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I was always told your break is for sitting, not for shitting. The easy solution is to go pee 30 minutes before your break so that it's not an extended break. The petty solution is to tell your doctor your workplace doesn't like to let you take bathroom breaks and you're worried about a UTI. So you get a workplace accommodation and "abuse" it.


If the ceo makes a mil while you make a dime always shit on company time


Go to the bathroom whenever you want. They can't dictate your bladder etc. if they keep it up just hotline it.


They can’t use the cameras in order to find something to coach you about. The TL is talking out their ass. You are allowed to use the restroom whenever you need it and it is NOT part of your break.


Re: can’t use cameras to coach TMs— I thought we could in cases of time clock fraud/loafing


It's against policy to coach off the cameras. As a TL, you should know coaching policies.


You can for safety


The only TL allowed in the AP office to watch cameras for safety and coach accordingly is the AP TL. TSS only uses the cameras for their reports.


it's still against policy. when discussing coaching off of footage before i've been told by both my direct etl and my hr etl that you can't actually say "you were caught on camera/footage doing x." i think the only time it's acceptable is in the case of theft


Can confirm there’s not much they’ll do with what’s on camera. I work at a store in a sundown town as a Brown Man, and our White PML walked right up on me and shoved his phone in my face. A coworker and I were talking and we looked behind us and he was standing at the end of the aisle, like he was just listening to us. So we walk a few aisles down and keep talking and this guy moves with us still at the end of the aisle. (Two aisles down from where he’s standing there’s a messed up endcap with pegboards ripped out because lower capacity thinking individuals overloaded it with skateboards) So I grab more freight and take it by him and ask if he’s working on endcaps today. Didn’t say anything so I just said, “Good talk.” Then kept it pushin. Dude comes around the corner and physically shoved his phone screen in my face. I physically backed up into a shelf while telling him to back up out of my face. (I did armed security for seven years before I worked at Amazon, four years for a few agencies and three as Head of Security at a Medical Marijuana Dispensary) The PML says, “I didn’t realize I was doing that.” I told this guy he didn’t need to be putting his phone in my face and he raises his brows and says, “Oh. So you -DONT- need to know what I’m doing.” I talked with the SD and he himself informed me that they can’t do an CA based off of camera feeds. I reported him because I’ve seen he has pocket knives clipped on his pants. Someone that can’t control their actions and has access to weapons and such in the workplace is an actual liability moreso than an asset.


Hard to have time card fraud with these new time clocks. Can’t clock in more than 5 minutes early. I tried punching out 2 minutes late and it wanted an override. You can’t short change lunch and if you go long you aren’t getting paid. AP can monitor any event in the store. They catch a bunch of employee theft.


Shoot I’ve had HR come to me to figure out stuff to give people CA’s for


I pooped twice today on company time, and those 2 times were not during my 15 or my 30. I am a grown ass adult, I do not need permission to go to the restroom when I need to go and neither does any other TM.


OSHA regulations are that all employees must have able and ready access to bathrooms and that no restrictions be placed on restroom access


Hell no. I always go to the bathroom right before my first 15 and 30 so my hands will be clean since I’ll be eating


Perhaps ideally but other times then you you. I saw a TL say you can’t you but who routinely would say “I’m gonna pee and then go on my break”. Or “go on break” but first get her Starbucks. I don’t even want to go into a thing where, when asked where she is, people will respond “probably on her two hour meal”. Sorry I went off topic. It’s been bothering me a lot lately. And not just me. Her ratings are declining. The other TL, who has always been the tougher of them, is as accommodating as possible - she just expects hard work in return.


There’s a lady in Market that takes her 15 then her 30 so she’s gone for 45 minutes to an hour if she decides to take both 15s and no TLs or ETLs will talk to her or coach her about it and it’s infuriating. She does not work hard in return…


The front end can’t just go whenever because we have to make sure there’s coverage. I’d never get away with an hour (our meal breaks are 46 minutes). Of course they’re required to make sure you do get your break because it’s really not hard to hit “no” when clocking out.


What's wrong with that? That's the norm on overnights, glad I don't work day side. Overnights we can take our breaks whenever we want.


It wouldn’t be a big deal if we were properly staffed or had enough hours to be properly staffed. But when I’m neck deep in helping guests and someone requests help when she should have been back 20 minutes ago, it gets very old very quick. They should move her to over nights 🥲 but our store doesn’t do that.


Damn that sucks 😕


It wouldn’t be a big deal if we were properly staffed or had enough hours to be properly staffed. But when I’m neck deep in helping guests and someone requests help when she should have been back 20 minutes ago, it gets very old very quick. They should move her to over nights 🥲 but our store doesn’t do that.


My boss makes a dollar and I make a dime, That’s why I shit on company time.


TLs make things up all the time. “You’re not allowed to discuss your pay raises”. From me: screenshot from NY website that shows how it’s illegal to tell you that you can’t discuss it.


I was a store manager for another company before being a TL in this company so I’m more competent than most, still a raging piece of shit though.


Your coworker is wrong, the company is required by osha and ada regulations to allow bathroom breaks whenever you need them. Making you wait for a break is very explicitly illegal.


Separate bathroom breaks, in addition to mandatory work breaks, are allowed. Full stop. Period. End of conversation. We are not robots.


i go right after my breaks


I go to the bathroom in the middle of my opus. If I gotta pee I ain't waiting, especially if my first break gets pushed back because we're busy


I dont work there anymore but when I did I had a team lead tell me I could only go to the bathroom on my break and I laughed in his face and said Yeah OK.


My first POG TL did the same. We ignored it. If you gotta go, you gotta go. Just don't spend forever in there.


False! That absolutely cannot tell you that you can’t go to the bathroom. Breaks are a different thing. Alternately, ask them if they’d like you to pee at the register. Maybe it the garbage underneath. If you’re a guy, maybe in a bottle or Starbucks cup.


Legally we can go on a bathroom break whenever we want. It's a requirement of our bodies so we don't develop problems later in life. Unfortunately, corporations and most people have hangups because apparently the word "break" is part of the term "bathroom break", so they'll claim it's an extra break. I sound scattered, I'm sorry. Point is it's stupid and illegal to deny a bathroom break whenever that may be.


Lmfao I’m shitting on company time.


always always always poop on company time, just like grandma always said


Don't be conspicuous. Do it when you need to, but don't get defensive. Our schedules aren't the same all the time. If they want Pavlovian responses, then the break should be at time each day, every day. Variable schedule, variable breaks, variable bathroom times.


As your walking from the breakroom to restroom  straighten an item that's on the counter or greet a guest. Tell em you were back on the clock and then had to go  the bathroom. 


I pee on the sales floor. 😆


"Boss makes a dollar, I make a dime. That's why I poop on company time."


Get help immediately!! They can’t keep you from using the restroom…..


Very illegal


I don't work for companies where I can't pee on the clock. 🤷‍♀️


i would go to the bathroom alllll the time, often right before or after my break too. No adult human being is telling me i can’t use the bathroom and if they try i just simply wouldn’t listen


I wish a fella would. I have to push lots of water. I’m in there probably about once every 1-2 hours at a minimum and I can promise you, I always go before I go in break too. I don’t mess around but it takes me a minute because of the all the fluids and I sure as hell am going to wash my hands for at least the required minimum of 20 seconds. No job will come before my health.


I'm supposed to go in for orientation in an hour. This is actually horrifying me. Should I get a doctors note to pee? Should I dehydrate myself 24 hours in advance? Do we get a 50% off discount on Depend's products?


I've never heard of this at any jobs I've had, including Target. You go to the bathroom when you have to go. Breaks and meals are separate.


They can't legally tell you that you can't go use the bathroom and they can't coach off the cameras. Sounds like a hotline call if I ever heard one.


Legally they cannot stop you from using the restroom


All the TM's in my store get to use the bathroom whenever we want.


Sounds like you have a shitty break time is break time, not bathroom time. Whether I go well before/after or shortly before/after my actual break time has nothing to do with my 15 minutes.


Immediately any time someone challenges you about the bathroom, this should be your only response: “Dont talk to me about bathrooms, I’ll have OSHA in here talkin to all of us.” Target pays $15/hr. There’s bathroom access for the most part inside the building. I pissed and shit myself delivering Amazon packages for $18.75/hr. Even got yelled at while on a deep country route and traveling 20min total (10min to gas station & 10min back) just to use the tootles to shit. There was no bathroom option unless I pissed in giant aluminum disposable bottles or shit in a 5gal bucket I’d lay bags into and tie off when I’m done. Or I was able to make my way into a business that didn’t mind us being in their bathroom. Amazon Warehouse paid +$20/hr and nobody ever tried to say shit to us about the bathroom unless we were in there for thirty minutes and people were just standing around in the bathroom on their phones. Trust me when I say, they’d rather have you go to the bathroom versus have you walk around with Pissy pants or a shitty ass. I was Homeless for a year and a half, if I’m denied access on the job to a bathroom… it’s immediately resulting in me posing/shitting myself in front of whoever told me I can’t. Bathrooms are required to be easily and readily accessible to employees while working as required by OSHAAAA!


i always go to the bathroom before or after my 15 because we never have anyone to cover guest services


They sooo cannot tell you when to take a wee !


I'd report their asses. They can't dictate when you go to the bathroom and when you don't.