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I wanted a change of pace from being a team member. I assure you, as a TL or an ETL, you'll have your work cut out for you. But I feel good at the end of the day when we have a smooth ship sailing. That and the pay is pretty good for having no degree :)


Right! My husband is a TL, I have a masters degree and work for the government, and he only makes $5/hr less than I do.


Because I already do their job i might as well get the hours and the pay


Felt 😂😭


Mostly the money. I'm pretty independent and wanted to be able to sustain myself. I can afford a 1br/1bth in my city. No partners. But why TL instead some other non-Target job of similar pay? Honestly, I love working with people. Yes, I "recharge" by being by myself, but I absolutely love working with my peers, team members, and guests!


I needed more money and I wanted more say in how things were done around the store and opportunities to make decisions instead of just doing the same thing every night.


I didn’t want to but right when I was about to quit and look for something else I was offered a TL position and I said why not.


i'm not exactly gunning for it atm, but if i were one, it would be the money. i do like half a team lead's job already




I’m introverted as fuck but for some reason at target I can talk to anyone, I love being the leader of a team and being able to support people. I love my team. But also $… lol ya feel me?


I have been trying to a while. I’ve been doing a Lead’s job without the title or pay since I was within my 90 days when I started working here back in 2018. Keep getting told I’ll be a lead because they’re looking only to get disappointed later.


This is exactly why I don't do anything above my pay grade


2018 and you’re still getting the carrot on the stick? maybe just apply to another store if they have an opening


If you are performing a lead role without the pay then they have no reason to promote you


This is exactly true and was one of the reasons I stopped doing normal Target work and went overnights as a remodel associate. Then, when I got another opportunity with a much better company, I jumped on it Now it's been a year and a half since I left Target and I've already been promoted at my new job. Needless to say, I would never recommend staying in retail and working harder, as they'll be more reluctant to let you progress.


Money Guaranteed 40 hours (or enough vacation time to get to 40 when payroll is tight with enough to spare for real vacations) The ability to make decisions and influence instead of just being told what to do


40? Max at my store is 36.25. Was told to reduce my desired hours bc no one but ETLs get 40 hours.


Yes, 40 hours. During the weeks that my team doesn’t get as many hours as they’d like, I only schedule myself for about 32 and use vacation time to make up the difference so that the team can get just a few more hours. I actually had my SD tell me to dial it down a little when I went 5-6 weeks in a row of about 32 hours to give back to my team (told me that was nice of me, but they need me to work 40 more often)


The money


Money, and career advancement




I was a teacher before and took a job at target as a part time thing while looking for a new career. Loved it, but didn’t feel like my skills were utilized best as a TM. Moved up to feel like I had more of a purpose and made more of an impact. Moved into VM at a different store and love it so much even though it’s a lot of work and very different from TL. I feel like it’s a perfect fit for me. My SD wants me to move back into TL and work up to ETL, but I’d like to jump VM to ETL down the road


The money. Both in terms of pay and steady hours. I was so sick of the constant stress of "Am I going to get enough hours to survive this month?" six months of the year.


The money was a huge factor. I needed to find something that made me good money without a degree. And so far so good.


Money. I was comfortable in my old position and wasn’t really looking to become one but then my stores GM ETL and SE ETL both suggested it to me so I said fuck it why not




I decided to be a TL because of the pay increase and also because I loved my team and I wanted to be that support for them.


I love a challenge, and I personally can't work somewhere where I don't see myself moving up. I've been a TL for 9 month, currently in ETL development, and I'm aiming for ETL by the end of next year. If I can perform the job, why not push to move up?




I was 18 and it was my first opportunity to be promoted and earn more $. Didn’t want to be in college anymore so I jumped at the opportunity. One of the best choices I made; my bosses worked around my schedule when I decided I DID want to go get my degree, and my performance helped land me and ETL role as soon as I graduated (this was during the recession in 08/09, so I was very happy to have a full time, decent paying job).


Money. I was going through a divorce and needed to be able to support myself and my kids.


I loved the job and wanted to keep going… then I resigned because it was so stressful it affected my mental health. That being said I was at a really bad store and ASANTS; the store I’m at now I’m really enjoying and could see myself pursuing the TL role again.


From someone who has TLs above me that want me to go into a TL role, is the pay really that much better? Curious if the pay is worth staying or if I should find a job elsewhere.


My pay increased 43% when I promoted, still not enough for all they expect from us but still really nice.


Because I enjoy what I do and I want to help others achieve their goals. That, and the money obviously.


i (external hire into a tl position) was recommended it by my mentor from my previous job when i was looking elsewhere. i've found it to be as rewarding as it has been frustrating and stressful. but it feels really good when my hard work pays off and i see a metric go green or i execute a process according to plan. for example, even though i'm not the primary inbound lead anymore, last week i ran our first double truck of the year and we came completely 100% clean on freight. that felt really, really fucking good, and it felt even better when we were recognized by our district/regional management for it. it's moments like those that make it worth it (that and the pay).




I became a TL because I wanted to do more and take on more. I became an ETL because I felt underpaid as a TL and I wanted the flexibility of being salary, and as long as I work maximum 40 hours/week (which i do), the pay is worth it.


I'm really good at leading any team I've ever been on (worked in two different departments before I made TL) and I love doing the business ownership part of it. Digging into sales, pushing sales, merchandising out to increase sales, etc. it also helps that I got promoted shortly after returning from maternity leave and the extra money helps, especially with being a single parent. Honestly, I love running the business and am working towards developing to be an ETL. My boss is leaving and is trying to get my whole development plan set up before she leaves. She's a blessing and I'll be sad when she leaves, but also very excited for her.


Moving from GM to tech consultant taught me that I enjoy guest service more than I thought I would. The pay, too


For myself - because I am someone who is always wanting to progress and learn more and do more. I get bored staying static For my team - I love to take care of people and I am very fiercely protective over people’s happiness. Work doesn’t have to be miserable - even if the work itself is not always enjoyable. Having an environment and atmosphere that feels good to come into just makes the work more enjoyable all around. Too many leaders focus less on this than metrics even though if you create a great work environment the metrics will follow.


The money. It’s a stable income without a degree


More money, and I felt like I was already being put in charge of things and wanted the pay and title to reflect that.


Money, wanted to see if it was something I was good at and if I should continue going up the ladder, I was unsure at where I wanted to head towards in life. I stay because it pays my bills and more, the team members love and respect me and I to them, my schooling is mostly paid for, the vacation I earn from my time there is pretty dang good. So I will stay until I complete my degree and find another job. I'm hoping before Christmas 2025.


Money lmao was nothing more nothing less. It did slowly start being to change the culture of my team and store as much as I could in which I was successful with that. Nonetheless money was the motive and the challenge it presents.


I was an external hire coming from a management position elsewhere but my store was being closed down. I was recommended by an old high school friend that has worked with Target for 15 yrs. I guess I did it to make sure I had a job going forward and almost 5 yrs later, I’m still here.


I think my answer is a reason why it wouldn't be a good idea for me, but to make my department better. Improve my team and find ways to understand where everyone's strengths and weaknesses lie so we can be efficient. I hate seeing a TL go "I don't know, ask (TM name)." Everything I've learned hasnt been from a TL anyway, mostly sink or swim or peer assistance.


Money. Mistakenly thought I'd be treated better than I was as a tm


Money and resume building so I don’t have to finish my degree


$ + they worked with me around my uni schedule and starting as a part time lead.


The money mostly, but I was getting really bored sitting in my old position for years, coming to the same place 40hrs a week for 5 years was getting really old. I was already pretty much a lead without the title and pay, so it was a very easy transition to lead at a new (to me) store nearby. As a TM I kept an eye out for a new job I would've had to take a paycut, so promoting was a more viable option.


It pays more to do nothing but having to get the blame or having to deal with disgruntled guests. Not a TL yet but was a shift lead before now. But haven't been able to get a position in years.


They were originally training someone else for the Food & Bev TL for when the TL at the time quit. Then that person got another job and couldn't take the TL Role they'd been training for, so they asked me one day if I was interested. I weighed the pros and cons (pros: money; cons: everything else.) and said yes because I did need the money. Then they were like, "Cool. Your interview is at 3pm. Good luck!" That was towards the end of 2018. I almost went back down to TM due to mental health issues in 2021 caused by the Food & Bev/Starbucks role, but after an LOA and a change of departments to S&E, it's been a lot better.


The $$ and the fact that I was already doing the job but getting paid as a tm so I left and found a job to pay me more for being the store lead. Fuck target best promotion I’ve ever gotten was promoting myself to guest


It was paying more money than where I was previously working. I lasted a little less than a year before I got a job somewhere else for more money


Most do it for money which is why most suck lol


Every store I've been to. There is 2 or 3 TL/ETL that are worth their title. Most others you could replace with the cart pusher and would of gotten the same results..

