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UPDATE: Thanks to everyone who reached out, confirming that a couple in the neighborhood reached out and has taken the dog in permanently.


Please tell them that they are amazing people. As are you ♥️


If for any reason that couple cannot keep this adorable pup, please DM me! I have 2 big boys that would love having a smaller homie.


If you're interested in taking in the dog please dm me


Is he friendly? I can see about trying to take care of him until we get him to a rescue, I have a frenchie at home


I would at least take it to the humane society so it can get medical treatment. It’s eye looks messed up


Yeah we're at the humane society now, they're pretty booked up though unfortunately


Doh. Thanks for trying


I think it's too late for that eye.


Yeah doesn’t look good. Probably why owner dumped it. Assholes


What a cutie. I bet he'll find a nice home


An eyepatch might look cute. Wonder if he's chipped


Have you confirmed that's not goliath, who's been missing for a few months? There have been posts here about him, please check them out and be sure


An enucleation and imho buddy would be ready to take on life again. Fuck the aholes who abandoned him. If you don't have the funds no judgement; but dumping really fucking blows.


Oh what a sweetie pie!!! How is the dog doing? Do they know when they are abandoned/get sad when their owners aren't around?


Sent you a message


That’s infuriating. Good on you for trying to help <3


I was going to suggest bulldog haven northwest so they can help get medical treatment for the eyes


Aww poor sweetie.


I feel sad this happened idk who would do such a thing to this dog 🥹😲