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THIS post has WAY too MANY words in ALL CAPS.


Undercover Washington fan confirmed


Can't read. Go bolts.


What the hell is even that?


Thank god you put some words in all caps, otherwise I wouldn’t have known what you were saying


You can make a perfectly valid, arguably good take, seem irrelevant when it’s framed via silly things like needless all capitalized words. It looks like some political Facebook garbage. If you heard a speech that was structurally one of the best written pieces in the world, but it was delivered full of umms and oddly emphasized words, would you give it the full weight and credit it deserves? That out of the way, I never discount JBB. People give him crap for the Jeannot trade, but they forget those picks weren’t going to be super high given the team’s performance, there’s no doubt it was still an overpay. But on the whole, he’s made some incredibly crafty moves. His trades put the team over the hump, and even among his non-cup deals, Hagel has proven to be a steal. Paul was certainly solid value, and the contracts they have both signed are aging incredibly well.