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No. The kids most likely to be on it are the ones I want to see the least.


This. If I want to watch Tony and Mykelti blindly defend a bunch of abusers and probably eventually take on another wife(something I’d totally see happening if they did a spinoff show), I’ll tune into their patreon.


Hard pass on the good ship Mykeltie and Tony. However I would watch a travel show with Janelle and Christine, even with Meri but they wouldn’t do that.


Yes to this 1000%!


I'd love to see a home renovation show with Meri and Jen!


Huh? Why?


I really enjoyed watching them together; Jen seems to be a genuinely good friend. Plus Meri's a very hard worker, and a clever businesswoman; I was impressed by what she decided to do with the trees she cut down! She's artistic, too; I generally like her design aesthetic. I'd like to see Meri and Jen take on a house project together.


Like Maddie and Mykelti


Maddie probably wouldn't do it. She didn't have her most recent birth filmed.


Just loled at this


It would end up as the Mykelti and Tony show. No thanks!!!


Nah, you know it would be a Mykelti/Paedon pickmefest.


I have zero interest in watching Mykelty and Tony. Less than zero. I enjoy seeing the photo dumps on HERE more recently of the majority of the family in general. I love seeing them looking happy and surrounded by family and friends and just enjoying their lives because they deserve happiness. They (other than their minor children and Truly) are all adults now who can make the decisions for themselves if they want to continue on reality tv but I hope they seriously reflect on the impact it’s had on their lives and their family and how it affected them as kids before making the choice to proceed and continue putting their lives and their kids lives out for public consumption.


The ones already over sharing. Who would also tell fluff the storyline or tell cameras to stop filming to manlipulate their edit.


Hard pass. The kids I'm most interested in are the ones who would never do this. And the kids who WOULD do this are the ones who should not be given a platform


have to agree with this


Hard same.


![gif](giphy|D10hKcRT6JaLu) No




TLC ruins families & lives. And I hope peace for the majority of them.


I don't think TLC ruined them. TLC exposed them. Polygamy is harmful and that family was never as healthy as they put on for show. Without TLC, they would likely be struggling financially. Doubt Christine would have the means to leave. TLC put on the  pressure of the public eye, as we did by watching, but the issues were there regardless.


TLC didn't expose them, they exploited them. especially the children.


I hope this gets upvoted all the way to the top bc it couldn’t be more true! Edit: forgot a word


No, I barely want to watch their parents


No. To me, the allure of the show was the whole concept of polygamy (which was a very foreign concept 15 years ago). Most people were highly skeptical that it could be a healthy dynamic - and yet - here was this charming family that insisted that it worked and they all seemed very normal and well adjusted. … and then we slowly got to watch it blow up spectacularly and prove all our skepticism right. The show is over now, in my opinion. It’s kinda nice to see how the OG3 rebuild as we have been invested so long… but now they are just a “normal” split family, in my opinion, with a whole lot of mostly adult kids.


Excellent synopsis. Normal family etc - boring


I don't think it's over. It's got a renewed interest with Christine leaving and sadly Garrisons death. Last season was the highest thus far. This coming season will be even higher. Unless, the Browns put their mental health first, the show will continue for a few more years. Their is to much drama and life events happening recently, and that just gives more interest in viewership. Yeah, everyone is saying it's time to cancel the show due to Garrisons death, but those same viewers will continue to tune in every season.


I don't care to see Mykelti and Tony and we all know they would be first to sign up.


money mad


I think we've been having all these conversations about how being on the show has hurt these kids. Creating a new show where they have the autonomy to decide how they interact with it sounds like it might be a neat solution, but if those of them with children want to get involved, their children would then be in the same position.


I feel exactly the same way. I know some people want it because they do enjoy the show but I really hope it does not happen.


🎯 this was my initial thought


And it would still be toxic TLC in charge. It’s like selling your soul to the devil. Lotsa moolah until you have to pay the price.


But then THEIR kids' childhoods are at risk.


Yes, exactly


Depends on which kids Spin-off. The ones I wouldn't mind seeing, Logan, Leon, Hunter, Gabe, Aspyn. Are most likely The ones who want no part of a spin off.


NOOOOOOO! TLC would ruin them, too!


Absolutely not. The kids are so boring. And please don’t show me another entire episode covering the birth of their kids for the love of god.


With the same past video clips of other births being shown over and over again 🙄


I find the kids to be the best part of the show. However, most of the kids don’t want a show like this, and I don’t think they deserve it. TLC leaves a wake of drama and ruined marriages wherever it goes.


Wow, I totally disagree. The kids aren’t living polygamy and that is the only interesting thing about this family. Obviously the parents don’t even live it anymore so I think the only topics they can mine now are from their past since Kody and the wives won’t even be in the same room. I loved watching the friction of the adults having to deal with each other but that stopped a while ago.


I think in early seasons I would have said the kids were my favorite part, but more because I really liked the slice of life moments that felt genuinely realistic, like figuring out the logistics for travel or holidays with that many kids, so the kids were necessarily involved. The kids also seemed like they weren't acting for the camera in the same way the parents were, and they were often involved in less contrived plotlines than the parents, so they felt more genuine. Finally, when I was watching live, I was a little younger/an age peer to the oldest set of kids, so I liked watching them do stuff that I was doing, like learning to drive and touring colleges. For all those reasons, the kids were the most interesting part of the show to me. (It's also why I'm in the apparent minority on this sub for really liking the wedding episodes, but I'm a sucker for logistics when I don't have to worry about them.) But now, I'd agree with you. They're adults, they're living separately from the main family, and most of their drama relates to their own families or them commenting on their parents' drama, so there wouldn't be a hook for a show about them the way there was for the Browns 15 years ago. It would be boring at best and really sad at worst, given recent events.


I agree


I agree.


“That’s the only thing interesting about this family.” It’s cool how you get decide for the whole world what’s interesting. I love that for you! Even if the kids don’t live polygamy, they have had a very unique upbringing, being raised in a polygamous family and on a reality show, and I find the their continuing dynamics fascinating. However, as they are real human beings, I respect the fact that most of them wouldn’t want a spinoff show. Really downvoters? PP pulls that “Wow” shit and you downvote me?


I guess I just need a little more spice in my reality tv than watching kids go off to college and have kids of their own, but hey, if they do it I guess we’ll find out what people find interesting by their ratings.


Well what you find “interesting” isn’t what everybody finds interesting. I wouldn’t have been sarcastic if you hadn’t started your comment with that “Wow” bs.That was rude and people are downvoting *me*. Wow indeed…


People love to hit that downvote! I hit ya with the upvote because I think everyone should get an opinion and not get downvoted *simply* for saying so.


lol I’m a birth junkie 🤣 I’d be all over that! But I get that it’s not everyone’s cup of tea!


Yeah I love the wedding episodes (I love things with crazy logistics, as long as I'm not actually responsible for any of them) so I often feel like I'm in the minority on this sub about that type of content, but I agree, they're not for everyone!


Mykelti and Toni would probably be all over it lol


No. The older kids have made it clear they’re not interested in having the cameras follow them. I really think the only one who would be interested in mykelti and I don’t care to watch her.


After all those kids have been through, I hope they go live their lives off camera. ♥️


end the show ffs.


Yes, really. All the wives leaving him except Robyn should have been the kill switch. If TLC then wanted to bring just Robyn and Kody back for a "on our own" type of show, fine.


But who would watch them?


Oh man… can you imagine how fake and boring that would be?


I don’t even understand how there will be another season.


I think the show as it stands should end now. If they wanted to do an update show in a year or so, letting us know how the OG folks are doing, I'd watch that.


Polygamy was the only interesting thing about the Browns. Since none of the kids became polygamists, it would be like watching my own boring life. Hard pass.


It’s cringe, but I totally agree. 💯 I don’t want to sit around for the conflict.


it was entertaining, but i never thought it was totally real, then bad things happened and it isn't fun anymore.




No. Their lives have been invaded enough. Let them go and live peacefully.


No I don’t care


No. The ones that would do it are out of touch with reality and thirsty.


No, the show has caused enough damage


I don't know if it would work or not because I don't know if other people would watch. I can tell you that I most certainly would not! The kids bore me. I don't really care about them. I mean I wish them happy lives and all that, but I don't care enough to watch them. We'd wind up having to watch a million more births and there's nothing that grosses me out more than watching people on TV give birth. The whole point of the show was that the parents lived a unique lifestyle, that was the hook. The kids do not live a unique lifestyle, so what is there to watch? If I just want to see kids growing up I can watch my neighbors LOL. Sounds incredibly boring and you couldn't pay me to watch it. Otoh, I do not want the show the end and I don't think it will. I will continue to watch the show if it stays on the air.






No. Leave them be


That would be so extremely boring. No thanks.


Nope. I think it is time for this franchise to be retired.


No. We’ve already seen the effect this show can have on the kids. I’m not interested in seeing more.


Probably not, some of them have young kids and I don’t want to continue seeing shows that focus on young kids which this undoubtedly would. It’s clearly not healthy for them. I’d rather keep watching the adults and their dynamic.


No. I already only watch it because of sunk cost fallacy. I dream that someday soon, it will end, and I won’t find myself inexplicably watching the same family of liars for the 56th season straight. Don’t give me spin-offs and take my dream of retirement from this show away!






0% interest in any of the kids that are willing to be on camera


The kids I would like to follow are all very private, so a spin off would never happen. And no one want to watch Mykelti and Tony, they are attention whores.




No. This family needs to get off television and work on their mental health and relationships PRIVATELY. The minute they filmed the first scene of their “reality” show was the exact moment the family began to self destruct.


The family wasn't doing well before the show.


100 percent 


No. It would be the Mykelti-Tony-Gwen-Paedon clown show. I doubt any of Janelle’s kids or the rest of Christine’s would participate.


given how much the show likely contributed mental health issues, it might not be there healthiest thing for the kids.


After the heartbreaking loss of Garrison, I think the best thing for the kids is privacy. I wish them all the best and hope they all know there are multitudes of people who love and respect them. I want them to know they are loved and enjoy life.


No. After Garrison, I never want to see any of this family on tv again. They’ll just be causing themselves more harm and unnecessary drama


No the show isn’t good for any of them let alone the kids


No, we’ve harmed them enough.


Of course the fandom would love that. I’m can’t imagine that the kids would want to do it though - especially given Garrison. 🩷


No, I’d never sign up to watch more Mykelti




Nah. Especially not with Garrison’s death


Not me


Absolutely NOT


No. The reality show world has already damaged these kids. We definitely don't want this to follow into the next generation. You know Mykelti would be shoving all her minions front and center. I hope this family goes in peace to relative obscurity.




If it's Mykelti, hard no. ![gif](giphy|xUPGchUqm8RBReXene)


No it needs to be canceled. We will still have stuff to talk about cause once it’s over the kids are gonna start spilling


No. Let the poor family heal after the trauma of growing up on TV. It's time to stop filming them.




At this point, after Garrison’s death, no. I feel so bad for all of the kids and there’s no need to subject the next generation to this madness.


No. TLC just needs to accept that the show is over


Nope. Not for me ma’am. Those kids have been through enough




OG wives, yes. OG kids, no.


What would that even be about? Watching each kid go bankrupt to various pyramid schemes and kody jump scares?


I'd be more interested in watching a show about the OG3 wives and how they rebuild their lives. It would be nice to see the kids on occasion but not an entire show.


I can’t even get behind watching the wives solo. The episodes in season 18 were a good preview of that and I don’t need to watch Christine throw a group painting session or make biscuits again, or Meri work on her outhouse for an entire season. My fast forward button was getting a lot of action. As much as I detest Kody, I find him to be the most intriguing part of the show.


That was very boring, along with the staged conversations. I've seen people complain about what Tony said to Christine about dating, but if she didn't want that shown, she didn't need to send it in.


I agree. I watched all these years to see the inevitable implosion of the marriages. It feels infinished without seeing the inevitable implosion of r an k. Thats the only thing id watch.


Not me-they have been through enough.


Only if we get honest conversations between K, R, and the kids.


I feel like they could do a three part episode updating where all the families/kids are at and then be done.


No. The only ones I’d be interested in hearing about want to be private.


No I want them to be left alone. They’ve been hurt too much.


Nope. That family’s time is up in reality tv.


Depends on which kids but truly they need to heal


No, I want this poor family to have peace and especially the kids. They didn't choose to have their messy childhoods documented and displayed like that.


So we’re doing Counting On, Polygamy Edition?


No, but this the only reality show that I’ve watched all the way through, I tried to watch a later season of Survivor and only got through a few episodes. I’ve just become so involved in this show and decided it will be my 1 and only reality tv


Absolutely not. It would be the mykelti show and i already cannot stand when she makes an appearance


I really can’t see tuning in for any of them. Not that I don’t care, just not yjat much I guess 🤷‍♀️


No. Let it go.


Not right now. They’re dealing with a lot. Maybe one day I’d like a “where they are now” kinda moment to check in since we’ve seen them grow up and are naturally curious and want to see them succeed in life.


No, and doubt they would want to be in it. Most are only filmed because it's their parents' main source of income. I believe mykelty and Tony since they are true grifters just like their parents. Maybe Paedon since he has his dad's narcissist personality and gets off by being center of attention. Also, maybe Maddie, since she depends on the shows promo for her MLMs. The others have moved on to their own adult life and have no desire to stay on TV. Well, maybe also Gwen. she seems to have been on the whole social media influencer stuff because of her wife pushing for that. I think if Gwen wants to be on camera, it is more because she's being pushed by her wife to do it. Robyn never really wanted her kids on TV, but I just wanted the money it came with. Since the umbilical cord has never been cut, I don't think her own kids know what they want without direction from Robyn.


I thought that about Gwens wife, she never really seemed comfortable doing it.


No.. leave the poor kids alone… they’ve suffered enough plus what could they possibly have or do worth watching and being interested in..??


No. For obvious reasons.


An “After Kody” spin off








No. I want to see the adults interact.


After the recent tragedy that rocked this family, no. The Brown kids deserve peace and privacy.


No, because my favorite part of the show is yelling at Kody and Sobyn every time they speak


I'd watch. Now is when it really gets interesting. How does anyone recover from all of this?


Yes! As long as it was under all of the adult kid’s control!


I think we should not watch the show if it comes back on. I know this is going to be a very unpopular opinion. Although I very firmly believe that suicide is a disease, and that no one is at fault, people would find watching a show following around the survivors of a person who died of cancer distasteful too. At this point it’s tragedy porn. A ton of people will just use it as an excuse to judge this family for how they grieve the passing of their loved family member. TLC won’t cancel it. We should stop watching it.


The next season will most likely cover events from Mykelti's twins' birth in late 2022 to Christine's wedding in 2023. It would be season 20, likely to air beginning late 2025, before they get to the timeline around Garrison's death.


By then, my life will be way ahead of that storyline. I am not likely to watch it. I have watched/read everything about Garrison’s death and the family’s reaction. For me, it is over.


Coud a season covering Mykelti's twins' birth (more births!) and the runup to Christine's wedding (an event that has already been televised) possibly *be* more boring?


Robyn's kids are the most fascinating to watch. Every time one of them is in a scene, we've got something to talk about. I lowkey never understand the whole "fuck Kody, Robyn and their kids". Without em', we're just watching people paint pottery?


I would consider watching anything without Kody and Robyn. And I mean 100% completely absent of them.


Sure! For any of the adult children who would want to involved, I would watch it. But it’s not something I expect to see or even necessarily *want* to see.


The only ones that would film are the ones we don’t want to see.


“We” doesn’t include me. I’d be just as fine with Leon and Audrey as I would Logan and Michelle (?? Is that right?) as I would Mykelti and Tony. I get that isn’t the popular opinion, but it is mine.


Leon and Audrey, Logan and Michelle do not want to be filmed A great. Deal of people do not want to see mykelti and tony


Right, I get that. But I don’t mind Mykelti and Tony. Which is why I said I knew it wasn’t the popular opinion, but it is *my* opinion.


Would you watch? Who of the kids do you think would be open to filming?


The ones nobody wants to see.




I would NOT watch but to your other question, I think Mykelti would love to have her own boring ass show.


You couldn't PAY me to wat h Mykelti!


Some not all


Depends on the kids featured.


Meh. No. I’m out.


Anything this fahmuly puts out Imma be there ✌🏻


I would give it a try


No. Kody makes good television.


I'm going to go with yes but with my rules It would be 4 to six episodes a season and it would be every 3 to four years. It would be us seeing them in their lives for days separately and then they would have a vacation or a reunion together for like a few days to see them together. It would mainly be like a check in. But I would only want like 3 or 4 seasons. We got to see the adults navigate something now we get to see the older kids do the same.


If they do a ‘how it really was’ type show. And the transcript of the Christmas texting drama.


No. I never want to see Mykelti again.


I personally have no interest.


No. That would mean their experience has broken them to the point they see reality TV, and working at the mercy of one of their greatest abusers—TLC—as their only viable option for earning a living.




No. I would have loved to around the time that they moved to Flagstaff. But now? No. The ones who would do it would be the attention seekers and they're the ones that I don't want to hear from.


No. No way. No interest whatsoever.




please please get Tony off of my television


No, this series has played it's self out even prior to the recent death. The best thing for these young adults is to pursue education, work, relationships and emotional well-being off camera, and off social media public accounts. They didn't ask for this years ago and now they can be free from the cameras.


No, I couldn’t even finish the final season as K and R were so vile.


I'd watch it. Mostly because they'd have better contracts and would make some money.


No. They need to go live their lives.


Please no, they been through enough 




Yet another fantastic article taken from a post on the other sub.


Love your name haha


Thanks ☺️




Leon has made absolutely no attempt to remain on the show for years. Maybe reconsider your reason for refusing to see them?


I’d watch a Janelle & Christine show. With occasional visits from other kids or family members.


I wouldl with also Chritine & Janelle! I doubt the Adult children would be interested with the exception of greedy Mykelti who has been letting Tony speak badly about her Mother. I don't like them.


God I hope not.


No it would be just a mykelti and toni show with a splash of robyn’s dramatic older children & Gwen VS Paedon. I don’t think most of the OG 13 would join as they have a kinda private life I mean Maddy does social media but I think she’s only into blogging and sharing her MLM journey plus It’ll probably be all Aurora crying because Kody smiled at Ysabel during a family visit.