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You can make holders. If you wear boxer briefs you can put it in the flap/pouch and safety pin it closed. You can cut the elastic band off a pair of underwear, cut a small slit in it and put the packer through the slit.


U got some good ideas thanks fam


So the elastic band off underwear idea, do you have any pics of how that would work?


No don’t have pics. The elastic band goes around your waist. The shaft of the packer goes through the slit, this should hold it against your body. Then put underwear on. Due to the weight of the packer, may have to tighten the band by tying a knot.


$20-30 is honestly the going price lately. I recommend RodeOH. You can get a pack of 3 of their Trunks(Truhnks?) for about $20. I have had mine about 4 years now, 30 lbs difference in that 4 years and they still fine, have the full elastic, and work well. They come with the packer pocket and you can just wear em like normal. When mine were all in the wash, I wore my boxer brief harness and just pulled my packer out like you usually would. Still created a normal looking/acceptable bulge. Other times when I was too dysphoric and had to do it (I was on a camping trip and had to stealth, I wore those and then another pair of boxers on top but I don't think that's necessary.


Didn't know rodeoh had packs of trunks. I'll have to check again. Last time I looked I saw some packer underwear for like $40 and I said hell naw lol where did u get ur harness?


Cake bandit packing jock, never really have to adjust my dick and hardly ever feel it throughout the day. I’m a very texture/clothing sensitive person, and these jocks don’t bother me even after 9 hour shifts at work


Thats the one I was looking at. I'm texture sensitive too so I'm glad to see it comfortable for u


Tight breifs and or just normal jock straps


Are jock straps comfortable to wear all day?


To me they are but they take some getting used to cus obviously the shape is weird. Remember what their intended use is for, wearing while playing sports.


i just wear my normal boxer briefs and it’s fine, but im almost always wearing skinny jeans when i pack


And u never had problems with it staying in place or falling out?


nah, the pants i wear do all the job of holding it in place, and my packer is very soft silicone so it’s a little sticky


Gotcha. I do have one pair of really tight skinny jeans so maybe that could work 🤔


My pack strap. You can use it with all your underwear https://www.instagram.com/mypackstrap?igsh=MWQ1ZGUxMzBkMA==


This one looks pretty cool. Ngl I feel like I'd be so distracted swinging my dick around in it tho 😂




Literally me tho 😂


Sock and safety pin has rarely failed me. Make sure u have a strong safety pin 😅


I actually want a real packer- a STP one but I'll remember this just in case too lol


I put the packer/stp in the sock, sorry I wasn’t clear


Ahh ok makes more sense now someone else mentioned that too definitely is a cheaper alternative than buying underwear or a jockstrap


Packer sock. Put the packer in a sock and use a safety pin to hold it in place at the waistband. You can make a hole to pull the peen through so it moves and sits slightly more naturally as opposed to being tucked in the sock with the balls. And because socks come in pairs you can make 2 so you can change out the socks for washing. Also most people have old socks they don't wear just sitting in their drawer so that's basically free, and a pack of pins are like $2.


Oooooh this is a good idea! Thanks fam


No problem cuz


I normally just wear fitted boxer briefs and I’ve never had an issue. Never has fallen out during sport, swimming and just day to day casual wear. Worn with all different types of jeans, khakis and shorts. They are compressed enough if there are no gaps between the thigh area of your boxers and your actual thigh


I use a jock strap, some jocks come with a pocket for the cup. I like them a lot more than those pouches than underwear because you can wash them by hand easily plus aren't stupidly expensive. I double up my underwear because the dick kinda sticks out a bit, so underwear, jock, underwear because it kinda feels like a wedgie otherwise.