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Bunch of mularkey


JBB has the morals of an alley cat.


Stamkos chose te test free agency. Blame his agent who is greedy.


This is such a lame take. It’s certainly not greedy to want more than 3 mil a year lol. It’s the same agent who signed a team friendly deal last time with Stamkos.


Yep that sums it up.


Best case is this: JBB’s last offer was the last amount tossed out from either side and JBB can’t be seen offering more without a counter from Stammer. Let’s say $3x8. Stammer “test” free agency by getting some AAV samples. His agent then takes that to JBB. Now let’s call it $7x4. JBB counters somewhere in the middle and Stammer signs. Now let’s say they call it $4.75x6. This is all me spitballing in the hopes that Stammer doesn’t leave.


agreed. i think its a come back to the table with an offer from stammers camp to tampa, kind of a "this is whats out there for us, what are you willing to do". Hopefully both sides can then come to an agreement.


I know it ain't over till it's over, and it's only really over if Stammer inks his next deal with someone else - but come on, Jack


*finger guns*


He's trying to maximize what he has to work with in order to keep the team competitive. He'll up his offer after letting Stammer see what he can get in free agency. Pretty sure Stammer really wants to stay, but he'll show JBB some offers he's likely to consider and they will work something out


Takes 2 to tango. Agent is equally to blame.


I'm sure the bolts will be given an opportunity to match any offer made by another team.


Maybe. That doesn't matter though. Stamkos is a 40 goal scorer, widely considered one of the best leadership figures in the League, and was a critical part of multiple successful Cup runs. If Palat and Killorn were each worth over $6m, a player like Stamkos right now is worth at least $8m and probably closer $10m if he just goes to the highest bidder on a short-term deal. Even with a long term, I'd say he's worth well over $7m on the open market. If he waives an offer like that in front of JBB and asks if the team will match, the answer will be that there's absolutely no way. Stamkos needs to take like 50% or less of his market value to actually stay in Tampa.


Good point, but where Is he willing to go? A young team in need of leadership who is far away from a cup, or a team that's ready to contend? A lot of the players ready to contend can't afford that big money right now


You realize stammer has an agent that is trying to get the most money he can, right? He doesn’t care if the team stays competitive, he just wants the money. JBB naturally is going to play hardball to the point that the decision will be up to stammer if he wants to stay or go.


Uhhh, yes. I do. Now let me cope with the sad reality this team may not have my favorite player on it anymore by posting a silly meme, please.


You have my upvote.


You have my appreciation.


And my axe!


You win


The agent doesn't make the decision though. Once Stamkos sees the interest and offers, *he'll* decide where he wants to go. Then the agent's job from there is to make sure they get the best deal possible from that team. At this stage of Stammer's career, he's set for life financially and has his rings. He'll just play where he wants to play, as long as the contract isn't insulting. If this was a player getting their first big contract, they may be more susceptible to the opinion of their agent.


The fact that JBB only offered Stammer $3M/yr and didn’t send him an updated offer after trading Sergachev is frankly insulting


Genuinely I don’t understand how you free up that Cap space, then just let your Captain WALK?!


This encapsulates every one of my emotions


Make my day, pal... 🙄


He could have signed now without going fa. Either he is greedy or his agent is. He made 99 million, not enough?