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Hope you pass the BAR!!! I feel the same way. My accident took me from a part time job and going part time to a Community College to working a full time job and going to a 4 year part time. The accident was a set back but it pushed me to go even father in my life.


Thanks bro, really what is our setbacks, is so clear, our hardship, defined. we can strive, with knowledge and tolerance.


I had a similar experience, my TBI pushed me to try and achieve more. Since my tbi 1) Graduated college with a BA 2) Graduated with masters degree 3) Graduated with a degree to teach Special Ed 4) Ran two marathons and many half marathons. 5) Much more is still to come. We can all do this, we all believe in you.


Wow that’s amazing. Hearing stories like yours reminds me to keep pushing each day :)


Thanks for the encouraging words!


How dobyou fuck with your memory. I can't get mine fully back. I always forget stuff easily


Hey it's okay brah, I have amnesia too. Messes with Ur identity doesn't it. Who are you? That question, it stays. Answer it please.you will find out,I pray


Real question for me is why am I still here? I died already, I'm back with all these errors. Cool have fun