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I've never experienced this but my only advice would be to make eye contact and hold it, and see nothing bad happens. Sort of like confronting the fear. And if its just *awkward* you just need to deal with it.


This is something I'm trying to fix in myself (I think I may have done this even before brain injuries so it is bad now). Microdosing is helping me and your post reminded me to get back to work on it. I do believe you are at the first step of recovery since you are conscious of the problem. I did this quite a few years before I realized I even did it and that it was not normal. Good luck to you. I do believe it will take practice for both of us.


You too!!!!! When I’m a conversation, I start feeling awkward and eyes start to drift. Then hard to go back but I do internally notice it. And try my best to go back to eye to eye


Yep. Too much of this kind of situation has led me to panic attacks and even nervous breakdowns. The good thing is that we can fix it but we can't force it. It will take time and effort. Pay attention to your breathing habits and look into Wim Hof breathing exercise. Stress and nervousness cause us to breath less and that causes a bad chain reaction physically and mentally


Acupuncture is helping me tremendously also


Definitely have to try it


There are also a lot of Psychological reasons a person avoids eye contact. A.lot of these happen after a tbi. A example of some are depression, low self.esteem, anxiety, etc


I fully understand what your saying . Do you think people are judging your or that you look different ?


See that’s the thing. It’s all internally feeling awkward, no one notices it. Along with the stuttering from the aphasia. Only I do.


Ok interesting . I find when I’m one on one in an appointment it’s at it’s worse .. I have to look away. Even though I know good amount of eye contact is a good thing to have . I almost find it intimidating I think (best way to explain it) I never had this problem before .. however I never spent hours 1 on 1 doing appointments to realise