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I feel blessed to have never played this one. heard nothing but negativity. personally happy I dropped out after American Wasteland .. *buuuut* THPS 1+2 on the newer systems IS pretty fun I must admit, I've been playing it just as much as the PS2 OGs however many years ago


project 8 and proving ground were good


Project 8 is my favorite in the series. I know it’s kinda polarizing but something about that game really did it for me.


There are DOZENS of us! No for real though, it’s not my number 1 but free skating on the full map once it’s unlocked is what I would consider the best Tony Hawk “level” easily


I really hate not being able to play it anymore because 30fps feel terrible to me especially on a THPS game :( I really wish I could enjoy it


If your PC is powerful enough you can emulate the PS3 version and force it to 60fps by setting 'vblank' to 120Hz.


You have 2 options to run this game at 60fps Option 1: Have a really good PC and emulate the game with an unlocked framerate in RPCS3 Option 2: Spend around 200 bucks on an early Xbox 360 model that still has the blades dashboard. The newer dashboards use up more resources and kill Project 8's performance. On top of that, you'll want to run the game at 480p to further optimize performance. So yeah, it's rough out here


It's sad, I have a good PC but not good enough to run this game at 60 (i tried) I also have it on PS3 but at this point it's just unplayable to me, and well, I guess my best option is to upgrade my GPU and CPU and also cause I wanna enjoy Proving Ground and probably Skate 3 though it does run at 60 on ps3 .. but yk, 1080p


Its 60fps on xbox 360 if unpatched


Same. I wish others appreciated it more


Man American wasteland was peak. Full remake needs to happen


1+2 is amazing. The skater challenges alone make it worth it, so much fun. So bummed we're not getting 3+4




It’s highly unlikely to ever happen sadly.


They started on it but Microsoft cleaned out the studio to work on other projects.


lol that has nothing to do with Microsoft. VV got absorbed by Activision to work on CoD way before Microsoft took over Activision


either way you slice it, as new ownership Microsoft could easily reverse that decision and give VV THPS3+4, but we all know they just want to fuel the COD machine.


Microsoft keeps fucking up major IPs and it's sad


VV got absorbed by Activision to work on CoD way before Microsoft took over Actvision. Not Microsofts fault


Looks great, physics are horrendous.


For real. Feels like you’re constantly skating through sludge.


Plus I'm pretty sure there's input delay


I pirated it and still felt ripped off.




You know I'll admit I actually didn't mind it, sure it wasn't perfect 1+2 did it wayy better but I actually had fun with it.


Its redeeming quality is the song “Marathon Mansion”


"The Bomb" and "Please Ask for Help" too


It’s okay at best. I got some enjoyment out of it but everything about that game just feels off.


Where did you download pro skater hd?




Even tho it’s bad, as a long time fan who’s played most of the games, I want to try it


When HD came out, I hadn't played the THPS games for years, so I didn't mind the controls. They made sense because I had forgotten what the game should feel like. After going back to HD shortly after 100%ing THPS1 and THPS2, the game felt awful. That is to say Robomoto designed the game, as people who had played the games years before, like they were programming the controls from memory.


THPS 1+2 made the good decisions to implement the PS2 era controls and physics, faster, smoother, grinding speeds you up for some reason, its what people remember. THPS HD implemented the clunky PS1 controls that people forgot. THPS1 and THPS2 are clunky to play. Grinding is slow, even though that's technically more realistic, you bail from hitting a wall or landing a great height without pressing a button. There's a dissonance in seeing THPSHDs pretty graphics and feeling the stiff controls. But with the originals, you see low-poly graphics and expect the controls to be just as dated. THPSHDs controls are accurate, but feel wrong. And are arguably less fun than the the more heightened gameplay of THPS3 and onward


I know this is a hot take, but I think even the bad Tony Hawk games are still fun. Even if they're janky or the actual mission design is bad, I still enjoyed skating around in THPS HD and even, yes, 5 The formula is there with the skateboard that no matter what, if I can skate around, grind and pop some flip tricks, I'll be pretty happy vibing. Flat out, I'd rather play the worst Tony Hawk games than, like, Dave Mirra or Cool Boarders


Yeah HD blows, i enjoyed it for a few minutes because i got a kick out of the ragdoll but it got super old fast. Maybe they delisted the robomodo games so nobody would buy this or THPS5


I played that nonstop when it came out cause I was desperate for new THPS content. Got all the achievements and everything.


It's *bad*. I was expecting to be hit with nostalgia when it came out, only to be met with disappointment


I remember enjoying it, but for a much shorter period of time than any other Tony Hawk game (never played pro skater 5 or that may have won it). Think the only thing I did on there was play online with friends and try to beat friends high scores on the leaderboards. I almost want to go revisit it since I haven’t played since around when it first came out


I thought it was de listed? I own it and thought it was nice ti boot up the game and play with my brother with soem cheats and turns out you csnt even save them lol the game is no where near the classic, just tje formula thps5 followed. Thps 1 and 2 remaster redeemed itself




Atleast I bought it and thps5 on the 360


Ah yeah, thats the whole reason Activision basically said "Okey once more, with EMOTION now"


HD was fucking good the year it came out. I played it a for a few years and then it became outdated. Now you want to play 1+2 or the classics. HD is useless in 2024.


It was never good.


I remember playing it on PC and it had zero graphics settings, locked at 720p and naturally, the budget was so low that most of the original soundtrack was left out. I'm glad the 1+2 remake fixed everything and left fans wishing for a remake of parts 3 and 4.


This is the best assessment I've ever heard from someone who didn't have a preconceived idea of the game's reputation coming in. 90% aesthetics, 10% gameplay. Never heard it phrased like that, but you couldn't be more right.


I mean better than THPS 5 but that's about it


I played it through at the time and was grateful to have a new thps. Realised how bad it was when I went back to it years later


99% of the people on this subreddit already know that the game is garbage. I wrote a massive e-mail to Robomodo back when it came out explaining to them why the game was bad. I posted the e-mail on this subreddit before, but its been long buried now. I can try to look for it, though.


Never played it but from what I've seen it's pretty universally hated and THPS 1+2 (which I have played) is seen as objectively better.


So bad that they remade the remake


I remember playing the xbox360 demo several years ago and was beyond shocked & disappointed. This was around the time the last Tony Hawk game before it to my knowledge was one of those motion control games too.


HD is a bit like a bouncy castle. Fun for a bit but also kind of tough to get momentum going.