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Classic Toronto! Sorry for your luck. Don't exit anything until a constable kicks you out.




We need at least 15 minutes


The operator must have pressed the wrong announcement button.Ā  That's happened to me before, but I look at other people to see if they move or not. Then an announcement came on saying, "Sorry, the train is in service."Ā  If it's really out of service, it doesn't move until the employee walks down the train to see if everyone is off.


ā€œSorry, the train is IN serviceā€? That reminds me of Jack Astorā€™s old slogan, ā€œSorry, weā€™re OPENā€! šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ„²šŸ˜‚šŸ„²šŸ˜‚


sorry for the lie


If you hear that announcement, never be the first one out of the train lol


Lmao this happened to me last week when we stopped at St. Clair and they said that the train is out of service because of a power outage Eglinton. Half the people got off and then the operator was like "actually we're going all the way to Finch" and we resumed.


The Union will negotiate another raise for him/her/them/it...


They usually repeat the message a few times when that happens by the operator.


The operator will usually get on the intercom when its the real deal


Skill issue


The terminal selection switch was set to the ā€œout of serviceā€ position. It should have been set to ā€œline 1 to Vaughanā€. Minor oversight by the operator. But they should have made an announcement to correct the error before closing the doors and moving off. It was in the ā€œout of serviceā€ position because the last station the train travelled in that same direction it arrived as out of service, which mostly likely was VMC or Finch West after the morning rush hour when it was going out of service to run in to Wilson yard.


I find that happens southbound at North York Centre quite often, not sure why. The operator usually gets on the intercom and explains that the train actually is in service, too bad that didnā€™t happen for you!


I been on train like that before I think is due to the go back south sometimes the train sign not update. One way to see if is service sometimes look at the train map. If is light up means is in service


This happened to me a few months ago at Eglinton when service was supposedly ending early that night. So frustrating LOL.


Iā€™m so sorry. Iā€™m laughing so hard at this. Welcome to my life as well. This is life on the ttc. Youā€™ve been had. Weā€™ve all been had. Life in Toronto is a scam.


I stayed on the train one time and a bunch of us ended up in the train yard at Wilson. There was a bit of a wait until they could get us back to the station.




itā€™s been happening daily at north york station for me on my morning commutes


Something similar happened a few months ago at Warden station. The guy announced the train will be going out of service at the next stop over the radio. At the next stop, half of the people got off. The doors closed and the train continued like nothing happened lmao.


I would have gotten it on video and published it as an epic troll. XD Yes, the TTC does troll people on an irregular basis, we just never catch on. Now if only the operator *farted* over the PA... :P


Yes. It's happens often. Our government is stupid and so is our public.


LOL this was funny, thanks for sharing


That's been happening a lot over the last few weeks, specifically the southbound NYC stop for some reason. Like others said, don't get off until the operator says so on the PA system or a TTC employee comes on board and tells you.


A bus pulls up to the stop on McNicoll at Brimley with a sign saying "Out of service". I get on and swipe my card like it ain't no thing. The automated announcement starts calling out stops that aren't anywhere along the route. I stay on the bus until it takes me along my regular route to work.


I was on 40 today going to dun west. Bus driver I guess short turns at Runnymede says there is a bus right behind. There was not and everyone was standing in cold for 15 mins or more until a 30a came and we could get out of cold and go to high park station insteadā€¦


Maybe it was meant to be out of service once it reaches the final stop at Finch Station


Guess you lost that round of Dump the Chump.


Classic subways XD why is this kinda funny tho-