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I know the music I like, and have other avenues of discovery. Audio sounds incredible on Tidal. That’s good for me, will not switch to Spotify: which, to me, is the antithesis of what I want out of the medium.


I’ve also considered switching back to Spotify before, and there’s some pretty compelling arguments for me that made me stick with TIDAL that may be stuff for you to consider. 1. Spotify has really scummy business practices, like underpaying the fuck out of artists, trying to start “creator programs” that actually end up with artists paying increased royalties, and pushing stuff like Joe Rogan podcast episodes even if he’s straight up spouting misinformation. I don’t really like to support companies that do that ngl. 2. TIDAL is pretty receptive to community feedback. They’re always trying to optimize for their audience and it’s pretty evident based on update notes that they do give at least half a shit about the customers. I don’t think I’ve ever seen that from Spotify outside of their new Lossless rollout (but even then nothing’s 100%). 3. Probably most important for me, Spotify is moving further and further into social media territory and I don’t like that. Its main selling point is not really listening to your music, but rather showing off what you’re listening to: Year end wraps, joint playlists, live updating your current track, API-based third party apps like Recieptify, hell even simple things like the default setting of UI when playing song being a 6-second video instead of an album cover. I don’t like music being social media-fied, it’s one of the biggest problems I have with the major record labels at the moment and I hate that the DSPs are playing into that. TIDAL doesn’t seem to have these angles or ambitions, and that’s huge for me. Idk if any of this matters to you, but this was my thought process on deciding whether to keep TIDAL so maybe it’ll help you too.


Nope, bye tho.


I moved to Deezer and Apple Music. Bye


Yet you're still here begging for attention.




So you'd rather pay more for less.. Got it


Make sure you like music, maybe add it to playlists so the algorithm can get you. I think Discovery is excellent. Even so, I’d never move to Spotify for so many reasons.


The one thing that all music streaming have in common, all of them learn by building playlists, build a couple and the algorithm will learn fast


I like my mixes, 8 + a daily discovery, I'm always pleasantly surprised by 1 or 2 tracks it throws in. Recommended albums and tracks is still a fair way off for me though probably on 30% is interesting.


Hell no, I want a music streaming service and Spotify has shown that music is not it's top priority


Now that I've been experiencing way better audio quality on tidal for about the past year, I can't imagine myself moving back to spotify.... Unless they finally add HiRes to that platform. Only then would I consider it. I'm not gonna lie--during my year using tidal, I've experienced SO many bugs, glitches, quirks, errors, etc that I've many times considered throwing in the towel. I know that no music service is perfect. But tidal is like amateur hour in so many ways. Of course, mileage is gonna vary from one user to another, depending on a lot of factors and variables. But it can be really really bad at times. However, the audio quality is stellar, and that's what keeps me here. I've learned to live with all the deficiencies of the app and implementation.


Im not a big playlist person as I am more of an album collector, so no. Haven't touched Spotify in years.


Honestly, it’s tempting. As a long-time Spotify user, it’s hard to move platform. But with the amount of changes Spotify is making that seems so anti-user, it’s clear all they want its cash. I’d rather pay for a service that I feel has the users and artist’s interests in mind. So I’ll wait out on Tidal. If Spotify changes to be more music centric, I might change. Until then, I’ll stay on Tidal hoping that they’ll improve, slowly but surely.


Exactly what I think as well - switched two days ago because Spotify has just been terrible recently




Nope. Moved over from Spotify around 18 months ago. Not going back


Yep, just did. Tidal connect is absolutely garbage, freezes every. single. time. I use it. I stream to a Blue sound node2i and it's basically the only you can use it with it. Granted the node does have an app but it's also worthless. For me Spotifys connection to the node is so much better. I also like the way Spotifys app is so more polished. Either or just my 2¢


I get your point. It took me some time till the Daily Discover aided me. Sometimes it's good and sometimes it's repetitive. I still believe Apple Music has the best algorithm that tailors your music experience. I left Spotify because the recommendations were trash and Tidal was and still is cheaper for me. If anything I'd consider changing to Apple Music, but not Spotify.


Try Qobuz


Fuck no. Spotify is trash. The nadir.




I'm okay with spotify as Im using it mostly on BT for the car, IEM for travel. I have FLAC collections of the albums and songs I really like so if I go wired, that's what Im listening to which is mostly at home anyways.


Daily discovery > Discover weekly Just give it a bit of time.


I will consider going back to Spotify once they have introduced high-res. Tidal is finally getting rid of mqa, but their offline mode / Android Auto support is still horrible to non-existent, so I need a seperate solution for those two use-cases. If Spotify introduces high-res before Tidal fixes those two (actually the AA issue is becasue the lack of good offline mode), I will go back to Spotify.


I wanted to stick to Tidal, but they lack a Singer/Songwriter (Acoustic) section. This is 75% of my listening habits. AM's and Spotify's acoustic sections (genres) are huge and varied.


How long did you give Tidal a chance?


Number 2 is big one for me fo sure. Also audiobook crap showing up in my search wtf. The 24hr taylor swift spam on my desktop app. I never listen to her and its so aggressive. Spotify premium acts like a free version of a piece of software, limiting quality and spamming junk (audiobooks, Taylor swift ads etc) But i just dont like spotify, i mean lossy audio only, in 2024, is this a joke? They're far too greedy with cost rises, and pay artists so bad. Its really the lack of ethics are pushing me away from spot. Bunch of c*nts imo.


when they add lossless, of course


boy do I have news for you https://www.theverge.com/2024/6/11/24175980/spotify-hifi-add-on-cost-extra-lossless-audio-supremium#:~:text=Spotify%20is%20getting%20ready%20to,playlists%20and%20manage%20music%20libraries.


$16.99 "this year". Probably will be 19.99 within a year after introducing. Not long after that - audio books only on the Hifi plan...for $25/mo. Men's warehouse "I guarantee it".


Youtube music is superior to everything else considering you do get a Youtube premium for the same amount of money. I agree that the sound quality is not as good as it is on TIDAL or Apple music, but if you are listening to your music on the phone over BT you will never hear any difference. So if you value your money, you would go for the Youtube music.