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**OP needs help. Also, they hate it because...** >!Always peel the banana before buying!< ***** **Do you hate it as well? Do you think their hate is reasonable? (I don't think so tbh)** **Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.** ***** [*Look at my source code on Github*](https://github.com/Artraxon/tihibot)


Ok i’m confident that this woman has considered sun-drying and reusing toilet paper


She would never spend that kind of money! She seems more like she would get an old raggedy towel and simply hang it out when it rains


She would never spend that kind of money! She seems more like would use her hand and rinse it off in the pasta water.




She would never spend that kind of money! Seems more like she would shit in her Ragu and have that heat cook that beef good.


she would never spend that kind of money! she would just get leaves from the neighbor and take a shit in the yard to save money


roll square water sink selective automatic license dime absurd pie *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


She would never spend that kind of money!....She....she....idk where else this can possibly go...


She wouldn't spend that kind of money. She just uses the three shells.


She wouldn't spend that kind of money. She just sells them by the sea shore.


Poop knife




I threw up in my mouth




Oh no


Oh no x 2 and oddly specific 🤔


Yeah you just keep a bucket of salt water next to your toilet to rinse the communal sponge. Ancient Roman style!


Hey what's wrong with sun drying tho


wait are you talking about sun drying clothes?


Yeah, that's perfectly normal


She uses three sea shells.


Crazy as fuck how this one joke from a shitty 90s movie has traveled.


You seem to have misspelt “timeless cult classic”


Her unsanitary practices could lead to her potentially paying MORE to fix her health.


I watched the whole video... putting pasta sauce that they ate back in the jar... gross


Might as well jar up your shit and reuse it as well.


I do that saves me 15 bucks a year on fertilizer worth it. Just wash the jars out while cooking dinner one day and good as new


No need to waste water when cleaning though. Just use a paper towel.


Why buy toilet paper when you can just eat out of the same still shitty jar.


Also she could save A LOT of money if she doesn't have those fake nails and just keep her hands clean


I think those nails might be press-on. She’s missing one on her left hand. You can see it when she’s wrapping the lasagne in the foil. She had them all in the market; she’s missing one when she’s browning the meat.




They skipped the part where she only uses one light bulb in the entire house. Literally have to ask for a THE light bulb to go and use the bathroom. No joke.


She also makes her man take army showers and makes sure he turns off the water by monitoring him with a baby monitor. (At least I think that was the same woman)


Ain't nothing wrong with a ho bath. I love me a ho bath. Edit: also, like. You are charged for water by the unit. 1 unit = 1,000 gallons. Whether or not you use 1 unit, you are still charged 1 unit per month. Your water bill won't even be affected by trying to save that much water. In fact, she's screwing herself over by paying more for less water.


So you like your lasagna steamed and undercooked in a dishwasher? Spoiler, is did not taste good.


I was just-- uh, just stretching my calves on the windowsill. Isometric exercise! Care to join me? Why is there smoke coming out of your dishwasher, Seymour? Uh... Ooh! That isn't smoke. It's steam. Steam from the steamed lasagna we're having. Mmmm. Steamed lasagna! Straight from the dishwasher.


Why does this lasagna taste like Dawn?


Zero percent chance she’s wasting money on frivolous dish soap.


....may I see it?


You'll have to fetch the lightbulb first.


Just because a ho bath is alright, don't mean I'm eating dishwasher lasagna. People used to take sink baths all the time. A lot of people still do. Hot, indoor, running water is a recent development.


I love this show. I catch it sometimes. The worst things I’ve ever seen was someone who would save gum( after chewing it once) to chew later by putting it in the freezer. Or the lady who would get old sheets from hotels discounted. 🤮 Edit: and there was one guy who basically refused to live in his house. He lived in his house but everything was covered in plastic like grandmas use to do. And then he would sleep in a closet on a cot. This was like 3-4 bedroom house. I believe his wife/ girlfriend left him because of all this. Edit- he would wash in the jacuzzi to save money on water 😂


She could have ran the oven with the money she spent on all that foil.


Exactly. And it looked like brand new foil, not reused or anything.


for all we know, the foil is reused though yet again, it looks brand new


It's already dishwashed on one side. Just gotta wrap the foil the other way around next time and bam, clean! I hate that I can see her doing this.


get some bulldog clips and clip those foil slabs to the rack and bam, even easier


It's like TLC went around asking for "extreme" cheap stakes, and found a bunch of actors to appear in the show...


Most TLC shows: let's take somebody with mental illness and shove a camera in their face for a day or two and edit it so it's like a nature exhibit of crazy.


What’s with that shot with the naked halogen bulb just glaring crazy beams at her face lmao.


They have 1 light bulb that they move from room to room. Saw this episode a long time ago.


It’s possible for them to find real life cheapskates but I’m almost 100% sure they ham it up to make the show more interesting. I refuse to believe that people like this really do all this shit every single day and have a spouse that either doesn’t get them psychological help or just divorce them.


Definitely hammed up. Bananas don't make sense. Peeled bananas turn to brown mush after a day. That's wasteful.


I was wondering if she reuses it and rolls it back to the roll. You can see she never tears it off, which is a little sus to me.




You cant re-flattin foil.


Its crazy because a dishwasher does not bring and hold food at an appropriate temperature to cook the food and make it safe to eat. People have tested it, especially with things like putting pork in a mason jar and "cooking" it and it can literally kill.


It's definitely stupid, but if the meat is cooked beforehand I don't think there's much to worry about health wise


Doesn’t the food temp get raised into the danger zone for the extended period of time without actually getting to the safe cooking temp?


I'm sensing some Ann Reardon fan energy


I recall they reach 125-130F which is suitable for sous vide. it just has to be a sufficiently long dish cycle (which has me cracking up as I'm typing this). Though you can't cook meat in a jar with one, you could cook meat in a mostly airless ziplock! Burgers for 30 minutes at 128, AKA a "heavy duty" cycle, sear on a grill to finish.


Even if it's a constant 130 it's not like a sous vide because it's not submerged in water, dishwashers actually use surprisingly little water. Moist air does not convect heat nearly as well as water so I'd be really scared to eat anything 'cooked' like that


She cooked the meat and beef fat on the stove, she just used the dishwasher to melt the cheese on the "lasagna".


Why do you seem knowledgeable about this.


I think potatoes are actually a thing you can, and it saves you having to wash them first


Next revision will include shopping and cooking disorders because of this woman


Reminds me of this food theory video,, obviously not the same thing at all but any excuse to show this video to people I'll take - https://youtu.be/6Luv2M5xokA


I was sort of at my limit with the bananas. Stores usually sell them green, so if you remove the peel they'll stop ripening. Yum, yum--rock hard green bananas.


I think the dumb part is that myth busters tested the lasagna thing in the dishwasher and it worked. Like literally. It’s just so stupid


[Full video](https://youtu.be/tOOQ5v8aJTI), shit is wild


What pisses me off most is that she’s no cheapskate when it comes to doing her nails , her hair, and that jewellery she has on... but has no fucking issue starting a new pandemic with the unhygienic crap she’s feeding her family just to save a few bucks.. she’s not a cheapskate but a narcissist.


She's missing a nail though too.


Excuse me nail lady, do you have any old nails that are about to expire or throw away? I want some of those.


Im surprised she didnt glue on and paint a corn chip


She's the type of person making those r/DiWHY videos


She probably does some insane shit for that too


She probably bitches when her nail tech files her nails smooth…iM nOt pAyInG fOr tHaT AcRyLiC yOu jUsT bUfFeD oFf… guaranteed she’s an absolute pain in the ass to her tech


She is a pain in the ass to ever single being she encounters 100%.


Absolutely…and god…zero sense of food safety.


gotta look good for the picture


It's because it's fake


Not hard to do your own nails, jewelery could’ve been gifted. Idk anything about wigs but same thing borrowed, had forever. I agree with the rest tho.


It has to be a skit. Like fake reality tv stuff. It has to be. ^(please)


I believe this is an old episode of Extreme Cheapskates. I remember reading somewhere that most of the things people did on the show were fake. Like the people were frugal but the producers made them take it to another level of unreasonable.


That's pretty much how reality TV usually goes. Supposedly they exagerate a bit because "it's TV" but I really dislike dishonesty Thanks for the info by the way!


This is 100% an actor, probably written to attract more viewers by going viral, like were seeing here. Just my take


You know that all these lifestyle shows are either entirely fictional or exaggerated/misrepresented right? Every show in the genre is absolutely designed to give viewers the same mixture of disgust, shock and superiority mixed with a little relatability. Nothing she does is outside the realm of possibility aside from agreeing to go on TV and defend what she clearly knows are unusual habits on a channel known for the emotional sensitivity that brought us "My Strange Addiction" and "My 1000lb sister"


No this is pretty believable. It's not even that hard to understand they get paid for being on the show. If your going to be a weirdo for free why not profit?


Man is fuckin WHIPPED I’ll tell ya that much. Quit being a bitch, especially if he makes money too. You’re really gonna let her use only one bulb for the whole house and be okay with it? Grow a pair. I blame him for not doing anything more than I blame her for being crazy


I know loads of guys that are scared of the reaction to saying "no". But when I say it's abusive it gets brushed off because of the connotations of that word.


Grapes go soft so quickly once their off the vine!


To my knowledge bananas have a peel for a reason.


If she’s eating/using the bananas immediately afterwards, I don’t see that big a deal with that, the plastic bags are sterile. But, where the fuck is she putting the peels? Is she leaving them there like an animal?! Edit: I hate soft grapes.


Call me presumptuous but I don't think she's going and mowing three bananas when she gets home. She allows herself one hearty bite of banana a day ​ Also I'm certain she leaves the peel there like an asshole. She's also failing to realize that the store is either going to throw away or mark down the half-vines of grapes and bananas that she's leaving around. Fucking jackass.


Guaranteed she sits not put her cart in the cart return either. Just leaves it whatever is most convenient for her.


They probably won't do a thing about the grapes honestly. Every time I go to buy grapes this bags have a difference in weight greater than 18yr old me and 26yr old me.


The stems dont even weigh that much, grapes are full of water, water is heavy...


So what you’re saying is she needs to take her dehydrator to the store and dehydrate them and then rehydrate them with her own water at home.


Don't give her any ideas


>the plastic bags are sterile says who?


Eh, it’s not like those bags are from a hospital. Clean? Probably. Sterile? Nah.


Bro this lady thinks fat is a substitute for meat. She doesn't give a fuuuuuck if her food is enjoyable


I am so bummed out we didn't get to see the final product of the lasagna. I'm still in disbelief she did that


I've seen the whole episode. You're lucky to have missed the final product. The looks on her guests' faces, though, were priceless. I think she also made people carry that candle with them to the bathroom so they wouldn't turn on the bathroom light "wastefully," and she may be the one that carried a light bulb from room to room so she only ever had one bulb burning electricity at once. And made her husband/boyfriend turn off the game during commercials so they wouldn't waste electricity on something that wasn't the game.


Holy shit.....she was prepping this for GUESTS!?


This was for her husband’s game party. He wanted to watch sports with his friends and he never hosts so he literally begged his wife to let him host. She reluctantly says yes then cooks that vomit lasagna. Fucking gross.


she also didnt take the full packaging of grapes, she took what she wanted, and left half picked off grape stalks. Thats for the store to now throw away. im also sure she didnt throw away those bananapeels and left it for someone else to clean up.


They grapes are sold by pound, so they don’t throw them away. People pick those last because they’re unattractive to buy.


Picking individual grapes is odd but breaking off a branch of them isn’t that unusual when you’re paying by weight.


agreed, but she's standing in front of what seems to be preportioned bags


Do you know somewhere you can buy grapes in non preportioned bags? Lol never seen em sold any other way, and I'm also one of those assholes that break off a branch instead of buying the whole bag. I'd rather do that than waste half a bag of grapes.


Why didn't she peel the grapes before weighting them? Unnecessary fibers!


Thanks, i hate this more.


How much money did she spend on aluminum foil, water and electricity to run the dishwasher and is there any chance in hell it's less than what the gas would cost?


No, she's going to be running the dishwasher anyway, so that's not an additional cost, and the aluminum foil, which she's tearing off here, but she's likely reusing somewhere else, won't equate to the cost of running a stove.


That dishwasher was nowhere near full. She had a couple of pans which would be cheaper to wash by hand than in an otherwise empty dishwasher.


Yeah, I thought the same thing. If she really wanted to be cheap she could wash those by hand and just start a fire in her house for cooking the lasagna. Burn down the apartment or condo or wherever she is.




friendly reminder, dishwashers save water, if not electricity.


She used a disposable pan for the lasagna. What a waste of money


In the full video she puts uneaten pasta sauce back in the jar…. I’m pretty sure that disposable pan isn’t getting disposed of


She also reuses her pasta water. Absolutely nasty.


Just remembered when she points out that the water is "a bit chunky". I need to watch that with my Italian friend.


Why would you intentionally cause them emotional turmoil like that :(


Oh my God it's like Erin with the hot dog water 😂


Who the fuck is Erin


Pasta water is a great ingredient to thicken sauces and make them more "creamy" without adding dairy. I wouldn't *save* it, personally, since I'd only really be using it in contexts where I'm already making more noodles anyway, though i suppose one *could*. But I'm guessing she's not necessarily saving the water for culinary purposes...


Pretty sure this show is scripted


There was a guy that claimed to shower with his clothes on to save laundry bills. His shirts looked way too nice to be mistreated like that. Also he apparently used the money he saved to purchase a 15 grand low-rider. Yeah, no I don't buy it.


cautious plant sable carpenter correct cows worthless physical whistle groovy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Lol there were times when I didn't have a washing machine and I washed my clothes in either the bathtub, the sink or in a bucket. Never in a million years would I have thought to shower with my clothes on 😂


Most definitely. TLC has lots of scripted shit.


So she goes home and eats the bananas? They cant last more then a few hours after peeled.


I think it's all bullshit. Either she's putting on an act to get on tv or the show hired her as an actor.


This one asian lady who reportedly didn’t wash her clothes or use TP on the show actually did say they had her do some things that she wouldn’t normally do just for the show. She got a lot of flack/abuse irl because of the show.


How much did that stupid hat cost? She over here eating beef fat with that stupid hat on.


I love this comment


If you wear a hat on the back of your head, you only have to pay for half a wig!


very good comment


There was an episode of this where a guy fed his guests roadkill and didn't tell them until during or after the meal


That’s Kramer preparing the meal in the shower while he bathed.


*Insert gif of germaphobic Puddy wretching*


I saw one where a lady used canned cat food instead of tuna to make sandwiches for her friend. [Video](https://youtu.be/HIsSuZNyTGc) 2:30 time stamp


She’s definitely sucking dick for flights


Yes! Honestly this show was so good lol.


One person was feeding people dumpster food they salvaged out of a dumpster at the party they threw.


nothing wasted!


There is a longer clip of this on YouTube and I shit you not bitch has one lightbulb she brings around the house with her screwing and unscrewing from the fixture to save money. The same episode they had guests over and she made one of her friends take a candle with her to the bathroom like the 1700's.


Haha and when she makes them turn off the TV when the ads are on even though he's got people over to watch a game.


Please someone do the math on how little that’ll actually add up. I’m surprised she still owns a refrigerator


I wonder what made her this way. I remember when I didn’t have water for a month, even after it was turned back on I was wanting to use my bath water to fill my toilet tank for flushing. Started hoarding jugs of water until someone pointed out I really didn’t have to anymore. My heart still sinks when the water doesn’t immediately work. You don’t get like this just from wanting to save money. Edit: I also think this might be fake and scripted




This is probably the dumbest thing I've ever seen. Eating pure beef fat, barely cooked in your dishwasher with dirty dishes so you can save $3.00? Who wants to live like this?


This why I don’t eat other peoples cooking


A real cheapskate wouldn’t even have a dishwasher! Think of all the money spent on water and electricity! They would let the dishes sun-dry and then scrape the crusty bits of food off by hand!


But she uses rhe dishwasher to cook remember? 🤣 you cant wash dishes in the oven


Ahh but that’s where you’re wrong! You see the heat uhhh, uhhh “sterilizes” the dishes so you don’t even have to clean them! After all, nothing can survive 350F, so all the bacteria will be dead and it’ll be safe! Right? Right…?


thought you were gonna go the route of "she would waste less water by hand washing dishes" because that is certainly not the case


Honestly when they show like the people staring and stuff I think they're just wondering why a camera crew is in a grocery store lol


This cant be fuckin real


Filmed for TLC it most likely isn't


I used to love watching these cheapskate videos, but now I just focus on what feels fake about them and can’t enjoy them anymore 😔


How much did she spend on her hair and nails? Is that where the "savings" is going?




she basically stole from that store right


No, not really, that shit falls into the category of "weird and not entirely socially acceptable, but not technically against any rules" But even if you'd consider it stealing did you catch where they said "up to $3 per trip"? This isn't much different than sampling a few grapes on your way to the checkout line. And truthfully the way she buys ground beef and beef fat is something they'd do for you and the price would come out the same, she's just adding extra steps to do it separately.


I'm trying to figure out where the $3 per trip comes from. Banana peels aren't \*that\* heavy and neither are grape vines. Even if she's peeling oranges too, that's a lot of weight to come up to $3.


Agreed, especially considering it's gotta be a POUND or so of these things


These people are going to die with a million dollars and never enjoy a cent of it. I don't understand the point of hoarding wealth you'll never use


Whoo boy, wait till you hear about America's billionaires


The way she was… asking for expired meat…


Hey Garfield, come down and get your dishwasher lasagna!


That lasagna is only two things and it's either really really bad or not the worst


It’s 75% fat.


This show was fake btw


Yeah, but it is fun to watch.


Julias from everybody hates Chris soulmate




i just looked up the average dollars spent per hour on an oven and its average is for OVER 350f its about ¢24 for a dishwasher for an hour is $11. for an hour it Varey's a lot but that's what i got


wow she saved money on ground beef by not buying ground beef




"Excuse me sir"


Isn’t she the same lady who did her makeup with drier lint so she doesn’t have to buy brushes?


That part honestly doesn’t even bother me. That action 100% impacts her and her alone. The touching grapes and leaving them and serving people improperly cooked food crosses the line though.


And yet, people will go out of their way to do this shit, in the hopes that they get picked up by a network and become famous for it. BECAUSE WE IDOLIZE STUPIDITY IN THIS FUCKING COUNTRY AND CAN’T GET AWAY FROM IT FOR LONG ENOUGH TO FIX IT.




Ok, her manners and actions are atrocious, but I agree with what she said in the beginning. "I wanna pay for what I *eat*" Food waste is a HUGE contributor to climate change. People don't eat the food they buy! When I was doing some research for a class project on how to lower my CF, one if the biggest tips was to "eat the food I buy". So while I don't agree with what she's doing and she's definitely taking it too far, I wanted to bring this up


Yet in all likelihood, her way of buying causes more food wastage. Lowering how long food lasts isn't the answer lol


I didn't thought much but after she peeled the bananas and put them in the bag i felt nothing but anger.




The cameraman must be suffering


Did this bitch just use a fucking dishwasher to cook lasagne?


I like the idea of low cost living but this impulsive low effort approach will only screw over your health and waste alot of time and energy while disgusting everyone around you, plus you take some severe health risks to save a few cents. At that point you could just relax and spend the time and energy making alot more money than what you save with these stupid strategies. But if you research and think out of the box without going out of your comfort zone, some types of foods are healthier and cheaper than common foods, some jobs are well paid and comfortable and some aren't, some houses and devices are more energy efficient than what you get in most places, and there are alot of modern lifestyle choices you should avoid for health and efficiency reasons aswell. Living modestly is not bad, actually it becomes more and more a necessity and you can adapt a good balance of enjoying modernity while not fucking up yourself and being wasteful. People need to spend more attention to the available options, but if arrogant idiotic people who don't do any research try them they usually do more harm than good both to themselves and to the minimalist movement.


What’s weird is that it seems like it’s the first time she’s doing this. Making me think it’s all for show


TLC(This Lady Crazy)