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Be aware of your surroundings and stay away from the edge of the platforms until a train arrives.


keep your back against the wall


This needs to be upvoted more


But don't actually touch the walls


If someone is mumbling to themselves and seems agitated, avoid eye contact but stay alert. If they start having meltdown, leave the train. I've noticed more and more women just leaving the train and waiting for the next one lately. Sometimes it's a group of us standing up, leaving and waiting on the platform together. Never be self-conscious about taking yourself out of a potentially dangerous situation. Tweaker sits near you and is flipping out and shrieking? Get up immediately and leave.


You're better off reporting it ln the SafeTTC app. They send a special constable to meet the train and remove the person that is harassing other passengers.


This is also the LPT for getting a seat on a crowded bus.


Just keep to yourself. If you see someone tweaking avoid staring. They're also keeping to themselves. In the last 3 years I've only ever felt "unsafe" as in wanting to get off the train/bus 2-3 times. If you are riding late at night, stay near the train/bus operator. But again, the risk of anything actually happening is rare. Yes there are lots of homeless people and even people openly doing drugs. But see my first point. They overwhelmingly just want to keep to themselves.




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You’re over 10 times more likely to get injured in a car accident on a per-ride basis


Just mind your business and be aware of your surroundings. If you’re on a subway train with shitty people switch cars at the next station.


It’s fine. Use normal big-city sensibilities.


You should always be aware of your surroundings regardless of the city you're in, but generally ttc is fairly safe In my experience Sherbourne seems to be the sketchiest (mainly when its dark out)


I’m not a Torontonian but I have a close friend who has been and rode the TTC numerous times. From what information I’ve gathered just use normal public transit etiquette and be aware of your surroundings, even if you feel relatively safe. I’ve ridden more sketchy transit systems here in the US however.


Download the Safe TTC app and use it to report safety concerns directly to the transit control centre https://www.ttc.ca/riding-the-ttc/safety-and-security/safe-ttc-app




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Honestly? You don't even really need to be cautious or careful. Look at the rate of violence and other crime in Toronto compared to other big cities. The subway/TTC is bustling day and night. Just take it.


Just be aware of your surroundings. Carry hand sanitizer and wear a mask because people are gross and will cough in your face and you don't want to get sick.


Definitely watch your surroundings (as you should anywhere) and be a little more aware on streetcars, as there are no barriers to someone boarding and they travel a lot slower. There’s a yellow strip you can press that will send authorities to the next station if something does happen. Wellesley station and its environs can be a bit sketchy (at least I found it that way.)


No,nothing to be scared of, but it's always good to keep to yourself and pay attention to your surroundings. That's kind of city living 101 though and not just a TTC thing


I use this shit daily. Don’t stare at weirdos. Keep to urself, don’t put ur headphones in. Make sure u can hear ur surroundings. Be smart and it’s not that hard.




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The TTC is no different than any major subway system in a large city.


Millions of people a day use the TTC and nothing ever happens but you wouldn't know from Reddit because people here make threads about how dangerous it is when some random guy with headphones looks at them for less than a second




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I’ve been riding the TTC to work everyday on and off for a few years. I saw a couple guys jerking it but other than that no real issues lol.


Initially everything looks normal but as you travel frequently, you start seeing crazy things. Overall TTC is pretty safe as compared to American cities transits. You might see people high on drugs, usually they mind their own business, unless you trigger them. Avoid going on less famous stations late night alone. Otherwise have fun TTC is great.


The subway is quite safe. You’ll get the occasional screamer. Years ago the TTC and Toronto Police wanted an increase in their budget. And around the same time reports began circulating about violence on the trains. The queen street has some questionable crossings. And I’d avoid the night bus (blue line) that runs after they subway closes. East/west bloor street. North/south Yonge street


Don’t wear headphones


Nah wearing AirPods is a good idea cuz then you can just tune out all the shit that’s going on


Legit I think a lot of the fear-mongering is overblown af, yeah theres some wack people in there, yeah there are incidents of people getting pushed on the tracks, but it is so much more the exception not the norm and is more just a sad metaphor for the current economic state of the country/province/city that they can't provide proper facilities to the mentally ill people who do it. As for tips? no stations are particularly dangerous, perhaps ones to watch out for is line 2's platform at Bloor-Yonge as its insanely narrow and can be dangerous during rush hour. Kennedy is the only station I've had legitimately questionable stuff happen as its labyrinthine design results in a lot of hidden corners and is a bit weird but nothing bad. Mostly just common sense, you see someone acting weird, avoid them, if you legitimately feel unsafe talk to a staff member and get out of the area.




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You’re more likely to get hit by a car then get assaulted by a homeless man, doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be weary tho


My advice is NEVER relax and don't be afraid to move or get off the bus/train if something seems out of place, take the next vehicle if you need to, it might save you from experiencing unwanted trouble or hassle


Subway trolls. Don't stand too close to the edge. They hibernate under the tracks.


East end is scary and the northwest end that's it


safe is relative... could use it for a decade with no issues then someone comes along. also depends where you are, what bus you are on and at what time.


don’t go to jane alone


Don't engage with people being idiots, like people listening to music full blast or smoking etc. Just leave. Getting stabbed over something that trivial is ridiculous, but happens.




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Just mind your business and walk quickly, you’ll be fine


Always watch where you sit, and always look back after you get up




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