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Unless it's right around Thanksgiving, you will never get over 40 unless your store is desperately short staffed. You may get 40, but overtime is pretty much non-existent.


Yup. You should be able to get 40 but you may have to pick up shifts on occasion from the myTime app (Available Shifts). No one is guaranteed 40, but Inbound is one of the teams most likely to get that many hours. As Back To School (BTS) freight starts rolling in you will be getting more hours. Welcome to the team! Edited/typo


Inbound right now, yes, up to & right at 40. Overtime.... probably not.


Yeah inbound usually keeps steady hours.


ASANTS (All Stores Are Not The Same). You were scheduled for 34, but expect to be asked to stay late. Push is never-ending, people call out, and things get in the way. If you are so inclined, stay up until 40 hours. You'll find your scheduled hours change, but you'll still be asked to stay late. WHY? We don't know, and we're all tired of having the conversation. The negative side: It leaves new people having to "feel out" the number of hours they work. Also, it's a schedule nightmare for those with kids and marriages. The positive side: it leaves you free to leave "early" often without any fuss.


inbound is typically one of the more stable departments in the store hours-wise, since it's not dependent on guest traffic (regardless of whether or not your store is a ghost town, if it's like 99% of other stores, you'll still be getting at least five trucks a week). you can't depend on regular overtime unless it's holiday season, and even then, if your store's inbound process is running smoothly, there shouldn't be a ton of overtime available because the workload should be managed well enough that overtime isn't necessary. but in my experience, the only time hours really dip for inbound is around january, after q4. the rest of the time they're pretty stable.


From personal experience, yes in my first year working, but no in my second year. Even though I would unload and move heavy items such as dog food and furniture, and push/flex just to get cut to 4 hours for every shift, if they want you gone, they make it hard to stay. Mine paid okay, but no hours, so I quit. Also, some other issues. I feel if your store pays more hrs are less but who knows.