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I despised both stocking these, *attempting* to zone them, and picking them for fulfillment bc you already know they weren’t in the right areas😭


not only are they constantly out of their area, the shrink on these is insane 🥲 i'm so sick of finding like twenty empty plastic spheres and torn labels hidden behind bulky toys


As a former toy DBO, these things can burn in hell. I loathed having to zone these because they were always in the wrong place!


I collect them. They’re fun little craft projects. But they probably won’t be in toys any longer after they fix the issues with the recall. They’ll probably end up in stationery with the other craft kits and stuff.


Don't you dare say that!! I own stationary. 😭


I ain’t mad…working in toys, this aisle was the bane of my existence. I don’t mind zoning and I like making things neat and pretty but these all short circuit my mind 🤣


Beginning next week, RIP as well to one of the other worst brands in toys - although they are a vendor item - Grin Studios/MJ Holdings.


I liked these when I worked in toys. People would buy them all out quickly and then I would just mess with the numbers so no one would try to pick the stragglers. We did end up with negative numbers every once in a while, but no one ever told me anything. Probably wrecked some shortage metric tho.


That sounds like an INF nightmare for those in fulfillment


Well, you can't have an INF if the store showed negative inventory to begin with. That's why I would mess with the numbers so they would only get picked the day they were delivered and by the next day the system would be undercounting them to make up for the strays and the ones that were stolen. Too many times I had customers and fulfillment people asking me multiple times a day about them even though the locations were all empty so I did what I had to do.


In my store you still have to mark as INF even if the stock is negative or it's a vendor product. Milk is a vendor product and a nightmare. If it's out, and is the only item in your batch, that's 100% INF on you 🥺


Vendor items aren't something I can even mess with, but the grand majority of toys weren't vendor items so there wasn't any issue. Basically if we got 400 of a high demand toy I would intentionally lower that to 380 and stock it as normal so in a few days when kids had their chance to hide them in the store, or steal them, fulfillment wouldn't be wasting their time searching for the last 20 because according to the system we don't have any anymore so online orders can't even be made.


Nah cause I see parents buying these for their children and I’m like “just make sure you’re doing it with them because resin is a toxic material” and none of the parents know that. Like I feel like they need to make it more known how harmful it can really be


Felt so bad telling two little girls they couldn't get their toys today 🥺


skin burn....WAHT!?


My daughter just discovered these and I was wary because of the resin. I've worked fulfillment for 5 years and saw them regularly but she herself is 5 and I didn't feel 100% right about letting her try one out. Was considering it with supervision and we started looking when bam, recall. Guess my gut feeling was right. She now tells me she wants to 'destroy all the people that wanna take away my fun toys.' 🙄


There will be some many of these on the floor that will have to removed and some Karen will be upset about when we can’t sell it


These things haunt me so much much last Christmas season we have an aisle that just about dedicated to them and the other little surprise toys. Any time that aisle number popped up while I was picking. I knew an adventure was starting. The journey had began.


Whaaaaa I collect action figures and was thinking of getting some of these for my figures. That's nuts.


It’s UV resin. People were leaving their children alone to play with them and not reading the instructions that say literally don’t leave children unattended and that they need to cure in sunlight or a UV light and that gloves need to be worn and to use in a well ventilated area. 100% user error.


If you do get them, I recommend researching and buying different resin because the stuff it comes with it is horrible quality, and sometimes you are shorted and don't have enough resin.


Whaaaaa I collect action figures and was thinking of getting some of these for my figures. That's nuts.


Its the Surprise toy trend that makes this shit frustrating I wouldn't blame miniverse, bc atleast they have display items u can take ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. Snackles and those huge surprise capsules, where you can only fit two are the bane of my existence, also backstocking all those damn banban heads


I HATE zoning that aisle and will all the little balls too


No amount of pages in a single essay could explain how much I hate these. ESPECIALLY picking the damn balls, containers, WHATEVA you wanna call them, for orders.