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One of the things I miss about the Midwest... Casey's, which served mac and cheese pizza and breakfast pizza. lol I think Puget Sound Pizza has one on special on occasion.


Yep, it is on their pizza of the month rotation. They post it online so you can keep an eye out for it.


Oooh man that brings back drunk memories of Polito's pizza in Wisconsin.


Their breakfast pizza is OUT OF THIS WOOORLLDDD šŸ˜«


Check the Tipsy Tomato. They have a spaghetti-os pizza.


What in theā€¦why am I curious enough to try it?


They run a pizza of the week. Put in a suggestion just ask the bartender and they will submit it for you. They are always open to quirky suggestions


Woah I am intrigued. Puget Sound Pizza here we go.


Ian's is in Seattle Capitol Hill, but haven't gone south yet. If you crave it, it's what they are most famous for.


I dont know about Tacoma, but Ian's Pizza in Fremont has a mac & cheese pizza


Iā€™m not aware of any in Tacoma, but Ianā€™s Pizza in Seattle has mac & cheese pizzas. Their jalapeƱo ranch is also great.


Are you from Minneapolis or something? šŸ˜


What was the place in Ballard that did this? Been so long I forget. It was really good!


Wait! This is an American thing? I had it in Japan once and thought it was just a weird adaptation of American food.


Sadly I don't think any of the pizza places around here have anything unusual like that. Tacoma's food scene is pretty boring, admittedly.


And expensive for how boring it is. We just spend a lot less getting premium ingredients and making better food at home these days.


I've seen them in the freezer section at Fred Meyer.