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If he doesn’t get the payout, he’s basically going to whine and complain on Twitter and mentally abandon his duty at Tesla, but I don’t think he will leave. He can’t divert robotics and AI to one of his other companies without facing massive lawsuits. I also don’t think he would be legally allowed to poach Tesla employees to go to another one of his companies as most companies have rules in place preventing it. So I think he stays but becomes a bigger baby on X than he already is and the distraction will hurt the stock even more.


Several prominent AI managers left Tesla for xAI literally days before the layoffs.


As opposed to what he did for years now? He's not really managing Tesla anyway. And when he does butt in, it's usually for the worse.


Non-compete agreement have been canceled recently by FTC enabling employees to join any company they like. So Tesla cannot enforce that. If anybody from Tesla wants to go with Elon, they can.


This isn’t a non-compete. This is IP theft and a new CEO should sue Elon and shut down his competing businesses.


The problem is, it is all in the family business. Board is Elon buddies. Even he leaves, the company will not elect a new CEO who is unfriendly to Elon. Unless board and new CEO are willing to guard IP rights, there is no use. They in fact may pass on them on silver plate. No stock holder will know about them


Agreed. Need a new board.


Is that anywhere?




If you go with elon you're just further drinking the Kool aid


So what is your opinion? What will happen next?


Not sure…the fact that Elon tweeted about retail shareholders are 90% yes, makes me think the vote isn’t going well with the larger investment firms…I hope that it passes and shows Wall Street that investors are behind the company and the stock will rise




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Pay him


My question is. What happens next if he doesn't get paid?


I’m with you. It was approved before, he met the targets. I can’t believe this is even up for debate. A deal is a deal


Why did a court undo it? 


The Boring Co was hired to build tunnels under the Austin plant. Seems sorta dumb. The really funny thing is that this sort of arrangement between companies controlled by the same individuals is called a Tunneling Fraud. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tunneling_(fraud)




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So what do you think will happen next?


Won't go anywhere no matter the result. Board will negotiate him alternative package so he will still get something in "no" case and he still is largest shareholder who still has plenty intensive to keep Tesla float.


Interesting take. Thank you


If the TX move doesn’t pass, will they be willing to do another package in Delaware? It would be hard for Elon to believe that another package won’t be invalidated in Delaware in the future, as well.


The fix is easy which is to fix the issues the court highlighted. I know many like to think the judge is activist or something but that is just ignorance. Fix issues and nothing will stop you.


Hard to believe that the court won’t be able to find another issue to disqualify “unfathomable” compensation. And even if not, is that a risk that’s worth taking and potentially having to spend billions on more lawsuits if you’re the board?


The stock will go down regardless what happens with the vote. There is really not catalyst to move it up until August


Checks tesla stock after success announcement.... Awkward...


Gave majority of it back...awkward


If he announces that he's resigning as CEO. It won't make any difference?


Huge improvement in corporate governance. Stock price would go up. 🚀 🌕


The FUD is priced in. The stock goes up in either situation.


Unfortunately with TSLA always bet the opposite


That is the opposite since most people think it will decline. Or is it?




iMo no, but it's the smart move to do


The vote does not do anything for the payout. It was already invalidated and "ratifying" does not change the Chancery's decision. Nor does moving to Texas. Read the court documents.


He got paid. Now cry into your fedora and put back on your nose ring and make a sign to protest the unfair pay scale. When you’re done please don’t screw up my Starbucks order - thanks !




I want to start by saying it will pass, but if not the resulting uncertainty about what he could be doing hurts the stock. Long term I think he's going to make the same decisions regarding the talent at xAI/TSLA regardless of whether or not he's upset over the issue but his public comments could potentially be unsavory and the notion that he could do something alone is enough to impact share price in the short term.


Agreed 👍


He'll cry like a bitch


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Poll on Yahoo Finance currently has 96% of the vote saying NO for the pay package for Elon Musk. [https://finance.yahoo.com/news/tesla-shareholders-vote-ceo-elon-musks-pay-package-proposal-171453223.html](https://finance.yahoo.com/news/tesla-shareholders-vote-ceo-elon-musks-pay-package-proposal-171453223.html) Can you believe that?! Even accounting for Tesla haters and trolls that's pretty astounding.


Think the opposite. He’s going to get the payout and the stock will rise.


I dont think one way or the other. I want to know what people think will happen IF he does not get his payout.




Pretty sure Musk has enough votes to win. But the vote is only evidence for a lengthy legal battle once he moves TSLA to Texas, he can't get paid immediately. It'll take him a year or two to get his pay package my guess is, stock goes sideways for the next year and slips to $140-150. especially since the only news will be TSLA spending the next year moving to Texas, being in a bunch of legal battles, and losing market share. Might take a while as Texas courts are way slower than Delaware ones. Finally, Musk wins, gets his shares, announces more vaporware, does another pump (to $200 possibly) and then dump. If you're looking for an opportunity, i would go short or buy puts but not too aggressive strike prices for the next year. watching the legal cases wrap up and then sell the puts. Then buy calls waiting for Elon to pump and dump likely around earnings. Have to time it right or you'll be holding Elon's bags also this is WSB degenerate advice, not financial advice


I hear you. But let's say if he does not get paid. What will happen?


He’ll take a seat on the board as a major shareholder and try to micromanage any future CEO.


When is the voter’s result out? I know it’s Thursday but after market hours? When will we know it? Probably big gap following day up or down


going back up to where it was a few days ago. Everyone is overreacting and selling before the vote.




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Musk already is a part time CEO. Nothing will change.


If he gets the payout, Tesla stock tanks, if he doesn’t get the payout it tanks, so either way Tesla as a cutting edge EV company is history. Seeing the acres of unsold Tesla’s says all it needs, his antics supporting Trump and Putin and his position in Scandinavia over worker’s rights have effectively killed the golden goose.


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Life goes on!


He’s going to bitch about it, blame “woke” and then inseminate a few dozen of his 18-22 year old interns for good measure.


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He aint going anywhere. He might develop products and services outside the umbrella of Tesla shareholders’ gains, in another company. Historically he has used gains to profit furthering the needle on a product or service that he’s spearheading. For example, the Boring Co. roofing torch flame-thrower and ball cap hats funded exploring that technology at the beginning, digging holes, etc. Tesla Roadster funded Model S, as S helped fund model 3, and so on. Gains from selling some Tesla shares helped fund his purchase of Twitter for his long-held dream service site ‘X’ (used to envision money services in the past, but primarily a comms avenue for his suite of products and services moving forward). Consider the industries disrupted / disrupting successfully: batteries, EV’s, EV charging, advanced cruise control/FSD, reusable rockets, HEAVY reusable rocketry, orbital logistics, satellite telecomm and remote internet for civilians, and then a military version, too. It’s too early to call it for anyone on AI, robotics, and Neuralink-adjacent technologies. So to continue answering your question, I strongly believe gains will go towards Lunar Gateway and Mars. Dude has lots of kids already, has been there/done that with celebrity romance and having big houses, and has since sold em. Dude has had big risks, failures, and successes already. Dude is getting older and wiser. The dude does not look fantastically healthy. So, all of that to say that he’s had the opportunity to *live* and has done so. Now, I feel like this guy is about to really lock in and push the needle more than he already has. I’m incredibly alarmed to see what I would consider an “institutional” level of smear on his identity, IP, and companies. I think this is due to the drastic disruptions. I consider all the botting, emotional FUD, paid media, and sentiment manipulation in the grand scale a huge canary for change. Lastly, dude spends most of his time on engineering work per his interviews. He’s obviously a worker, a doer, not a charming conversationalist. Obviously. He’s got Asperger’s. He’s the weird kid you cheat off of in tests. status quo disrupters should be encouraged by the serfdom, it’s that simple. His giant rocket that dwarfs the Saturn V is a huge cock for the world. I believe his earnings from Tesla will get behind that thrust as we, the Earth, proceed to slow-fuck the moon and then Mars.


Can’t figure out whether you are for real or being sarcastic.


I’ve got two shares, no car, voted yes. I’m 100 percent in on SpaceX. So you see, I’m really trying to get in with Tesla’s sister.


Lol. You sound smart and funny. Thank you for your input




How do you think that it will plat out if he loses?


Tesla will appeal the Delaware decision. If that fails the board will propose a new pay package. Elon will get his money. He’s earned it.


Elon won’t leave tesla if the pay package gets voted down. That’s merely FUD. His wealth is tied to tesla so he will continue to do what he can to maximize valuation.




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