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Honestly... OW1. TP setups were sooooo much fun, there were so many strats, it just worked perfectly since 6v6 was slower paced. I will always miss it. Wall charged super fast, turrets were very potent. It all just worked. Most coherent version of Sym.


To me it really was the time where she had the most identity, you went on Sym you knew exactly what to do and so did your teammates. Nowadays I go on Sym and have to deciede early on..flank? Frontline? Backline spam orbs protect supp??? Random bs go???? because of how outdated she is compared to the others While thats not exactly bad and I've been enjoying her more fast pace gameplay I miss the builder aspect of her, every part of her kit almost just clicked she had the damage on both beam and orbs she had the damage on turrets She was just so slow, but like you said in 6v6 that wasn't a big issue, you could literally charge your beam on anything barriers 2nd tank you name it


If including infinite tp then I highly disagree about that version being the most coherent. Since the huge spike in downtime from having to be forced to wait out tp cd rather than have that timer tick away duringyour uptime is outright kit killing.


I miss OW1 bigger (not smaller) orbs that dealt 120 dmg, Tracer with 150 hp being deleted with a single orb + melee :) Slower orbs were really useless except close or against choke points, but they were deadly.


I want like a 2.5 sym. There are aspects of both kits that I enjoy, like I miss her oval shield, it has amazing skill potential, it was her best ability IMO. and I think people underestimated how good her shield gen was. That extra 75 health allowed sym and many other heroes change break points, it turned some 1 shots into 2 shots, and 2 shots into 3 shots, ect. However I do like the strait beam and throwable turrets that came with 3.0 and I think the TP is better overall not being a ult.


>infinite TP duration on a 10s CD until destroyed well if you're talking about that period as "OW1" then it's an ez choice of ow2. infinite tp duration with cd only **starting** upon destruction was a super hard nerf. >32m TP range uuuuh it never had this pretty sure.


I kept hearing it was 32 but wasn't ever like..100% on it It could very well also be just 30m since that is 100% confirmed to have happend in patch notes


The current OW2 Symmetra but the format is changed to 6v6 and the DPS/Support health pools are reduced by 50 (so 200 HP and 225 for Sym).


I want 6v6 back with almost all the current hero kits (nerf tanks a little duh) but the bigger health pools should stay but some definitely need a 25HP nerf if that happens, I don't miss being annihilated in 0.2s like before S9 In the next directors take they're actually gonna talk about 6v6 and if they will consider bringing it back, fingers crossed but hopes are not up!


Sym's a lot more fun when everyone has 200 HP.


If you one trick her and somehow never die, yes if you main other heroes and die you dont want 200HP sym back in OW2 I was never more frustrated than her in her OW2 S8 state, that was the definition of a glass canon


Sym should have 225-250 HP.


I can't say, never played OW1.