scoop piles of them off as they just run everywhere.


Back when we were kids we used to blow weed smoke on them in the forest and get them high They would eventually just sit down lol. Like their legs would be working and supporting them. But they sit down with their bodies and chill I feel kinda bad about it now but it was interesting


Me and the homies used to catch a bunch of random spiders and put them in a 2L bottle along with sticks and grass. We’d smoke and watch a spider battleroyale. We would occasionally blow smoke in there too but it didn’t seem to faze them. The reining champ was a black widow that lasted almost two months. Almost 20 years later, I actually might do this again. Thanks for the reminder!


Big ups for correct spelling of "faze"


Back when i was in australia, i was harassed by [These fuckers](https://cdn.sci.news/images/enlarge5/image_6425e-Giant-Red-Bull-Ant.jpg), massive prehistoric ants with a venomous stinger delivering a venom as painful as that of a bullet ant. See they didn't evolve to percieve the world with antenaes like every other ant, no, they still have eyes that grants them sharp vision of their surrounding. And what do they use them for? Ruining people's days, "i'll attack anything that moves in my field of view" kind of aggressive, they'll litterally walk up to you from 3m away just to attack you, a human 10 million times their weight... I've already quite litterally lost a fight against one of these fuckers, but that's another story. Anyway, once when one of them came to ruin my day i put the fucker in a glass jar. Later that day a massive huntsman spider the size of a hand was roaming on the walls of a roomate's room, and she asked me for help. So i had the bright idea to slap the glass jar on her and see who would win. It wasn't even a fight, it was a slaughter. The ant charged at the spider right away, while the spider was helplessly trying to escape, not even trying to fight back. She was just going "fuuuck that shit i know *these* hellish hellspawns i'm not fighting *that*". The giant bulldog ant just snapped its mandibules and cut several of the *thick* spider's legs in one slice each, then went for the kill with a sting, the spider curled in pain and stopped moving in under 3 seconds. Honestly the whole fight must have been about 5-7 seconds. Anyway i felt pretty awful about that, even a hand-sized spider who likes to troll by walking over your bed doesn't deserve that kind of death.


Daddy long legs aren't spiders


It depends, people call both harvestmen(not spiders) and celler spiders(actual spiders) daddy long legs.


The animals in the video are harvestmen, not cellar spiders.


They’re both harmless thankfully.


I guess the expert has spoken


Here's the thing... ^((do people still say this? God, how long have i been trapped in this site...))


Excuse me sir this is a website for teenagers and adults in their twenties. I’m going to have to ask you to leave.


When I was enlisted I once had a duty assignment to clean an old WW2 bunker. I remember the big metal doors were like 10 ft tall. When we opened them, wads the size of basketballs of daddy long legs fell from the ceiling. Now look, the spiders didn’t scare me so much as the tumbling ball of public hair scurrying around us. It’s true.


Oh no no no no stop that right now


I would freak tf out. Would scream like the Home Alone robber


Do you want mouth spiders? That’s how you get mouth spiders 


You’re just gunna make them scream even more and then they’re definitely going to get mouth spiders!! 🤣


At least they aren’t thick… long legs and harvestmen types are less disturbing to have on you


Yep. I'm pretty sure harvestmen grow spontaneously from dust and grime. At least, that's what happens in my garden shed. Dusty, dusty, dusty.. then one day a pod of those menacing-looking-but-safe-to-humans bugs appear


Like fruit flies, who grow spontaneously from bananas the moment you leave one unattended for a few minutes.


Aussie here and yeah spot on I used to hate all spiders but I came to realise they the only ones I can't handle are huntsmans. Creepy fuckers will just show up on your wall one day when you least expect it and leave you paranoid in your own house for a week


Whenever I see one it's always in the corner of your tent.


I disagree, sincerely an arachnophobe I would simply perish either way but if I had to have some multi-legged spider-like creature crawl on me I'd pick something less spindly


Fuck no harvestmen are horrible with their stupid long legs and tiny bodies


I'd just die out of reflex


They aren’t spiders. Just harmless harvestmen. They are mostly blind and great critters.


My arachnophobia does not seem to care about the difference


You're arachnophobic, not merely spiderphobic. So you are good, everything still checks out 👍


community legend


Two phobias combined. Who enjoys doing this? Why?


If you are bored, watch a movie


No. Spider hole.




Fuck that shit, especially


But not like, literally.


Unless you're into that, no kinkshame.


Man get the fuckkkk out of there please you're killing me... Please leave.


That's not "DEEP underground" at all, but instead a shallow, near-surface tube. Above there is clearly still lots of roots and turf, so close to the surface or an entrance. And those are daddy long-legs (harvestmen), not spiders. (Arachnids, sure.) And no one does serious karst limestone* caving -- going in more than 500 feet/150 meters, say -- with hand-held flashlights and no helmet. *Here it seems not to be a limestone cave, of course.


You’re totally correct, I watched this vid forever ago. This was a small shallow tube he stumbled across and widened the entrance to in the woods. Was only a couple feet below the surface, shallower than most peoples basements


It's very confusing to me that daddy long legs refers to these dudes, but also Pholcids which are actually spiders. I guess maybe it's a regional thing, but where I'm from daddy long legs would mean Pholcids.


I was just thinking about this. I don't even need to see the full length video to know this isn't deep underground. There aren't any living organisms "deep underground" for the most part. No sunlight means no vegetation, which means nothing to subsist off of. All you get deep underground is water and rock pretty much.


Oh boy, I always wanted to see what my worst fear would look like.


I would kill myself right here and then.


I would pass out. I would straight up go into the state of terror and pass out. Probably pass out again every time I woke up and eventually die because my heart wouldn't be able to take it anymore. I'm not even that scared of lot of the spiders but these. These are what cause the blood run out of my head. I don't even know why. They make my legs wobble and my head light.


I legit laughed at this 🤣


Meh they won't hurt him, just a bit annoying, I'd be more worried about crushing any of them.


The poor spiders were quiet in their cave and then a giant monster came crawling over them.


I like how you think. I’m personally afraid of spiders, but I wouldn’t want to harm one. They’re just trying to survive like the rest of us.


I'm not afraid of them fortunately, though I don't think those are technically spiders.


You're right. While they are both arachnids, these harvestmen daddy longlegs are of the order Opiliones. Spiders are the order Araneae.


I get this mindset, except for when it comes to wasps, wasps can get it any time


Sorry, in my freak out I would be like Pacha with the scorpions. Im using my back to smash those things


Eat them. Show them who's the boss!


This is your sign to stop wedging yourself into tiny caves, my dude


So. Not only did he put himself in this claustrophobic dark hole for no reason. He also killed a bunch of harmless spiders presumably.


The banner text says no spiders were harmed. How the hell that's possible, I don't know. No way he didn't squash a couple.




r/adultsarefuckingstupid ?




Tightly enclosed space and an army of spiders. No fucking thanks buddy


# ***WHY***


Pretty sure some of those spiders were 'harmed' lol.


I'm getting Indian Jones and the Temple of Doom vibes. "Pull the lever!" "We are going to die!"


Because cave exploring isn't bad enough already


He's gonna come out of that cave as Spiderman


Best part about caving is you don’t have to do it.


You deserve that for going in there tbh.


All things I fear are in this video 😬


Spiders, tight spaces, and white people?


Well, it's nice to know that my nightmares aren't irrational.


"No spiders were harmed.." multiple spiders crushed in the first few seconds, lol.




Before he starts spitting there is one just ON HIS FACE


Me in this scenario: "Ah, spider swarm. Luckily, I brought my trusty nine millimeter." (Pulls out gun and kills self)


Nope. No nope no nope nope nope nope no no no nono nor no nope no no nah nor nope no nope nah nah nah nope nope nope.


I dont have arachnophobia or claustrophobia but if I were him, I would just start crying. Full stop, no keeping calm, I would just panic.




He wasn’t swarmed, he cracked open an unexplored lava tube to spelunk and it ended up being filled with spiders.


Those are just daddy long leg types. Nothing to fear there - least scary type of spider.


Daddy long legs. Honestly, if you're going to be swarmed by "spiders", this is by far the best option


His face towards the end of the video 😂🤣🥹 priceless




Nope not happening


I will never, not even remotely, not on the same plane of existance, understand this underworld enjoyers! I get big caves, those are nice and call to our ancestral instinct of finding a nice big cave and start a fire at the entrance, but this? Worming 20m underground with your lungs barely able to expand and constantly close to an horrible and, let's be honest, embarassing death? FUUUUUCK THAT!


Everything in that video is top of my “nope” list.


Why makes anyone go into this tight spaces anyway? A sense of adventure or what?


Those aren't spiders though. ![gif](giphy|E0EI2LFuvl1jfuR9KS|downsized)


It's like that part in Soma


I laughed


"Alright, miners, we have a swarm incoming, and it's a good one!"


Patrick Star would be proud of you


His face at the end had me laughing


I can say that I’ve been in this situation with wolf spiders, there were more of them than this and I had to spend hours down there with them. I was more protected than this guy however.




I was an HVAC tech in the ‘90s and had to replace ductwork in a crawlspace that hadn’t been opened in decades. The entrance had something like 50 screws and 10 layers of paint over it. When I got the last screw out it felt free but there was still some resistance and when I pulled it away there was so much tunnel webbing in the access that it was holding onto door, when i removed it there were dozens of big fat wolf spider darting in and out of the web. I sat out there a while debating on quitting my job and reflecting on the bad decisions in my life that led me to this moment then I got my shit together and drove to a paint shop, bought some painters suits with hoods, I taped my sleeves to my gloves, my leggings to my boots and wore goggles and a headlamp. I cleared out the entrance and saw that there were thousands of them down there, I brought a torch which I used once but decided it was too dangerous, the web seemed like it could actually catch and burn through the space so I resolved to accepting that I wasn’t going to keep them off me and my main concern was keeping them off my face. The ductwork was for the return air and it had all rusted out so the the furnace was pulling musty air from the crawlspace into the home, my job was to measure it all and have it remade, then install it. That job changed me for the better but it was a bit traumatic at the time. there was one other experience similar but not as bad. I found a much better career path sometime after that.


Holy FFFFFmoly, man! Sounds so redicilous moment to be in hahah Loved how you instinctly felt a need to burn those fckrs down, but you got a point LMAO thanks for answering btw! Enjoyed the little insight


Nah those are The Harvestmen. They're chill


Oh cool my two biggest phobias met and made an even bigger phobia baby




Nic Cage did it better.


I don't get these guys we are monkeys not worms, why they put themselves in a such place


Thats going to be a no from me dawg


Great YouTube channel, they are called Caveman Hikes and Even Darker.


Ugh,nope.....time for the portable flamethrower.


nah FUCK that shit


I've had nightmares about this same scenario, I'm crawling through a tight space and there's spiders above me, god


I was kayaking a few years back and tried going down a creek that branched off the river I was on. There was a bunch of vegetation overhanging, so I just paddled hard to get through. Once I was partway through, spiders started raining down on top of me. I back paddled to GTFO as fast as I could, then spent the next few minutes getting an ungodly number of spiders off me and out of the kayak.


I seriously cannot for the life of me understand people who love spelunking. I just dont get why you'd want to crawl in tiny holes deep underground for fun.


It’s gonna be a tight one miners , grab your pick and get ready


How exactly is spelunking fun?


Are these not Daddy Long Legs? They're harmless.


"No spiders were harmed" lmao. Their legs fall off if you just touch them. I am pretty sure he crushed a couple of hundred 😂


This happened to me in Minecraft once only the spiders were the size of Boston terriers and they were poisonous. There was also a witch and a few moss monsters which would explode


This man deserved to be swarmed by cave spiders


Wonder how many he killed for his stupid video. Poor things.


Ok those are harvestmen. Not spiders. They eat dead leaf litter and clump together to retain moisture.


Double nightmare achieved.


those look like Daddy Long leggers, harmless and actually kind of cute


Don't care. He's an idiot for doing this to himself.


lmao the suffering