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Lady wanted more of the 35¢ notebooks. She already had our last 10 in her cart. Lady: will you get any more? Me: this promotion is running through september so we should get more soon L: can you see when they'll be here? Me: no but we're setting back to school soon so im sure we'll have more within a week or so L: will i still get the promotion? Me: yes the sale is running through september L: this is ridiculous call a manager. I called the closing TL. L: do you have any more? TL: no L: will you get any more? TL: yes L: can you tell me when? TL: we should have more within the next week L: will i still get the promotion? TL: yes the sale is running through september. L: thank you very much you were very helpful People are so weird istg Edit: formatting lolz


Because a lot of these people don’t see us as humans that also work at target. We’re just target employee #7 or something. She believed the lead because they’re “higher” than us in their brains. That’s how I think it works anyways. This is my way of coping lol. Trying to find logic in their dumbassery


I so love telling guests something, them not believing me, and having a TL say the exact same thing. I’ve even said “that’s what I told them” before they’ve even walked away.


This was such a satisfying part of my job when I was a shift lead. Telling guests what I know my employee just told them. I'd even say in my head, "let me tell them the same damn thing Greg (or enter name here) just told them." 😂 To avoid burn out in retail management, I made up a dumb sitcom to play along in my head. When the guest asked stupid questions a canned laughter track played in my head. Once the guest was satisfied, the applause sign lit up and everybody in the "audience" clapped.


That would make things worse for me somehow


A guy was looking for paper clips so he walks up to me and asks where they are. I tell him the exact aisle and he says “I don’t know where that is.” So I say “oh okay, here let me show you!” And as I turn to walk him there he just stands there and says “I’m not following you. Idiots working here I swear to god.” As he shuffles away. Like sorry I tried to provide you with good customer service? 🤷‍♂️


i bet if you instead told him where the isle was, he wouldve said “ugh you wont even show me? lazy people working here”


Yeah just can’t win with some people. They’re so miserable in their own lives they can’t help but project it onto everyone around them


“Yeah you should see the people the shop here”


Yeah I think he just wanted to be a jerk lol.thankfully I had a cool boss at the time that would often say “you’re here to work, not take abuse. If they’re being an ass just walk away and come find me.” So when stuff like this would happen it was no big deal




Had a some random older European woman complain about not having a particular juicer she saw when she did a Google search. Mother fucker didn't do a store specific search using the Target app.


They almost never do


I hate it when they show me what they're looking for and it's on Amazon or the Walmart app 😂😂 "Well I can show you one like it".


I hate the google search. You can't trust it, it cant tell the difference between what is available today in store and what is out of stock and what is online only. ALWAYS go to the store's website to check


Last night, I was getting ready to close the boat. Guest comes by on an electric cart with one item and asks if I can check him out. I ask if he is paying with cash or card? He says card. I tell him cool, I can check you out, but I can not do cash back. As he is going through the steps, I ask if he is a target circle memeber, if not go ahead and press skip. He gets pissy saying he can read. When it comes to the cash back option, I tell him please hit no cash back. He gets pissy again, saying he is reading the options.. then tells me to look away so I can't see him input his pin.... I then hear the drawer open... guest has requested $30 cash back..... I tell him as nicely as I can because I am now pissed, I told you, I closed this register and cant do cash back, so now I have to call a leader over to get you cash. Now he is mad because he only had one item and was ready to leave and now has to wait a few more minutes.


I love it when they ask if we do cash back and I say "yes to $40" They then proceed to TAP thier card and it goes as credit, negating the cash back. They then tell me I lied. -_- I now add "yes, insert your card and it should be the first thing, if it isn't, it's not able to get cash back"


one time a guest yelled and me and my coworker at 8am because i “didn’t say good morning to her”(she didn’t even say hello to us before demanding her request) and “went around her to open the fitting room door” (she asked for the fitting room and was blocking my only way of getting to it) and also after i opened the fitting room door for her she got mad i went to talk to my coworker after completing her request 😭like she was verbally berating us saying it’s our job to service her…


Last Christmas a guest came in looking for a fuse for a Christmas decoration he's had for over 40 years. We did have some of the two kinds of fuses that we carry but not the size he needed. He got pretty pissy about it and left for hardware to see if he could find it there(I'm positive he wouldn't..we are not an electrical supply store). I heard later they had to throw him out because he ended up threatening to burn down the store....Merry Christmas! 🎄


I wonder why guests like that pick Target. There's usually a Home Depot or actual hardware store nearby. But they came to Target.


Honestly both my target and the other closest target either have a home depot in the same plaza, or literally like 2-3 minutes drive down the road 😭


There's a Lowes right next door




Our store had a power outage and we lost 75% of the open market stock on the floor. This lady said that we should have *called her* letting her know that we had an outage so we didn’t waste her time.


Was this pick-up?


This was in 2016 before OPU or drive up it was just someone shopping for groceries. We also used to have this special ad that would come out only on Thursday which is why she was there.


Ok but on that note I wish there was a way we could send messages to the guest like say the rare time you have to cancel an item for their order but it's the only thing they ordered, so are praying they happen to check the app and figure it out, but know they're gonna come in and throw a fit, yelling at a minor at guest services about wasting their time...


Because you knew Patricia was on her way to Target. You should have called her!


It would be SO HARD for me to hold back my laughter


i told her “ no, i can’t just grab stuff of the shelves and take it to your car. that would be stealing “ and she lost her shit at me 😂 average drive up customer


A guy got mad because we don’t carry the egglands best XL eggs anymore. He said “did they discontinue them or did *you*?” Yes, I, a regular team member decided to discontinue the eggs. I literally just work here man.


Your secret is safe with us.




Woman(known booster)got mad at me because I prevented her from stealing. She wanted me to get her several high dollar items from tech and expected me to just give them to her, then when I explained to her that she had to buy them at the boat she told me she wasn't done shopping, so I told her I would hold them for her at the boat(while simultaneously texting the APTL with her particulars and location). She starts wandering around tech muttering to herself and eventually goes away; I go to help another guest after securing all the merch, when she appears out of nowhere and interrupts my conversation with the other guest to ask me questions about a voice recorder, and I politely tell her that I am with another guest and will help her in a moment. She then throws the item on the ground and walks away in a huff to the cart she had, and proceeds to shove the cart in my direction as hard as she can; luckily I was paying attention and stopped it with my foot. She then marched off angrily after I foiled her attempt to hurt me, and myself and the APTL shared a hearty laugh about it afterwards


It almost would have been worth it to let the cart hit you so you could charge her with assault (or battery, I can never keep them straight).


I probably would have if I hadn't been leaving for vacation that day 😞


Well, I hope you had a nice vacation away from asshats like her. 😁


I will truly never forget this. My (now former) Target has a CVS inside of it. While working on register one day, a man comes up to my lane with a single bottle of laundry detergent and nothing more. I scan it and ask him if we wants to enter a TARGET circle number, he says no, skips, and pulls up his CVS app. Man: I have this coupon for Tide I'd like to use. Oh, and my extracare rewards! Me: Sir, this is a CVS app. Did you mean to pull up your Target app? Man: No! This is a CVS, ain't it? Me: No sir, this is a Target. *Pointing to the massive Bullseye display and various Target bullseyes all over the store* He got so pissed at me because I told him it wasn't a CVS, while in a massive, very well known, multi level Target store. No he was not old or suffering from dementia. Apparently just an oblivious person.


Mine has the CVS pharmacy inside of it too. Thankfully I've never had that but plenty of people have shown me screenshots/photos of items on a shelf that straight up weren't even Target. But, they argued with me that's where the picture was taken and we should have the item because CLEARLY we carry it. It's usually Walmart.


I would get on the walkie and ask "hey team, is this a walmart? [NO THIS IS PATRICK] I'm with a guest who seems to think we are also a walmart and have the same entire stock that they do"


I had someone swear up and down she could use her Walmart gift card at Target......she thought it was just a more expensive walmart that they have for rich people lol


I delt with someone like this once she wouldnt stoo cursing up a storm while complaining we shouldnt send her coupons that dont work I told her we didnt send them and that they would probably work at the company that did send them


I’ve gotten a few people who tried to use CVS coupons and they’d get sooo mad.


Boomers gonna boomer.


I had someone come in to try to return a CVS brand first aid product with a CVS receipt. I told them they could try, but it probably wouldn't work because only the prescriptions in our pharmacy were managed by CVS, and sales were all taken through the target system. He confused, but was nice about it not working, though.


I was asked some questions about how to cook a meat cut we had. (Meat dept tm) and the guest asked where I learned to cook. I told them I was currently an army reserve cook, they then called me a baby killer, and asked how I liked killing people. I looked at them and said not sure but I might find out today. I got reported but my etl died laughing.


This lady was certain that she had never payed the bottle tax in her life and that we were somehow extorting her. It was 5 cents and she stayed in guest services for probably 30 minutes trying to get her precious 5 cents back


One of my coworkers is hard of hearing. He uses hearing aids but still only has about 75% hearing. A guest tried to get his attention from behind, but he couldn't hear her, so she threw a fit because he was "ignoring her on his phone". It was his Zebra.


Most recently was because we didn't have the little reusable water bottles for kids (the ones that come out for BTS) and I told her she would have to wait two whole days for it to be out on the salesfloor. The sucky thing is that my store has an offsite, so the product wasn't even at the store yet for me to go and just grab for her. 🤷‍♀️


What the fuck is an *offsite*


Offsite backroom, because we don't have enough space at the store.


I've never heard of that.


Not many stores use an offsite anymore.


how does that work? do you not have a backroom at all?


We have a backroom, it's just very small. We used to have a full one, but when they did a previous remodel (I don't know when), they tore part of it down to prioritise salesfloor space. Currently, we only keep food & and beverage, paper, OTC, softlines, pets and chemicals, electronics, and infants at the store. The rest goes to the offsite. When we get stuff off of the RDC trucks and it gets worked, the overstock gets wrapped on a pallet/u-boat and sent on a Penske to the offsite. Then, they'll repull it as priorities as needed. You can call to pull an item for a guest or for any future sets, but it can take up to a day to actually get to the store.


This is so interesting. They should just keep a trailer permanently at the store and put 40 trillion wacos in it LOL


They pretty much do have a Penske docked at the store at almost all times. They keep one at the store overnight since Inbound starts unloading at 12am, and they try to work everything overnight.


The person you asked does a good job explaining it later in the thread. But yeah, it's a pretty rare thing. Probably less than 1% of stores if I had to guess. There was one store in my old district that had one, but none in my current one. [Here](https://jobs.target.com/job/queens/offsite-warehouse-driver/1118/46763927984) is a job posting for a store in Queens, NY that apparently has an Offsite Backroom.


Because apparently I was making her go to Amazon to buy the item we don’t sell and she didn’t really want to 🙂


Because fitting rooms were closed (long story short there were approx 2mil ants after someone left a sticky spill overnight) and I was the lone GS employee. She marched to the desk with steam coming out of her ears and demanded I call a manager over to “explain that inconvenience.” I just shrugged and said “um ok” and walkied my TL. I didn’t even waste my breath trying to explain because she didn’t ask, she demanded a manager right? Wrong. When he came and explained she literally screamed “WHY THE F***DID YOU NOT JUST SAY SO” (uh you didn’t ask?) and then said that it was just unacceptable and that I should be back there cleaning it. Yeah, not happening lady byeeeeee


We refused to take back underwear with poop in them 🫠




I have auditory processing issues, so I tend to repeat what a guest asks to be sure. So a lady asked me where alarm clocks were Device out and went "okay. Alarm clocks. Right?" She got mad and left??


Its so easy to mishear people that I do this and I don't have any issues. Usually it's simply them not speaking over the music.


Neither do I, but it was that one time?? Like??? I was so confused why she got mad and left? 😭


That’s wild. Part of Active listening is the repeat back and confirm. So I always do that. I’ve had someone sound agitated saying yes before, but they quickly calmed when I found the item they were looking for.


1. helped a guest find color depositing shampoo. he was INSISTING that it wasn’t the correct one, showing me a picture and saying “i want this one”. i pulled it up on my device and said “this one?” and he goes “yes do u have it?” i said yes its this one right here and pointed at it. he continued to say it wasn’t so i even scanned it and showed him how the dpci’s matched but he continued to argue with me that it wasn’t correct. i eventually just said “we must not have it then, im sorry.” and walked away. 2. a guy came in with his kid on christmas eve looking for a specific gift for his wife. i told him which aisle it would be on and he said “i looked there the spot is empty.” so i said “okay, let me see if there’s a location in the back for it.” 0 on hand so i say “it looks like we’re out of that unfortunately.” and he starts going off about how this is the gift he’s getting his wife and i’m gonna ruin her christmas (it was like a $15 hair tool or something lol.) and i just looked at him and said “maybe u shouldn’t wait until santa’s halfway down the chimney to get ur wife a gift.” and walked away


I worked at a store in a location where you couldn't buy alcohol until a specific time on Sundays by law. The registers were time locked to prohibit the sale of it until that time. This law, it should be noted, was common knowledge to anyone who lived in the general area, and there were signs posted above all of the alcohol mentioning this law. I had a guest get mad at me because I wouldn't ring up their alcohol at like 8 am on a Sunday. And I'm not talking like beer or wine. I'm talking like a couple bottles of whiskey and a couple bottles of vodka. The kicker? I was working in Tech, and the registers (at least at that location idk if it's company wide) were locked to never allow alcohol to be purchased at those registers. So even if it had been after noon, he still wouldn't have been able to buy the alcohol at my register. I explained both of these things to him, and when I went on my break a little while later, I heard him screaming at one of the managers about not being able to buy alcohol. Other guests were usually annoyed about it, but not with me. I did have one guest though come up to my register about 5 minutes to noon once and ask to check out. I explained that they still had 5 minutes until the alcohol could legally be sold, and that even when it was able to be purchased, that my registers for whatever reason didn't allow me to ring up certain items like alcohol. We talked a couple more minutes, and then he thanked me and went up to the front to pay.


The alcohol thing isn’t a law in my state anymore, but Target still follows it and the amount of guests who complain and say, “that’s not a law anymore” is unreal


We had a gas leak and had to evacuate but some guests wanted me to check them out before evacuating...as my leaders were yelling at me to come on


Our store had a fire years ago and guests still wanted to be rung up. The closing TL said it took forever to get them out.


If there was an active fire I would just leave. If I had their money I would just hand it back and dip


For not having the LOL dollhouse the day before Xmas, 2018.


the amount of people who get pissed about us not having THEE MOST POPULAR toy of the season two fucking days before christmas is always crazy. like, cmon. be fr


For asking for their ID For not helping them when I was on my lunch For telling their kid to sit down in the cart For telling their kids that a bag at the end of my lane was someone else’s when they went to grab it For thinking I was being sarcastic with her (I was not) For not greeting them at the register


A guy kept trying to take a 2 tier metal cart, even after I explained to him that they weren't for guests and were employee equipment. I had a frozen pallet with me at the time and had to put it away in the backroom before I could help get him a cart or anything (I even told him I'd help get him one.) I come back out and sure enough he took the cart and was walking around with it (this was less than 2 minutes by the way.) I inform him again that he can't use the cart and he starts flying off the handle at me. I eventually called AP, but he stormed off saying he was going to Walmart instead (because you know, that would be less effort than even going and getting a damn cart himself from the front of the store.)


Copious amounts of people getting mad that we are sold out of something when "it says you have 1 left online!!!" People calling me mean/rude for saying "Sorry I haven't started my shift yet!" As I walk from our break room (back corner of the store) to out tsc (front middle of the store) to clock in. (Side note, screw the person who made that decision. Tsc and the break room were side by side before remodel happened) Guy got mad at one of our old TLs for explaining that he couldn't return an Xbox past the date, and that the guest would have to contact the manufacturer. Guest made a whole tiktok about it and everything. Guest told my husband (who also works there, and was the same race as the guest) that I was racist because we were out of the denomination of reblox cards he wanted. He said I didn't want to help him because of his race, despite me spending 5+minutes digging through the gift card boxes with my TL behind guest services. Husband laughed in his face.


Are freezers and coolers were all down and this guy comes up to me and he’s like where’s all the cold stuff and I was like all the coolers went down so we had to take everything into the back. So already he looks annoyed and ask if I can go to the back and grab some 50% whole milk so I tell him I’ll try my best but the dairy cooler is VERY full so I might not be able to get to it. I walk into the back manage to find some g&g 50% whole milk in one of the first shopping carts that were packed into the small dairy cooler bring it back to him and he proceeds to get upset since it’s the organic store brand and that means it’s gonna be more expensive. He had already stormed off before I could explain that g&g is usually the cheapest option. What pisses me off is I am going out of my way to help you the least you can do is not openly complain about my service in front of MY FACE!. Like what the fuck am I supposed to say “oh jee wiz I’m sorry that my minimum wage ass wasn’t able to charge into the dairy cooler wedge and hurdle myself over and between shopping carts and pallets so I could find the right milk that you didn’t specify, this is a long winded comment and i realize it makes it seem like I’m a lot more mad about than I am but it definitely pissed me off a bit


Someone was asking about a chair they saw in a Target: Me: “ok, do you have a picture of it?” Then: “No” Me: “do you know what brand it was?” Them: “no” Me: “do you know what store you saw it in?” Them: “no” Me: “when did you see it?” Them: “two years ago” Me: *blink blink* “I’m just not sure how I can help from here” Them: *frustrated and huffs off*


Wow format sucks but my story still stands LOL


To format it with breaks you have to put an extra blank line between the lines of text Someone was asking about a chair they saw in a Target: Me: “ok, do you have a picture of it?” Then: “No” Me: “do you know what brand it was?” Them: “no” Me: “do you know what store you saw it in?” Them: “no” Me: “when did you see it?” Them: “two years ago” Me: *blink blink* “I’m just not sure how I can help from here” Them: *frustrated and huffs off*


I appreciate Did this work?


You’re a real one 🙏🏼 thanks for improving my Reddit skills


Of course! Have a wonderful day


I once told a guest they couldn’t bring a full shopping cart of items and their child into the dressing room back when I worked style. I was told by ap that we needed to only allow clothing items in since our fitting room theft was high. The women freaked out on my saying her child was autistic and had sensory issues and being in the cart was the only way to keep them calm. Don’t bring children you know are going to have a hard time in a store. Also this is coming from an autistic person.


I knew more about a specific product than the manager. They flipped out. It was a can opener. I had bought both can openers in the past, and the more expensive one was a far more superior product. Both of them got mad at me for "trying to trick the customer" into spending more.


Literally target says to recommend items to guests to have more sales in their dumb video lessons every month.


Refused a no receipt return, and the lady pulled out her phone and said she was calling her aunt, who *owns* a Target. I said "Tell her It's fnnkybutt with 2 Ns" ....... Another guest doing a return - I asked "Do you want that back on your card?" "Yes " I finished and handed her the receipt- and she asks why I didn't put it on a gift card, because she was about to spend it. Then she called me a dumb bitch.


To this day…I have no idea: [I’m working GS and restocking and whatever while there were no guests, a woman comes out of nowhere and slaps down one of the room essentials small towels…] Guest: (clearly mad) This is NOT a hand towel! Me: I…I’m sorry? Guest: THIS IS NOT A HAND TOWEL! Me: I uh…ok…were you wanting to return it or something? Guest: now how would I return something I haven’t purchased yet!? Me: oh ok, did you have a question about the item? Guest: (makes an appalled/mad face) I’m not understanding what the problem is! (Holds up item) THIS. IS. NOT. A. HAND. TOWEL! (Condescending) Me: (now mad) So did you want a discount on it or something? Were you looking for an item that IS a hand towel…? (I’m watching her make a face like she’s in the twilight zone and she can’t even believe what’s happening.) I’m just really not understanding what you want from me right now… Guest: (huffs, grabs the towel and walks back out on the floor without saying anything but still clearly very irritated)


When people get super uppity about taking security tags off before paying at sc….


Zero prime energy drinks of a specific flavor. Threatened to call “central office” on the both of us.


a guy parked his car right on the curb in front of order pickup and when we told him he needs to park in a parking spot for it, he called corporate on us for not letting him park illegally


Lady ordered an instant pot for pickup. I think either Cyber monday or black friday can't remember. OPU INFed the order. She came in upset that we didn't have it on the shelf. And wanted the display with yelling that i was making her family starve by not having it. My ETL was like, "Can you just double check in the back for it?". I scanned the shelf label. 0 on floor 1 in back 1 on hand. Went right back to my backroom, and there the sonobitch was. Right in location. Right up front. Only instant pot in that location. ETL was like, "Did you have to hunt for it." I was like "no it was in location."


during my first months of working there a man comes in with an older man (looks like he’s his caretaker). the man asks us where the lunch bags are. one would only assume he is talking about the ones in sporting goods, (mind you i was with my tl at the time setting an end cap) so i tell him they’re all they way in the back of the store on the back wall of sporting goods. he comes back and says “you told me the wrong thing i wanted paper lunch bags. if i wanted those i would have said lunch pales you fucking idiots” “my team lead then says “oh we thought you mean lunch bags, paper we bags are going to be down the foil aisle” he comes back and says some dumb shit i don’t remember but i do remember how i replied l. i told him “sir if you wanted paper bags you should have been more specific. it’s not our fault you said the wrong thing” ( i really dgaf) “oh so now i’m the fucking idiot” he says in a very mean tone. and i literally look at him like ![gif](giphy|gGwwL3rf3h5MN2IXGJ)


I had a woman come on December 26 and get annoyed that we didn't have xmas trees on clearance. We sold out of them weeks earlier. 


Yeah, we used to have a lot of stuff left over after holidays but now most of the good stuff is long gone before the holiday even gets here. Including the displays.


I told him to stop throwing things at his buddy. He responded by calling me a slur and walking away


Me asking for ID to buy cough medicine. Called me a *acist in return. 🤷‍♂️


Winter before last we got hit with a narsty ice storm, followed by wind chills in the negative 20s. Front end ETL closes drive-ups so our drive-up crew doesn't freeze to death running out 92737363627 orders because for some damn reason it was hella busy, and goes to help guest service with all the pickups. Like 20 minutes later, some pissy old dude comes in, gets in line, and starts bitching about having to come in when it's so cold. A couple minutes later, when it's his turn, he explodes at my ETL, claiming he had to wait in line for 15 minutes and that it was complete bullshit that he had to come in to get his items, and finished it all with something to the effect of "I pay your wages, so start fucking treating me like it!" Now, my ETL is usually a very sweet dude, but he absolutely does not tolerate customers that try to bully the employees into getting their way. He stays polite and mostly professional, but he has no qualms whatsoever about knocking this kind of asshole down a couple of pegs. So when this dickhead finished his rant, my ETL went point by point and refuted everything the guy was complaining about, starting with the fact that the dude had to wait maybe 4 minutes after coming in, and finishing with "and you don't pay my wages, Target does!" Dickhead customer tried to argue that he still shouldn't have to come in for his stuff and said "I don't give a shit that it's cold out, it's your job to bring me my things!" This pisses my ETL right off, and he replies "I don't give a shit about you or your business, I'm not risking the safety and health of my employees for your order!" I'm not entirely sure what happened after that, because I only heard about it from one of the GS TMs, but I can imagine it didn't go well for the customer. Legend has it he wanders our aisles at night, still bitching about how the worlds most specialest guy had to go inside for his order.


Guest called me a nigger because I asked her to put the money in my hand after she threw it on the counter and slammed the coins down. Then the company blamed me and said I escalated the situation. Basically saying it's my fault she called me the n-word.


I had a guest that her card was declined. She got upset because she had to pay cash. She slammed the bills and coins in the counter. I placed her receipt and change on the counter as well. She got upset because i did not place it on her hand. I told her i assumed she did not want to make contact with my hand since she did not placed it on my hand either. She picked up the cash and walked away.


I have since promoted myself to guest, but I was a Cat and Jack Policy stickler. I got a lot of people mad at me. All you had to do was tell me there was something wrong with the item. Discolored because of spitup, returned, holes in the knees, returned, split seams, returned, fabric faded/pilled in the wash, returned. Your child outgrowing an item is not something wrong with the product, and is not covered under the year guarantee. In fact, it means the product was satisfactory and could still be used by a friend, cousin, younger sibling, etc. We're a store, not a clothing loan program. Your lack of morals drives up cost and ruins the program for other people trying to use it properly. And the Tiktok moms trying to use the policy to return outgrown clothes were always bitchy from the get go, so no, I'm not rewarding your bad behavior. I once had a manager tell a particularly nasty TikTok mom that none of the dcpis were working, and we couldn't do the return. Good times. The only "exception" I made was once for one lady, who just happened to find a bag of back to school clothes she lost the year before that was new with tags with the receipt in it. It's not a true exception, I suppose, but she was nice about it, and the clothes were still brand new.


They don’t get their way.


Today some girl got upset bc her bf couldn't be in the fitting room with her. She demanded, "Why?" And I said,"Because we have to respect others privacy" She couldn't even fight it. She left her room a mess. 


I get this though to a certain extent, I’m pregnant and it’s hard to try clothes on alone in small fitting rooms but I also never had someone not let us since it’s very obvious I need help 💀 for her tho it seemed like she’s just young and stupid


I had to request my SO come into the fitting room once because I got stuck in a sports bra 🤣 We all got a laugh 🤣


Guest came for a drive up pickup,they got a pajama set and it was missing the top, I go to check we were out so I offer to refund it to them.they say yes and then get mad when I say that I can't do the refund if they don't return the half of the set they got.


Literally five minutes ago. Guy comes through SCO with his wife and kid. Guy: Can you match the price at Walmart? Me: Yes sir, if it shows up in my price match software on the device I’d be more than happy to :) Guy: (holds up item, I scan it) Me: (looks at screen) Alright so it says here the in-store price here at Target is $5.99, and the online price shows $6.99. Let’s check Walmart now… (clicks, it’s saying item not found) Alright so I’m not seeing it on Walmarts page— Guy: Well I wanted to match the price at Walmart I don’t understand why you can’t (begins complaining on and on and getting more aggressive as time passes) (I step away for my own safety as he keeps throwing items in the bags) Guys wife: Oh hey they DID ring up for $5.99 we didn’t have to match after all Guy: (finishes transaction, as wife and child leave, sheepishly) I’m sorry for making such a problem over that :/ Like dude we didn’t have to go through all that I told you at the start what price it would be!! I was ready to run if this mf started getting physical!


At least he had the decency to apologize. But all that over a dollar??


Not enough fitting rooms 😂. Ok, let me call my general contractor and get this construction underway


A lady approached me while I was working in the fitting rooms. She was upset that the plus sizes were a couple of dollars more and demanded that I price match. I had to explain that I couldn't, and she asked me why plus sizes were more expensive. I was young and said, "I think it's because they use more fabric, maybe. I'm sorry, I'm not sure." She got me reprimanded by the soft line team leader, and I quit that day.


I like GM because the guests really are not mad yet. They're just shopping. There's of course the guests who are upset when we don't have an item in stock ("but it says you have it online!"). They're not a big deal, we're a smaller Target, but there's a Super Target up the road from us. So it's easy to send them there. The angriest guest I saw was mad that CVS is closed until noon on Sundays. "Someone" had told her that they opened at 10am, which they do during the week. So she was there at 9:45am banging on the pull down gate. My TL and I explained that they're not open yet. "But I need my prescription!" She was so frantic, it got to the point where we told her where the nearest hospitals and urgent care were. Like, a person isn't going to CVS for a life or death matter that can't wait two more hours. Maybe she needed more help. My lead explained that she can't unlock the pharmacy and give her the prescription, because she's not a pharmacist, and we're a separate company from CVS. They're our tenant. As we were walking away, she picked up the chairs from the waiting area, and started throwing them at the gate, scaring all the other guests in A-block. For some reason, she wanted to talk to me again. But AP had seen all of this, so our buff APTL accompanied me this time. He told her she needed to calm down, or she'd have to leave the store. She said she's just so tired and frustrated with how the world is. I told her, "yes it's really tough out there". Then she just left. A few weeks later she was back to buy some Ajax dish soap. Completely different demeanor. After something like that; I don't forget a face (or what dish soap they use 😂).


I wouldn’t bring a drive up out during a tornado warning. i was the LOD and had to get everyone in the fire hall. She called the store and said she didn’t care about the tornado warning, she wanted her drive up (a vibrator 🙂) Edit: punctuation


I once had a guest attempt to return some headphones. However, the headphones inside the box were clearly not what was labeled on the box. The receipt only matched what the box was, not the product he gave me. I denied the return and gave him the reason as to why and asked him to return the correct pair of headphones. He called me a racist and after a moment of yelling at me and AP next to me he eventually left. Only to call the store later and threaten me personally with legal action and that he’ll have my job. I never heard from him again 🤭


Asking a guest if they wanted a bag


I was a cashier during this time and it was the holidays We were very backed up and a lot of people called off that day, so the lines were super long This lady starts yelling how this is ridiculous, no one wants to work any more etc etc..then she yells: I pay TARGET prices I should GET TARGET customer service .... WTF does that even mean ...




There was a brand of essential oils that we carried but Target as a company didn't carry the specific scent that she wanted. It was exclusive to another retailer


A guy got angry and argued with my TL because the display tag said 1¢ but she wouldn’t sell him the non working display for 1¢ Had an older guy get mad at me because I explained that we don’t sell home phones Had a man get irritated at me because he wanted me to cancel his phone plan and sell him a new phone and phone plan (I’m not a tech tm) and I told him he’d probably need to go to the service provider to cancel the plan such as AT&T he said he’d just been there and they told him to come to us so I just called the tech guy for him


We wouldn't sell her the display for a sold out Christmas tree when it was only November. 😮‍💨


Dude was never told no as a child when he saw a bookshelf for 14.99 but the one he had in his cart wad for 99.99. Threatened to sue Target. What a sight


Had a guest get mad at me because the smaller poster frames cost more than the bigger ones.


Ulta TM stuck in fulfillment the day after Black Friday when it was super busy, guest got mad I couldn’t return the wrong size of a shirt she got in a pick up order because she did “NOT have time to wait in that (GS) line again!!!!!” like ma’am it’s Black Saturday and uhhhhhh I’m a beauty TM????? Man came in and asked where a certain hair gel was. Worked in both beauty and HBA at the time, knew we didn’t have it, and told him so. He said “I know you have it, where is it?” Pulled it up on my zebra and showed him that we don’t have carry it, so he turns to a BRAND NEW gen merch TM who happened to be walking by at that moment (gen merch TM is a dude) and said “hey, can you help me find this hair gel? this girl doesn’t know what she’s talking about” like wtf!!!!!!!! So the gen merch TM told him “I’m new but I can look it up for you” like good fucking luck trying to find it when I, a beauty TM who had been there for a year, said we DON’T CARRY IT. But of course this asshole would trust a brand new male TM over a female TM who literally works in the area he was asking about. I was so fucking steamed lmfao.


Not at Target, but this one stuck with me. Customer, older guy, comes up to me and asks where the monitors are. Now, we were an electronics store so we had a lot of monitors. We had TV monitors, gaming monitors, baby monitors and more. So I naturally asked what kind of monitor he wanted. He just rolled his eyes and walked away.


Older guest got upset with me because we did not sell vacuum bags for a vacuum he bought at target 20 yrs ago. Guest got upset because Target Cafe got replaced with starbucks. “Now where was he supposed to buy fresh popcorn?” Guest forgot to pick up photos from the photo center we used to have. He went 1 month after we had removed it. He was told by phone we were closing down but did not believe it. He got upset because we did not mail it to him. Guest was upset because he got scammed out of $500 in itunes. After i told him he might be getting scammed multiple times before i charged him for the cards. Guest yelled at our brand attendant collecting shopping carts outside because he did not unlock a shopping cart so he could take 4 cases of water home. He lived a couple blocks away. He wanted the brand attendant to follow him home to bring back the cart. Lol. Guest went on a rant on black friday because we ran out of $200 PS4. He was in the store in the after noon when we had opened at 6am. They sold out at 10am. He was claiming “bait and switch” luckily i had taken a pic of when we set them up on the carpet. We had over 50 of them. He still was gonna report us.


Well, haha, for example, TODAY I was pushing a U-boat full of broken down cardboard (I work in GM) down a very tight aisle in grocery. Trying to not knock anything over, I took the aisle that had the most space. This couple are walking towards me and instead of moving to the other aisle to make room for me, they kept walking right at me, so I had to make a very inconvenient turn to try to cross into another aisle so I could make it to my destination and *crash* I knocked wine bottles over and they splash right next to where that couple was. "My new fucking shoes! My brand new fucking shoes!" The woman walked away infuriated while I stared at the shattered glass and wine everywhere 😭


I had a lady who wanted to return a lamp, but she didn't have the actual lamp with her. She presented me with a receipt and a photo of the lamp on her phone. I told her that she needed to bring in the actual lamp. She asked to see my supervisor, who told her the exact same thing. She got nasty with my supervisor, so my supervisor called her supervisor, who is a tall, imposing guy. Eventually, the lady left. However, she did come back the next day with the lamp and the receipt, so in the end, we were able process the return.


Past the return date and wanted her “MONEY” back. And when we said no she called the cops saying there’s a “nerf man” present so it became a fiasco.


After paying for her purchase with a credit card, the guest wanted me to give her change for $20, in 2 rolls of quarters. Told her I cannot do it. She was like, isn't there such a thing as service. Told her that kind of service is given at a bank, not at Target. She got mad and asked to speak to my supervisor. Called my TL, and my TL basically said the same thing. Guest got mad at us and said, I will not shop here any more and left. My TL and I just shrugged our shoulders 😄


Lady was scanning at self check and her son was wearing a neck fan from bullseye so my coworker told me to tell the guest he was still wearing it in case she didn’t notice and I didn’t want to do it but I did because I didn’t want to put up a fight with coworker and so I politely said to the guest that her son was wearing the neck fan and she got all pissy “I know that” and “I can see that” as she continued to complain as she walked over to guest services waited in line solely to complain about me to my TL and later TL said I wasn’t in the wrong for doing my job lol


Awhile ago this older lady got mad at me for not helping her put a case of water in her cart despite not asking me to. Like I can read her mind or something. Anyway she threatened to call corporate on me and said she'll take her business to another store. And the peasants rejoiced.


a few months ago there was an older lady i was checking out and she had target gift cards. i open the first one and it VERY SLIGHTLY rips at the bottom. she immediately is like “did you just rip it?!” and i said “oh yeah it’s just a slight tear at the bottom, it won’t affect the gift card at all.” she goes “no. no. i can’t have that one ITS A GIFT. it has to LOOK NICE.” she goes and grabs another one and had the audacity to tell me to “be gentle and pull it slower.” i understand that it was a gift but whoever you’re giving it to is 1. not going to care, and 2. going to rip it open anyways. old people are always so weird with everything


When I worked in baby I had a guest who got upset that we didn't have a certain *quantity* of diapers. She asked if we had any of the middle quantity of size whatever in back, I scanned it and told her we didn't but we'd be getting some in on the next truck and she got upset and was like "But i need them right now!" So I told her, "We have that size in the larger quantity, and the smaller quantity, but unfortunately we don't have the medium one in right now" and she just kept saying she needs them right now!! And I repeated that we had the larger and smaller quantities, she eventually stormed off without any diapers I was so confused because if its an emergency just buy the small pack or two and go to a different store?? Like what do you want me to do?? Pull them out of my ass?? A different guest came up to me after I left and was like "woah she was unbelievable! Sorry you had to deal with that" which was nice to hear


So on Tuesday I had a dude come in to pick up 6 book shelves for his wife. So I go look for the shelves and they aren’t in the hold location. So I’m looking for 10 mins and still can’t find anything. So I go back to guest service and tell the guest we don’t have them. So he calls his wife who placed the order. She all pussy and starts yelling on the phone. So she says just refund the items and put it on a gift card. Come to find out the book shelves were at our offsite location but they still sent the guest an email saying it was ready for pickup. At that point, I just wanted dude and his rude ass wife on the phone out the store. I never understand why guest get mad at us for shit we can’t control. I didn’t send you the email, the store did.


Had someone get annoyed when they wanted to price match organic milk to Walmart & i wouldn't do it since it wasn't in the price match app & shen I manually looked it up it showed a half gallon so no, I'm not price matching it. That was recent. They were mad just annoyed. Probs the stupidest price match request I've gotten.


Because my cart was near me


Because we aren’t a Macy’s store, which she would have preferred.


Complained about getting emails— voice AND blood pressure escalating— in a pettish rage that was almost comical.


i asked someone if i could get behind them to fill a sidecap and he threw his cart into me


this happened yesterday actually. when the guest came into the store to pickup their online order that was placed 30 minutes prior. i told her it would be awhile for it to actually be ready as her order was mixed with quite a few other orders (we had 17 batches). she then proceeded to ask me if she can just go get her items off the shelf since she had already paid for them, to which i explained to her how and why she couldn’t just do that. THEN she starts to cause a scene asking for a manager (news flash, it was gonna be me because we didn’t have any other leads in building). she ended up canceling her order and going out to the sales floor to get the items herself.


I was having a really bad day and the call box kinda tipped me over the edge. instead of setting the books I had been working down on i did a gentle toss onto the boat and sighed, and the guest immediately flew off the handle and wouldn’t even let me apologize. Demanded a manager when I told her it was only me to help her in tech and said “My grandmas in the hospital and I aint actin like that!!!” whenever I tired to say anything.. like dude my grandma nearly was too and I have other things going on too, im so so sorry i sat books down “with an attitude”


i said i was closing the lane because my shift was ending and they (multiple karen’s) told me they weren’t leaving because they’ve been waiting in line


had a guest make me call a lead up because i “checked her out too fast” aka i was telling her to hit skip on the screen while she was actively handing me cash. be so fr. my lead was cool she said “oh ur fine that lady seemed rude and i know you were just following what you need to do”


Let's see: * I told a lady I didn't work in intimates, but I can call someone to help her. She got mad at me and walked out the door. * Told a lady that we didn't not have Christmas wrapping paper Christmas Eve, 2 hours before we closed. She asked if I could call all the Targets in the city and let her know which one has it. I told her no. She pushed her cart hard to the side and walked out the door. * I was checking out a lady and as she was grabbing her bags to put in her cart, the next guest came up to the card reader. I informed him, "I'm sorry, sir, I'm not done with her transaction." He rudely said, "OH, I'm sorry\~ Than I don't want any of this!" and walks off, both the lady and I starred at each other in confusion. I remember that because not long after my GSTL had a talk with me because I'm a quiet person. I asked him about that instance about what I'm supposed to do, and he just responded, "Well, that was weird." * When I worked Service Desk, I had a lady say she had an order to pick up. This was the week before school started so we were swamped. I told her it was not ready, and asked when she ordered it. She said while she was in line at Starbucks. I told her it was going to be an hour or two before it's ready. She said tell them to get her order now, told her that wasn't how it worked. So she threw a bag of items on the desk and said, "Than I'm going to return this!" I wanted to ask her, "Why didn't you get your stuff when you got these?" * This one actually happened the same day as the previous one! I was covering a break at SCO, week before school starts so busy. An old man tries to cut the line and I inform him that there's a line and where it starts. Eventually he gets out of line saying, "MY TIME IS VALUABLE!" and throws a bottle of pills at me. Fun fact: this was a 4 hour shift, they asked if I wanted more hours and straight up said "NO!" * A lady tried to hand me her empty cup to throw away for her at service desk and I informed her that there's a trash can near the door. She just snatched her bag from me and walked off. * I was the only cashier and a mom with her 3 sons came to check out. She forgot her wallet in the car and had one of her sons go get it. I told her, it's okay, I can suspend your transaction and you can pay once he comes back. She asks, "Why did you cancel it?" I told her, "I didn't. I'm waiting for him to get back and this paper has everything to ring you back up." "I want to speak to a manager!" Well, my GSA was on break, so the girl covering had to deal with her and I gave her the suspend slip. I could hear her tell her that I was punishing her for not having her card. An ETL made her a gift card (because of course!) and when it slowed down, my GSA had came back by that time. The ETL asked me what I could have done differently. I told her, I did everything I could and she got mad at me. The GSA sided with me and said, "Hearing that, there was NOTHING we could do." Also the girl who took over said the same. So the ETL eventually changes her mind and says that we did do all we could and I wasn't that "guest's" personal cashier. Edit:: Another one I remember. When they stopped mask mandates, I passed by an elderly couple as I'm picking my order. The man ends up shouting, "HE SAID WE GOT TO WEAR A MASK!" the woman shouted, "WHO SAID WE GOT TO WEAR A MASK!?" I just stared at them, "... I said nothing." He argued, "I saw your mouth move!" Which was a funny thing to exclaim because I was wearing the mask they were so damn afraid of.


1. Telling me that I shouldn't wear a mask because covid is not deadly 2. Telling me that I'm trying to rip her off because the self checkout needs more money. 3. Because I didn't fold her clothes. Bonus round: I got a creepy guy who found me on Facebook and sent harassing messages about how I'm not a real woman and that he would beat me up if he could. Another guy threatened to drag me by the collar and put bleach down my throat for just existing.


I was in their general vicinity. (I'm AP and they were on camera attempting to shoplift)


My store closes the fitting rooms at about 8 every night (we close at 10 but we just don’t have enough people to close any later). About 20 minutes to close a woman comes over to me with a bathing suit and asks so the fitting rooms are closed? I say yes they close at 8 every night sorry then she goes well I want to purchase this bathing suit for my daughter but she would need to try it on. I say again sorry but they are closed for the night, we accept returns so you can always bring it back if it doesn’t fit. She just stares at me for like 30 seconds and goes well can she try it on over her clothes… (like what why would I even care) I say ya sure if you want to. I kid you not she goes well I’m not comfortable doing that out in the open can she do that in the fitting rooms. Like no????😭😭😭 I tell her A THIRD TIME the fitting room is closed and no one can go in nor do I have the key to even let her in if I wanted to as it has been turned into the closing leader. Then she says well what if it’s just in the hall part not actually in a room ( at this point I was about to laugh in her face bc there was no way this interaction was still happening) I told her that the fitting room entrance is roped off and if someone sees you in there including myself they will tell you to get out. She stares at me again and just shakes her head and walks away. She walked back towards the fitting room so I followed out if curiosity and there she is in the fitting room hall putting her daughter in the bathing suit, I was so done at this point I just walked away and didn’t say anything😭


A guest who we all assumed was in her early to mid 20s got mad at my leader for no reason just cause our fitting rooms closed at 7:00 that night and took it out on us


The one instant pot we didn’t have a display for is the one version they were interested in buying but they were hoping to compare it visually to the others and probably to get some sort of discount because it was $100 cheaper at the bed bath and beyond across the parking lot in our plaza but that was before we did the whole price matching thing we do now so there wasn’t much I could do or say to help them beyond listen to them openly complain/mutter during what felt like the 45 minutes of my time they were occupying when attempting to push a small apps/lamp flat and I had to find a way to get them to stop wasting my time and politely suggest that maybe they buy it at bb&b instead since they were so hung up on that price 😂. It was one of the most annoying/weird/frustrating interactions I’ve ever had with guests I think because no matter what I did or said I couldn’t seem to make either of them happy no matter how hard I tried and they both kept complaining for almost the entirety of my interaction with them and I couldn’t wait to finally break free of them, lol, it was definitely the deciding factor in my reasoning for being grateful that most of my time with my store has been spent overnights on inbound with some in the back room doing style breakout when we were early mornings and nine months of the time covering receiving. Needless to say as soon as we were put back on overnights I instantly jumped at the chance to go back after that, lol.


Oh forgot to mention my favorite four days before Christmas, between Black Friday and Christmas we open early at 7am so if we’re late in clocking out/leaving in the morning sometimes the store opens while we’re still shopping (overnight inbound TM) and because it was my last shift of the week I was buying food for my two nights off. I had made the mistake of clocking out in the break room with the intention of shopping with an abandoned cart on the sales floor and using self check and then leaving out of TSC where my coat was so I could return my equipment then and save steps to my car because my knees were bothering me. By the time I made my way to paper with my cart to grab a package of paper towels the store had opened and some angry guest jumped down my throat behind me in an attempt to get me to help him before I could even explain that I was shopping and not able to help him or explaining that all he wanted was help locating the wet ones wipes (which I would’ve gladly pointed out were right on the shelf behind him if he had led with that and been nice). Ironically a TM was pushing a paper Uboat in the very next aisle and another was right after that aisle restocking meat in Pfresh so he had plenty of options for help but somehow he zeroed in on me instead and blew up at me for refusing to help him off the clock, that definitely ruined my mood and made me grateful that Christmas was almost over, lol. Still don’t know if he actually found them because he stormed around in a huff and disappeared from my sight and I grabbed my paper towels and beelined for the registers 😂 with the TM pushing meat telling me that was totally uncalled for and the guy was a jerk and I didn’t deserve that, which totally comforted me and made me feel better.


I had to check his ID. Mind you he had his ID. But didn't want to show it because he thought I might steal his info😭. Been meaning to ask is there anything wrong with using 11/11 for every id birthday?


In December I said happy holidays instead of merry Christmas I am Jewish and Hanukkah ended the night prior but there’s other holidays so I just said happy holidays bc you never know what people celebrate she said it’s Christmas I said have a nice day happy holidays and she snapped and said Hanukkahs over it’s Christmas… was a white lady w blonde hair.


She asked me for a split payment, I asked if it was all still on the same transaction and she said yes. Started ringing stuff up and she got upset because I put one item on the transaction that she apparently wanted in a different transaction. Another woman came in with a pick up order, some type of glass water bottle, and was upset because it was broken. Offered to return it, she said no and asked us to get a manager. Called the closing lead, he offered to exchange it since she didn’t want to return it. She said “NO! I WANT THIS TO STOP HAPPENING!” And just went on a ramble. Coworker ended up hearing the closing lead call her a “fucking bitch” in the back a few minutes later when he finally got her to leave. I wish I had experienced the whole interaction but other guests were waiting.


would let them scam me lol girlie called me all the names she could think of and i just stood there like :| ma'am these bills are fake


I’m new and didn’t know if whether or not we had only one fitting room.


Christmas Eve, closing shift, a lady yelled at me because after scanning each item, I placed it on the counter and not in her shopping cart while also accusing me of "double scanning items".


I wouldn't change the price of water shoes and then after speaking with a TL he proceeded to talk with her for 30+min and complain that he was already late for something. The price difference was like 50%.


Yesterday I was trying to check this guy out at the lanes and he comes to me with those Bai waters that were on sale 5 for $5. He brings me 4 loose bottles and a 6 pack of them and tries to say that he has the 10 if you count all of them together 🙃🙃🙃 (no we weren’t out of stock, this was 12pm on a Saturday just for reference). Needless to say when it rung up 2.45 or whatever for each of the 4 bottles and 10.99 for the 6 pack he was upset it didn’t all automatically come out to $10 total. Called my TL and she spent even longer explaining it to him that he needs loose ones and that the sign he kept talking about specifically says which ones are on sale. He kept saying that because the sign was in the same section but on a different shelf that “it’s supposed to count”. Shoutout to my TL for finally getting him to go back and get 6 more loose ones.


Many a guest has been upset I ask for ID or to check Google instead of the Target app for a price match. Iirc a guest got mad at my TL and complained about her "bad service" to another TL just because she explained the price match policy and why we couldn't honor their request. Oh yeah, and bathrooms close at 4pm and we can't have anyone else join the line or use it after that time; if you listen I can tell you where to find a public bathroom but of course I'm the asshole for following rules.


Learn the art of being condescending, just enough to not get yourself in trouble or start and argument.


Recently a woman asked me what size a two-year-old would wear. I don't know as I don't have kids nor does anyone else in my life have them, so my experience is limited. Even if I did, I'm sure that there isn't one answer. Anyway, this woman asks me how much these shoes are and I price check (when it says the price CLEARLY on the label), she asks me if I "could do better than that". Like. . No? This is a corporation, we don't barter here. I'm in a batch at this point (Fulfillment), so I start to walk off with the whole "I hope you have a great day" spiel, but I hear her complaining to me about "well, what if it doesn't fit him"? I don't know, lady. Ask the parents for the kid's shoe size. Or better yet, just return or exchange it with a RECEIPT? I swear to God some people are from another planet.


we closed the fitting room for inventory last year. a man took his shirt off outside of a dressing room to try another on. it was weird. he had man boobs.


an older woman asked me for help in bras. yes, i am female, but i do not wear bras, so i referred her to the style team member that works in intimates. he happens to be a man so she got real angry with both of us. questioned how he’s going to help her if he’s a man and doesn’t wear bras. ma’am…. I CANT HELP YOU


we were in the restroom and she was telling me how gross and dirty it was. someone was spam calling me over the walkie so i said i was in the library(it was code for bathroom at my location. idk about yours) and the guest yelled at me for interrupting her and lying about my whereabouts


She was trying to use a discount code at checkout(spoiler, we don’t do that). She was trying to tell me to put in a discount code she had, and I told her there’s no way for me to enter any discount codes, and she insisted because she had it on her phone. She just went to coupons.com and searched for target ones and was trying to use STYLE to get a discount lol. She was livid that we didn’t take it and asked if we could honor it anyways, I usually would but because she was being rude I wanted to ask my leader and he told her no but she was so pissed


When there’s no more pizza on the hot hold or when I take the expired pizza to the back. My target has a self serve cafe and I’m the one that usually makes all the food.


I had a lady get very mad and tell me she was going to call corporate because we couldn’t accept her check.


I can write a book of stories but  When Starbucks closes they loose their minds also, One lady got so upset when she had over $500 worth of stuff and she didn't have her card with her or saved on the app and she said "Well can't you look it up,I shop here all the time" I said Nope. Another Lady was pissed that Fitting rooms stank like Ass. As if it were my fault.🤦‍♀️


had a guest get mad at me because she chose the sco register that was cashless when she wanted to pay with cash (mind you it SAID it was cashless) proceeded to call me incompetent and that this target was so ridiculous. i showed her to the sco registers that allowed cash and she proceeded to go on a rant about how we don’t have any sign indicating whether or not it’s no cash or not. when i said that it did and offered to show it to her she said “i don’t need to see anything you show me i already know im correct” … mhm okay girl 😐


A woman was mad at me because we didn't have dog shaped. There's a bakery store with every cutter you could imagine not terribly far away, and she comes to Taget for them.


There was a day where I finished my domestic truck and backstock before my time to leave. I had 30 minutes left of my time so I asked my ETL give I could leave early since everything was done. He was kinda frustrated that I couldn’t help an other department. But it’s been weeks since I finished my truck on time.


Question says guest getting mad at you or leader, not guest or leader getting mad at you bro 👀