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Using multiple props for that are practically indistinguishable fir an item in a scene or several seasons apart is pretty standard


Do you think OPs point is that the character was actually deceiving pam


That is my point and the point of the creators. To provide more info, the first card put in the box is different to the one he puts in his back pocket, the back pocket different to the one in season 9. The season 9 envelope is open, and has a different label.


We’re talking about the same show that paradoxically says both that Pam started working there before Jim AND that Jim started working there before Pam, right? They weren’t paying that close attention.




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That might have some credence, but are you ready for this? The envelope he puts in the box at the start of the episode, is DIFFERENT from the one he put in his back pocket! So multiple props for the same episode? I don’t think so. Edit* the envelope he gives back to her in season 9 is also opened.


If the intent was to make it clear to the viewer that the card was different then they almost certainly would have made the props distinguishable. Also it’s the office, if that was their goal they’d have done a cutaway with Jim where he talks about his plan to swap the cards.


Obviously it wasn’t the intent, but it’s still factually different. I guess maybe this is more suited for r/shittytvdetails although those are usually untrue as jokes whereas this is funnily true


I thought this was a bit but you’re completely serious. Lol it’s not that deep. It’s intended to be the same letter




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It's a white envelope with a piece of card in it. It absolutely got thrown away after they filmed season 2 because they had no idea they might need it again. Also it's a white envelope with a word written on it. Easy to reproduce.


How did you notice that?? I had to really compare the 2 before noticing the difference even though it was pointed out in the pictures


I’ve been investigating the Scranton strangler mystery. One of the things the creators do is give you momentary flashes of information encouraging you to look deeper. So I’ve continued to look deeper. To give you another example of a major finding, you know the Scranton Strangler strikes again news article? The picture in that article is actually from a REAL triple homicide that happened in Scranton in 2008. The image is from an actual times tribune article discussing the death penalty to be given to the offender. Here is the reddit post https://www.reddit.com/r/AntiStranglingTF/s/oUo6YGjFZa I also found the original live news coverage if you’re interested, it’s pretty heavy. To give you one more example, in the season 1 DVD cover, there is another example like the envelopes where you need to apply photoshop techniques to extract clues. There is a word hidden and a number scratched out that provided details on additional murders that have happened in the office. Here’s the reddit post https://www.reddit.com/r/AntiStranglingTF/s/p4RccJGGpq These types of methods are used consistently throughout the series. The whole show is basically one massive murder mystery.


My guy….cmon


Dude, when you have two images that are clearly different but you insist they’re the same what can anybody tell you? All 3 envelopes are different, do you not think at all that there might be narrative involved? 2 of them in the same episode are different, it cannot be a continuity error. I’ve provided two more unique examples surely you can see there’s more happening here… Like cmon man, look, I’m giving evidence! Hard undeniable proof! I’ve responded to you because at least you’re not responding with vitriol. All I’d say to you is to think. Maybe someone is trying to show you something interesting and unique. Something new.


But this is just how producing shows work - they mention it on the podcast a lot. How they’d have multiples of props Or that they would need to recreate a prop from an earlier season that they no longer had. It’s very common.


They’re professionals man, they’re creative people. The suggestion that they’d be this level of lazy is just insulting to them. When you look at the bigger picture, all the nuances like the fact the card is open, the murder images, dvd clues etc etc it’s not multiple props. The reason we get a clear shot of each envelope is to make the differentiation. They let us see the different envelopes for a purpose. That’s how film and Tv works, it’s communicating to you. The actors aren’t responsible for this side of things, it’s the writers and directors primarily. The office ladies won’t touch that murder image. I’ve bothered them about it they won’t go near it because they have no idea,








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Dude it’s fandom. It’s fun, its a chance to solve a “real crime” like Dwight says. You have millions of arm chair detectives on True Crime talking about real murders which are for the real police. The Scranton strangler mystery is for us, You have people dressing up at Comic-Con’s and furries in this world. Shit man, Star Wars fans are actually next level. This was made this way this show. The whole show is a murder mystery, and these are the clues. If you can’t see that bro it’s your loss not mine. These findings are epic. The creators are awesome for making something like this. It’s awesome.




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You don’t get it. All g man.




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I’m now just confused how the word “calendar” shows the murders? Or did I completely miss the clue that he thought was given?


Beneath the word calendar is an erased sales target. That individual has been “erased” from the sales board. In fact the whole sales board is a clue/puzzle. That sales board informs us of another disappearance before the doc crew arrived. I’ve done an analysis of it here I can’t type it all out; The Office SECRET HIDDEN on Season 1 DVD Cover & Menu https://youtu.be/uckURPRm3zE




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OP is just reporting everyone that disagrees with them


No, OP has not reported anything, Mods are enforcing Rule 7, see the stickied post.




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Everyone making fun of OP... Uh maybe let like... Let him do his thing. Channelling obsessive tendancies towards something harmless like a TV show is probably for the best in this case. The world does not need another flat earther. OP in all seriousness, this is a bit over the top, everyone who works in film would tell you it's just a different version of the same prop. But honestly if you are having fun, whatever just don't expect everyone to come along with you 😃


Maybe he had the same letter inside, but updated the card and envelope to be more relevant?


Ive done a video on it for those interested. The video covers another amazing detail. The card he put in the box is DIFFERENT to the one he puts in his back pocket. We have THREE different envelopes. [https://youtu.be/dgqoL\_o2n1w](https://youtu.be/dgqoL_o2n1w)




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