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Yeah they don’t care about safety. If something shifts you or a fellow team member are fucked.


This raises a question of mine. If you are injured, is it okay to call a code green on yourself?




Literally had to this two weeks ago when a stack of fixtures fell on me and sent me to the ER. Old pml left them unsecured and toppled like dominos.


uhhhh absolutely lie about your pain and get a good lawyer and seek payment


You just reminded me of my Great Uncle. My parents & I got in a fender bender and when he saw the (very minor) damage to the car (Honda Accord, we got rear ended) his first thought was “let me get the bat, I’ll break the taillights if you make sure to tell your lawyer how badly I was hurt. Ow, my neck.”


This is why I envy stores that have the full cube process. That seems at least a little bit safer because you don’t have all the shifting product.


F the pods. My store just got rid of them permanently.


I am so happy for pods. Our market goods use to come shattered all the time and get over everything. Wish we could get chem in pods too because now it’s just detergent and bleach leaking on everything


My DC doesn’t stack the truck too horribly… market was 90% in pods and it was all glass and all shattered. Everything reeked of vinegar and feet!!!


I haven't worked unload in years and the smell of cardboard mixed with pasta sauce is still strong in my mind.


This happens almost everyday. Either my shit is broken or theres detergent all over it and I have to damage it all out because its chemicals on food...




No idea.


We once delayed unloading a truck for 45 min watching the driver pull forward and back up like 1000 times because he wasn’t aligned with the dock….our tl was losing his mind…


I had a brand new driver once. Had no idea what he had to do or where to go. Didn't understand the concept of he had to drop the trailer, move the one on the bay and then move the new trailer over. I literally had to go out there and walk him step by step on what he had to do. Couldn't line the trailer up to save his life. It was painful and I was livid by the time it was over. I blame JB hunt for sending out clueless drivers.


My TL also has a video from the security cam outside the store of a driver taking a turn too shallow and wrapping the FULL trailer around a tree….that was a fun day. They had to have a company come out to load the boxes from the broken trailer into a new one and then back that trailer into our dock so that it could be unloaded.


Omg. I would've had to leave before I got fired. What a nightmare.


girl i once had a new driver start moving the truck on the dock while our receiver and our skates were in it. i don't remember the circumstances, might've been a double and we hadn't closed the first trailer and he was trying to take it so he could drop off the second? either way, by the time he came inside i had a hell of a speech to give him. he kept saying "sorry, it's my first time doing this" and i kept saying "and? you could've seriously injured my receiver AND damaged our skates." like you said, fuck them for sending drivers with little to no training. fucker didn't even understand the pin lock system, hence why he'd started moving the trailer before it was ready.


We had a driver try to take the truck with my receiver in it too!! Wild stuff! I'm always paranoid about changing the pin before she's done loading. I'll wait til right before I leave if she's not done yet or get someone else to do it. I don't trust the drivers.


same here. i never change the pin lock unless the trailer is sealed and the dock door is shut.


It was to the point where my tl was out there giving him directions while we were all watching giving him directions over the radio from inside. Like “two inches left…no he’s just backing up straight again…he needs to turn his wheel just slightly” it was so bad. Once he finally docked we managed to unload in less than an hour lol. We were all so annoyed, that line was SILENT that morning.


This happens a lot for FDC... had to wait almost a hour for a new driver


Love to see it. Dropped one of those on my foot once. 😖


Sure, that’s what those things are made for.


We did this once and our inbound lead ended up falling through and hurting her leg in the crevice


it’s half on her part though she should have been 3x as careful. safety on the truck is the #1 priority


IDK why you got down voted so hard. Job safety starts with you and knowing your surroundings.


Yep. If something is unsafe, don’t listen to a leader telling you it’s fine. Tell them to piss off. Safety starts with you and ends with you in the ER. Sure you might get target to pay for it, but not worth imo.


i’m a little late but yeah i no clue why. Be safe people! safety is incredibly important and starts with you!!


That’s how you snap an ankle! Our dock was broken so we had to use this to unload FDC for like a week


Tag yourself, I'm the crushed repack to the left


Looks like what we used every truck at Michaels… 🤣🤣


Bruh, I was about to say that at least the one we used at Michaels was textured and wider compared to this junk.


I hate when that happens. No one gives a shit about the inbound team. Useless Trailer feedback it is.


As someone who delivers RDC trailers to stores, I couldn't imagine looking in my mirror and thinking "Looks good". I personally always walk to the back of the trailer before I unhook to make sure everything is lined up and back as far as it should. For the most part this is a super easy job and yeah we have plenty of crazy places we have to get a trailer into but it's not all that hard. If you see stuff like this you should provide feedback using the Trailer Feedback form and or calling TCC. Depending on your distance to your DC they might send a driver to fix this.


https://preview.redd.it/d99rwi4vo78d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b38258b33ae8f62b086f17518cf787b6cea0987d help him


We use these thin sheets of metal. Like five of them stacked lol


Hated that thing. Tabs all bent, heavy. Don't miss it.


OSHA violation/origami risk that


our truck arrives on a different floor than our back room… we use a dock plate for rdc and fdc everyday


That should be pushed a little further or someone’s breaking an ankle.


That is literally the least of my concerns when unloading a truck. It's the 53 feet of Meth fueled stacking that concerns me far more. 5 minutes of unloading these death traps and you see far worse.


Thats what they used to use before the dock leveler things. But fuck whoever loaded that truck


My store would just use an old broken pallet that they kept around for this specific occasion. It happened very frequently at my store cause our delivery people were always new. (Not blaming the delivery people our store just had a stupid loading dock)


One time our store got a DC truck with barn doors that no one opened before it was dropped off. 😖


Yeah naw several times UPS wouldnt come and remove their trailer. So we had to use the concrete dock and a piece of sheet metal to unload FDC.


Obviously this is unsafe but this is on who ever signed the bol without ensuring the trailer was docked properly.


Those things slide and shift too much. Plus taking a pallet jack over them is incredibly dangerous, good luck.


Hell naw. That's just stupid.


What in the OSHA violation is this? 😂


Very safe


No. Unsafe.


You can always ask the food truck driver to move the trailer.


Tell the trucker they need to scoot over a few inches and re-bump the dock. It should take 60 seconds to do.


Most of the time a trailer is dropped off unattended hours before the actual unload. Driver just drops the trailer and leaves. By the time the dock door is unlocked and opened, the driver has often been gone for many hours.


Gotcha. Idk why I thought you guys did live unloads. Still...the driver needs to be made aware of it somehow. That's unacceptable job performance.


It varies. As I understand it, some stores get trailers at unload time, especially if they have more than one trailer to unload. And you're right. There are ways to send feedback to the Distribution Center so they can be made aware of the problem.




I've done that exact trick


We literally used a piece of cardboard and lifted the line over one time


Call a stop work authority because if you get injured you won’t be covered because you knowingly put yourself in harms way.


Just ask the driver to do his job right and reposition.


can't. the trucks are usually dropped off long before the unloads, while no one is there to open the dock door and check the positioning. by the time the inbound team gets in and pops the trailer, the driver's been long gone for hours with the previous day's trailer.