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There’s a particular brand of Swiftie that is so deep into swiftieism that they have zero awareness of like, the entire rest of the music industry (past or present) and what other people have been doing in it


This clip is giving radio host trying to fill some time with fake “outrage”. I’d be willing to bet they don’t care about this at all but saw some swifties complaining on social media and decided to use it as content.


I watch TMZ almost daily and can confirm this woman is a quintessential hardcore Swiftie.


I watch daily, too. This chick is really annoying. 🙄


Is this the same woman that asked Kanye if his wife had freedom, and then he snatched her phone?


Yes, that's her!


I truly hope she can find some peace In life that isnt bringing down other celebrities and people 🙏 Thanks


Some of them literally think she’s the first woman singer-songwriter in the music industry as if women weren’t writing and singing their own songs before she was born 😐 They really don’t know anything about music outside of Taylor it’s maddening


I think of these people as being similar to certain Harry Potter or Twilight readers back in the day. They don’t like reading and you couldn’t pay them to read anything else but they read Harry Potter and that’s it. I think there are a lot of people who aren’t into music in any significant way but listen to Taylor.


This is true. Source: I was that kind of Swiftie lol. I knew *nothing* about music except Taylor Swift lore. Had skimmed thru a couple Katy Perry and Ariana Grande albums; but otherwise, that was it. Thought the Beatles were overrated even though *I’d never listened to a single Beatles song.* I thought everything TS did was genius because I didn’t realize how many of her peers are also other geniuses. I’ve grown past that now (thank you Taylor for introducing me to indie folk and Kendrick Lamar), but man. You’re right on the money.


I honestly kind of feel bad for them. They are missing out on so much amazing music because they are so into Taylor.


Oh 109%. One of the biggest Taylor swift fan accounts on tik tok stated that 1989 was a trail blazer and popularized synth pop as if the 80’s and the resurgence of it in 2008 onward never happened. Taylor is a fantastic songwriter and has had some of the most consistently good albums in recent years but she has never been ahead of the curve and there’s nothing wrong with that


But….i thought she was so ahead of the curve, the curve became a sphere?!? 😭 (/s if that’s not apparent lol)


A really honest comment. Thanks❤️


Right?? Like hey lemme go see the tour w/ Paramore & Sabrina (my rivals) opening 🙄


> swiftieism new christian subreligion just dropped!!!




Guys, turns out Frozen the hit film from 2013 copied Taylor Swift when they released two different versions of their hit soundtrack, the OG and the Deluxe. how could they copy Taylor and not thank her, give her the keys to the kingdom, make her the president of Norway, renamed Elsa and Anna to Taylor Swift with white hair and Taylor Swift with red hair. Please Disney give Taylor all the credit because nothing is real until Taylor does it.




This meme has given me life hahaha


Such an accurate depiction of my very reaction!


not me realizing i’m making this face hahahaha


Girl has never heard of a deluxe edition before?


Taylor invented bonus tracks obviously


and bridges too apparently 🌉


And 10 minute songs


Phish would like a word


Yo my roommate was like can you BELIEVE she would do something so CRAZY?! Girlie. I listen to prog, have you not heard the song change for way too long while I'm baking in our kitchen?


It's hard out here for us prog fans in swiftie circles 😭


Off topic, any favorite prog artists/albums? I’ve been trying to listen to as many albums as possible across genres/decades and prog is an area I’m pretty light on


I grew up on King Crimson and Tool (inherited culture from older brother) and as I got into percussion I was drawn towards Genesis. Phil Collins, obvi, GOAT. Rush's 2112 is iconic but VERY nerd-core. Tool's Lateralus is one of those ones that people into heavy music always pine about, there's a reason for it. I understand the harsh textures arent for everyone. the newer stuff, since there's a scene and demand with really talented people doing incredible things. There are stronger pop elements while being totally unique, so these groups are able to be accessible while being terminally unique - New to the scene as of the last 6 years and you've probably seen their name come up as they've gained a ton of momentum in the last year+ - Sleep Token! They kind of do everything but have some long songs that do massive genre hops. Try the songs Take me Back to Eden and Ascensionism on, see how they feel. An Album called Luminaria was released by a band called Aviations this last year and its something truly magical. I don't know whats in their drinking water when they compose but my god. Try the songs Outliers, Blink, and Coma. Thank You Scientist's Terraformer is fun and VERY weird. Jazz Metal is way more fun than you'd think, worth a listen.


This is really awesome, thanks for all the recs!


And yelling in a song. Don't forget that.


And four chord pop songs too


*weeps in In-a-Gadda-Da-Vida* And then there's Tool. 


Or even the music industry??


What about 9 deluxe editions


Right? This woman is way off the mark


Checked this wacko's insta. Apparently her actual point was that Olivia **NAMED** her deluxe album and by doing that copied Taylor. I don't even think she's trying to make the case that Taylor was the first to name a deluxe album; she's just obsessed with Olivia and can't stand that she did *anything* that Taylor has done in the past. https://preview.redd.it/np20dxgrtirc1.png?width=493&format=png&auto=webp&s=3f92569752fc4bc4cfc96b7b5f7742eda7563575


I hope she physically pulled a muscle with that hefty reach. Taylor does not own deluxe editions released after standard.


I mean she doesn't look like she goes out to touch grass let alone exercise, so yes


That's a weird thing to say


I also didn't mention that she looks like her parents were siblings. I can be even more brutal


This reach is embarrassing.


Glad everyone is having the same reaction I did. Tired of some swifties thinking all Olivia Rodrigo does all day is try to copy Taylor. Taylor did not invent deluxe editions or popularize them. Olivia is having fun on her tour, I doubt she is even thinking of Taylor right now.


This woman should direct her anger at the actual taylor swift copy cat, Ashley 💀 that woman has become unhinged lol


Literally who even is this person? I've never met someone who thinks this way. I mean I know they exist but is this like.... someone in the Swift-o-verse that fans should know about? I love Taylor's music and I love Olivia's music, and as an old I'm very excited about Olivia's career so I'm definitely not the target audience of this person but... Is this like a known person or some random?


She's a paparazzi for TMZ, is almost 40 years old and was charged less than a month ago with public intoxication, she said they charged her because the bar was homophobic or some shit like that She got some attention after this incident https://preview.redd.it/j5b54o478grc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5de45d2d3f91dd55edab7a462f8451cac8f6c47b


So, so much yikes.


Also, her song did not "copy" Taylor. I hear a bit of a similarity in the bridge melody. But it is so small, it is not a copy. At best, it's an homage. Olivia got fucked. And the Swifties need to accept that. Taylor writes songs where she talks about her problems, her insecurity and nastyness. They can read her lyrics for days about secretly being gay, but she openly talks about being manipulative sometimes & the Swifties deny it. Wtf.


I think copied is a strong word because I feel like there is no way Olivia would have blantly copied Swift, let alone in such a reckless manner. But the song does sound quite similar in that one part, if you tell someone to look for the similarties. I think at best it's an accident, that she wasn't even aware of herself.


While I agree that I only hear a itty bitty bit of similarity, Olivia got fucked by her own team. And herself. She should have argued it. I think she would have had a good shot at winning. But they just gave in which is baffling to me since she feels so strongly that she didn’t copy her. Now Paramore, I legit thought it was the same song. That was clearly one that Olivia should have paid the piper on. The same album she gave credit to Taylor for something else random. It just doesn’t make sense why she would have left out one. Other than she didn’t. Again, I think she would have had a good shot at winning that case.


Nah I don’t agree with you on Paramore. Olivia could’ve won that one too. Her team definitely handled the credits stuff poorly.


That’s why Olivia doesn’t like her anymore lol


Whenever I see the most jobless takes from the people of the cult, this is how I picture them all. Just sitting on their ass bored somewhere making up shit like they are spilling some scalding tea or something, when it's just expired farts and their last working braincell begging them to go outside and touch some grass. And their mutuals are like the other one. 'she did WHAT! It's really shocking' like a bunch of sheep. Taylor Swift did not invent deluxe/bonus edition albums. 'TMZ Swift-Tea reporter'... like i am so embarrassed for them. Get a real job please and spare us.


Newspapers and other media outlets having people around to only report on Taylor is ridiculous.


The people of the cult 💀


I wouldn't take these loonies seriously or give them any attention. Olivia has credited Taylor swift plenty before she blew up and even during with Drivers License. She was obsessed with talking about how much she loves Taylor and her influence. Even if they are or are not on good terms anymore, Olivia doesnt have to spend the rest of her life praising Taylor. And this wasn't Taylor influenced anyway, artists have always released bonus editions.


https://preview.redd.it/ppwqw1lazcrc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8d967790b9417eeabdda5b82470db3958696787d Same person btw


Noooo way lmaooooo


https://preview.redd.it/i5yr58ky8grc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=40e733509a0a7e4f8ff0c69ac65271d62aedb706 You forgot this tho


Holy shit


What am I looking at here




In all honesty I was hoping for a slightly more specific answer




This needs to be higher




This is my favorite GIF ever hahahah


I’m so tired of this type of Swiftie who thinks that Taylor Swift literally invented everything that’s ever done in the music industry and everyone else is just copying her. They literally have NO knowledge of music outside of Taylor Swift and aren’t capable of discussing any other artist without comparing them. Olivia is also a far fetched comparison now because she’s going in a totally different direction as an artist. She’s clearly embracing a more pop punk/edgy sound and is a little more vulgar with her lyrics/image, something Taylor has never touched (unless you count the “goth punk female rage” that was supposedly Reputation 🙄) If anything, I could see comparisons to Avril Lavigne or Alanis Morisette, but her and Taylor are completely different artists at this point. Literally the only reason why people compare them now is because of the Deja Vu credits fiasco and because Olivia previously stated she was a Swiftie.


But that's the thing. What if Olivia Rodrigo was also singing country and pop with her guitar and piano like Taylor Swift? That's nothing new. Or if she doesn't want to do punk pop anymore, she wouldn't be able to sing pop only because Taylor is doing it already? Taylor did it when she was young just like Carrie Underwood, Dolly Parton, Shania Twain and others did and that was okay. We wouldn't have Olivia's ballad songs because no one else is allowed to do them besides Taylor? It just shows that many Taylor's fans are just obsessed with her and are toxic. I hope those fans are only a small percentage and doesn't affect the music industry in years to come lol.


def Avril!


I have an Avril album with bonus tracks. Did Avril go back in time and copy Taylor in 2007? Big if true.


Taylor Swift has copied many of Avril's songs. One of the biggest examples is The Best Damn Thing(song) and its music video.Taylor Swift ripped the whole song and music video - Shake It Off is basically The Best Damn Thing song.


All of these 30+ and 40+ year old women sitting around bullying a 21 year old girl is peak feminism.


Taylor said there’s a special place in hell for women who don’t help other women. Yet she is silent when other women tear down other women in the name of defending Taylor.


Yes thank you!!! I hate so much that she send that quote because it’s like I’m sorry you are the least supportive of other women if they annoy you even just a little bit or get in your way just a little bit!!


If that’s the case then Taylor will be burning for eternity


Taylor only supports other women when she does not perceive them as a threat in any way


Seriously? Deluxe editions were a thing before Taylor was even born. These people are so media illiterate. Asking Olivia to credit Taylor is pathetic.


She's saying this with full sassy confidence. And the fact that there are many swifties who have this mindset is crazy.


It really makes me wonder if people on this level listen to anything other than Taylor Swift. Or just any awareness of other artists.


As a former Swiftie who was on this level: no. I didn’t know *shit* about music. I couldn’t recognize names like Elton John, Bruce Springsteen, Amy Winehouse, or Eminem. I *barely* recognized Beyonce. Yes, I was *that* ignorant. It’s embarrassing to look back on lmao.


I haven’t even listened to the video yet but all I wanna say is imagine being a grown ass adult talking about a young woman like this. Yuck. Edit: watched it, it’s even more cringe than I thought. This has to be rage bait. No way does an adult over the age of 30 think that Taylor Swift invented the concept of a deluxe album release 😂😂




the way she is the epitome of what I envision an insufferable Taylor Swift stan to be lol


This is so pathetic. Girl has a grudge. Taylor didn’t invent bonus tracks and Olivia probably stopped talking about Taylor so people like this reporter wouldn’t compare them.


Oh my god lmao. That woman is drinking the Swiftie juice straight with no chaser. Deluxe editions have been industry standard at least since the early aughts. Figures she’s employed by TMZ.


Chatty gossip podcasts like this are the lowest form of entertainment, I don’t know why anyone would pay attention to these nobodies. 


Sometimes I think that hardcore Swifties don’t listen to other music and maybe never have. Deluxe editions are not a Taylor exclusive what is wrong with this woman


Casual music fans are the worst. Their knowledge of music doesn't extend beyond their favorite artist. Taylor didn't invent bonus tracks. Or bridges. And record labels are going to release whatever they can to make a profit.


Taylor swift invented bonus tracks


This honestly grosses me out.


Nah, fuck this. Leave this girl the fuck alone.


All this at her big age, yikes! 


In order to buy podcasting equipment you should be forced to take a class to learn how to use it and then renew your registration every few years like they do with cars


Leave. Olivia. Alone!!!! Let her have her own career without making it about Taylor!!! She’s a talented artist in her own right and yet all I see on her videos on my TikTok is ‘omg she moved her right arm like Taylor Swift.’ I know she was (?) a big fan and influence but Olivia deserves recognition outside of Taylor. Not everything is copying Taylor, jfc.


Olivia doesn’t need to “put out an Olivia’s Version” because she owns her masters. For younger artists especially, Taylor’s situation with Big Machine and Scooter highlights the importance of owning your own work. JoJo went through a similar struggle and also had to record her earlier albums.


This is why I'll never brand myself a Swiftie even if I've listened to all of her albums. Unhinged.


I’m BEGGING swifties to actually listen to other artists and gain a modicum of awareness about the music industry


Some of these Swifties are mentally ill. They act like she is a religion or a cult instead of a singer. Olivia has them very worried because she is younger and super attractive and also a very good songwriter who is likable. Taylor will be 35 this year and she cannot keep appealing to teenage girls forever. Somebody will replace her and Olivia seems the most likely at this point


Taylor is the first artist to make bonus tracks popular…excuse me WHAT


I love taylor swift but this is a prime example of swifties being mentally ill


The chokehold Taylor Swift has on this certain type of woman is ruining so much for so many


She also basically harassed Lana Del Rey on the street and shoved a camera in her face talking about how much she loves Taylor Swift and asking her about Taylor. It was so uncomfortable but she said Lana was very nice and talked to her once she got the camera out of her face. She didn't deserve that from Lana


This woman looks like she needs a bath. She definitely has skid marks in her drawers


This is so deeply embarrassing for this adult woman.


Imagine being a journalist with this level of brain rot


She’s definitely doing this on purpose to get clicks. You can tell she’s lying.


I've seen a lot of Swifties online say this. Are they trolls or are they dumb? The answer is usually both.




Hmm... I feel like there's an agenda with these people. TMZ just wants to create an active beef between two popular artists. It's employing 2000s tabloid tactics. As delusional as some Swifties are, I don't think anyone believes that Taylor created the idea of 'deluxe' editions. Plus, even if TS and OR had a falling out, it's their business. I highly doubt that either of them is thinking of each other right now; TS is busy juggling her personal life and brand, while OR is busy with her tour. These people are just clout chasers trying to masquerade as Swifties to pit one artist and their fanbase against each other, and by the looks of the comments here, they are succeeding. But that's just my opinion... 🤷‍♀️


The dude seems flabbergasted that she gives a shit at all about this lol. He’s like…that’s it?


Who is this person? I love Taylor. But Olivia is killing it. And I don’t think she ever should’ve given Taylor writing credits.


![gif](giphy|kBI5aLB6wlw4zNnecN) yhea Taylor invented yelling in a song and deluxe versions of albums Got it!!....


Well, they both copied KoRn, who did the four covers and four bonus tracks so you needed four copies for the whole album back in 1999. Please ladies, credit Jonathan Davis when you copy him.


i really wish people would leave olivia alone


Artists have been doing bonus versions for DECADES, or rather, their record companies have been doing it because it's down to them to market the artist.


Darlin’ Olivia can’t put out an (Olivia’s Version) any time soon, not for 10 years. Taylor made sure of that. Cause that’s the deal with Taylor’s masters right? After that whole debacle, a lot of music groups have made it so artists cant re-record like she has. Or am I making that up?


IIRC, Olivia owns her masters


Ah, good to know. Thank you!


That's awesome. Maybe that's why Taylor is so insecure of her.


I can hear the cholesterol in her sinuses


I *cannot stand* Swifties


it’s literally how social media works and how trends are in general. she’s not a god like wtf


This is how you make someone you uses ro inspire totally get away from you. She clearly was inspired, worshipped Taylor but these people made it bad for her 


Peak delulu swiftie.


The whole Olivia/ Taylor thing is so dull at this point. They are both great artists who are very successful in their own right and tbh, it should just be left alone on both sides by both lots of fans. Literally no one knows what happened and it’s the least interesting thing about either of them.


Is this the same woman harassing Kanye West?


It's exactly the same woman lol


Calling your album Guts and then the bonus tracks Spilled is genius though. This reporter is just looking for clicks.


Does she think Taylor invented music? /s 😭




this girl is grossly delusional


ZzzzZzzzZzz Taylor’s downfall will be her own fans. It’s not even funny anymore.


This woman sucks all around lol as does the company she works for.


Is this the person who was yelled at by Kanye?


Didn't Kanye ask her to join his team? And he said he could pay her better? I know he's not well, but I would've taken it. I'd have more pride in being a Kanye mouthpiece instead of TMZ. And that's saying a lot.


I feel so bad for Olivia she didn’t even copy Taylor swift for Deja vu, she just made a similar “shouty” part in one line and she gave interviews crediting Taylor for the inspo. She was then hounded by Taylor’s team legally and she gave up so much in royalties for that song. Like imagine being a young artist and have someone you look up to do this to u on ur debut album?


Truthfully, we don’t know what happened, except that there was an issue with credits and Olivia said she didn’t really know how it went down and Jack didn’t know it happened. Personally I don’t think she talks about Taylor anymore because everyone pits them against each other at every given opportunity and creates all of this drama.


Ugh I’d love it if not everyone would get just make a podcast.


I’m a Swiftie (not an obsessive one!) and a Livvie and by god, this drama is exhausting.


Swiftie discovers deluxe albums


She gets on my last nerves. I can’t listen to the TMZ podcast when she’s a guest because 1. She’s so biased towards Taylor 2. Her voice is irritating


I'm sorry, but I silently thought to myself how much she looks like George Washington (yes, the 1st president of the United States) and now I can't unsee it and honestly comprehended absolutely nothing she said because I was gobsmacked with how much she looks like a founding father. This isn't making fun of her appearance, I genuinely need her to do an ancestry test STAT because it's uncanny!


Now these are the Swifties that are delusional and obsessed. And if Olivia did copy Taylor? What? Who gives a shit? A enjoy both of their music and don't give a fuck about who copies who. Does Taylor care about it? I really don't think so. Was she the one who wanted to be credited in Deja Vu? Honestly, idk, but even if she was I don't care lol.


This is brain rot


I could not stand to hear that woman talk more than a couple of minutes




Who is this washed up auntie


She doesn't look like she washed recently. That trackie looks like it hasn't been washed and her hair is greasy


Everyone is doing this.


Guess Danny Elfman copied swift too… Big Mess -> Bigger. Messier. -> Bigger. Messier. (Deluxe.)


Isn’t she the one that was filming Kanye and got her phone snatched? Lol


I didn’t realize how insanely delusional some of these people are. This is a grown woman….


yaaasss girl keep rocking that mental illness 😍😍 also look at her copying taylor’s tiny braid!!!1!


I... Does this girl actually think Taylor Swift invented bonus tracks? This has to be ragebait, right???


TMZ loves the drama ofc they saying this


No but like she’s right, Taylor swift created music as we know it. She created the even idea of putting out music, releasing albums, marketing songs. Everyone should credit Taylor since their careers wouldn’t exist with out her /s just in case lol


oh shit this is the woman who accosted ye lmao


Yes Taylor swift totally invented deluxe versions /s


Wasn't that woman charged with public intoxication like a month ago? It's crazy that a almost 40 year old woman makes his living talking shit about a 20 y/o at TMZ saying everything he does is because Taylor Swift did it first, it doesn't even make sense.


The worst part is that she’s obvious to the fact that Taylor would definitely make fun of everything about her behind closed doors.


Why didn't taylor credit lana for wildest dreams? She sampled the chorus and gives nothing. Olivia samples the bridge and gives 50% royalties. Irrational.


Did a quick lil search: there's 19 episodes of this podcast on YouTube? All from the past month, it's a multi-episode a week show


Ugh 😒… anyway, apparently this woman has never seen any other artist make a deluxe type of album ever? This has been happening for decades, but ofc Taylor is always the first one to do it right? 🙄


many artists have bonus tracks and least olivia put all her bonus track in 1 vinyl


ahh yes i almost forgot, taylor swift invented music


Ummm no?


So no one is allowed to release alternate versions of their album unless saying “THANK YOU TAYLOR SWIFT” got it. 👌


This woman looks exactly how I expect a TMZ reporter to look. I’ll leave it at that


Ma'am, Taylor Swift didn't invent releasing other versions of an album.


This infuriates me... lets just say Olivia did get this "spilled" idea from Taylor, WHO CARES. Like literally what???


If she was reaching any more she would need a grabber


Checked her insta - she is responding to comments and defending this as of a few minutes ago. [https://www.instagram.com/p/C5EhGpdym5W/](https://www.instagram.com/p/C5EhGpdym5W/)


I hate her so much.


I don't understand what the issue is here. Whether she copied her or not it doesn't matter, this is how trends in media go. 1 person or studio or whatever finds a new format or way of releasing their media that is uber successful is bound to be mimicked to a degree. Lest we forget the last 2 Harry Potter movies started the "[book to movie title] Part 1/Part 2" trend in cinema. In my mind, this is exactly the same thing.


Wow that’s about the dumbest thing I’ve heard all day


That reporter needs to blow her nose


She’s fucking unhinged and sounds like she sleeps with a cpap machine


I dont understand why Olivia gets so much hate for "copying" . She's no worse than Beyonce and Beyonce is considered the queen of music. Hell, even Taylor sometimes copies things from other artists.