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Nah I like the beam buff, too Cause I don't wanna go back to just spamming orbs. The beam is way more fun to use imo


Thank you!!! I’ve been feeling so crazy recently bc it seems like the majority of people would rather sacrifice beam, I would rather poop in my hands and clap. I don’t think it’ll be reverted tho bc I feel like if they were unsure of what to do with beam they would’ve just upped the damage again. I really do think this was the fairest and most beneficial way to buff beam. Especially with the direction it sounded like the devs wanted Symmetra to go.


Spamming orbs in a corner was NOT fun at all😭 the beam change was def the way to go


Yeah I like brawl symmetra 🤩.


Sym is pretty close to perfect for me. She still feels punishable but much better in a close 1 v 1. I prefer the high risk high reward playstyle to beam than the orb poke, so I’m glad they buffed it.


I like the beam buff, it was definitely needed. The other problem now is that the orbs are still weak af. If you a noob stomper in silver, then this is great. If you play against people with some level of intelligence, they won't let you melt them with full beam charge. With orbs you don't need to be in kissing-range, having a brawl tank, both supports supporting you and brain dead enemies, with orbs you can play longer range, off-angles, flanking, high ground and play behind cover and still be threatening regardless of your team comp and map. I want for orbs to be smaller and do more damage (able to 2-tap), it will make it more fun and rewarding. Then you have more options on how to play her. One of the things I like about playing Symm is, you have 2 different gun-playstyles: close-range laser beam and mid-long range orbs. I like them both and I appreciate being able to switch between them depending on the situation.


I wouldn’t say the “people with intelligence” comment is necessarily true because with these buffs I find that with enough intelligence you yourself actually can! I’m high Diamond 2 (been stuck around 4-2 range since her gutter days) and have only been going up since these buffs. I find that practicing in an aim trainer for 5-10 minutes a day and practicing not only tracking but flicking and teleporter flicking does wonders since your beam can now consistently stay at full charge and if not it’s easier to get there. Keeping track of cooldowns helps and so is your supports being aware of you and you of them


I think the concern is that beam is an ez controversial matter for the general OW community and very ripe for people to overreact to, whereas orbs are less prone to that. plus the other thing is that orbs are more generalised compared to beam (more on that later). my personal take is that the beam changes are OK, but the thing is numerically the TTK still is slower than most dps' TTK on her (yes that's despite the hp buff). so like beam *is* better for dueling and is the better option to do so, but you'd likely be only wanting to take duels with supps (where TTK race is more on even ground) and against dps you'd want to only take them when you know the enemy is already weakened a bit (or if you have help) ---> still pretty situational esp considering the range of beam vs orbs. less situational than before obvs. but beam would never be as generalised as orbs simply because sym will never be able to just w+m1 24/7 (nor should she).


Beam queen please. I personally would love for us to have just a lit bit longer in range. But im very content with where we are.


No, I think beam buff is more interesting than orb buff. The beam is short range on a hero with low sustain and takes time to charge up. It should be high risk, high reward. Orbs put you at no risk. I don't think they should be the most powerful part of her kit. It's also very boring gameplay.


they need to leave her alone


I LOVE Orbmettra, mostly because Im REALLY good at erasing widows with them. I am, however, very happy with the beam buff because now I can SURVIVE when they come after me, and sisters, let's say it. Once you've killed someone twice in a match as Symm, they hard focus us because it's humiliating to die to our turrets. It's humiliating to die to this smart girl. Now that I'm practicing bouncing between my turrets, and building my beam, I'm starting to climb ranks now than before


I'm loving these changes and the friends I play with have to put up with me eagerly commenting on how happy I am that Sym is viable again 😍


I really like that change. Makes Sym much more enjoyable . I've had very successfull Games until the enemy went Pharah , after that my whole team just exploded. Hate that hero so much


I think they should keep the beam buffed and nerf something else


Nerf nothing! Let her have her moment




I honestly think they shouldn’t nerf anything, just keep buffing her extreme weak points so they’re not so extreme, she’s nowhere near OP only closer to being stable. I find it so baffling that the idea of Symmetra being stable is just such a abnormal idea.


They’re nice, but the orbs are your damage tool. Only way beam would take that role is if it started at full charge all the time.


I don’t find this to be true at all, especially since the buffs, but I personally have always been a beam symmetra even during her gutter days and have adapted it’s situation, so it’s now only even better with the buffs.